第一部分: 图画作文? 1998年:? 本母鸡承诺:? 1、本鸡下蛋不见棱见角;? 2、保证有蛋 皮,蛋清和蛋黄.? -如此承诺 各行各业兴承诺 欢迎监督不推托 原本皆为分内事 何须高唱“文明歌” ? ? 根据漫画所提醒的信息,母鸡在作出虚假承诺(夸张承诺)去欺骗顾客。如今,在广告,百货,甚至公共服务场合都能见到各种承诺。? 1.Based on the information suggested by the cartoon, the hen is trying to deceive consumers by making false/exaggerated promises about the quality of her eggs. Currently, a variety of false promises can be seen in advertisements, department stores and even public services. ? 在我们社会,随着经济的发展和竞争的加剧,人们有夸大产品和服务的质量获取利润的趋势,正如母鸡所作所为同样。越来越多的店主和公司经理们开始运用虚假承诺去引诱顾客购买他们的服务和产品,这对社会危害很大。? 2.In our society, with the development of commercialization and the increase of competition, there is a tendency for people to exaggerate the quality of their products or services to make profits, which is in much the same way that the hen does. Shop-owners and company managers in mounting numbers make use of false promises to induce consumers to purchase their goods or services, causing great harm to the society . ? 那么该如何应对这一情势呢?(自问自答)我认为,是时候采用有效有力措施去抵制商业中的虚假承诺并且强调如何去提高服务质量。俗话说,“酒香不怕巷子深”。务必要制定规章制度, 提倡用户至上主义,只有这样,漫画中所反映的情况才干得到改善。 (呼应图画) ? 3. So how to cope with the situation? As far as I am concerned, it is high time that we took effective and efficient measures to fight against false promises in commerce and placed emphasis on how to virtually improve the level of service. As the old saying goes, “Good wine needs no bush”. It is essential that we make rules and regulations and advocate consumerism. Only in this way can the situation reflected in the cartoon be bettered. ? 2023年: 图一:192023 一只捕鱼船+N条鱼 图二:1995年 一条鱼+N只捕鱼船 1. Describe the pictures 2. Deduce the purpose of the painter of the pictures 3. suggest the counter- measures 1如图所示,随着商业捕鱼的猖獗,鱼的数量在锐减。第一幅图中,1900时,有各种各样的鱼,但只有一艘渔船;相反,在第二幅图中,1995年,渔船甚多,鱼却只有一条。 ? 1. As is shown in the pictures, with the rampancy of commercial fishing, the number of fish has dramatically decreased. In the first picture, there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing-boat in 1900. On the contrary, in the second picture, in 1995 only one fish existed, with many fishing-boats. ? 2. 这组图画的意图在于显示,由于过度捕捞,鱼的数量正在不断减少。由此自然而然可见,我们应当紧密关注这一趋势,假如放任自流,我们的环境,特别是海洋生态将会遭受重大毁灭。 ? The purpose of the set of pictures is to show us that the number of fish has declined at an accelerating rate due to the fact of over-fishing. It naturally follows that close attention should be paid to this and If we let this situation go as it is, our environment and seacology will suffer a great destruction. ? 那么该采用什么措施来解决呢?我们应当采用紧急应对措施。一方面,要呼吁政府制定严格法律去控制商业捕鱼,一方面,我们要加强公众意识,让他们意识到海洋资源对我们十分关键。只有这样,我们才干有效保护海洋资源和生态。? 3. So what are the solutions to this problem? It is urgent that we should take effective countermeasures. We should appeal to our authorities to make strict laws to control commercial fishing, on the one hand; We should enhance the awareness of the public that the ocean resources are very vital to us, on the other hand. Only in this way can we protect our ocean resources and seacology effectively. 私家车的图画考题? 图一:1990年 一条路一辆车 图二:2023年 一条路N辆车 ? 1. 描述,2,寓意, 3,措施 ? 1.As is shown in the pictures, we can see clearly that with the significant development of economic development, the number of private cars has sharply soared. In the first picture, only one private car existed in one road in 1990. On the contrary, in the second picture, in 2023, there were a variety of cars in the same road. 、? 2.The purpose of the picture is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the trend. Owing to the economic development, the number of private cars has obviously increased at an accelerating rate. If we let this situation continue (go as it is), the environmental pollution such as noise pollution and air pollution will become increasingly serious. By that time, we will suffer a great destruction. ? 3.Therefore, it is imperative for us to take effective measures. For one thing, we should appeal to our authorities to make strict laws to control private car ownership. For another, we should enhance the awareness of the public to make better use of the public transportation system. Only in this way can we protect the environment. Also I believe that we humans can overcome the difficulty and we will have a bright future. ? 2023年:? Title: Culture National and International? 图:An American girl in traditional Chinese costume? 1. Describe the picture and interpret its meaning? 