新职业英语1酒店英语--Unit 7演示教学.ppt
新职业英语1酒店英语-Unit 7copying and printing documents Esending fax-Dtyping documents -Cbooking air tickets-Arenting laptop computer-B Suggested Answers Task 1 Match each service item with its corresponding picture.Unit 7 Business CenterSuggested Answers Task 2 Write the correct expressions under the corresponding pictures.Unit 7 Business CenterAprojectorBlaptop computerCsoft sleeper ticketDprinterEphotocopierFround-trip ticketTask3 How many kinds of airline tickets can we book for the guests?For example,the first class ticket,the single ticket,etc.Discuss the question with your partner.The airline tickets can be divided into first class ticket,business class ticket,economy class ticket;one way ticket,round trip ticket;open ticket,OK ticket;full fare ticket,discount ticket;domestic ticket,international ticket,etc.Suggested AnswersUnit 7 Business CenterTask 1 Try to answer the following questions before you read the passage.1.What are the main duties of the business center staff?2.What are the efficiency-oriented customers requirements of the meeting rooms?ReadingUnit 7 Business CenterReading The main duties of the business center staff arethe secretarial services,convention services andtickets services.The secretarial services includephotocopying,sending faxes,typing documents,printing business cards,etc.Convention servicesare always related with meeting room rental,convention equipment rental,and sometimescatering service.Ticket service is to help theguests to book airline tickets,train tickets,concert tickets,and show tickets,etc.Suggested Answers1.What are the main duties of the business center staff?Unit 7 Business CenterReading Meeting rooms are usually equipped with 24 hours Internet access and direct-dial multi-line telephones with voice mail to meet the requirements of efficiency-oriented customers.The modern office equipment will greatly save guests time in dealing with their works effectively.Suggested Answers2.What are the efficiency-oriented customers requirements of the meeting rooms?Unit 7 Business CenterThe Business Center1.In the early 1990s,when business centers only existed in the upper-class hotels,they usually meant office machines,with staff to serve users.These days,however,the business centers are likely to be an essential section in a hotel.The services in the business center are very important to the guests who are on business trips.ReadingUnit 7 Business Center2.On a daily basis,the secretarial services,convention services and tickets services are the main jobs of the business center staff.In general,the secretarial services include photocopying,sending faxes,typing documents,printing business cards,etc.A self-contained business center features in computers,Internet access and machines combining printer,scanner and photocopier.The business center staff must know how to operate the photocopier,fax machine,and printer.Besides,they must be equipped with some basic skills of computer.ReadingUnit 7 Business CenterThe Business Center3.Convention services are always related with all-sized meeting room rental,convention equipment rental(such as laptop computers,projectors,screens,white-boards with mark pens,roving microphones,etc.),and sometimes catering service.Meeting rooms are usually equipped with 24 hours Internet access and direct-dial multi-line telephones with voice mail to meet the requirements of efficiency-oriented customers.Translation and interpretation services are also provided by the business center.Some five-star business centers are equipped with the simultaneous interpretation booth in their meeting rooms.ReadingUnit 7 Business CenterThe Business Center4.Business center staff will help the guests to book airline tickets,train