?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 1Irwin/McGraw-Hill会会 计计 循循 环环第第 七七 章章?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 2Irwin/McGraw-Hill会会 计计 循循 环环l认定应该记录的交易或事项认定应该记录的交易或事项l分录分录l从记帐凭证过帐到分类帐从记帐凭证过帐到分类帐l编制未调整试算表编制未调整试算表l调整分录的编制与过帐调整分录的编制与过帐l编制调整试算表编制调整试算表l编制财务报表编制财务报表l编制结帐分录并过帐编制结帐分录并过帐l编制结帐后试算表编制结帐后试算表?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 3Irwin/McGraw-Hill试试 算算 基于会计记帐基于会计记帐“有借必有贷,借贷必相有借必有贷,借贷必相等等”的平衡原理,就总分类帐的各帐户金的平衡原理,就总分类帐的各帐户金额,检查分录与过帐工作有无额,检查分录与过帐工作有无错误的验证工作错误的验证工作?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 4Irwin/McGraw-Hill试试 算算 表表l日期日期l会计科目会计科目l借方余额和贷方余额借方余额和贷方余额l合计合计?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 5Irwin/McGraw-Hill试试 算算 表表 错误原因错误原因l编制试算表时出错编制试算表时出错l确定帐户余额时出错确定帐户余额时出错l分类帐记录错误分类帐记录错误?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 6Irwin/McGraw-Hill试试 算算 表表 无法发现的错误无法发现的错误l借贷同时遗漏借贷同时遗漏l借贷同时重复记录借贷同时重复记录l借方或贷方发生等额错误借方或贷方发生等额错误?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 7Irwin/McGraw-Hill会会 计计 记记 帐帐 基基 础础l收付实现制收付实现制l权责发生制权责发生制?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 8Irwin/McGraw-Hill调调 整整 帐帐 项项l应计项目应计项目v应付费用应付费用v应收收入应收收入l递延项目递延项目v预付费用预付费用v预收收入预收收入l估计项目估计项目?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 9Irwin/McGraw-Hill工工 作作 底底 稿稿l会计科目会计科目l试算表试算表l调整分录调整分录l调整后试算表调整后试算表l损益表项目损益表项目l结帐分录结帐分录l结帐后试算表结帐后试算表l资产负债表资产负债表?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 10Irwin/McGraw-Hill基本财务报表基本财务报表l损益表损益表l资产负债表资产负债表?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 11Irwin/McGraw-Hill会会 计计 帐帐 户户l虚帐户虚帐户l实帐户实帐户?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 12Irwin/McGraw-Hill结结 帐帐 方方 法法l帐结法帐结法l表结法表结法?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 13Irwin/McGraw-HillREVIEWREVIEWthe Accounting Information Processing System?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 14Irwin/McGraw-HillFinancial Accounting InformationAccountsAccounts and Transaction Recording?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 15Irwin/McGraw-HillFinancial Accounting InformationPermanent AccountsAssetsLiabilitiesOwners?EquityTemporary AccountsRevenuesExpensesGains&LossesAccountsAccounts and Transaction Recording?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 16Irwin/McGraw-HillThe Accounting IdentityA =L +OEThe balances in PERMANENT accounts are carried over to future accounting periods.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 17Irwin/McGraw-HillA =L +OEThe double-entry system records the change in a resource,or obligation,and the reason for,or source of,the change.The Accounting Identity?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 18Irwin/McGraw-HillA =L +OEFor example:If money is borrowed,then Cash(an asset)is increased and Notes Payable(a liability)is increased.$250,000 is borrowed from the bank.+$250,000+$250,000The Accounting Identity?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 19Irwin/McGraw-HillAccount NameDebitCreditAccount NameDebitCreditAccount Name Debit CreditA =L +OEEach of the permanent accounts is affected by debits and credits.The Accounting Identity?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 20Irwin/McGraw-HillASSETSASSETS Debit for Increase Credit for DecreaseLIABILITIESLIABILITIES Debit for Decrease Credit for IncreaseEQUITIESEQUITIES Debit for Decrease Credit for IncreaseEach of the permanent accounts are affected by debits and credits.A =L +OEThe Accounting Identity?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 21Irwin/McGraw-HillThe RevenuesRevenues account is affected by debits and credits as follows:REVENUESREVENUES Debit for Decrease Credit for IncreaseThe Income Statement and Temporary Accounts?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 22Irwin/McGraw-HillThe ExpensesExpenses account is affected by debits and credits as follows:EXPENSESEXPENSES Debit for Increase Credit for DecreaseThe Income Statement and Temporary Accounts?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 23Irwin/McGraw-HillThe Accounting CycleDuring Accounting PeriodlIdentify transactions or events to be recorded.lJournalize transactions and events.lPosting from journals to ledger.The Accounting Cycle is a series of sequential steps leading to the financial statements.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 24Irwin/McGraw-HillAt the end of the accounting period:lPrepare unadjusted trial balance.lJournalize and post adjusting journal entries.lPrepare adjusted trial balance.lPrepare financial statements.lJournalize and post closing journal entries.lPrepare post-closing trial balance.At the beginning of the next period:lJournalize and post reversing journal entries.The Accounting Cycle?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 25Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 1:Identify Transactions or Events to be RecordedEvents that change a firms resources or obligations are categorized into three categories:?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 26Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 1:Identify Transactions or Events to be RecordedEvents that change a firms resources or obligations are categorized into three categories:Exchanges of resources and obligations between the reporting firm and outside parties.