2. Give your comment on the phenomenon ? 图画生动描述了一个身穿中国少数民族传统服装的美国女孩,她在微笑。 ? 1.The picture vividly depicts an American girl, dressed in a traditional Chinese costume of a certain minority group, is smiling heartedly. She is wearing a long pair of earrings and a necklace with a pearl tassel. Her hat is cute and trimmed with lace. The clothes add oriental charm to her beautiful appearance. 1.(8分版本,幼稚)Look, what a beautiful girl in Chinese costume! She must be 20 years old, dressing in jewels and accessories. She looks like one of my college classmates, only a bit fatter,very sexy. She is smiling to me like an angler (angel). How I wish to take a photo with her! Of course, she is happy to follow Chinese fishing(fashion). Now Chinese traditional culture is becoming more and more fashionable. ? 图画所传递的含义是一种新的时尚,具有文化含义。 ? 2.What the picture conveys is a new fashion trend and carries cultural implications as well. The fact that people from different countries are attracted to the mysterious traditional Chinese culture indicates that, to some extent, a unique culture can be accepted, respected, appreciated and shared by the international society when its distinctive features are fully expressed.? ? 事实上,随着世界经济和文化交流,民族文化没有国界;鉴于全球化趋势不断成为必然,文化交流以某种方式改善了互相理解,增进了友谊。 ? 3. It is a fact that national cultures have no boundary through worldwide economic and cultural exchange. Since the tendency of globalization becomes increasingly irresistible, cultural exchange have, in one way or another, effectively improved mutual understanding and friendship. ? 但是(尽管如此),事物都具有两面性,于是面对不同的文化,我们要明智的取其精华弃其糟粕,只有这样我们才干加强文化积极发展,让我们的世界广大,多彩,富有活力。 ? Be that as it may, since every coin has two sides, when we are confronted with a different culture, we should be wise enough to absorb the positive part and resist its dark side. Only in this way can we enhance cultural development positively and make our world dimensional, colorful and vigorous ? 2023年? 图:温室花朵经不起风雨? 1. Describe the set of drawings, interpret its meaning? 2. Point out its implications in our life? 3. Support your view with examples. 200 words needed.? (13分作文) 1. As is vividly depicted in the first cartoon, the tender flower blossoms inside the greenhouse in spite of the gusty wind, driving rain and terrifying lightning. ? Unfortunately, as soon as it is exposed to the thunderstorm, it soon fades and withers, with its delicate petal washed away.? 2.The fact that flowers growing in the greenhouse can not withstand the test of the storm indicates that too much comfort spoils the child. As the only child excessively cared by the parents, young people are often associated with the flowers. The greenhouse epitomizes parents doting care which shelters the children from the thunderstorm, in other words, the competitive world.? 3.Only when a person experiences all sorts of trials and sufferings can he or she survive the blows of storms or misfortunes, and eventually establish himself firmly in the society. As the old saying goes, “Adversity leads to prosperity”. Let us get out of the “greenhouse” to see the fascinating world, to mix up with people and get prepared for the fierce competition ahead.? 问题所在:没有例子证明。分数大打折扣。? 2023.? 1.Describe the drawing? 2.Interpret the meaning? 3. Give your comments on it. ? 0分作文分析:Look, there is a very big and interesting football match where the father and his children are playing together and having a good time. The children plan to help their father do sports and make his father vigorous and energetic. But , unfortunately, the old father is really tired and cant play very well, he failed and just grasp the balls between his breasts. He is too oldWhat a pity! ? This picture tells us an important thing, that is , it is not wrong to play with our fathers or mothers, but we should think about their age and body. Are they still young and strong? Can they do the violent sports. Maybe we should leave them alone and let them play by themselves. It is very important to think about this and only by doing this can you have very good health and a very happy family.? A case in point is that, one of my classmates, whose father is over 85 and has high blood pressure diabetes, one day took his father to play basketball. In the beginning, they play very well and the old man was very brave. Nevertheless, suddenly and unexpectedly, after half an hour, the old father died. What a pity. In a word, it is not bad to play with our parent but we must play carefully and choose the right time, place. Maybe ping pong is better. Be careful!? (靠谱版本)1.As is vividly depicted in the cartoon, four children are playing a football match of taking care of their aged father. Each of them stands in a different corner of a football field. The eldest son kicked out the father with the other three children guarding their goals.? 