通往GTD的一百步中英雙語版l The Basics初段大約實踐時間為三至六個月。l Intermediate中級大約實踐時間為六個月以上。l Advanced高級這一百步越往前,越是形式化的東西比較多越往後,越是感悟方面比較多。l Mastery大師在大師級中,我們看到的更多是成果的描述。如果說前面的步驟是因,後面的步驟就是果。大師級境界,堅持至少一年以上。01. I have read Getting Things Done from front to back. 我已經從頭到尾讀完了Getting Things Done這本書。 02. I have a calendar, which is always on hand. 我隨身攜帶日程表。03. I use my calendar for appointments and day-specific items only. 我只用日程表記錄約會和有固定日期的活動。04. I have a physical inbox, which I use daily. 我有一個真的收件箱(不是電子版)而且每天都用。 05. I have an email program, set up the way I want it. 我有一個電子郵箱,按照我所希望的方式設置妥當。06. I have voice mail, set up the way I want it. 我有一個語音信箱,按照我所希望的方式設置妥當。 07. I always have a way to capture ideas and get them out of my head, in all contexts (notepad, laptop, voice recorder, etc.). 我有辦法隨時記錄自己的想法,無論用筆記本、電腦還是錄音筆。08. I have a place or places to keep Next Actions lists, accessible in the right context. 我在合適的地方和場合保存有“下一步活動”列表。 09. I have a Master Projects List. 我有一個主要項目列表。 10. I have listened to GTD on audiobook. 我聽過GTD語音讀物。 11. I have a list for tracking “Waiting For” items. 我記錄“待處理”事件列表。 12. I have lists for tracking “loaned out stuff” and “stuff I'm borrowing.” 我有一個借出借入清單。 13. I have a folder marked "inbox" on my computer for downloaded files. 在我的電腦上有一個專門存放下載檔的目錄。 14. I have a tickler file or reminder system in place which is fun and fast to use. 我有一個輕鬆快捷的提醒檔或者方法。 15. I have a paper file system which is fun and fast to use, perhaps using an automatic labeler. 我有一個輕鬆快捷地使用紙筆記錄的方式,比如使用自動標籤條。 16. I only have physical actions on my Next Actions listsno multi-step projects. 在我的“下一步活動”列表中都是可執行的活動,沒有仍然包含多個步驟的專案。 17. I have a weekly review scheduled for each week. 我每週都做計畫回顧。 18. I maintain a "Someday/Maybe list", and regularly review and update this list during daily and weekly reviews. 我維護一個“以後也許會做的事情”的清單,並且定期審閱、修改。 19. I have dedicated physical office space set up. 我有一個固定的辦公空間。 20. I have all the office supplies I need (p. 92). 我有所有需要的辦公用品。 21. I have mobile office space set up, if needed. 如果需要,我有一個移動辦公空間。 22. My computer files are set up for maximum productivity. 我的電腦檔以最高效率的方式安排妥當。 23. I attend a weekly productivity group centered around the GTD methods. 我每週參加一個以GTD方法為中心的高效小組的活動。24. For the first 6 months of implementing my GTD system, and often thereafter as needed, I keep a GTD journal in which I write a “how'd I do?” update nightly. 在我頭六個月實施GTD的過程中,每天晚上以“我如何去做”為題寫GTD日記。 25. I review my notes from my GTD journal weekly and monthly to keep myself improving and on track. 我每週和每月回顧GTD日記,掌握自己的進步。>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>初級階段 小結26. I have been using the GTD system consistently for 3-6 months. 我已經堅持實施GTD3到6個月。27. I have read Getting Things Done twice or more. 我已經讀了兩遍Getting Things Done。28. I have listened to GTD on audiobook so much I can impersonate David Allen's voice with an eerie accuracy. 我已經聽了很多遍Getting Things Done的有聲讀物,已經耳熟能詳。 29. I consistently follow up on “waiting for” items. 我總是讓“待做事項”有始有終。30. I consistently follow up on “loaned out stuff” and “stuff I'm borrowing.” 我總是保持“借出/借入”清單有借有還。31. I consistently clear out my email inbox to 0 every day by 5pm. 我總是保證電子郵件收件箱在每天下午五點以前被處理完。32. I consistently clear out my physical inbox to empty every day by 5pm. 我總是保證下午五點前處理完桌子上的收件箱。33. I consistently clear out my voice mail every day by 5pm. 我總是在下午五點前處理完語音留言。34. I consistently clear out my computer folder marked ”inbox“ daily by 5pm. 我總是每天處理完我的電腦裏的收件箱目錄。35. I consistently clear out any other “inboxes” (e.g. voice recorders, notepads, etc. with unsorted “stuff”) every day by 5pm. 我總是在每天五點前處理完各種收件箱系統。36. I always do my weekly review, scheduled for the same time weekly. 我堅持在固定時間完成每週總結。37. I have no unsorted papers anywhere besides my physical inbox, project files, and reference files. 我沒有在任何地方毫無頭緒的堆放沒有整理過檔資料。38. I have a file cleanout day scheduled in my tickler file or calendar for once or twice a year. 在我的提示系統或者日程表中安排每年有幾天專門清理檔。39. I have my other altitudes specified (p. 200), and I update them at least quarterly, with a reminder in my tickler file or calendar. 如果有對人生不同層次的各種目標,在我的提示系統或者日程表中每季度安排幾天總結這些目標。 40. I reconnect with my higher altitudes at least weekly, usually daily in the morning to keep me inspired. 