2022高三励志英语语录集锦 给自己一个目标,让生命为它燃烧。拼一个春夏秋冬,博高考无怨无悔。下面就是我给大家带来的2022高三励志英语语录集锦,欢迎大家阅读! 2022高三励志英语语录集锦 1、珍惜青春时间,书写壮美人生。 Cherish the youth and write a maany setbacks, many battles, many heroes. 44、笔记要便于看,要常常看,这是又一本教材。 Notes should be easy to read and often read. This is another textbook. 45、灰心生绝望,绝望生动摇,动摇生失败。 Disappointment comes from discourain, everythinore sweat and less tears. 53、十年磨剑酬壮志;百日攻读铸辉煌。 Ten years of sharpeninination and work hard to lauake excuses for failure. Find ways to succeed. 56、越接近考试,往往越要在坚实上下功夫。 The closer you , the harder you have to work on it. 57、学习如春起之苗,不见其增,日有所长。 Learninulation results must not become a burden, a shadow. 62、吃得苦中苦,方为人上人! He who eats bitterness is superior to others. 63、旁观者的姓名永久爬不到竞赛的记分板上。 The names of onlookers will never climb the scoreboard of the e. 64、辛苦三年,幸福一生。 Three years of hard work, a happy life. 65、名列前茅是银,日新月异是金。 Silver is at the top of the list, and into reality! 68、信念来自于实力,实力来自于勤奋。 Confidence comes from strenes from diliiles. 71、紧急而有序,效率是关键。 Efficiency is the key to tension and order. 72、别想一下造出大海,必需先由小河川开头。 Dont think about makinall rivers.