小教语音寒假词组、短语和句子训练very fast,beautiful flowera fine view of the mountainfortune favors the brave.天佑勇者 发音要领:s舌尖后收,不接触与牙齿,和上齿龈发生摩擦。z是s的对应浊音,发音部位不变,汉语里没有该音。语音学描述(1)舌端贴近上齿龈(不要贴住),气流从舌端齿龈之间泄出,摩擦成音(2)上下牙齿极其接近(3)s是清辅音,送气强,身带不震动,z是浊辅音,送气弱,声带震动。容易出现的错误:汉语里没有z的音,有些人以汉语拼音里的“z”音来代替,听起来像是英语的dz。训练hiss,ice,rice,race,niecehis,eyes,rise,raise,kneesBrothers and sistersI used to smoke.Sing us a song,please.Man proposes.God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天h发音要领:发音时摩擦轻微语音学描述(1)气流不受阻碍,自由呼出口腔,通过声门摩擦发音(2)口型不定,随后面的元音 而变化容易出现的错误:不像汉语h那样有力,不要抬高舌后部,尝试做冬天哈气状。训练heart,hurt,hat,horse,whose,hisStop him.Take her with you.He told her.r无摩擦延续音发音要领:卷舌音,嘴唇略呈圆形,略有摩擦。语音学描述:(1)舌尖向上齿龈后部卷起,舌身两侧收拢,气流通过舌尖与齿龈间时有轻微摩擦 容易出现的错误:南方有些地区的人把r读成lrude,road,red,race,borrow,hurrybetter off,four or five,here it is,poor old Tom,more and more(下一个单词的开头是元音I like nice rice.Nine lines will be all right.训练/发音要领:把舌尖放在上下齿之间语音学描述:(1)舌尖轻触上齿,并略略露出齿外,气流由舌齿间泄出,摩擦成音(2)是清辅音,送气强,声带不振动,是浊辅音,送气弱,声带振动。错误:汉语中无此音训练Thank,theme,thick,than,these,thisA thousand thanks.Cathy has three brothers.They may thank themselves for that.他们自作自受。/发音要领:发 时,冲出的气流很强,发时,可明显感觉到舌尖上有振动。语音学描述:(1)舌前端靠近上齿龈后部,舌两侧向上腭卷起,舌中间形成一条狭长的通道,气流通过时摩擦成音(2)双唇向前突出,略呈圆形(3)/是清辅音,送气,声带不振动,/是浊辅音,有微弱气流泄出,摩擦在舌端,但不要卷舌。错误:不要读成汉语中的sh,不要读成汉语中的“日”训练cash,fish,ship,leisure,measure,pleasureDont mention it.Is she studying English?Measure for measure.以牙还牙 爆破音 /p/b/t/d/k/g/发音要领:双唇爆破音,发/p/时,声带不振动,发/b/时,虽有声带振动,但不可拖音语音学描述:(1)双唇紧闭,然后突然分开,让气流冲出口腔(2)/p/是清辅音,送气,声带不振动,/b/是浊辅音,不送气,声带振动。训练训练pie,pea,buy,beebasketball players,push the buttonPractice makes perfect.熟能生巧Bill broke his promise.比尔未必能遵守诺言。/t/d/发音要领:舌尖(不是舌前部)抵住上齿龈语音学描述:(1)舌尖紧贴上齿龈,但不接触上齿,形成阻碍,然后突然离开,让气流冲出口腔(2)/t/是清辅音,送气,声带不振动,/d/是浊辅音,不送气,声带振动。错误:像汉语那样把舌尖抵在上齿内侧,如发“特”“的”训练tide 潮水,tear,team,died,dear,deem相信Stop talking.Whats the date today?I get into bed at about 10:30 every day./k/g/发音要领:这两个音可以和汉语离得k g 相比,但需去掉汉语拼音里的e音。语音学描述:(1)舌后部上抬紧贴上腭,形成阻碍,然后突然离开,让气流冲出口腔(2)清辅音,送气,声带不振动;浊辅音,不送气,声带振动训练class,come,quest,glass,gum,guestcatch cold,take a look,record breakerHe is a good guy.He gets up at six oclock.Care killed a cat.忧虑伤身A good beginning make a good ending.善始方能善终Affricates:tr,dr,ts,dz 发音要领:上升软腭,上升舌尖接触齿龈后部语音学描述:(1)舌前端抬起贴住上齿龈后部,形成阻碍,舌头的其余部分取/的发音部位,气流冲破阻碍时,舌和齿龈发生摩擦成音(2)清辅音,送气,声带不振动;浊辅音,不送气,不要卷舌错误:汉语里的“吃”“知”训练chain,cheer,choke闷塞rich,catch,large,cagewhich chair,a charming pictureI really appreciate your help.The match wont catch.Charles wears a digital watch.tr,dr发音要领:舌位略微靠后,嘴唇要拢圆语音学描述:(1)舌尖向上贴住上齿龈后部,形成阻碍(2)气流从舌尖和齿龈间冲出(3)双唇稍突出,略呈圆形(4)清辅音,声带不振动;浊辅音,声带振动。错误:读成汉语里的“出”或“朱”训练track 轨迹,tree,truck卡车,drag,dream,drugHer dream has come true.He knows all the tricks of the trade.He was tricked into signing the contract.他被骗签了那份合同。ts dz 破擦辅音发音要领:这一组音和汉语拼音的“e”和“z”接近,但仍要注意发音部位的区别。英语的舌尖放在上齿龈上。语音学描述:(1)舌端贴住上齿龈,堵住气流,然后离开让气流猛然泄出口腔。(2)ts是清辅音,送气较强,声带振动,dz是浊辅音,送气弱,声带振动。训练carts大车,mates,rates,cards,raids,seedshundreds of peasants,thousands of birdsThat sounds better.He often puts his hands in his pockets.鼻音(m,n,)发音要领:让气流从鼻孔流出,同时声带振动m语音学描述:双唇并拢,气流从鼻腔流出,浊辅音,声带振动n舌尖紧贴上齿龈,形成阻碍,浊辅音,声带振动 软腭下垂,舌后根上抬贴住软腭,堵住口腔通道,气流从鼻腔泄出。