新时代交互英语第二册读写译答案Unit7 keys to exercisesApply the strategy:Arguments forArguments againstThe identical twins, rated their happinessor despairalmost the same.Much of happiness comes from other things such as family, friends and accomplishmentIdentical twins separated at birth and raised in different families has almost the same feelings of happiness or despair.People can influence their feelings of well-beings.Peoples basic personality is biological, passed down as a pattern of interacting genes.Counseling such as psychotherapy can help people to change their outlook, and everyday activies such as reading books or gardening can keep people above their happiness”norm”.Genes known to control the brain chemicals serotonin and dopamine may be both associated with pleasure and mood.Happiness cannot be measured simply by asking people whether they are happy on a questionaire and they need to be observed more scientifically.After you read:!. comprehension of the text:1. There is a link between genetic similarity and feelings of happiness.2. He viewed it as strong proof that people inherit their temperament.3. They do not view their results from a strict genetic viewpoint. Instead, they believe that people can influence their feeling of well-being.4. Hamers critics say that genes may only indirectly influence some of the similarities in the twins answers on the questionaire.5. Researchers cannot measure happiness simply by asking people whether they are happy on a questionaire.6. Firstly, happy people like themselves; secondly, happe people feel that they control over their lives; thirdly, happy people are optimistic, and fourthly, happy people are extroverts.7. No, the debate will continue.Vocabulary and structure:1. Complete the sentences:1.norms 2. proof 3. viewpoint 4. inherited 5. despair 6. lack, 7. particular 8. undertook 9. promted 10. response2. rewrite each sentence:1. were alomost no different from the responses of unrelated pairs of people.2. also studies a smaller group of identical twins who had been separated at birth and raised in different families.3. may also have a tentdency to hide their true feelings.4. may be those known to control the brain chemicals serotonin and dopamine, both associated with pleasure and mood.5. that genetic predisposition is only part of the equation is backed up by other research.4. Banked Cloze:1. H 2.L 3.E 4. A 5. K 6. B 7. M 8. I 9. D 10. J5.Translation:1. Complete the sentences:1. half of whom were identical2. the underlying factors leading to happiness3. showed a genetic link to happiness4. rather than just ask them if they are happy5. no matter where they lived or worked2. translate from E to C:1. 这个研究证实了相同基因与快乐感之间的关联。2. 哈默认为,对双胞胎的研究有力证明了人的性情来自遗传。3. 人的基本个性具有生物学特征,能以一种相互作用的基因模型遗传下来。4. 他赞同特里根的观点,认为人们可以影响自身的快乐感。5. 总之,关于快乐的能力是否源于基因遗传,以及什么样的行为在多大程度上影响着快乐,这场争论还在继续。Writing:Behavioral geneticist Dean Hmer believes that genes play a part in making peoples moods. He analyzed studies of the sense of well-being experienced by sets of twins and found that ehry showed a link between gentic silimarity and feeling aof happienss.Hamer viewed the research on twins as proof that people inherit their temperaments. The two researchers on the twin studey, however, do not view theriresults from such a strict genetic viewpoint. They do not believe that genes determine someones quality of life. Hamers critics say that genes only have an indirect influence on some of the similarities in the twins ansers on the questionaire. Harvard psychology prefessor Jermoe Kagan does not believe that happienss can be measured simply by asing people how they feel.In numerous studies, happy people share four traits. Firstly, happy people like themselves; secondly, happe people feel that they control over their lives; thirdly, happy people are optimistic, and fourthly, happy people are extroverts.In summary, the debate still continues about if the ability to be happy is genetic and just how much activities influence happiness.Reading2:After you read:1. comprehension of the text:1. D2. B 3. C 4.A2. Vocabulary:1. predict 2. interpreted 3. characteristics 4. detail 5. flexible 6. conservative 7. oriented 8. seeking 9. catergorized 10. compatibility