2.The purpose of the drawing is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the mistreatment / abuse / ill-treatment of senior citizens. First and foremost, some people get rid of their duty of financially supporting their old and helpless parents due to their own interests.? 3.Furthermore, some elderly people are often ill-treated by their own children and can not lead a life. Last but not least, while some young people enjoy a comfortable life, their parents are neglected and reduced to utter poverty? 4.Many much-told stories reiterate the time-honored virtue of loving and respecting the elders, like the story of Ti Ying in the West Han Dynasty who risked her life in order to save her wronged father from corporal punishment.? 5.It is imperative for us to take drastic measures. To begin with, relevant laws and regulations should be made to severely punish those who shun the responsibilities of caring their parents.? 6. In addition, we should cultivate the awareness of the young that respecting the old has always been the traditional virtue of Chinese culture. Only in this way can we curb the current evil phenomenon revealed in the picture. 问题在哪?? (烦琐,例子多余,冗长)4 表格说明段: 表格显示,从某年到某年,某某发生了巨大改变;某某已经下降了30%,而某某和某某已经分别增长了2%和6%。这些数据的起伏貌似(seem to) 没有什么关联,但事实上紧密相依。 what is shown in the table above indicates that dramatic changes have taken place in thefrom .to ;某某have declined by 30%.,while 某某和某某have increased respectively by 2% and 6%。 The statistics of rise and fall seem to exist in isolation but closely related to each other. ?5. 利弊说明段 然而,我们必须意识到,这样我们只看到了事情好的一面。做某事的确有好处,比如;尽管如此,必须指出的是,这样也会有很多缺陷,比如. However, we must be aware that by this we are seeing only the best side of 某某; there are advantages of doing 某某,for instance,;be that as it may, but it must be pointed out that doing sth. also has its drawbacksfor instancein addition. ?6. 意义阐释段(概念,图画,图表) 图画的意图在于告诉我们;但是其微妙寓意应当引起严厉注意。 微妙寓意:the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed 引起严厉注意:应当被更严厉的考虑。 The purpose of the drawings is to show us that,yet the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken more seriously. 对我而言,漫画家在传递一个关于某某的重要性;假如我们放任自流,我们的环境将会遭受更大毁灭。 It is to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about the importance ofif we let this situation continue as it is, our environment will suffer a great destruction. 我们可以从图画中推出,作者在尝试让我们注意某某;从这些图画中,我们可以得出一个结论 We can deduce from this picture that the drawer is trying to attract our attention to the.; from these graphs, we can draw a conclusion that ?10. 预测趋势段 根据以上分析,我们可以总结 随着经济的进一步增长以及生活方式的更多改变,图表中所显示的趋势将会朝好的方面继续发展。 From the analysis made above, we may come to the conclusion thatwith the further growth in economy and more changes in life style, the tendency indicated in the table will continue in the better direction. 根据以上解释,根据目前的情势,说是但是分的。 Based on the explanation made above and according to the present situation ofit is not too much to say that. 因此,从这些发人深省的图画中悟出有利的东西是非常关键的。一方面,一方面。 发人深省的:thought-provoking 悟出有用的东西: derive positive implications Accordingly, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from these thought-provoking drawings. On the one hand,on the other hand 为了根除这一现象并达成我们的目的,政府以及当局,个人,必须积极参与到打假的运动中来。虽然路漫漫其修远兮,但我们的共同努力最终一定会有回报。 (预测话题) 根除:eradicate 当局:authorities concerned 打假运动:anti-counterfeit campaign 积极参与:get actively involved in To eradicate this phenomenon and achieve our goal, our government, the authorities concerned, and individuals must get actively involved in an anti-counterfeit campaign. Although it is a long way to go, our joint efforts will eventually pay off 这个简朴图画为我们整个人类敲响了警钟,我们必须赶紧采用积极措施阻止对地球资源的掠夺。 敲响了警钟:ring an alarm sth. is a wake-up call for 阻止:put an end to 掠夺:plundering This simple picture is a wake-up call for the whole of the human race. We must take positive steps right now to put an end to the plundering of the Earths natural resources.