英汉翻译讲义 - 新课本.doc
Chapter One I. Brief Introduction to the course1. Aims:The course is aimed at providing opportunities for non-English majors in Honghe University to learn the basic principles and techniques of E-C and C-E translation. The principles will include knowledge about the nature of translation, the functions and theirs of language, linguistic and communication theories in translation and the competence of a translator. In learning the techniques of translation, the students will mainly work on the analysis of a text, word meanings in context, the process of translation, feasibility of literal translation and expression in idiomatic Chinese and English.The course will also help the students to gain insight into translation from cultural and aesthetic perspectives to enhance their competence in the two languages. By the end of the course, the students are expected to be able to translate, with reasonable accuracy, faithfulness and appropriateness, passages on common subjects in everyday communication.2. Teaching Procedures:The class will mainly be conducted in lecturing and commenting on students exercise and class performance. Discussion, questions and answers will be encouraged throughout the whole course. Homework assignments will play an important part in the course.3. Assessment:Assessment will be through class-work, homework, class performance and formal testing. The average score will be composed of:Class Performance20%Mid-term Examination20%Final Examination60% Attendance is both monitored and graded. Students will absence exceeding three times will be reported to the department and grades will not be submitted to these students.II. On Translation1. What is Translation?翻译是用一种语言形式把另一种语言形式里的内容重新表现出来的语言实践活动。It is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.Peter Newmark (1988, P5)Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and second in terms of style.Eugene Nida (1969, P12)1). Translation is a science. e. g. A. We expected an older speaker to talk about this subject. 没想到讲这个课的人那么年轻。 B. 飞机着陆了。 The plane touched down. C. 船靠岸了。 The ship touched the land.2). Translation is a skill. e. g. A. She is dressed to kill. 她穿着很时髦 / 十分吸引人 / 迷死人了。 B. Justice is blind. 真理 / 法律面前,人人平等。 C. 情人眼里出西施。 Love is blind.3). Translation is an art. e. g. A. Tell me and Ill forget; show me and I may remember; but involve me and Ill understand. a. 告诉我的事情,我会忘记;给我看的东西,我可能会记住;但让我一起干,我就会掌握。 b. 耳闻不如目睹;目睹不如笃行。 B. (There is a sign beside the pond of crocodiles in a park.) The last one is delicious, bring me another. a. 刚才吃的那个味道不错,再来一个。 b. 鳄鱼危险,请勿靠近。 c. 池边游览须谨慎,勿作鳄鱼口中餐。 d. 鳄鱼腹中饥,游客要当心。 C. (A title in a magazine during the Athens Olympics)China Aims at World Dominationa. 中国瞄准世界b. 中国要称霸世界体坛c. 中国体育志在雄踞天下 D. We have read the most terrifying stories about the Indians in American. a. 我们读了不少美国印第安人的恐怖故事。 b. 我们读了不少有关美国印第安人的悲惨遭遇。2. The Competence of a Translator.A translator is bilingual, bicultural, special in one or more areas of knowledge, a competent writer.Competence in writing can be described as consisting of three levels: 1). ability to write good letters, effective news articles, and personal accounts; 2). capacity to write technical essays or articles in some field of specialization; 3). creative capacity for producing prose and poetry.Eugene Nida (1993, PP134-136)3. Purpose of Translation正确无误地利用语言这一工具来圆满地完成各类信息的交流,是国家乃至整个世界向着更高的文明发展,这就是翻译的目的。翻译作为一门课程,其目的就是在掌握汉语和英语这两种语言的基础上,结合不断的翻译实践,学习翻译中的各种技巧,提高翻译水平。§ Chapter Two Principles (Criteria) of Translating1. Point of Views Given by Different Scholars at Home and Abroad:玄奘:真(faithful)& 俗(readable)严复:信(faithfulness)、达(smoothness)、雅(elegance)鲁迅:信(faithfulness)& 达(smoothness)傅雷:“传神”论钱钟书:“化境”说亚历山大·弗雷赛·泰特勒:1)译文应完全写出原作的思想(相当于“信”);2)译文的风格和笔调应与原文的性质相同(相当于“雅”);3)译文应和原作同样流畅(相当于“达”)。尤金·奈达:读者反映论(Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language message, first in terms of meaning, and second in terms of style.)2. Faithfulness, Smoothness and Elegance:1). Faithfulness. The translation and translator should be faithful to both the original text and the author in terms of meaning, intention or content. 忠实-注意语境,对象 No context, no text. 词不离句,句不离篇。 