材料力学双语教学学习资料1主讲教师:陈晓峰第一章 绪 论 Chapter 1 Introduction§1-1 材料力学的任务The Tasks of Mechanics of Materials1. 材料力学: Mechanics of Materials2. 构件: Structural Members3. 变形: Deformation4. 强度: Strength5. 刚度: Rigidity6. 稳定性: Stability§1-2 变形固体的基本假设Fundamental Assumptions of Solid Deformation Bodies1. 连续性假设: Continuity2. 均匀性假设: Homogeneity3. 各向同性假设: Isotropy§1.3 外力及其分类External Forces and Classification1. 分布力: Distributed Force2. 集中力: Point Force3. 静载荷: Static Load4. 动载荷: Dynamic Load§1.4 内力、截面法和应力的概念Concepts of Internal Forces, Method of Section and Stress1. 内力: Internal Force2. 截面法: Method of Section3. 截面法的三个步骤:截开,代替,平衡Three steps of method of section: cut off, substitute , and equilibrium.4. 应力: Stress5. 平均应力:Average stress6. 应力(全应力): Whole stress(sum stress)7. 正应力: Normal Stress8. 剪应力(切应力):Shearing Stress§1.5 变形与应变Deformation and Strain1 线应变: Strain2 剪应变: Shearing Strain§1.6 杆件变形的基本形式Basic Types of Deformations of Rods1. 拉伸或压缩: Tension or Compression2. 剪切: Shear3. 扭转: Torsion4. 弯曲: Bending第二章 拉伸、压缩与剪切Chapter 2 Tension,Compression and Shear§2.1 轴向拉伸与压缩的概念和实例The Concept and Examples of Axial Tension and Compression1. 拉杆: Tensile Rod2. 压杆: Compressive Rod3. 受力特点:外力合力的作用线与杆轴线重合 Characteristic of the External Forces: The acting line of the resultant of external forces is coincided with the axis of the rod.4. 变形特点:杆沿轴向伸长或缩短Characteristic of Deformation: Rod will elongate or contract along the axis of the rod.§2.2 轴向拉伸或压缩时横截面上的内力和应力Internal Force and Stress of Axial Tension or Compression on the Cross Section1. 横截面: Cross Section2. 轴力: Normal Force3. 轴力图: Diagram of Normal Force§2.3 直杆轴向拉伸或压缩时斜截面上的应力Stress of Axial Tension or Compression on the Skew Section1. 斜截面: Skew Section2. §2.4 材料在拉伸时的力学性能Mechanical Properties of Materials with Tensile Load1. 标准试件: Specimen2. 低碳钢(C0.3%): Low Carbon Steel3. 弹性阶段:Elastic Region4. 屈服阶段:Yielding Stage5. 强化阶段:Hardening Stage6. 颈缩阶段: Necking Stage7.p-比例极限: Proportional Limit8.e-弹性极限: Elastic Limit9.s-屈服极限: Yielding Stress10.b-强度极限: Ultimate Stress11. 延伸率: Percent Elongation12. 断面收缩率: Percent Reduction of Area13. 塑性材料: Ductile Materials14. 脆性材料: Brittle Materials15. 铸铁:Cast iron§2.7 失效、安全系数和强度计算Failure, Safety factor and Strength calculation1. 许用应力: Allowable Stress2. 安全系数: Safety Factor3. 强度条件: Strength Condition4. 强度校核: Check strength5. 截面设计: Section design6. 确定许可载荷:Determine allowable load§2.8 轴向拉伸或压缩时的变形Deformation in Axial Tension or Compression1. 弹性变形: Elastic Deformation 2. 塑性变形: Plastic Deformation3. 纵向应变: Longitudinal Strain4. 横向应变: Lateral Strain5线弹性变形:Linear Elastic Deformation6. 泊松比:Poissons ratio7.弹性模量-E:表示材料抵抗拉压变形的能力 E- modulus of elasticity:Indicates the capability of materials for resisting tension or compression 8.抗拉刚度-EA:表示构件抵抗拉压变形的能力EA-the axial rigidity: Indicates the capability of constructive members for resisting tension or compression9. 胡克定律(Hookes Law):当应力不超过材料的比例极限时,应力与应变成正比. The stress is proportional to the strain within the elastic region.§2.12 应力集中的概念The Concept of Stress Concentration1. 由于截面尺寸的突然变化,使截面上的应力分布不再均匀,在某些部位出现远大于平均值的应力,称应力集中。Discontinuities of cross section may result in high localized or concentrated stresses.2. 理论应力集中系数K :Theoretical Stress-concentration Factor - K§2.13剪切和挤压的实用计算Practical Calculation of Shear and Bearing1. 剪切:Shear2. 剪切面:Shearing Plane3. 剪切面上的内力-剪力:Internal Force in Shearing Plane-Shearing Force4. 剪切的实用计算:Practical Calculation of Shear5. 挤压的实用计算:Practical Calculation of Bearing6. 挤压强度条件:工作中的挤压应力不应超过许用挤压应力。Strength condition of bearing:Working bearing stress should not exceed the allowable bearing stress.第三章 扭 转Chapter Three Torsion§ 3.1 扭转的概念和实例Concept and Examples of Torsion1. 电动机: Generator2. 