浊辅音,声带振动训练meat,mere,more,neat,near,nice,gone,long,singham sandwich,kitchen garden,singing and dancing,men and womengiven nameSomeone is ringing at the door.Give a dog an ill name and hang him.舌侧音l发音要领(1)舌端紧贴上齿龈,气流从舌两侧泄出(2)浊辅音,声带振动(3)发清晰 l 音时,舌尖贴住上齿龈,舌前往硬腭上靠,就像要发“来”音一样,但只做准备,“ai”音不出来,同时声带振动,注意舌不离上齿龈(4)发模糊 l 音时,舌前下陷,舌后上抬,舌面形成凹槽,声音响亮 且和元音一样可以延长。训练lead,light,cloud,ball,goalLove is blind.He was left all alone.Your ability will improve little by little.Alls well that ends well.结局好一切都好。半元音(w j)w 发音要领:嘴唇拢得很小,气流泄出时有摩擦语音学描述:(1)舌后部向软腭抬起,双唇收的圆而且小,并且向前突出(2)气流从双唇通过时身带振动训练warm,well,while,whetherEqual pay for equal work.同工同筹I wonder whether he will be able to work it out.What up?What do you want?j发音要领:舌面和上腭之间必须有摩擦语音学描述:(1)舌前部尽量向硬腭抬起,气流从舌和硬腭的缝隙间通过时声带振动(2)双唇呈扁平,口型略似i的音(3)半元音不同于元音,不能单独成音,不能延长。但它可以和前边的辅音拼读在一起,又可以像辅音一样和后边的元音拼读在一起。训练huge,use,yard 院子,yield 生产I will meet you at the usual time.Your computer is of great value.Yesterday the young man bought a new yellow suit.元音气流通过口腔不受任何阻碍,同时声带 振动发出响亮的声音前元音,中元音,后元音前元音(i:i e )i:i 发音要领:长短差别,还有音调高低的差别。发长音i:时,可以仿照汉语里边的“衣”音,微笑“一”;短音i可以仿照汉语里边的“意”,短暂,高亢i:语音学描述:(1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部上抬靠近硬腭,舌两侧贴住上齿的两侧(2)口型扁平,上下齿间稍稍分开i 语言学描述:(1)是长音i:的对应短音,但舌位比长音稍低,且稍稍靠后(2)口型扁平,上下齿之间的距离略大于长音i:,可容下一个小拇指尖(3)短暂,高亢训练eat,feel,heat,meal,it,fill,hit,lipbee,deep,tea,keep,bill,dig,kick,tip小费a little bit 一小点,in the east,in three weeks,a big deal 一件重要的事Its freezing.Its easy.Seeing is believing.e e 发音要领:张口不要过大语音学描述:(1)舌尖抵下齿,舌前部稍稍抬起,但舌位低于i (2)口型扁平,上下齿之间可以容下自己的食指尖(3)短音 发音要领:下巴往下拉,张开口,音要放开语音学描述:(1)舌尖轻触下齿,舌前部微微抬起,舌位比e要低(2)双唇向两边平伸,张开口,上下齿间可以容下自己的食指加中指(3)短音训练bed,get,head,lend,bad,gap裂缝,hat,mapcash desk,half the battle,get the sack 被解雇Send him back.That settles it.Lets check in at a hotel.登记后元音(:u:u):发音要领:很汉语里边的“啊”是不一样的,对镜子看舌位,舌头平躺在口腔底部,舌中部稍凸语音学描述:(1)张开口,舌身放平、后缩,舌面微微下凹,舌尖离开下齿训练calm,palm,arm,farm,ask,taskHe laughs best who laughs last.The cars was parked in the farmyard.The fire started when sparks fell on the carpet.:发音要领:双唇收圆,向前突出训练cost,hot,pot,lost,board,forced,cordJohn is a doctor.Oliver is a shopper.Toms got a lot of dots on his sock.Maud is short,Paul is tall.Paul called from the hall.u:u发音要领:嘴唇拢小收圆,同时在发音时要防止双唇阻碍气流泄出u:语音学描述:(1)舌身后缩,舌后部尽量向软腭抬起,舌尖离开下齿(2)双唇收圆并用力向前突出(3)长音u语音学描述:(1)舌身后缩,舌后部向软腭抬起,但舌位比u:稍低,短音,双唇收圆并稍稍向前突出,开口比u:大。训练cool,goose,loose,noon,cook,good,look,woodFool-proof傻瓜也会用的,a cook-book,book a room,a good studentLook at Luke,pulling a poor fool out of the pool in the wood.中元音(:)发音要领:不要张口太大语音学描述:舌尖轻触下齿,舌中部稍稍抬起比较其与后元音:,:开口程度大,且声音靠后训练bus,gun,luck,much,cutcome by bus,a tough nut 大胆果断的人,ugly duckling 丑小鸭They love each other.Well begun is half done.:卷舌音语音学描述:(1)舌身放平,舌中部稍稍抬起(2)双唇向两边拉训练word,work,worm,bird,sailor,brother,color,sufferWork comes first.First come,first serve.The wonderful weather was over.The time of the concert was altered.