组织中的人际冲突和解决方法 组织中的冲突是组织存在和发展中不可避免的现象,冲突是一种潜在的或公开的一种确定性行为。我们把冲突定义为一种过程,在这个过程中,一方努力去抵消另一方的封锁行为,这种行为将妨碍他达到目标或损害他的利益。组织中的冲突按层次可分为人际冲突、部门冲突和群体冲突,而人际冲突是指组织中个人与个人之间因互动行为所导致不和谐的状态,这是各种冲突的基础,本文重点阐述组织中的人际冲突和解决方法。一、关于组织中人际冲突的基本认识即使人们在企业中的根本性目标是一致的,但它并不意味着组织内部各成员之间具体的目标与利益的一致,所以,在组织中矛盾与冲突就是不可避免的。美国的一位管理学教授巴达维就指出:“倘若双方或多方对某些目标、价值或行为的看法不一致,相互排斥,便会产生冲突。”。人际冲突在企业组织中是不会消失的,只要人是组织的参与者,那么冲突也会参与到组织中来。长期以来,人们对于组织中的冲突有着三种不同的观点。第一种观点是传统的观点,认为冲突本身表明了组织内部的机能失调,被认为是有害的,应该避免冲突。第二种观点是人际关系的观点,认为冲突是任何组织不可避免的必然产物,但它并不一定会导致不幸,而是可能成为有利于组织工作的积极动力。第三种观点是互动的观点,认为冲突不仅可以成为组织中的积极动力,而且其中一些冲突对于组织或组织单元的有效运作是绝对必要的。 其实,互动的观点并不是说所有的冲突都是好,一些冲突会支持群体的目标,并能提高群体的工作绩效,它们是具有建设性的、功能正常的冲突。但也有一些冲突阻碍了群体的工作绩效,它们是具有破坏的、功能失调的冲突。一般来说,重人际关系的冲突都是功能失调的,而低水平的过程型冲突与中、低水平的任务型冲突都是功能正常的。然而,积极与消极是在人们努力之下可以进行有条件的转化的。因此,组织中管理者的工作之一就是要转化不良的人际关系,变消极为积极,充分化解内部人际冲突,使员工都能在和谐的关系中得到激励。二、关于组织中人际冲突产生的原因 组织中人际冲突之所以发生,可能是利益相关者对若干议题的认知、意见、需求、利益不同,或是基本道德观、宗教信仰不同等因素所致。组织中的人际冲突是很难来量化的,但一般说来,包括以下几方面:组织中权力、利益的争斗。当一个职位低下的员工看着略高于其位的那人的能力并不比他强时,就很可能不服气,与之明争暗斗,同时,各个个体只考虑本位利益而引起利益冲突最终引发冲突。职责范围、责任归属不清。由于组织中授予员工的工作模糊不清或是职责范围重叠,人们之间就很容易引发冲突。 信息传递受阻或谬误。由于人际之间或群体之间缺乏信息交流、互相不了解而造成隔阂,也会产生冲突。 知识、观念、价值观的不同。当人们的知识、经验不同,对问题看法存在分歧,或者价值观的不同,对同一事物会存在不同的看法,从而引发冲突。 工作中存在着竞争。人们有表现自己、实现自己价值的愿望,人们总希望自己在组织中有所作为,发表意见展示自己的才能,并希望这些意见为别人所接受,这也是冲突的来源。 情绪的影响。情绪是很微妙的,它的变化足以使组织平静的生活掀起不小的波澜,也容易导致冲突。 三、关于组织中人际冲突的一般过程组织中的人际冲突一般可以划分为五个阶段:(1)潜在的对立或不一致。冲突过程的第一步存在可能产生冲突的条件,如沟通中的误解、沟通渠道中的“噪声”、组织任务专业化程度、领导风格、个人的价值系统和个性特征等,这些条件并不一定导致冲突,但它们是冲突产生的必要条件。(2)认知和个性化。认知到冲突是冲突存在的必要条件,只有发展到情感上的冲突时,即个性化的冲突时,冲突才真的变成现实。(3)行为意向。行为意向介于一个人的认知、情感和外显行为之间,是指从事某种特定行为的决策,如竞争、回避、合作、迁就、妥协等行为意向。(4)冲突行为。冲突行为是指冲突双方为实现各自的愿望所开展的活动和表现出的态度等。(5)冲突结果。冲突双方之间的行为必然带来冲突的最后结果,这些结果可能是功能正常的,即冲突提高了群体的工作绩效;也可能是功能失调的,即冲突降低了群体的工作绩效。四、组织中人际冲突的主要解决方法冲突发生之后,必须迅速地处理,否则它将如火山爆发,对企业的发展带来损害,或如烈性传染病,引发企业中深层次的矛盾,对企业中依然存在的健全良好的人际关系起摧毁性作用,甚至扩散、升级为更大的仇视,最终酿成不可挽回的悲剧。 解决冲突的主要方法是让冲突双方一起来审视存在的分歧和矛盾,找出冲突背后需要解决的具体问题,通过冲突双方自我调整,而后找出解决途径,使冲突得以解决。但这种可能性并不大,因为人在盛怒之下是很难去对自我进行剖析的。在冲突双方不愿或不能通过自我解决冲突时,就需要第三者介入、制度约束等。因此,在实际解决组织中的冲突时,应当根据冲突的不同性质,采取适当的方法加以处理。通常,解决冲突的方法主要有:竞争。指的是一个在冲突然袭击中,寻求自我利益的满足,而不考虑他人的影响。在正式的组织中,这些输赢的斗争经常通过正式的权威,双方利用各自的权力取得胜利。协作。指的是冲突双方将均希望满足两方利益,并寻求相互受益的结果,通常被认为是双赢的方法。回避。指的是一个人可能意识到了冲突的存在,但希望逃避它或抑制它。当冲突双方都认识到事实上的差距,双方都各自为界,采取漠不关心、希望避免公开表示异议等态度,这就是回避。迁就。指的是为了维持相互关系,一方愿意做出自我牺牲,如夫妻双方有矛盾时,通常是一方优先考虑对方的利益而迁就对方。折中。指的是冲突双方都放弃某些东西而共同分享利益,愿意共同承担冲突问题,并接受一种双方都达不到彻底满足的解决办法。第三者裁决。由超越于冲突双方之上的权威人士或组织对冲突做出裁决,判定哪一方有理。采取这种做法时,管理者对冲突双方一定要公正,不能有偏袒。 另外,对于管理者来说,对冲突的处理也不可采用单一策略,在解决冲突时要针对不同的冲突内容与程度选择相应的策略,如合作策略、折中策略、调和策略等。 压制冲突。由上级下达命令或建立一定法规,以压制冲突。这个办法能收效一时,但并没有消除冲突的根源。转移目标。寻找一个外部的竞争者,把冲突双方的注意力转向外部。通过转移目标,可以转移冲突双方的视线,进而弱化双方之间业已存在的矛盾。重组群体。如果组织中某个群体冲突长期得不到解决,则会影响组织的整体效率,可果断的将该群体解散,重新组织。通过工作再设计、工作调动、建立新型合作关系等方式,减少或者防止过激的冲突发生。五、如何运用谈判解决组织中的人际冲突谈判是指双方或多方互换商品和服务,并试图对他们的交换比率达成协议的过程,是处理冲突的重要措施。在今天以团队为基础的组织中,成员们越来越发现自己与同事之间,没有直接的权力关系,他们之间也没有一个共同的上司进行领导,谈判几乎渗透到组织中每一个人之间的相互作用之中。谈判有分配谈判和综合谈判两种基本方法。分配谈判最显著的特点是在“零和”条件下运作,也就是说,一方所获得的任何收益恰恰是另一方所付出的代价,如劳资双方对工资的谈判,就是典型的例子。在进行分配谈判时主要是试图使对手同意你的具体目标点或尽可能接近它。综合谈判是基于这样的假设解决问题的,即至少有一种处理办法能得到“双赢”的结果。在运用谈判解决组织中人际冲突时,我们要注意以下几个问题:一是防止阻碍有效谈判的决策偏见。如非理性地增加投入、过于自信;二是防止个性特征在谈判中的主导作用。要求我们在每一次谈判中,应更关注的是事件本身和情境因素,而不是你的对手和他的特质;三是重视谈判中的性别差异。性别的差异会影响谈判的结果,例如,女人在谈判中更富于合作性,对谈判的信心较低;四是重视文化差异对谈判风格的影响。如法国人喜欢冲突,他们常常通过思考和反驳他人观点而获得认可,提高声誉。在运用谈判解决组织中人际冲突时,提高谈判技巧至关重要。那么我们如何提高谈判技巧,来提高谈判效率,关键要做好以下几项工作:一是研究你的对手。尽可能多地获得你的对手的兴趣和目标,预测他对你建议的反应,帮助你达成协议而不损害对手的利益;二是以积极主动的态度开始谈判。以积极主动的态度开始谈判,也许只是一个小小的让步,但它会得到对方同样让步的酬答;三是对事不对人。着眼于谈判问题本身,而不针对对手的个人特点,应做到把事和人区分开来,不要使差异人格化;四是不要太在意最补的报价。把最补的报价仅仅看作是谈判的出发点,它们可能是很极端、很理想化的;五是强调双赢解决方式。如果条件许可,最好寻求综合的解决办法,能够使你和对手均成功;六是建构开放和信任的气氛。有经验的谈判者是个好听众,他们更多询问问题,更直接地关注对方的提议,更少防卫性,并避免使用会激怒对手的词汇,如“公平的价格”、“合理的安排”等。六、结论并非一切冲突都是破坏性和消极的,适度的、建设性的冲突将有利于组织的变革,是组织创新的催化剂。但由于组织中的冲突既存在建设性冲突,又存在破坏性冲突,我们要根据实际情况,对建设性冲突要进行鼓励,而对破坏性冲突则要进行缓和。