中国总理 Premier,不用Prime Minister My wife Damn it! Im absolutely sorry. Ex. a. No man can have too many friends. b. You cant take sufficient care. c. I would feel guilty to take such an expensive gift. d. You are a sight for sore eyes. e. John was a fool for danger. f. When she was taken, her son was only 5 years old. g. I fell in love with her at first sight, but she was taken. h. 一到冬天,我的手就冻。 i. 有饭大家吃。 2). Smoothness. The contents of the original text should be adequately and intelligibly expressed in the translation, and for this purpose equivalence in form can sometimes be modified. The best translation doesnt sound like a translation.Nida A blind date He is a big name. You are very close. Yesterday, Class 1 and Class 2 had a close contest. Ex. a. He is a friend of mine, but he is a difficult one. b. He has a large family to support. c. He comes from a big family. d. I cant bear the sight of the man. e. He who would search for pearls must dive deep. 3). Elegance. The translation should be of the best possible rhetorical quality so that it can reach as much of the intended audience as possible. Nida says, “All languages have the potential for outstanding aesthetic expression.” A good translator always tries to give full play to the advantages to the language of the target text. Compare:Source LanguageSmoothnessEleganceExtremely urgentUnderestimate ones own capabilitiesCommit the same errorFull of conceitMiss a good chanceFellow sufferersMake a superficial change 忠实于原文内容,通顺的译文形式,发挥译文的优势,可以当做文学翻译的标准。翻译可以不发挥译文语言的优势,但发挥了译文语言的却是更好的翻译。是否符合必要条件是个对错问题,是否符合充分条件却是个好坏问题。许渊冲(1984:翻译的艺术)Chapter Three Determining the Word Meaning1. Polysemy 一词多义“词本无义,义随人生” People have meanings for words.除去专有名词外,中英文词汇几乎没有绝对等值的词。 Brokena broken man soldier promise arrow money English spirit“9.11”之后,报纸标题:New York City: The Broken City StoryEx.a. Newsweek reported it but the officials refused to confirm the story. b. The judge didnt buy his story. c. She told me her side of the story. d. After days of search, a man came to the police with a story. Lightlight music loss car heart step manners work voice Heavyheavy clouds crops rain frost wine news road sea heart fire smoker load storm traffic Ex.a. From life to death is mans reach. b. The newspaper offers some travel tips. c. I always fight with my husband. d. Dont be mad at me. e. When I pointed that he spread the rumor, he said “No, no, no!” f. He was killed in the car accident. 2. Translation Practice HeadEx.a. President Kennedy was shot in the head and killed on the spot. b. Why dont you use your head? c. Do you have a head for heights? d. The dinner cost us five dollars a head. e. Lets discuss the question under five heads. f. Heads or tails. g. She is head and shoulders above all the other actors in the film. h. The business is in trouble, but we are keeping our heads above water. i. I cant speak to a large crowd off the top of my head. j. The head of his bed was piled with books. RunEx.a. I had a run-in with the police yesterday. b. The longer and faster your run-up is, the higher you can jump. c. This may save money in the short run, but its going to be expensive in the long run. d. Dont cry, or your make-up will run. e. All the papers ran stories about the new peace talks. f. The doctors advice is to let the fever run its cause. g. When the shooting started we ran for it. h. How long has the new film been running? 就Ex.a. 他就着油灯读书。 b. 就时间 c. 花生米就酒很合适。 d. 我就来! e. 他五岁就上学了。 f. 我一打听到他的地址就告诉你。 g. 他身体本来就不好。 h. 我们班就他会使电脑。 i. 我就不信我学不好这个技术。 j. 你就是送我我也不要。 k. 就我所知,他的英语很好。 l. 两个代表团就共同关心的话题进行了讨论。 m. 就事论事 Chapter Four Comparison of Scope of Words Meanings between Chinese and English 1. 中英词义相符 Correspondent (A=甲)一半多见于专业术语和固定词组中。WTO = NYPO = CPC = commission to tail of sb to tighten ones belt social market economy vanity press vanity fair vanity surgery vanity case reform measure national dignity to pay sb IOUs 但是,在翻译中要注意“假对应”盐水 salt solution salt water学英语歌 learn English songs学知识 acquire knowledge简单地说 put it simple simply speaking (说话的动作简单)一层厚厚的黄土 a thick layer of loess / dust a layer of thick loess / dust 注意中英文中“搭配不当”的情况达到自给自足 穷山恶水 我买了张好票 2. 中英词义包孕 Inclusion (A甲;A 甲)一般来说,中文一词多义现象较英语多。 uncle 叔叔 开 open开晚会 开支票 learn 学She took 3 courses this semester. Children pick up dirty words in an amazing way. 华侨:居住在国外的具有中国国籍的人,不包括旅游者、留学生等 oversea Chinese 所有不在中国境内的中国人风:自然风