tickets,concert tickets,and show tickets,etc.They are well-connected with the ticket agency and are well-informed with the tickets information.They provide train timetable,suggest flights,explain time difference,and provide show information as well.ReadingUnit 7 Business CenterThe Business Center5.With the development of high technology,business center is playing an increasingly important role in the hotel.The electronic business center has become a worldwide tendency.Customers will utilize the business center more conveniently and efficiently.ReadingUnit 7 Business CenterThe Business Centeressentialadj.重要的,必要的e.g.Fiberisanessentialingredientofourdiet.纤维是我们饮食中很必要的一部分。e.g.Itisessentialtobookinadvance.提前预定是很重要的。Unit 7 Business CenterReadingsection n.部分e.g.Theydiscussedandamendedthesecondsectionoftheregulation.他们讨论并修改了规定的第二部分。Unit 7 Business CenterReadinge.g.Dadalwaysreadsthesportssectionofthenewspaper.父亲总是看报纸的体育版。conventionn.会议e.g.TheteachersconventionwillbeheldinApril10th.教工大会将在4月10号召开。e.g.ThecompanywillhavetheirannualconventioninSeattlethisyear.公司今年年会将在西雅图召开。Unit 7 Business CenterReadingphotocopy v.影印e.g.LeavethepaperswithmeandIllgetthemphotocopied.这些文件交给我吧,我会将它们影印好的。e.g.Thebusinesscentrehasaphotocopyservice.这个商务中心设有复印服务。ReadingUnit 7 Business Centerself-containeda.自给自足的e.g.Theylivedinaself-containedcommunity.他们住在一个自给自足的社区里。containv.包含,由组成e.g.Thisdocumentcontainsbothtextandgraphics.这篇文档包含文本和图表。Unit 7 Business CenterReadingfeaturev.以为特征e.g.Thishotelfeaturesitsarchitecturalfacade.这家酒店以它的建筑外观为特色。Unit 7 Business CenterReadinge.g.This TVprogramfeaturessomeoutstandingperformers.这个电视节目中有几位特别出色的表演者。operatev.操作e.g.Clivewasexperiencedinoperatingthecomputers.克里夫以前在操作电脑方面很有经验。e.g.Itiscomplicatedtooperatetheremotecontrolunit.操作那个遥控单元非常复杂。Unit 7 Business CenterReadingequipv.配备,装备e.g.Theyspentalotofmoneyequippingtheschoolwithnewcomputers.他们花了很多钱给学校装配新电脑。Unit 7 Business CenterReadinge.g.Thecomputersareequippedwithvideocameras.这些电脑都安装了摄像头。be related with 与有关e.g.Policenowbelievethatthethreecrimescouldberelatedwithhisfamily.警察现在认为这三起犯罪可能和他们家有关。e.g.Politicsiscloselyrelatedwithreligion.政治和宗教有着密切的联系。Unit 7 Business CenterReadinginterpretv.翻译,口译;解释e.g.TheyspokegoodSpanish,andpromisedtointerpretforme.他们的西班牙语说得很好,并且答应为我做口译。Unit 7 Business CenterReadinge.g.Shemadeagesturewhichhechosetointerpretasaninvitation.她做了一个手势,他将此理解为一种邀请。simultaneousa.同时的e.g.Theoperawillbebroadcastsimultaneouslyontelevisionandradio.这场歌剧将在电视和电台里同时广播。Unit 7 Business CenterReadinge.g.Theradarbeamcantrackanumberoftargetsalmostsimultaneously.雷达波几乎可以同时追着多个目标。convenienta.方便的,便利的e.g.Thenewcarparkwillmakeshoppingmuchmoreconvenient.新停车场将使购物更加方便。e.g.Mysecretarywillcallyoutoarrangeaconvenienttimetomeet.我的秘书会打电话给你,安排一个合适的时间来见面。Unit 7 Business CenterReading商务中心商务中心1.在在上上世世纪纪90年年代代早早期期,只只有有在在高高级级酒酒店店才才设设有有商商务务中中心心这这个个部部门门,它它通通常常是是指指办办公公文文员员,办办公公设设备备,来来为为顾顾客客提提供供服服务务。而而现现如如今今,商商务务中中心心似似乎乎成成了了酒酒店店中中的的一一个个基基础础部部门门。商商务务中中心心所所提提供供的的服服务务对对于于那那些些商商务务旅旅行行的的客客人人来来说说是是十十分分重重要的。要的。Unit 7 Business CenterReading商务中心商务中心2.就就日日常常工工作作来来说说,秘秘书书服服务务、会会议议服服务务和和订订票票服服务务是是商商务务中中心心员员工工的的主主要要职职责责。总总的的来来说说,秘秘书书服服务务包包括括复复印印服服务务、发发送送传传真真、打打字字服服务务、打打印印名名片片等等。一一个个设设备备齐齐全全的的商商务务中中心心都都会会配配备备计计算算机机、因因特特网网接接口口,并并且且配配备备相相应应的的办办公公设设备备,包包括括打打印印机机、扫扫描描仪仪、复复印印机机等等。商商务务中中心心的的员员工工都都必必须须了了解解如如何何操操作作复复印印机机、传传真真机机和和打打印印机机等等机机器器。除除此此之之外外,他他们们还还必必须具备一些基础的计算机技能。须具备一些基础的计算机技能。Unit 7 Business CenterReading商务中心商务中心3.会会议议服服务务一一般般会会涉涉及及到到各各种种规规模模的的会会议议室室出出租租、会会议议设设备备出出租租(比比如如出出租租便便携携式式笔笔记记本本电电脑脑、投投影影仪仪、大大屏屏幕幕、白白板板和和白白板板笔笔、漫漫游游式式无无线线话话筒筒等等等等),有有时时还还会会提提供供餐餐饮饮服服务务。会会议议室室通通常常会会装装配配24小小时时因因特特网网接接入入服服务务和和带带语语音音信信箱箱的的多多线线路路直直播播电电话话,以以满满足足那那些些注注重重效效率率的的客客人人的的需需要要。商商务务中中心心还还会会提提供供笔笔译译与与口口译译服服务务。有有些些五五星星级级商商务务中中心心甚甚至至在在他他们们的的会议室里装配了同声传译的工作间。会议室里装配了同声传译的工作间。Unit 7 Business CenterReading商务中心商务中心4.