在解决组织中的冲突要注意维持适度的冲突,而管理重要的冲突,解决冲突时应避免情绪化泛滥,利用谈判技巧,重点解决不可解决的冲突,形成反省自我的习惯,以缓和组织中的人际关系,提高组织的管理效率。 参考文献:1、组织冲突 郑士贵 管理科学文摘 2003年第1期2、组织冲突的若干问题 陈哓东 经济科学 2004年第2期3、有效处理冲突的方法 王连城 领导科学 1999年第3期4、企业中的冲突管理 周太忠 管理科学文摘 1999年第9期5、组织行为学精要 郑晓明 葛春生 译 电子工业出版社 2005年第8版 Interpersonal conflict and solution in organization The conflict is an ineluctable phenomenon in the existence and development of the organization, the conflict is a kind of potential or existent behavior. We define the conflict as a kind of process. In this process, the one tries to countervail the others blocked behavior, which will prevent them from attaining their goals, or damaging their benefits. The conflict in the organization can be divided into three tiers : interpersonal, departmental and collective conflict. The interpersonal conflict means an inharmonic state which results from interactional behavior between individuals in the organization. It is the basis of different conflicts .We focus on elaborating the interpersonal conflict and its solutions here. The Basic Opinion of the Interpersonal Conflict in Organization.The ultimate goals in organization is uniform , but that doesnt mean that the material goals and benefits of every member in organization are the same. Therefore, contradiction and conflict in organization are unavoidable. Badawed, a management professor of America has pointed out:" If two or more sides have different opinions on goals, values and behaviors , they will repulse each other, which will lead to conflict". The interpersonal conflict in organization will not disappear as long as the person is a participant, the conflict will continue to exist in the organization.For a long time, there are three kinds of viewpoints on conflicts within the organization. The first is a traditional one, considering that the conflict indicated the internal function of the organization is imbalanced and harmful, therefore we should avoid the conflict. The second is the viewpoint of individual relationship considering that conflict is an ineluctable and inevitable outcome in any organization, but it doesnt lead to distress, possibly it can become a positive motive which benefits the organization. The third is an interactive viewpoint , considering that conflict can become not only the positive factor within organization, but also some are absolutely necessary to the effective operation of the organization or organization unit. In fact, an interactive viewpoint does not mean that all of conflicts are good. Some support collective goals and improve the whole performance. They are constructive and well-balanced conflicts.But some preclude the collective performance. They are destructive and imbalanced. Generally speaking, the conflict which emphasizes the relationship is always imbalanced, but the low- level, process conflict and the medium or low-level task conflict are well-balanced. However, positive and negative can be reversed by efforts of the people involved. One of the governor's responsibilities is to change the negative interpersonal relationship, make negative into positive, dissolve the interpersonal conflict completely, and encourage employees to develop in a harmonious relationship. What is the causal factor of interpersonal conflict in organization? Possibly some people have a different understanding or concept regarding some topics ,or the causal factor might result from differences in moral concept ,faith and so on .The interpersonal conflict in organization can not be estimated with quantities, but generally speaking, including several following aspects:Competing for Organizations Power or Benefits. When