至少每週反省一下自己對人生的更高目標,比如在每天早上,激勵自己。41. My Master Projects List is regularly updated at least weekly. 每週定期審閱更新自己的主要項目列表。42. I often do a preview at the start of my day, and a mini-review at the end of my day. 早上為一天做準備工作,晚上做回顧。43. I am familiar with the major GTD online tools and their strengths and weaknesses. 熟悉主流GTD線上工具,以及它們的優缺點。44. I have found online and/or paper tools that work best for me and my GTD system which I use every day. 我找到了適合我,並每日使用的GTD系統,無論是線上系統還是紙筆。45. When clearing my inboxes, I start at the top and take each item one at a time until it is processed (instead of skipping around to what's easiest). 清理我的收件箱時,我會從頭處理到尾,而不是突然去做其中某項看上去很容易的。46. I am familiar with mind mapping, and either use software or paper to do mind maps when useful. 我熟悉腦圖的使用,能夠使用軟體或者紙筆在合適的時候做腦圖。47. I know the 5 steps of the Natural Planning Model by heart (p. 56), and use it for personal project planning and for facilitating meetings. 我瞭解五個自然計畫模式的步驟,使用它們來指導個人計畫和安排會議。48. I know the Threefold Model for uating Daily Work by heart (p. 196), and refer to it often during the course of the day, or do so intuitively. 我瞭解評價每日工作優先順序的三重模型,並且按照這種方式安排工作,或者我找到了更好的方法。 49. I know the Four-Criteria Model for Choosing Actions in the Moment by heart (p. 192), and actually work that way, or I have found something that works even better. 我瞭解選擇行動的四條準則,並且按照這種方式工作,或者找到了更好的方法。50. I have experimented with GTDGmail or some other productivity enhancing email software, and found what works best for me. 我嘗試過GTDGmail等高效的email軟體,或者找到了更好的適合我的方法。>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>中級階段 小結51. I have been using the GTD system for 6 months or more, every day. 我已經堅持使用GTD系統超過六個月。52. I am subscribed to GTD Connect and have listened to much of the material there. 我訂閱了GTD Connect並聽過其中很多內容。53. I have listened to the 43 Folders podcasts with David Allen. 我聽過43 folders關於David Allen的podcast 54. I have coached 3 people in successfully implementing GTD into their lives. 我成功幫助三個人實施GTD方法。55. I've read David Allen's other book Ready for Anything, and several other books on personal productivity. 我閱讀過David Allen的其他關於個人效率的書籍。56. I get into a flow state when working about 1/4 to 1/2 of the time now. 我在每天1/4到1/2的工作時間中已經達到行雲流水的工作狀態。57. I don't ever carry anything in my head that could be put into my system, and many times during the day I download ideas, next actions, and projects to my lists. 如果能在我的系統中記錄的東西,我從不把它們裝在腦子裏。每天我都會記錄下我的想法、下一步要做的事情和項目。58. I have read Getting Things Done at least twice, and used it so much for reference it is dog-eared and has notes on almost every page. 我已經讀爛了Getting Things Done,上面滿是我的筆記。59. I always return phone calls within 24 hours, usually within 2-12 hours, with none lost or forgotten. 要回的電話我都會24小時內回復,從不遺忘。60. I respond to all emails within 24 hours (usually much sooner), and none get lost or forgotten. 要回的信件也都會在24小時內回復。61. When I put something into my inbox, I completely trust that it will get done.or I know why it's not getting done and am comfortable with it. 如果我在收件箱裏放入什麼東西,我確信自己總會搞定它,或者我心安理得的知道為什麼還沒有做完。62. When I commit to doing something for someone, I completely trust that I will do it.or I'll let them know ahead of time why I can't complete it. 如果我答應別人做什麼事情,我一定完全相信自己會去做,否則我會及時告訴別人我做不了。63. That low-level anxiety I used to feel around my "stuff" and my work is completely gone. 對需要處理的各種事情和工作不再有低層次水準的焦慮感。64. My mind is like water, clear and calm, and I never think about anything I don't want to more than once. 心止如水,我不需要的東西我從不看第二眼。65. My paper filing system is completely up-to-date, always. 我的檔系統總是得到即時更新。66. I am the most organized person of anyone I know, by far (except other GTD-masters!). 我是我所認識的人中最有條理的。67. I never drop the ball on any project or task. 我從沒有搞砸任何一項工作。68. I can't remember the last time something "fell through the cracks" in my system. 我已經記不得上次無法按照自己的GTD系統工作是什麼時候了。69. I get frustrated with people who drop the ball on things, because I honestly can't understand their perspective anymore. 我看到別人搞砸自己的工作就不爽,因為我已經無法理解他們怎麼會那樣。70. I get regular coaching from someone with at least 4 years experience with GTD. 我從有4年GTD成功經驗的人那裏得到指導。