【英文文学】The Secret of Life, Death and Immortality.docx
【英文文学】The Secret of Life, Death and ImmortalityPREFACEThe writer of these pages a few years ago invented, patented and successfully demonstrated in the city of Los Angeles, California, a mechanical device by which he transformed musical vibrations into “electrical” waves. These when conveyed to the human organism were found to be harmonizing, vitalizing, and curative, in many nervous and functional disorders. Further study and research along these lines convinced him that all vibration, or motion, or activity is electrical. That all phenomena are electrical phenomena. In fact, that there is but one substance in the universe, and that isElectricity.Without any attempt to enter the realm of metaphysics, the writer desires to state that he uses the term Life in its absolute or universal sense, and not in the conditioned or limited sense in which it is ordinarily and loosely used. He distinguishes between Lifewith its eternal, inherent unceasing impulse and energyand the resultant of that impulse and energy; whether that resultant be a molecule of hydrogen or what is called consciousness, intelligence, manifesting through an organism called man.This Life is not mind, nor its product matter. It is Substanceand that substance the8 writer calls electricity. It is eternal. It is the totality of what is, or Be-ing. It has a dual impulse or tendency, viz. (the positive and negative)attraction and repulsion of its infinite integral constituent particles or ELECTRONS. This attraction and repulsion, this breaking and closing of the circuit, this vibration or motionalways in a straight line or a circlethis infinite eternal polarity, being continuous creation or evolution, and destruction or devolution.It has not been possible in the limited space devoted to this book to attempt a discussion and proof of the statements made herein. While the statements made are scientific and rational the writer could not do more than point out through them the direction in which the truth is to be sought and found.The reader will find many thoughts suggested along the line of the wireless telegraph and telephone, musical vibrations, thought vibrations, telepathy, clairvoyance, “Spiritualistic phenomena,” death, post-mortem consciousness or “Conscious immortality,” etc.We are living in an age of scientific investigation and inquiry. The human mind is awakening to the necessity of doing its own thinking instead of being bound by the many dogmas of religious systems.Laden with ability to annihilate superstition, and forever destroy that curse of humanityFearin9 all who will carefully and with an open mind read them, these pages are set adrift.HENRY FLEETWOOD,Los Angeles, California.September, 1908.CHAPTER I LifeCosmic Evolution. Life GermsHow Produced. “The Word”Evolution of. Thought Vibration the Only Immortality. “Life” and “Death” Evolved from the Same Cosmic Substance.“But words are things, and a small drop of ink falling like dew upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.”Byron.Electricity is the one, eternal, unchangeable, indestructible, universal substance.The universe is made up of innumerable “corpuscles,” from whose manifold combinations, ruled by unalterable affinities, has been evolved our solar system.Our earth after the cooling process, became through the light and radiant energy of the sun, the theater of the evolution of the various forms of life. The eternal, inherent, restless energy that had formed and launched into existence this solar system continued its work to evolve conscious life on this earth. Monad, atom, protoplasm, molecule and cell all being produced by this electric energy we call life.This universal substance is constituted of electronsinfinitesimally smaller than atomic11 dusteach electron having the potentiality of the whole, with its positive and negative impulse.It is well known that each molecule is a separate and distinct organism, formed by this same electric impulse. The active force in evolution being the electric energyattraction and repulsionits movements can be easily followed by noting the similarity of its formation, namely, circular or spherical. The tendency of this electric energy is always to form a complete circuitand must do so in order to evolve and carry on its work of evolution; all creation being the result of the breaking and closing of the circuit. The various forms of life evolved, are subject to this same restless impulsepositive and negativewhich continues the work of creation or evolution.As what is called “life” is the result of the closing of the circuit, so what is called “death” is the result of the breaking of the circuit. Thus we see that life and death are one and the same process. Simply the readjustment, rearrangement of these infinite electrons by the opening and closing of the electric circuit. The same eternal, inherent, restless