涡轮: Turbine3. 扭转的受力特点:杆件的两端作用着大小相等,方向相反,且作用面垂直于杆件轴线的力偶。Characteristic of loads: Shaft is loaded by a torsional couple in planes that are perpendicular to the axis of the shaft.4. 变形特点:杆件的任意两个横截面发生绕轴线的相对转动。Characteristic of deformation: any two cross sections will twist along the axis.5. 轴: Shaft§ 3.2外力偶矩的计算 扭矩和扭矩图 Calculation of the external torqueInternal torque and Its diagram1扭转外力偶矩的计算:Calculation of the external torque2. 扭矩:Internal Torque3. 符号规定:Sign convention4. 右手螺旋法则: Right hand screw rule5. 扭矩图:Diagram of Internal Torque§ 3.3 纯剪切 Pure Shear 1. 薄壁圆筒的扭转实验:Experiment of thin-walled circular tube under torsion 2. 变形特点: Characters of deformations:截面间的距离不变;所有横截面的位置不变;所有纵向线转过了一个角度。Distances between the sections remainunchanged , All cross sections remain unchanged , All the generating lines revolve through an angle .3. 切应力互等定理:Theorem of complementary shearing stresses 4. 切应变:Shearing strain5剪切虎克定律:Hookes law of shear6. 剪切弹性模量G:Modulus of elasticity of shearing第四节 圆轴扭转时的应力Stresses in a round shaft under torsion)1. Ip (极惯性矩) - polar moment ofinertia2. Wp (抗扭截面系数)- section modulusin torsion§3.5 圆轴扭转时的变形1. 扭转角: The angle of twist2. 抗扭刚度G Ip :the torsional rigidity 3. 扭转的刚度条件: Rigidity condition in torsion4. 单位长度扭转角:The angle of twist per unit lengthExercises1. A bracket(支架) is shown in the figure,The cross-section area of the steel bar AB is A1=6cm2;the cross-section area of the wooden bar BC is A2=300cm2,Knowing the allowable stress of steel is=140MPa , the allowable tensile stress of wood is L=8MPa, and the allowable compressive stress of wood isY=4MPa. Try determine the allowable load P of the bracket.2. A wooden tenon(榫) joint is shown in the figure. Knowing that the quantities are a = b =12cm,h=35cm,c=4.5cm and P=40KN. Try to determine the shearing stress and bearing stress for the joint.3Two boards are bolted together as shown . Each board has a thickness () of 2 mm, and a width (b) of 15 mm . The diameter d of the bolt is 4 mm .All the parts are made from the same material and have the same allowable stresses 160MPa, =100MPa, 300MPa. Try to design the tensile force F. 4. A tensile bar and two cover boards are bolted together as shown. Each cover board has a thickness of 8 mm. All the parts are made from the same material and have the same allowable stresses 80MPa, =60MPa, 160MPa. The thickness of the bar =15mm, the tensile force F=120KN. Try to design(1) the diameter d of the bolt .(2) the width b of the tensile bar. 5构件在外力作用下抵抗破坏的能力称为 ;构件在外力作用下抵抗变形的能力称为 ;构件在外力作用下保持原有平衡状态的能力称为 。(Please fill in the blanks with proper words in English.)6杆件的基本变形一般有 、 、 、 、四种。(Please fill in the blanks with proper words in English.)编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第10页 共7页第四章 弯曲内力 Chapter Four Internal Forces in Bending§4-1 弯曲的概念和实例§4-1 The Concepts and Examples in Bending1梁:beam2轴线:axis3纵向对称面:longitudinal plane of symmetry4平面弯曲:plane bending5弯曲的受力特点:作用于杆件上的外力或外力偶矩矢垂直于杆件轴线。 Characteristics of loads : external forces or external the couple vector perpendicular to the axis of the rod.6弯曲的变形特点:杆件的轴线由直线变为曲线。 Characteristics of deformations : the axis of the rod change into curve from original straight lines.7弯曲变形:杆件在垂直于杆轴线的外力或两个外力偶的作用下,杆的轴线由直线变为曲线,这种变形称为弯曲变形。 BENDING: The action of the external force or external the couple vector perpendicular to the axis of the rod makes the axis of the rod change into curve from original straight lines, this deformation is called bending.§4-2 受弯杆件的简化§4-2 Simplification of Bending Rods1 集中力:concentrated force2 分布力:distributed load3 均布载荷:uniform load4 支座:support5. 简支粱:simple supported beam6. 外伸梁:overhanging beam7 .