精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Standing Committee, 65t promulgated by Decrh 5 Pe ee No. 586 ople' s Republic of the State Council of Chi na on road traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the national people's Congre l promulgated by De cree No. 375, 14 admi nistration of precursor chemicals Ordiss made t he 47th, 6 Pe nance 2005.11.01 State Council ople' s Republic Decreof Chi e No. 445, na Trade Uni , 15 workon la w 2001.10.27 7, Chairman places w here toxic substances are used t of the nati onal people's t o labour pr otectiCongress made the 62nd on 2002.05.12 the State Council pr People's Republi c of China emergency response law r omulgated by De cree No. 352, 16 wome n2007.11.1, Chairma w orkers . 4.6 review an of the national pe ople' s Congress, the 69th 8 Hazardous nd revisi on 4.6.1 production technol ogy se ction Office orgache gami cal safety management reg nized rel evant de partments ulation amended Decree units once a year to revieNo. 344 2011.12.1 the State w the documentati on issueCouncil prom ulgated by Decree d by, not suita ble documents No. 591, 9 People's Republ be revise d in a timely manner. ic of China reg ulations 4.6.2 processes, technologon roa d transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 y, material change s on or after an a safety producti cci dent, a nd biotech braon license Or dinance, prom ulgated by Decree No. 406 of the State Council pr omulgated by Decre nch and that the w orkshop shoul d be timely to vari ous regulati ons a nd safety rules be revised te of the State Council, o ensure suitability and No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety acci effectivenes s. 4.6.3 revisi on of the file change adent re porti ng, investigati pproval form should on and ha be filled indling of n, indicatiOrdinance prom ulgated by Decree ng the causes a nd change s, approve No. 493, 12 of the State Council reg ve d by the Deput y in charge ulations of security, General on special equipme nt safety supervisi Manager of revision. 4.6.4 a neon 2009.05.01 ame nd w revised safety regulations ae ad Decree No. 373 State Council De cree No. 549, 13 insura nce reg ulations regardi nd safety rule s shoul d be rel ease d to the post i n a timely manner to ensure rng industrial i njuries 2011.01.01 ame ndment ules a nd safety regulati ons of each post is the latest file, recover the origina a l document unified void. 5. related recor ds 5.1 list of applicable laws, regulations and standards of the inventory listing number car ar bon industry laws and regulations legal regulations and ot hher requirements came into for r ce date enacte d se ctor update record 1/standard number People' s Republic of China 2, Chairman of the national peopl e's Congress made the 70th production safety law 2002.11.1 People' s Republic of Chi na Law of occupational disease prevention 2002.05.01 NPC 3, order of the President of the 60th Pe Pe opl e's Republic of Chi hi na fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, Chairman of the national people's Congress Standi ng Committee 6th People's Republic of China labor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of the national people's Congre ss Standing Committee, 65th 5 People's Republic of China on road traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the national people's Congress made the 47th, 6 Pe ople's Republic of Chi na Trade Union law 2001.10.27 7, Chairman 学案 19DNA 分子的结构、复制与基因 课前探究案预习目标 1、了解 DNA 分子结构的主要特点2、理解基因的概念3、DNA 分子的复制【基础知识回顾】一、 DNA 和 RNA 的比较 基本组成单位是 合成场所是DNA 具有结构不彻底的水解产物是核酸彻底的水解产物是 水解过程中断裂的化学键是基本组成单位是:合成场所是RNA 具有结构不彻底的水解产物是 彻底的水解产物是 水解过程中断裂的化学键是 拓展:其实多糖和脂肪也是相对分子质量比较大的化合物,它们都自已的基本组成单位,这些小单 位也是以脱水缩合的方式形成化合物的。二、 DNA 分子的结构及特点 请按照要求完成 DNA 分子片段图。1、请在方框内写出对应的脱氧核苷酸的结构简 式。2、表示(填汉语名称) 。3、图中上下两个脱氧核苷酸用键相连,它可表示为,请在图酶和酶有关,想一想两中标出所有的该化学键,这种化学键的形成可与种酶的作用特点有什么不同?。图中左右两个脱氧核苷酸用 键相连,请在图中标 出所有的该化学键,可将其打开;除此之外还可以用(物 理方法)的方法将其打开。名师归纳总结 4、 组成 DNA 的元素有,脱氧核苷酸分子内P 元素存在于e No. 586 of the State Council pr (结构)内,r omulgated by Decree No. 375, 14 administration of precur sor chemicals Ordinance 2005.11.01 State Council Decree No. 445, 15 workplaces where toxic substances areN 素存在于(结构)内。5、 分析这种结构的主要特点:(稳定性 ) DNA 分子的基本骨架由of the national people's Congress made the 62nd Peopl e's Republic of Chi na emergency response law 2007.11.1, Chairman of the national people's Congress, the 69th 8 Hazardous chemical safety management regulation amended Decre e No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 People's Republi交替连接而成。