商商务务中中心心的的工工作作人人员员还还可可以以帮帮助助客客人人预预订订飞飞机机票票、火火车车票票、音音乐乐会会票票务务以以及及演演出出票票务务等等等等。他他们们与与票票务务代代理理处处维维持持着着良良好好的的关关系系并并且且对对于于票票务务信信息息也也消消息息灵灵通通。他他们们可可以以提提供供列列车车时时刻刻表表、建建议议飞飞行行航航班班、告告知知客客人人时时差差,同同时时还还可可以以提提供供演演出出信息。信息。Unit 7 Business CenterReading商务中心商务中心5.随随着着高高科科技技的的发发展展,商商务务中中心心在在酒酒店店中中发发挥挥着着越越来来越越重重要要的的作作用用。而而电电子子商商务务中中心心也也成成为为了了一一种种世世界界性性的的发发展展潮潮流流。客人可以更加方便更有效率地利用好商务中心。客人可以更加方便更有效率地利用好商务中心。Unit 7 Business CenterReadingTask 2 Read the passage and tick off the duties of the business center staff mentioned in the passage.Suggested AnswersUnit 7 Business CenterReading typing documents providing train timetable photocopying documents explaining time difference offering translation service sending faxes booking airline tickets renting convention facilities printing business cardssending coffees to guests room suggesting bookstores sending faxesSuggested AnswersTask 2 Read the passage and tick off the duties of the business center staff mentioned in the passage.Unit 7 Business CenterReadingtyping documentsproviding train timetablephotocopying documentsexplaining time differenceoffering translation servicesending faxesbooking airline tickets renting convention facilitiesprinting business cards sending coffees to guests room suggesting bookstores sending faxesTask 3 Decide if the following statements are true(T)or false(F).Suggested AnswersUnit 7 Business CenterReading 1.The business center staff must know how to operate the photocopier,fax machine,and printer.2.Business center staff may send the tickets to the guests room without the guests permission.3.If the Internet access service is not free of charge,the business center staff should inform the guest.4.The business center staff need to be well-connected with the tickets agency.Suggested Answers1.T 2.F 3.T 4.TTask 3 Decide if the following statements are true(T)or false(F).Unit 7 Business CenterReadingTask 4 Match the English phrases with the Chinese on the right.Suggested AnswersUnit 7 Business CenterReading1.upper-class hotel2.the secretarial services3.all-sized meeting room4.roving microphone5.direct-dial multi-line telephones6.electronic business centera.电子化商务中心b.各种规模的会议室c.直播多线路电话d.文秘服务e.上等酒店f.漫游式话筒Suggested Answers1-e2-d 3-b 4-f 5-c 6-a Unit 7 Business CenterReadingTask 4 Match the English phrases with the Chinese on the right.pic 1booking tickets pic 2translation service pic 3sending fax pic 4typing and printing service pic 5copying service Dialog 1Dialog 2Dialog 3Dialog 4Dialog 5Task 1 Listen to five short dialogs and decide what each dialog is about and mark()where appropriate.Suggested AnswersListeningUnit 7 Business CenterSuggested AnswersTask 1 Listen to five short dialogs and decide what each dialog is about and mark()where appropriate.pic 1booking tickets pic 2translation service pic 3sending fax pic 4typing and printing service pic 5copying service Dialog 1Dialog 2Dialog 3Dialog 4Dialog 5ListeningUnit 7 Business CenterTask 2 Mr.Louis comes to the business center in a hurry.The manager helps him to resolve his problems.Tick off the problems he mentioned in the dialogue.Suggested AnswersListeningUnit 7 Business CenterThe flight has been delayed.IDD telephone doesnt work.He must make an international phone call.Some urgent emails must be sent.The laptop computer doesnt work.Internet access is not available.Suggested AnswersTask 2 Joanna Eliot is a tour guide.She is calling to make a reservation for her tour group.Tick off the information mentioned in the conversation.ListeningUnit 7 Business CenterThe flight has been delayed.IDD telephone doesnt work.He must make an international phone call.Some urgent emails must be sent.The laptop computer doesnt work.Internet access is not available.Manager(M):What is the hurry,Mr.Louis?Mr.Louis(L):We are(1)_ of your help.M:What