71. I am familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of the GTD system because I've read and studied other productivity systems. 我瞭解GTD系統的優缺點,因為我已經開始研究其他的效率系統。72. My system is automatic and almost never requires discipline or will to follow through. 我的系統已經變成習慣,不再需要勉強自己執行。73. I can clearly see how my daily work connects all the way up and down my altitudes. 我清楚看到自己的每日工作是如何讓自己達到人生的一個個高度的。74. I am so productive and clear that new creative ideas are bursting forth like never before.and I have a way to capture them and make them real, if I choose to. 我感到自己如此的高效和清醒,以至於我的創造力前所未有的爆發,並且我有辦法抓住它們,將它們實現,只要我願意。75. I can always say no with integrity, because I always know what's on my plate and what's important. 我會堅定的說“不”,因為我總是清楚自己該做什麼,什麼對自己來說最重要。>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>高級階段 小結76. I have been using the GTD system for 12 months or more, very consistently. 我已經堅持使用GTD系統達一年之久。77. My system has been squeaky clean for over 6 months. 我的系統已經超穩定運行達六個月之久。78. My system has gone through several evolutions, changing tools as needed to improve productivity, adapting to my life appropriately. 我的系統已經經過數次升級,為提高效率更換過工具,以適合我的生活方式。79. I have coached over 10 people in successfully implementing GTD into their lives, who have sustained their systems for over 6 months. 我已經成功指導過10個人實施GTD系統,最久的超過六個月。80. I easily arrive at all appointments 10 minutes early, well-prepared, with a calm and peaceful mind. 所有約會,我都能輕鬆地提前10分鐘赴約,並且做好準備,頭腦清醒。81. I am usually in a flow state when working. 我在工作中總是處於一種行雲流水的狀態。82. I never drink caffeine or eat sugar anymoremy work naturally energizes me. 我從不用咖啡或者糖來刺激自己。工作本身自然地激勵我。83. I don't work with people who let things drop through the cracks anymore, unless I absolutely have to, or unless they are my GTD coaching client. 除非萬不得已,我不和做事沒條理的人一起工作。84. I am known for consistently under-promising and over-delivering on my commitments to others. 我是眾所周知的說到做到的人。85. I exercise regularly according to an intelligent plan that is best for my body and is leading towards ever-improving health, strength, aerobic capacity, flexibility, andoverall fitness. 我按照一個明智的計畫鍛煉身體,促進自己的健康、力量、心肺功能、靈活性和健壯。86. I get up at the same time early every morning, right when my alarm goes off, and immediately enter the GTD flow, with relaxed focus. 我每天定時早起,然後輕鬆自如的進入GTD狀態。87. I have a regular spiritual practice, scheduled daily or weekly, which I consistently follow. 我定期做心靈訓練。88. I have a list of books for personal/spiritual/career development which I consistently burn through, perhaps by scheduling reading time at regular times of the day or week. 我有一個個人事業成長的讀書列表,定期完成。89. I regularly try out new productivity tools, but only when there is a real need, not for the sake of "productivity prone". 我經常嘗試新的效率工具,但只在最需要的時候,不是為了嘗試而嘗試。 90. When I commit to something, it's as good as done, no matter how hard or how many steps it will take. 當我承諾要做什麼事,那件事就算完成了,無論要花多少精力,有多麻煩。91. Project planning and mind mapping are as easy and automatic as breathing to me. 專案計畫和腦圖對我來說就象呼吸一樣自然。92. I've delegated or automatized many of my regular errands, to the point where I rarely do errands anymore. 我把很多日常雜事分配給別人或者自動化,以至於不需要在親自去完成。93. I'm surrounded by people who are as productive as me. 我周圍都是和我一樣高效的人。94. I have several mentors who are orders of magnitude more productive than me, whom I meet with regularly. 我有幾個比我更高效的導師,並經常去拜訪他們。95. My living space is like a zen templeeverything accounted for, everything purposefully and consciously attended to. 我的生活空間就象一個禪師宗廟,每件事有始有終。96. My office space is meditatively state-changingpeople regularly comment on how peaceful they feel when they sit at my desk. 我都辦公室可以讓人專注凝神半個。人們常常說在我的桌旁坐著感到多麼的平和。97. I could, if I chose to, make a comfortable living teaching personal productivityI have people asking me about it constantly, without me saying anything first. 如果我願意,我可以靠教別人怎麼高效生活為生。實際上我還沒有提,已經有人這麼要求我了。98. I could write my own book on productivity.or maybe I already have. 我可以自己寫一本關於效率的書。或者我已經寫了。99. I tend to reach my goals earlier and with greater ease than expected. 我總是比自己預料的更早的時候達到自己的目標。100. Workand lifeis ecstasy, bliss, pure joy. 工作和生活,其樂無窮。>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>大師階段 小結