悬臂梁:cantilever beam §4-3 剪力和弯矩§4-3 Shearing Force and Bending Moment1.弯曲内力:internal forces in bending2.剪力:shearing force3.弯矩:bending moment4. 内力的正负规定:sign conventions for the internal forces§4-4 剪力方程和弯矩弯矩方程 剪力图和弯矩图§4-4 The Equations of Shearing Force and Bending MomentThe Diagrams of Shearing Force and Bending Moment1剪力方程: equation of shearing force2弯矩方程: equation of bending moment3剪力图: diagram of shearing force4弯矩图: diagram of bending moment§4-5载荷集度、剪力和弯矩间的关系 §4-5 Relations among the Intensity of Distributed Load , Shearing Force and Bending Moment1.微分关系:differential relations2. 规律法:method of regulation3. 控制截面法:method of control sections4. 水平直线:horizontal straight line5. 斜直线:inclined straight line6. 突变:sudden change7. 增函数:increasing function8. 减函数:decreasing function9. 盆状抛物线:basin - like curve10. 坟状抛物线:tomb - like curve11. 折向与P相反:flexible opposite to P第五章 弯曲应力 Chapter Five Stresses in Bending§5-1 纯弯曲§5-1 Pure Bending1. 横力弯曲:transverse bending2.纯弯曲:pure bending3. 平面假设:横截面变形后仍为平面,只是绕中性轴发生转动,距中性轴等高处,变形相等。Hypothesis of plane section: The cross sections remain still planes, and only rotate through some angles around their neutral axes after deformation. 4. 中性层:neutral layer5.中性轴:neutral axis6. 纵向对称轴:longitudinal axis of symmetry§5-2 纯弯曲时的正应力§5-2 Normal Stress in Pure Bending1 几何关系:geometric relation2 物理关系:physics relation3 静力关系:static relation 4 .抗弯刚度EIz:flexural rigidity §5-3 横力弯曲时的正应力§5-3 Normal Stress in Transverse Bending1. 抗弯截面系数W:section factor of bending2 .弯曲的强度条件:strength condition in bending§5-4 弯曲切应力§5-4 Shearing Stress in Bending1 矩形截面梁:the beam with rectangular section2 工字形截面梁:wide-flange beam3 翼缘:flange4 腹板:web5 静矩:static moment6 .惯性矩:moment of inertia6 焊接:melt7 铆接:rivet§5-6 提高弯曲强度的措施§5-6 Measures of Increasing Strength in Bending1 合理安排梁的受力情况:arrange the loads of beam reasonably2 跨度:span3 梁的合理截面:reasonable section of beams4 .等强度梁:equal strength beams第六章 弯曲变形 Chapter Six Deformations in Bending§6-1 工程中的弯曲变形问题§6-1 The Problems of Deformation Due to Bending in Engineering1 车床主轴:principal axis of lathe2 振动:vibrate3 噪声:noise§6-2 挠曲线的微分方程§6-2 The differential equation of deflection curve1. 挠曲线:deflection curve2.挠度:deflection3.转角:angle of rotation or slope4. 切线:tangent5. 逆时针:counter-clockwise6. 顺时针:clockwise7. 曲率:curvature8. 曲率半径:radius of curvature§6-3 积分法求弯曲变形§6-3 Determine the Deformations in Bending by Integration1.微分方程:differential equation2. 边界条件:boundary condition3. 连续性条件:continuity condition4. 积分常数:integral constants5.转角方程:equation of angle of rotation6.挠曲线方程: equation of deflection curve7. 刚度条件:rigidity condition8. 镗床:boring machine9. 镗刀:boring tool§6-4 叠加法求弯曲变形§6-4 Determine the Deformations in Bending by the Method of Superposition1.叠加法:the method of superposition2. 桥式起重机:over head traveling crane§6-5 简单超静定梁§6-5 Indeterminate Simple Beams 1 静定梁:statically determinate beam2 超静定梁:statically indeterminate beam3 变形协调方程:equation of compatibility of deformations§6-6 提高弯曲刚度的一些措施§6-6 Measures of Increasing Rigidity in Bending1 增大抗弯刚度:increase flexural rigidity2 减少跨度或增加支承:decrease span or increase supports3 减小弯矩:decrease bending moment 4 选择合理的截面形状:select the reasonable sectionsExercises1. A cantilever beam AB. The distributed load of 3kN/m extends over 0.8m of the beam and the 1kN load is applied at point E. Plot the diagrams of sharing force and bending moment.2. The allowable stress of the wooden beam shown in the figure is =10MPa. Try to determine the maximum diameter d of the circular hole in case that the strength of the beam is satisfied (neglecting stress concentrations).3Determine the angle of rotation of point A and the deflection of point C by the method of superposition.第 10 页 共 7 页