双元音(eI aI I,a,I e 一个音到另一个音滑动,前长后短,前重后轻训练late,sail,fail,paper,tradewhite,lied,rice,rise,likeboy,choice,coin,boilerHe came on a grey,rainy day.I drive five miles.I was annoyed at the boy for spoiling the toy.bone,tone,code,known,roadfound,how,loud,townThe thing wont grow even slowly in this cold.I saw a large crowd surrounding a house.Fear,India,area,hair,fair,sure,tour,cureThey come here twice a year.The girl with golden hair is comparing the results with great care.I sure this is newer and purer than the drink in that bowl.重音词重音和句子重音(语义上中要的)两个音节以上的单词会出现主重音和词重音,如admiration重音基本规则:1.绝大多数两个或三个音节的单词的重音落在第一个音节上。2.三个或更多音节的单词,重音通常在落在从后面数的第三个音节上,如family phylosophy3.两个或三个音节的单词(含有下列前缀),重读通常在紧跟前缀的那个音节上。前缀有:a,be,com,com,de,em,en,es,ex,im,in,ob,per,pre,pro,sub,trans4.有下列后缀的单词,重读同在落在后缀前面的音节上,后缀有:ian,ic,ical,id,ial,ion,ify,ible,ient,ience,ity,ish,eous,ious,ive,ant5.下列后缀不影响重音位置,ed,es,er,est,or,ary,ory,ment,ous,cy,ry,ty,al,ure,ute,ble,ar,ly,less,ness,fulo,ing5.有些后缀吸引重音到自己身上,如employ employee,此后缀有ain,ee,eer,ier,ade,ival,it is,mental6.有些单词根词性的不同,会有不同的重音位置。重音注意:1.两个名词的合成词,如果第一个名词表示材料,读双重音,如stone-bridge2.两个名词的合成词,如果第一个名词表示第二个名词的用途,重音为单重音,在第一个名词上,如farm tool3.如果第一个名词是第二个名词表示的施动对象时,重音在第一个名词上,如English teacher4.如果是动名词和名词结合,重音在动名词上,如reading-room5.现在分词和名词结合,重音在两者上,如floating boat6.结合而成的形容词,双重音,如hand-made4.专有名词重读第二个,如Easter Sunday句重音重读的词:实词(名词,形容词,数词,动词,副词,指示代词,疑问词,强调词,感叹词)非重读的词:虚词(助词,情态动词,be动词,单音节介词,单音节连词,冠词)节奏I think he wants to go.I think that he wants us to go.I think it was an excellent affair.意群语调升调,降调,平调降调:陈述句,特殊疑问句,祈使句,感叹句,选择疑问句中or之后的部分升调:一般疑问句(一般疑问句有时也用降调,表示一种不耐烦的口气,或表示命令),用于罗列中最后一项之前的各项,陈述句(表示疑问,怀疑,未定,猜测或期待),用于置于句首的状语短语或状语从句,称呼语。平调:用于直接引语后,表示话是谁说的。1.英语发音的两个基本原则“长短分明”“轻重分明”2.学语音的诀窍在于模仿,一听别人,二听自己3.卷舌音是美语的一个重要标志,发卷舌音是以拼写中有“r”为必要前提的,如果拼写中没有“r”,就没必要卷舌。连读前一个词的结尾是辅音,后一个词的开头是元音(读得自然)Keep in touch complimenta remark that shows you admire someone or something,express your praise.Please accept these tickets with our compliments.to say something nice to someone in order to praise themcompliment somebody on somethingBob complimented me on my new hairstyle.The groom was so nervous he forgot to compliment the bridesmaids.主席颁奖时赞美获奖者为人类做出了巨大贡献。When awarding the prize,the chairman complimented the winner on his great contribution to mankind.terrificvery good,especially in a way that makes you feel happy and excited=great:Thats a terrific idea!very good:excellent,fantastic,wonderful,great,terrific,neat(AmE)superb,amazing,outstanding,brilliant,impressive,fine,first-class,out of this worldof good quality:high quality,top quality,superior,deluxe,classymorally good:decent,virtuous,respectable,honourable/honorable,upright,beyond reproachIt was a delightful or pleasant gesture that makes me feel very good and put me in an ecstatic state of mind./It was something very nice that delight me immensely and made me feel wonderful.Mood:the state of feelings or mind at a particular timeHes in one of his moods.他心情不好。a man of moods 喜怒无常的人be in a mood 口心情不好,在生气be in no mood for sth.to do sth.不想做某事,无意做某事be in the a mood for sth.to do sth.