may I do for you?L:Our flight has been delayed.We have to send some urgent emails back to our New York(2)_.But my (3)_ doesnt work well now.I wonder if you can help me to(4)_ it.technician in urgent need fix headquarterslaptop computer charge for equipped with By the way Task 3 Listen to the conversation in Task 2 again and fill in the blanks with the words or expressions provided in the box.ListeningUnit 7 Business CenterM:No problem,sir.Ill ask a(5)_ to fix your laptop.Take it easy.We have computers over there with speed Internet access,and you can send emails to your company.L:Thats great!How much do you(6)_ it?M:10 yuan per hour.Since you are the VIP guest,it is totally free.ListeningUnit 7 Business Centertechnician in urgent need fix headquarterslaptop computer charge for equipped with By the way L:Wonderful!You are very helpful.(7)_,do you have an IDD telephone?I have to make an international phone call.M:Of course we have.In fact,you can make the call in your room.Every guestroom in our hotel is(8)_ an IDD telephone.L:I see.Thank you.Suggested AnswersListeningUnit 7 Business Centertechnician in urgent need fix headquarterslaptop computer charge for equipped with By the way Suggested Answers(1)in urgent need (2)headquarters(3)laptop computer (4)fix(5)Technician (6)charge for(7)By the way (8)equipped withTask 3 Listen to the conversation in Task 2 again and fill in the blanks with the words or expressions provided in the box.ListeningUnit 7 Business CenterTask 4 Mr.Frederick comes to business center to photocopy his report.Listen to the conversation and fill out the form given below.Suggested AnswersListeningUnit 7 Business CenterBusiness Center Photocopying Service FormName of the guest:Mr.Frederick Pages of the original copy:_Number of copies:_Total pages:_ With cover No coverDeadline:_Sum total:_Suggested AnswersListeningUnit 7 Business CenterTask 4 Mr.Frederick comes to business center to photocopy his report.Listen to the conversation and fill out the form given below.Business Center Photocopying Service FormName of the guest:Mr.FrederickPages of the original copy:4 Number of copies:15 Total pages:60 With cover No coverDeadline:3:30 p.m.Sum total:180 yuan RMB 1.The guest wants to print his report out.2.The guest has a meeting at 4:00 p.m.3.Each cover costs 5 yuan.4.If the guest is registered in the hotel,he can sign the bill.Task 5 Listen to the conversation in Task 4 again and decide if the following statements are true(T)or false(F).Suggested AnswersListeningUnit 7 Business CenterSuggested Answers1.F 2.T 3.F 4.TTask 5 Listen to the conversation in Task 4 again and decide if the following statements are true(T)or false(F).ListeningUnit 7 Business CenterSpeakingTask 1 Read and practice the conversation in pairs.Business Center Clerk(C):Good morning,welcome to business center.What can I do for you,Mr.Shawn?Mr.Shawn(S):Im leaving for Shanghai the day after tomorrow.Could you book two tickets for me?C:Thats October 16,isnt it?S:Thats right.C:Are you going there by train or by air?S:By air,of course.Planes are much faster and more comfortable.How many flights are there to Shanghai in the morning?C:There are more than ten flights from 7:30 to 12:00.I suggest the 9:00 a.m.flight which arrives at Shanghai at 11:00 a.m.It is a non-stop flight,and you neednt transfer to another flight.Unit 7 Business CenterSpeakingUnit 7 Business CenterSpeakingTask 1 Read and practice the conversation in pairs.S:Fine,Ill take it then.I prefer the business class.C:OK,Mr.Shawn.Would you please fill in this form?Please sign your name here.S:All right.Shall I pay cash now?C:Yes,please pay RMB 3000 yuan in advance.S:Here you are.When can I get the tickets?C:You can get them on the morning of October 15.