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 27Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 1:Identify Transactions or Events to be RecordedEvents that change a firms resources or obligations are categorized into three categories:Internal events within the firm that affect its resources or obligations but do not involve outside parties.Exchanges of resources and obligations between the reporting firm and outside parties.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 28Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 1:Identify Transactions or Events to be RecordedEvents that change a firms resources or obligations are categorized into three categories:Internal events within the firm that affect its resources or obligations but do not involve outside parties.Exchanges of resources and obligations between the reporting firm and outside parties.External economic and environmental events beyond the control of the company.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 29Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 2:Journalize Transactions and EventslA chronological record of transactions using the debit/credit formatlGenerally two types of journals:vSpecial journals-repetitive entriesvGeneral journal-nonrepetitive entries?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 30Irwin/McGraw-HillOn January 1,19X7,Caldwell Company borrows$10,000 from the bank.Prepare the appropriate journal entry for the above transaction.Step 2:Journalize Transactions and Events?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 31Irwin/McGraw-HilllTwo accounts are affected:vCash is increased by$10,000.vNotes Payable is increased by$10,000.Step 2:Journalize Transactions and Events?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 32Irwin/McGraw-HilllTwo accounts are affected:vCash is increased by$10,000.vNotes Payable is increased by$10,000.Step 2:Journalize Transactions and Events?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 33Irwin/McGraw-HilllTwo accounts are affected:vCash is increased by$10,000.vNotes Payable is increased by$10,000.Accounts are usually numbered.The account numbers are references for posting to the General Ledger.Step 2:Journalize Transactions and Events?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 34Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 3:Posting From Journals to LedgerlPosting refers to the process of recording information from the journals to the ledger.General Journal and Special JournalsInformation is stored chronologically.Information is stored by account.General Ledger and Subsidiary LedgersPost?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 35Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 3:Posting From Journals to LedgerlGeneral Ledger format is as follows:?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 36Irwin/McGraw-HillStart with the entry from the General Journal.Step 3:Example?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 37Irwin/McGraw-HillNext,find the appropriate page in the General Ledger for CashStep 3:Example?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 38Irwin/McGraw-HillIdentify the information to be posted to the General LedgerStep 3:Example?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 39Irwin/McGraw-HillEnter the information to be posted into the General Ledger.Step 3:Example?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 40Irwin/McGraw-HillEnter the information to be posted into the General Ledger.Update the balance in the General Ledger account for cash.Step 3:Example?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 41Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 4:Prepare Unadjusted Trial BalancelConsists of a listing of each general ledger account and its balance at the end of period.vDebit balances in one column and credit balances in anotherlServes as a convenient means for checking that the sum of debit account balances equals the sum of credit account balances.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 42Irwin/McGraw-HillTrial Balance-Example?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 43Irwin/McGraw-HillTrial Balance-ExampleThe General Ledger is in balance!DR=CR?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 44Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 5:Journalize and Post Adjusting Journal EntrieslDeferralslAccrualslOther Adjusting Journal Entries?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 45Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 5:Journalize and Post Adjusting Journal EntrieslDeferralslAccrualslOther Adjusting Journal EntriesuCash flows that occur before expense and revenue recognition.uThe portion that applies to future periods is deferred as a prepaid expense or unearned revenue.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 46Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 5:Journalize and Post Adjusting Journal EntrieslDeferralslAccrualslOther Adjusting Journal EntriesuCash flows that occur after expense and revenue recognition.uRecorded when cash is to be paid or received in a future accounting period.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 47Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 5:Journalize and Post Adjusting Journal EntrieslDeferralslAccrualslOther Adjusting Journal EntriesInclude:uReclassifications of permanent accounts.uEstimations of expenses.uRecognition of COGS and inventory losses.uCorrections of errors.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 48Irwin/McGraw-HillOn 12/1/X5,your company paid$1,200 for a six-month insurance policy.The$1,200 was recorded as Prepaid Insurance(an asset).What AJE is needed on 12/31/X5?AJEs Deferral Example?