c of China regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety production license Ordinance, promulgated by Decree No. 406 of the State Council promulgated by Decre e of the State Council, No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety accident reporting , investigation and handli ng of Ordinance promulgated by Decree No. 493, 12 of the State Council regulations on spe cial equipment safety supervision 2009.05.01 amende d Decree No. 373 State Council Decree No. 549, 13 insurance regulations regarding industrial injuries 2011.01.01 amendment, promul gated by Decreused t o labour pr otecti requirement s came inton 2002.05.12 the State Council pr o force date ena cted se ctor update re omulgated by Decr e cor d 1 /sta ndard r e e No. 352, num ber Pe16 wome n workers . 4.6 review and revisi ople' s Republic of China 2, Chairman of the on 4.6.1 national pe producti on te chnol ogy section e opl e's Congress made the 70th prn Office organi oductized releva nt de partments on safety law 2002.11.1 Peunits once a year to review t he documentation issued ople' s Republic of Chi na Law of occupati ona l disea se preveby, not suitabl e docume ntion 2002.05.01 NPC 3, nts be r orde evised in a timely manne e r of the President of the 60th Per. 4.6.2 pr eoce sses, te chnol ogy, material cha nges on or after an a opl e's Republic of Chi na fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, cci dent , and biote Chairma n of the natich branch a nd that t onal people's he work Congress Stashop should be timely to various regulati ndi ng Committee 6th People's Republions and safety rules be revise d to e c of China la bor law 2008.1.1, Chairman nsure suita bility and effectivene ss. 4.6.3 revisi on of the file change of the nati onal people's Congre ss Standing Committee, 65th 5 appr oval form should be fille People's Republi c of China on road in, indi cating the causes a nd cha nges, a pprove d by the Deputy in d traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the national pen charge of security, Ge neral Ma nager of revisi opl e's Congress made the 47th, 6 People's Republisi on. 4.6.4 a new revi sed safety regulations and safety rules c of Chi na Trade Union law 2001.10.27 7, Chairman shoul d be relea of the national people's Congrea sed to t re t he post in a timely ma ss made t he 62nd Penner to ensure rule opl e's Republic of Chis and safety regulations of each post is the latest na emergen cy response law 2007.11.1, Chairman of the nationafile, recover the origi agi nal docum ent unified voi l pe ople' s Congress, t he 69td. 5. relate d records 5.1 list of appli ca h 8 Hazar dous chemical safety management regulati bl e laws, reg ulations and standards of the i ti on i nventory listing number carbon industry laws and regulati i ons legal regulations and othe第 1 页,共 13 页- - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - Standing Committee, 65t h 5 Pe ople' s Republic of Chi na on road traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the national people's Congre ss made t he 47th, 6 Pe ople' s Republic of Chi na Trade Uni on la w 2001.10.27 7, Chairman of the nati onal people's Congress made the 62nd People's Republi c of China emergency response law 2007.11.1, Chairma n of the national pe ople' s Congress, the 69th 8 Hazardous chemi cal safety management reg ulation amended Decree No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council prom ulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 People's Republ ic of China reg ulations on roa d transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety producti on license Or dinance, prom ulgated by Decree No. 406 of the State Council pr omulgated by Decre e of the State Council, No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety acci dent re porti ng, investigati on and ha ndling of Ordinance prom ulgated by Decree No. 493, 12 of the State Council reg ulations on special equipme nt safety supervisi on 2009.05.01 ame nde d Decree No. 373 State Council De cree No. 549 , 13 insura nce reg ulations regardi ng industrial i njuries 2011.01.01 ame ndment promulgated by Decr ee No. 586 of the State Council promulgated by De cree No. 375, 14 admi nistration of pre cursor chemicals Ordi nance 2005.11.01 State Council Decre e No. 445, 15 work places w here toxic substances are used t o labour pr otecti on 2002.05.12 the State Council pr omulgated by De cree No. 352, 16 wome n w orkers . 4.6 review a nd revisi on 4.6.1 production technol ogy se ction Office orga nized rel evant de partments units once a year to revie w the documentati on issue d by, not suita ble documents be revise d in a timely manner. 4.6.2 processes, technolog y, material change s on or after an a cci dent, a nd biotech bra nch and that the w orkshop shoul d be timely to vari ous regulati ons a nd safety rules be revised t o ensure suitability and effectiveness. 4.6.3 revisi on of the file change a pproval form should be filled i n, indicati ng the causes a nd change s, approve d by the Deput y in charge of security, General Manager of revision. 