想做某事;有做某事的兴致be in a melting mood 心肠软化,易受感动be in the melting mood 感动得要哭,热泪盈眶I bet./You bet.used to say that you are fairly sure that something is true,something is happening etc,although you cannot prove this:I bet you she wont come.used to show that you do not believe what someone has just told you:Im definitely going to give up smoking this time.Yeah,I bet!you bet!Spoken used to emphasize that you agree with someone or are keen to do what they suggest:Going to the party on Saturday?You bet!A carry-on bag(for passenger)barrela large curved container with a flat top and bottom,made of wood or metal,and used for storing beer,wine etc:Barrel(verb)American Englishinformalto move very fast,especially in an uncontrolled way:A vehicle barreled out of a shopping center and crashed into the side of my car.aisleaislegenuinesomeone who is genuine is honest and friendly and you feel you can trust themthe genuine article:something that is real and is not a copy intended to deceive peoplea genuine feeling,desire etc is one that you really feel,not one you pretend to feel=sincereMelt awayCause something to disappear by melting or dissolvingThe sun has melt the snow away.All his support melted away when we really needed it.His anger has melted away in a second.警察到达后,示威的人群逐渐散开。The crowd of demonstrators melted away when the police arrived.irritationthe feeling of being annoyed about something,especially something that happens repeatedly or for a long time:The heavy traffic is a constant source of irritation.irritation at/withsomething that makes you annoyed:The children are just an irritation for him when hes trying to work.a throat irritationRhetorical questionIt need not to be answered and in a falling tone.A negative rhetorical question is close in meaning to but more powerful in tone than a positive statement.This means it does indeed melt away most-if not all,of the irritation you felt.After you hear the genuine apologize,your irritation will naturally disappear.bellmana wee bit:(infml.)a little bit;ratherHe is not feeling a wee bit drunk,though he has been drinking quite a lot of alcohol.Wee:very small-used especially in Scottish English:My wee boy is three.the wee(small)hoursAmerican English the early hours of the morning,just after 12 oclock at night punctualitypunctual adj.准时的;按时的She is always punctual,but her friend is always late.punctual for the class 准时去上课punctual in answering letter 按期回信Punctuality n.严守时刻,准时既然准时是个好习惯,我们应该shi 分注意准时,努力养成这种好习惯。Since punctuality is a good habit,we should pay much attention to it and make great efforts to cultivate this good habit.countvt.,vi.1)点数;数;算to count from 1 to 1002)计算;清点;总计达Count these apples.3)认为;视为;看作count it an honor(to do sth.)(把做某事)引以为荣4)有价值;重要;有用Every second counts.每一秒钟都很重要。cherish珍爱;爱惜;怀念;怀有(感情)He cherished the memory of his departed youth.(喻)他缅怀他那一去不复返的青春年华。cherish fond dreams of做.