energy forever at playcreating life, and creating deathboth equally beautiful. This is the continuous evolution of Darwin and others. There is no rest. There is only eternal continuous vibration. Prof. Loeb says, “The force12 that makes life possible is primarily the electric charge.” Dr. Samuel Wallian says, “Life originates in vibration and consists of an incessant repetition of vibrations.” It can with equal truth be said that THE FORCE THAT MAKES DEATH POSSIBLE IS PRIMARILY THE ELECTRIC CHARGE; AND DEATH ORIGINATES IN VIBRATION, AND CONSISTS OF AN INCESSANT REPETITION OF VIBRATIONSor opening and closing of an electric circuit. These are the only Two IMMORTALSLife and Death.Primitive man having his habitation mainly in the primeval forest, the shadows cast by the sun became objects of terror to him. The caves with their mysteries begot gnomes and hobgoblins. Thus was born that great curse of humanityFear. Feeling the need of protection from these bogies of his imagination, he peopled his world with fairies, etc., that would help him to overcome the evil of these fancied cave and forest shadow-folk. Here we have the origin of good and evil, rewards and punishments, out of which has been evolved the various systems of religion. Observing the various phenomena of this universal force, he called it God; made images to express his ideas and worshipped them.Mans evolution in the universe of thought13 has been slow, handicapped as he has been by superstition, traditional folk-lore and lack of individual search for truth. But now for the past fifty years there has prevailed a set of thought vibrationsa so-called “New Thought” wavethat has impelled to a desire for the truth that shall make one free.There is no mystery in nature. She works under the immutable laws of her eternal beingElectricity. When primitive man evolved on this earth he was at first without speech, his only language being guttural sounds and gestures, some of which are distinctly discernible in many of the present races of mankind. From these guttural sounds speech was evolved and the “word” was born. “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.”The brain cells of manthe egothe beginning or birth of understandingsent forth vibrations called “thought” into the universe; and man has been adding to their volume during countless ages. As he progressed he learned to write by signs or hieroglyphics, thus recording his thoughts. By still further evolution he constructed an alphabet and finally a printing press, so that now thoughts can be easily recorded and preserved.Sir Humphrey Davy immediately upon recovering from apparent death, caused by one of his scientific experiments, exclaimed, “I am14 convinced that thought is all there is in the universe.”As all mans thoughts,the vibrations of his brain cellsare contained in the universe, there must be reservoirs of thought governed by the law of natural selection.This accounts for what we call genius. For example, a child is born showing early a genius for music, which enables it to grow in the art until it becomes famous. What is the explanation? Simply that during the period of gestation the mother was environed by musical vibrations, so attuning the brain cells of the child that communication was established with some great reservoir of musical thought in the universe, and a genius was evolved. This is the so-called “Reincarnation.” A perfectly natural law of vibration.Creation, we repeat, is but continuous evolution, bringing forth by natural selection,“everything after its kind”progressing onward year by year, developing more improved species and greater inventions. Evolution is but continuous creation. They are one, even as life and death are one.Lucretius wrote fifty years B. C., “Change is the law of things and is brought about by opposing forces.” Lucretius did not know that these opposing forces were but the attraction and repulsion, or positive and negative action of the one universal substance,Electricity.15 The inherent eternal impulse (polarity, or sex) of the electrons composing the universal substance from which all things are evolved. Many of the great scientific writers, such as Kant, Darwin, Wallace, Hume, etc., had not seen this great light which the discovery and investigation of certain electrical phenomena has revealed and so could not account for this primal force in the universe, which they knew existed but could not define.Electricity is Life, and cosmic evolution is but the law of vibration of its eternal, universal being.All formations of worlds, planets, suns, stars, asteroids, etc., were rotated into form and position and continue their movements by this same universal law of vibrationthe inherent, eternal impulse and energy of the one only substanceElectricity. Millions of ages have been evolved in the cosmos. All are subject to what is called decay or death, but, as Lucretius