4.6.4 a ne w revised safety regulations a nd safety rule s shoul d be rel ease d to the post i n a timely manner to ensure r ules a nd safety regulat ons of each post is the latest file, recover the origina l docume nt unifie d void. 5. related re cor ds 5.1 li st of applica ble laws, reg ulations a nd sta ndards of the inv entory listi ng number car bon industry law s and regulations legal reg ulations a nd ot her requirem ents came into for ce date e nacte d se ctor update record 1/standar d num ber Pe ople' s Republic of China 2, Chairman of the national pe opl e's Congress made the 70th pr oduction safety law 2002.11.1 Pe ople' s Republic of Chi na Law of occupational disea se preve ntion 2002.05.01 NPC 3, order of the Presi dent of the 60th Pe opl e's Republi c of Chi na fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, Chairma n of the national pe ople' s Congress Sta ndi ng Committee 6th People's Republi c of China la bor law 2008.1.1, Chairman of the nati onal people's Congre ss Standing Committee, 65th 5 People's Republ ic of China on roa d traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the nati onal peopl e's Congress made the 47t h, 6 Pe ople' s Republic of Chi na Trade Uni on law 2001.10.27 7, Chairman DNA 分子两条链上的碱基通过 连接成碱基对,并且遵循 原则。两条脱氧核苷酸长链 平行6、DNA 分子中的碱基有 种,碱基间配对方式有 种,但由于,使 DNA分子具有 多样性 ;由于,使 DNA 分子具有 特异性 。7、DNA 分子的立体结构是,这个模型是由提出的。三、DNA 分子的复制根据图示回答: 图表示的生理过程是 _ ,发生在真核细胞的_ _ _ (场所)。(2)此过程发生的时期是 和图中 1、2、3、4、5 分别是 _ 、_ _ 、_ _ _ 、_ _ 、。(3)此过程的模板是,原料是。(4) 这个过程需要能量吗?若需要,由 提供。(5)此过程需要的酶有 酶和 酶。(6)此过程的方式是,特点是。(7) 确保此过程精确进行的原因是:其一,DNA 分子独特的 为其提供了精确的模板,其二能够使复制准确无误的进行。四、基因是有遗传效应的DNA 片段()1、下列关于基因的叙述中,揭示基因化学本质的是A遗传物质的结构单位和功能单位B在染色体上呈线性排列C有遗传效应的DNA 片段D碱基排列顺序代表遗传信息2、遗传信息是什么?学案 19 DNA 分子的结构、复制与基因 课内探究案【学习目标】名师归纳总结 of the national people's Congre 1、 DNA 分子结构的主要特点re ss made the 62nd Peopl e's Republic of Chi na emergency response law 2007.11.1, Chairman of the national people's Congress, the 69th 8 Hazardous chemical safety management regulation amended Decre e No. 344 2011.12.1 the State Council promulgated by Decree No. 591, 9 People's Republic of China regulations on road transport 2004.07.01 2004.01.13 10 safety pr pr oduction license Ordi2、基因的概念nance, promulgated by Decree No. 406 of the State Council promulgated by Decre e of the State Council, No. 397 11 2007.06.01 production safety accident reporting , investigation and ha3、DNA 分子的复制ndli ng of Ordinance promulgated by Decree No. 493, 12 of the State Council regulations on spe cial equipment safety supervision 2009.05.01 amende d Decree No. 373 State Council Decree No. 549, 13 insurance regulations regarding industrial injuries 2011.01.01 amendment, promul gated by Decree No. 586 of the State Council pr r omulgated by Decree No. 375, 14 administration of precur sor chemicals Ordinance 2005.11.01 State Council Decree No. 445, 15 workplaces where toxic substances areused t o labour pr otecti requirement s came inton 2002.05.12 the State Council pr o force date ena cted se ctor update re omulgated by Decr e cor d 1 /sta ndard r e e No. 352, num ber Pe16 wome n workers . 4.6 review and revisi ople' s Republic of China 2, Chairman of the on 4.6.1 national pe producti on te chnol ogy section e opl e's Congress made the 70th prn Office organi oductized releva nt de partments on safety law 2002.11.1 Peunits once a year to review t he documentation issued ople' s Republic of Chi na Law of occupati ona l disea se preveby, not suitabl e docume ntion 2002.05.01 NPC 3, nts be r orde evised in a timely manne e r of the President of the 60th Per. 4.6.2 pr eoce sses, te chnol ogy, material cha nges on or after an a opl e's Republic of Chi na fire control law of 2009.05.01 4, cci dent , and biote ch branch a nd that t Chairma n of the nati onal people's t t he work Congress Sta shop should be timely to various regulati a ndi ng Committee 6th People's Republions and safety rules be revise d to e c of China la bor law 2008.1.1, Chairman nsure suita bility and effectivene of the nati onal people's Congre ss. 4.6.3 revisi on of the file change re ss Standing Committee, 65th 5 appr oval form should be fille People's Republi c of China on road in, i i ndi cating the causes a nd cha nges, a pprove d by the Deputy in d traffic safety law 2011.5.1, Chairman of the national pen charge of security, Ge neral Ma nager of revisi opl e's Congress made the 47th, 6 People's Republisi on. 4.6.4 a new revi sed safety regulations and safety rules c of Chi na Trade Union law 2001.10.27 7, Chairman shoul d be relea of the national people's Congrea sed to t re t he post in a timely ma ss made t he 62nd Penner to ensure rule opl e's Republic of Chis and safety regul