的美梦cherish a deep love for 热爱routinethe usual order in which you do things,or the things you regularly do:Johns departure had upset their daily routine.my daily exercise routineDressing is a task which we do every day as a matter of routine(done regularly and not unusual).a set of movements,jokes etc that form part of a performance:A dance routineTake the person for granted:be so familiar with the other person(your spouse)that you no longer appreciate his or her full value;treat the other person with little attention or concern;not recognize his or her value.We must not take our family members for granted.Part 4This is the concluding paragraph in which the writer advances his opinion that good manners are infectious and expresses his sincere wish that everyone would be polite and show good manners.1.Do you believe that good manners are infectious?Exemplify your answer.If parents have good manners,their children will follow suit and behave politely.2.Is it possible for anyone and everyone to show good manners?It takes time and calls for much education.infectiousan infectious illness can be passed from one person to another,especially through the air you breathe:infectious diseases/Flu is highly infectious.infectious feelings or laughter spread quickly from one person to anotheran infectious smile/infectious enthusiasmGood manners are easy to catch./Good manners can easily be passed from one person to another./Good manners have favorable,impressive and very good influence on people.Now,how wonderful it would be if we were able to have everyone behave politely towards another.Shudder&shake(unit one)Shudder:to shake for a short time because you are afraid or cold,or because you think something is very unpleasantShudder at/with sth./to do sth.But if a vehicle or machine shudders,it shakes violently.Shake:to move suddenly from side to side or up and down,usually with a lot of force,or to make something or someone do thisShe shook him to wake him up.shake rattle wobble vibrate shudder judder joltRattle:to shake and repeatedly hit against sth.making continuous noise.Wobble:it moves from side to side because it is not steady and or not well balanced.Vibrate:to shake continuously with very small,very fast movements,eg.the effect of big noiseJolt:move up and down with sudden large movements,eg.machine is not working well.Compliment&praiseCompliment:a remark that shows you admire someone or something v,n,say good things aboutPraise:to say that you admire and approve of someone or something,especially publicly criticizeto praise someone a lot:rave about,gush,sing somebodys praises,speak highly of to praise someone in an insincere way:flatter,butter upCommendation:(formal)an official statement praising someone,especially someone who has been brave or very successfulFlattery:praise that you do not really meanflattery will get you nowhere/everywhereused humorously when someone has praised you and you want to say that you will help them or not help them Appreciate&enjoyAppreciate means“to be thankful or grateful for something,”as well as“to like or value something for its good qualities.”Enjoy is to find pleasure and satisfaction in doing something,and often appears in the structure of“enjoy oneself,”meaning“take pleasure in a situation one is in.”Precious:something that