says, “What is will perish, but only to appear in another form.”All formations of nature in the universe are circular or spherical, thus proving their electric source or origin, and are but the completion of an electric circuit. Every stone, grain of sand and drop of water is rotated and rounded by this same electric vibratory impulse. What is true of our solar system, we may by deduction conclude is true of other16 systems, which may have gone through evolution and devolution many times in the countless aeons of the so called “past.” Combustion, radiant energy, what are these but modes of motion? A living, breathing, thinking organism called man, or an expiring puppy on the sidewalk, are but different modes of vibration of this one universal substance. From worlds to atoms, from atoms to monads, from monads to motion,and we find the universe held in a solution of omnipotent, electric energy, just as salt is held in solution in the ocean. Well may we repeat the modern paraphrasePraise law from whom all blessings flow,Praise protoplasm here below,Praise matter, evolution tossed,Praise force, the only Holy Ghost.CHAPTER II Electricity and LifeProof That Electricity Is Life. Recent Discoveries in the Wireless Telegraph and Telephone. Their Effect on the Thought of the Race. Other Possibilities of Electricity.Our little lives are kept in equipose,By opposite attractions and desires.Longfellow.Recent discoveries in what is called electrical science, demonstrating the wide range of application of electric vibrations and suggesting almost unlimited possibilities as to its future adaptation to the purposes of mankind, indicate that man has at last harnessed the primary force or energy of the universe to become his willing servant. With the discovery of the wireless telegraph, and wireless telephoneby means of which conversation has been carried on at a distance of four hundred milesthe scientific nature and possibilities of telepathy is understood. The principle is the same. In the wireless telephone by means of two instruments attuned to the same rate of vibration two persons widely separated are enabled to hear each others words. In telepathy two persons whose brain cells are attuned to the same rate of vibration are enabled to18 sense each others thoughts, at any distance.This is the explanation of impressions of impending disaster and death. The so-called psychic forces are perfectly natural and there is nothing supernatural in the universe.A knowledge of the laws of electrical vibration is the key that will unlock all the secrets of the universe to man.All motion,electrical vibrationis the real Book of Life, opened ever to the true student of science. Burbank by the study of this book of nature has discovered the law of various polarities or affinities (natural selection) of vegetables, fruits and flowers and has caused them to produce new varieties, improving the species.What is called intelligent purpose is said to be manifested by man in this ability to direct and assist what is called nature to bring about different and “better” (?) conditions. Left to herself nature produces chaotic conditions; weeds, brambles, briars and trees crowding themselves into various fantastic shapes. Lack of intelligent PURPOSE is shown in all this and only the “intelligent purpose” displayed by man produces order out of chaos. Where then is the intelligent purpose of the universe? Certain vibrations in the universe cause floods, tornadoes, cyclones, earthquakes, etc. These are simply results of natural laws of electric energy which in sport, as it were,19 like a child with his blocks, builds and pulls down, builds and pulls down, “creates and destroys” ad infinitum. Attraction and repulsion, positive and negative electric actionvibrationgenerates, sustains and destroys all the manifold forms, organic and inorganic, of what is called life and death. There is no death. Death is but a name given to one of the many forms manifested by life. A knowledge of the dual nature of electrical impulse is the true and only “secret” of life and death.In the organic form or entity called man there has been evolved an organ called the brain; an arrangement of cells whose vibratory action enables them to receive and give off vibrations called thoughtintelligence. The universe transmits these vibrations through the entity attuned to receive them. Or, to speak poetically, we say, the universe “voices its intelligence through man.” And man voices his intelligence through the universe. Man thus becomes a Lorda Godand has dominion.If we accept electricity as the only substance and vibration as the vital force and origin of all existence, it is impossible to imagine what may yet be revealed to us respecting the structure of the universe.If electricity is all there is, then thought must be electrical. The vibrations being received by the brain cells, are conveyed throughout2