III.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. graceful decayprecedingnakedsecureepisodeslideprivilegeintervalhintdripinjure1.I knew that he had been in Cuba the -year. Your answerCorrect answer(1)Upreceding2.The cabbages have already started to -and we have to throw them away. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)decay3.A plastic box was -to the wall by nails. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)secured4.We were caught in the rain the other night and the rain was -down our necks. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)dripping5.They went up to the gate, which -open at the push of a button. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)slid6.He had dropped several -that he knew where Mary had spent the previous evening. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)hints7.The baby had woken up for another feed after an -of 3 or 4 hours. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)interval8.During the colonial period, the church was closely allied with the government, giving full support to the government and, in return, receiving special -. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)privileges9.Has this -changed your attitude toward life and death? Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)episode10.They said one policeman was -in the fighting. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)injured11.According to doctors that Protozoa are very large viruses, although still not visible (看得见的) to the -eye. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)naked12.She was a tall girl, slender and -, and as straight as a young pine-tree. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)gracefulV.Look at the following sentence taken from your reading passage. Just think about what other adjectives you can use after the verb "stand" and fill in the sentences with the right words. For example: Time seems to stand still. 1.If he at last comes to the conclusion that he must stand =next time, he will need an iron determination. Your answerCorrect answer(1)fiHfirm2.He stood =and still, breathing hard as if he was going to make an important decision. Your answerCorrect answer(1)strstraight3.The two sportsmen stood =waiting for the signal to fight. Your answerCorrect answer(1)apapart4.I struck his arm down and stood =to hit him again, harder. Your answerCorrect answer(1)reready5.He wasn't content to sit and watch, but he couldn't stand =on the soft sand because of his lameness. Your answerCorrect answer(1)unaunaided6.They stand =to the new law. Your answerCorrect answer(1)oppopposed7.This is a hint that you will make someone feel uncomfortable if you stand too =to him. Your answerCorrect answer(1)clclose8.So we have to do something because we can't just stand =and let our kids die. Your answerCorrect answer(1)ididle9.Time stood =; I was full of fear and empty of any other sensation. Your answerCorrect answer(1)ststill10.The widow stood =by disasters: her son was attacked by a wolf, her daughter fell from a window, and her house roof fell down to the ground. Your answerCorrect answer(1)sursurrounded1.Her skin was dry after =to the wind during the trip. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)exposure2.There is the greatest practical benefit in having a few =early in life. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)failures3.The old lady made several surprising =about her past life. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)disclosures4.Having to cope with so many problems was a =hard to bear. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)pressure5.Some people regard mountain climbing as a risk of one's life, but for all the =, it is a challenge to one's courage and ability. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)mountaineers6.The =of the factory resulted from system problems and poor management and caused unemployment of over a thousand workers. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)closure7.At present the whole country is waging a war against products of imitation and poor quality, with the purpose of punishing those =in the market by means of law. Your answerCorrect answer(1)Jprofiteers8.The =of the criminal ended a three-month police chase. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)seizureVIII.Complete the following sentences that begin with "Not until". 1.Not until the manager participated in the work himself _ (他才意识到这项任务让新来的秘书独自完成是有点太困难了). Your answer Correct/suggested answerJdid he realize that the task was a little too difficult for the new secretary to finish on her own2.Not until the train started to move _ (玛丽才停止哭泣). = Your answer Correct/suggested answerdid Mary stop weeping3.Not until the managers finish their two-day meeting _ (所有的员工才会知道他们的工作评估结果). = Your answer Correct/suggested answerwill all the employees know the result of their performance evaluation4.Not until Alice had a baby of her own _ (她才了解她母亲独自一人把她和她姐姐抚养成人有多难). = Your answer Correct/suggested answerdid she become aware how hard it was for her mother to have brought up her sister and her on her own5.Not until I finished watching the movie _ (我才知道了主要人物的最终结果). = Your answer Correct/suggested answerdid I get to know what happened in the end to the main charactersYour answerCorrect answer1.(未选)chart2.proceedingpreceding3.(未选)indication4.(未选)decay5.(未选)hit6.(未选)pit7.(未选)loosely8.(未选)secured9.(未选)fluid10.(未选)drip11.(未选)faint12.(未选)straw13.(未选)moisture14.(未选)slide15.(未选)thirst16.(未选)liquid17.(未选)famine18.(未选)lid19.(未选)jar20.(未选)palmXVII.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. stroke condemnwithdrawnecessitycooperateso-calledqualificationintimatedenyrelieveelectinsert1.His badly injured leg =him to a wheelchair. Your answerCorrect answer(1)VBcondemned2.The man walked slowly to the door and =a key into the lock. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)inserted3.The government more or less completed its price regulation program on March 1 when it freed most fixed prices for food and daily =; only bread and flour (面粉) prices remained controlled. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)necessities4.The Red Cross of the country sent a lot of food and clothes to =the people in flood-stricken areas. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)relieve5.He =his children nothing and gave them everything. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)denied6.Many =and head-injured patients return to sports when they feel well enough. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)stroke7.The old lady went to the bank and =some money from it. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)withdrew8.Among various kinds of professions, she has =to become a teacher. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)elected9.Without a shared culture, members of society would be unable to communicate and =, and confusion and disorder would result. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)cooperate10.Even =educated people can have difficulty in writing fluently, especially in an examination setting or when emotionally upset. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)so-called11.Here the =is the most important criterion in recruitment although other factors might be considered in the interview stage. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)qualification12.If you desire a loving, =relationship, ask yourself how you would think, feel and behave if you were in that relationship and do it now. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)intimateIII.Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. resistant withstandsensibledestructivefastenencloseprecautionchaosforecastoccurrencehandydetect1.A politician must be able to =public criticism. Your answerCorrect answer(1)Hwithstand2.We =the robbers as they entered the store. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)detected3.The majority of the people at the meeting were =to the proposal. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)resistant4.We should always keep the flashlight =in case the fuse (保险丝) blows again. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)handy5.Without rules, people would live in a state of =. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)chaos6.Experts have =an upturn (翻转) in the stock market. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)forecast7.The doctor advised us to take every =so as not to catch cold. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)precaution8.It was the strangest =I can remember in my university days. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)occurrence9.It was the most =storm in 30 years and caused great damage. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)destructive10.They =stamped addressed envelopes so that these samples can be returned to the Institute with little trouble. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)enclose11.He tried to =the bookshelf to the wall with nails. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)fasten12.Prevention is always more =and less costly than cure. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)sensibleV.Look at the following sentence taken from your reading passage. Just think about what other adjectives you can use to modify the word "concern" and fill in the sentences with the right words. For example, Therefore, building structures that can withstand the power of earthquake is a major concern. 1.The =concern is to get the job done; therefore the individuals who are important are the experts with the ability to accomplish a particular aspect of the task. Your answerCorrect answer(1)prinprincipal2.One pollutant, which has attracted =concern in recent years, is lead. Your answerCorrect answer(1)consiLconsiderable3.His health is her sole and =concern. Your answerCorrect answer(1)conticontinual4.Women showed =concern for what they wore while men didnt. Your answerCorrect answer(1)grgreat5.Perhaps this successful example of a real market showing =concern will not be lost on policy makers. Your answerCorrect answer(1)envirenvironmental6.In recent years there has been =concern about the quality of people's lives. Your answerCorrect answer(1)grogrowing7.Protection of the environment from pollution is something that is of =concern nowadays. Your answerCorrect answer(1)gloglobal8.The scope of study is, therefore, widened from =concern with parents and children to include study of the social workers, doctors and others who are charged with the protection of children at risk. Your answerCorrect answer(1)exexclusive9.Price is a =concern, as is packaging, while quality is a major concern. Your answerCorrect answer(1)miminor10.But the prospect of economic growth created =concern about inflation throughout Europe. Your answerCorrect answer(1)incincreasedVII.Verbs can be formed by adding the prefix en- to adjectives, nouns or other verbs. For example: rich enrichclose enclose Now have a look at the following verbs and fill in each of the sentences with one of them. Remember to change the form where necessary.enable encourageendearenact (演出)encircleenforce (强迫)enlargeendangerenlightenensure 1.Don't =her laziness by doing things for her. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)encourage2.The meeting ended in a plan to =the central park into a stadium (运动场) that is able to seat 50,000 people. Your answerCorrect answer(1)Genlarge3.A forty-foot-high concrete wall =the jail. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)encircles4.The new test should =doctors to detect the disease early. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)enable5.You will =your health if you work so hard. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)endanger6.Peter thought the world was flat until I =him. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)enlightened7.Please =that it is written into your contract. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)ensure8.Governments make laws and the police them. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)enforce9.She often the stories told to her by her father. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)enacted10.She managed to herself to everybody by her kindness. Your answerCorrect answer(1)(空白)endearVIII.Complete the following sentences, using "so that". 1.As it was quite windy outside, Jack closed all the windows and doors _ (这样宝宝就不会着凉了). Your answer Correct/suggested answerHHso that the baby would not catch cold 2.The candidate (候选人) toured in several cities in the state, giving speeches of his political viewpoints _ (为的是更多的人会投他一票). Your answer Correct/suggested answerso that more people would vote for him3.Tom cleaned his father's car and mowed (刈草)the lawn by himself _ (这样他父亲也许会原谅他这次数学考试不及格). Your answer Correct/suggested answerso that his father might forgive him for his failure in the math exam4.Mr. Johnson made full preparation for the experiment _ (以便实验能顺利地进行). Your answer Correct/suggested answerso that it would go on smoothly 5.I'll give you all the facts _ (使你自己能作出判断). Your answer Correct/suggested answerso that you can judge for yourself1.(未选)detect2.