a person in a lower category realizes that the person in a higher category does not display leadership qualities, he may feel disaffected and friction will result. It is human nature that each person seeks to advance. This can cause conflict of interest and lead to serious personnel problems.Unclear Responsible Scope and Possession.Conflict arises easily in people because organization hasnt reasonably assigned specific mission to various employees.Information Doesnt Transmit Smoothly.The lack of communication between people or units may cause misunderstanding and conflict.Different Knowledge, Concepts and Values. When peoples knowledge or experience is different, perceptions of the problem exist. This also can lead to conflicts.Competition Exists in Work.People want to express themselves and demonstrate their abilities. Naturally they wish to realize their goals and state their opinions. This is human nature, and as such, can also lead to conflict with some individuals in the organization. The Influence of Emotion.Emotions are very delicate, however, it is not the writers intention to venture into the field of psychology, but the title of this paragraph is self-evident . The Process of Interpersonal Conflict in Organization.Interpersonal conflict can be divided into five stages:Potential Opposition or Disagreement .The first step is the condition of the conflict, such as misunderstanding in communication or outside distraction. Confusion in the manner of communication on the part of other individuals within the organization is another possible cause of conflict.Understanding and Individuation.Understanding the conflict is an essential condition. Only when the conflict develops to an emotional level, namely, characteristic conflict, the conflict actually becomes real.Behavior Intention.The behavior intention consists in one's understanding, emotion and the outside behavior .It is a decision-making about a certain kind of special behavior, such as the competition, obviation, cooperation, indulgence, compromise and so on.Conflict Behavior.The conflict behavior means both sides ongoing activities and expressed attitudes to carry out their dream must exist. Conflict Outcome.The behavior between both sides brings the ultimate result of conflict consequently, these results may be function well-balanced, that is to say, conflict improves collective performance ;they also may be imbalanced, that is to say, the conflict reduces collective performance. The Main Methods of the Solution of Interpersonal Conflicts in Organization. After conflict occurs, we must deal with it rapidly lest it causes great damage in the development of the enterprise as for example, a volcano breaking out or as a severe infectious disease brings out the contradiction. It destroys the interpersonal relationship and brings about pessimism. The main method for conflict solution is to let both sides of confliction to work toward finding out the cause of the problem so that conflict can be settled. But it may be not possible for a person to examine himself when he or she is angry. When both sides of the conflict find it impossible to settle the dispute by themselves , it is needed for a third party to intercede. As a result, we should use proper methods to settle the conflict. Usually, the main methods for settling conflicts are: Competition. In a competitive environment as long as the competing parties have an even playing field and both parties have a clear understanding of the rules, there should be no cause for conflict.Cooperation. It means the ability of all parties to follow a mutually agree upon course of action to accomplish a goal. Obviation. It