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 49Irwin/McGraw-HillAJEs Deferral ExampleOn 12/1/X5,your company paid$1,200 for a six-month insurance policy.The$1,200 was recorded as Prepaid Insurance(an asset).What AJE is needed on 12/31/X5?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 50Irwin/McGraw-HillHey,lets change the subjectfor a few minutes.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 51Irwin/McGraw-HillAJEs Accrual ExampleYour company pays its workers every Friday.Year-end,12/31/X5,falls on Wednesday.It is estimated that employees have earned salaries of$47,250 through Wednesday of the week ended 1/2/X6.What AJE is required on 12/31/X5?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 52Irwin/McGraw-HillYour company pays its workers every Friday.Year-end,12/31/X5,falls on Wednesday.It is estimated that employees have earned salaries of$47,250 through Wednesday of the week ended 1/2/X6.AJEs Accrual Example?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 53Irwin/McGraw-HillI know youre tired,but we need to look at an example of other AJEs if we are going to be prepared!?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 54Irwin/McGraw-HillOther AJEs ExampleJax,Inc.purchased equipment on June 30,19X5,that cost$25,000.The equipment has an estimated useful life of 5 years and no salvage value.Jax uses straight-line depreciation.What AJE is required on 12/31/X5?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 55Irwin/McGraw-HillOther AJEs ExampleJax,Inc.purchased equipment on June 30,19X5,that cost$25,000.The equipment has an estimated useful life of 5 years and no salvage value.Jax uses straight-line depreciation.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 56Irwin/McGraw-HillLets try some multiple choice exercises!?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 57Irwin/McGraw-HillQuestionA company leases a building for$60,000 per year,payable monthly.If rent has not been paid for July,the journal entry to record the liability on July 31,includes a debit toa.Cash.b.Owners?Equity.c.Rent Expense.d.Rent Payable.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 58Irwin/McGraw-HillA company leases a building for$60,000 per year,payable monthly.If rent has not been paid for July,the journal entry to record the liability on July 31,includes a debit toa.Cash.b.Owners?Equity.c.Rent Expense.d.Rent Payable.Question?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 59Irwin/McGraw-HillAbex Co.leased equipment to another for$1,250 per month on June 1.If rent has not been received by June 30,the adjusting entry made to accrue rent on June 30,includes a credit toa.Cash.b.Rent Expense.c.Rent Receivable.d.Rent Revenue.Question?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 60Irwin/McGraw-HillAbex Co.leased equipment to another for$1,250 per month on June 1.If rent has not been received by June 30,the adjusting entry made to accrue rent on June 30,includes a credit toa.Cash.b.Rent Expense.c.Rent Receivable.d.Rent Revenue.Question?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 61Irwin/McGraw-HillRentCo leases cars to Jones,Inc.for$500 per month.On June 1,RentCo received$3,000 for six months rent,and recorded it with a debit to cash and a credit to rent revenue.The June 30,adjustment has a debit toa.Cash.b.Rent Revenue.c.Unearned Rent.d.Owners Equity.Question?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 62Irwin/McGraw-HillRentCo leases cars to Jones,Inc.for$500 per month.On June 1,RentCo received$3,000 for six monthsrent,and recorded it with a debit to cash and a credit to rent revenue.The June 30,adjustment has a debit toa.Cash.b.Rent Revenue.c.Unearned Rent.d.Owners?Equity.Question?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 63Irwin/McGraw-HillOn May 1,Kelly Co.paid$2,000 rent;$1,000 per month for May and June,charging prepaid rent.The May 31 adjustment includes a debit toa.Prepaid Rent.b.Rent Expense.c.Cash.d.Unearned Rent.Question?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 64Irwin/McGraw-HillOn May 1,Kelly Co.paid$2,000 rent;$1,000 per month for May and June,charging prepaid rent.The May 31 adjustment includes a debit toa.Prepaid Rent.b.Rent Expense.c.Cash.d.Unearned Rent.Question?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 65Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 6:Prepare Adjusted Trial BalancelIncludes all account balances after adjustments have been posted.lUsed to produce the financial statements.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 66Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 7:Prepare Financial StatementslThe income statement is always prepared first.lIncludes the temporary account balances from the adjusted trial balance.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 67Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 7:Prepare Financial StatementslThe retained earnings statement explains the changes in retained earnings during the year.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 68Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 7:Prepare Financial StatementslThe balance sheet includes the permanent accounts.lRetained Earnings is taken from the Retained Earnings Statement.?The McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc.,1998Slide 69Irwin/McGraw-HillStep 8:Journalize and Post Closing Journal Entriesl