means that one party may realize that there is a conflict, but its natural that he should want to avoid it. When both sides realize that a problem exists , they will take another approach in order to avoid making the conflict public.Indulge. It means that one side is likely to sacrifice himself in order to maintain the mutual relationship. For example, when a couple has argument, usually one of them indulges the other in consideration of the interests of the spouse.Split the difference. It means that both sides of the conflict give up something to share the common interest. They would like to face the problem and accept a solution which cant fulfill the complete satisfaction of both. The third party verdict. In order to determine which side is more reasonable , the opinion of a third party is recommended .Judged by the authority To employ this method, the management should be fair with both sides. In addition, the settlement of conflict can not use a single strategy. We should use different strategies which adapt to the content and degree of the conflict ,such as collaborative strategy, splitting strategy, the regularity strategy, and so on.Suppress Conflict. The superior may give an order or make a rule to suppress conflict. This method can be effective in the short term, but it cannot eliminate the root of the conflict.Transfer the Goals .Effort should be made to alter both sides attention by seeking the opinion of a third party. It can change both their viewpoints through transferring the goals, thus weakening the contradiction which has already existed in both sides. Reorganize the Community.If a certain collective conflict in organization cannot be resolved over a long period of time, then it can affect the morale and efficiency of the group .You can dismiss the community and reorganize it .This can decrease or prevent increased conflict resulting from work redesigned, work transferred or building up of the new cooperative relationship. How to Make Use of Negotiation to Solve the Interpersonal Conflicts in an Organization?Negotiation means two or more parties exchange information regarding prices , terms and conditions of both merchandise and services .The objective of this exchange of information is to arrive at fair and equitable prices and terms .They also must consider the agreement on their ratio of the exchange. It is the most important to resolve the conflict .Today in the organization which is based on the group ,the members find that there is no direct authority between the colleagues and themselves ,and they have no common leaders among themselves. The negotiation almost infiltrates the interaction between each person in the organization.The negotiation includes two basic kinds of methods. One is the distributive bargaining and the other is integrative bargaining. The most remarkable characteristics of the former is that it ought to be operated under the condition which means “lose-lose” , in other words, any profit that one side attains is just the cost that another side pays. The negotiation about the wages between labor and capital is a typical example .You must try to persuade your opponent to agree to your specific goal or approach it possibly, while you are carrying on the distributive bargaining. The integrative bargaining solves problems according to the following assumptions: there is a way of handling the situation in which can get the result of" win-win" at least. When we are resolving interpersonal conflict through the negotiation,we must pay attention to the list questions:First is to avoid the prejudice which precludes one from negotiating efficiently,such as increasing