新时代交互英语第二册读写译答案Key to Unit 5 - Level 2I. Comprehension of the Text 1. Part 1: Jody-Anne, the 71st Scripps Howard Spelling Bee Champ Paras 12: the last word with which Jody-Anne won the spelling bee. Paras 3: the significance of Jody-Annes winning the contest Part 2: Jody-Annes preparation for the spelling bee Para. 4: preparation for the Jamaican national spelling bee Para. 5: drilling for the 71st Scripps Howard Spelling Bee Part 3: After the contest Para 6: the prizes Jody-Anne won Para 7-8: the interview after the Spelling Bee Para. 9: public recognition Jody-Anne got when she returned to Jamaica. 2. discussion: 1) Jody-Anne prepared for the spelling bee with a coach. She studied an entire dictionary, including root words and their original meanings. 2) She might become a lawyer. 3) A spelling bee is similar to a sporting event because it involves competition. It requires mental abilities, though not physical talent. Both events require stamina, patience, etc. II. Reciting. III. Vocabulary & Structure 1. Complete the sentences 1) marvelous 2) corporate 3) prime 4) via 5) Championship 6) Original 7) Mounted 8) Illusion 2. Rewrite 1) my signature is similar to yours;. 2) Are working far apart 3) He studied hard and his hard work paid off. 4) Congratulating her on winning the Sports Trophy. IV. Banked Cloze 1) congratulated 2) mounted 3) promised 4) scholarship 5) graduate 6) proud 7) combined 8) benefit 9) champion 10) excused V. Translation 1. Chinese to English 1) All the other spellers had been eliminated. 2) She competed against (with) 248 spellers, aged nine to fifteen. 3) National finals 4) Fun, relaxed atmosphere 2. English to Chinese 1) 这个“第一”可不仅仅是来自牙买加金斯敦的八年级女生乔迪.安妮的“第一”, 而且还是牙买加人第一次在美国拼单词比赛中夺冠,是非美国本土选手第一次在该比赛中夺冠。 2) 乔迪.安妮凭借出色的表现赢得了10,000美金的现钞、一只漂亮的奖杯、一块拼单词比赛纪念手表、一套百科全书,还有美国航空公司赠送的任选目的地的国内双人游。 3) 当问及对其他选手有何建议时,她的回答是:“相信上帝,拼命努力,永不放弃。”阿切尔教练对此表示赞同,他说:“完美坚信灵感加汗水是一道绝妙的公式。”VI. Writing Sample: Competition It has been said love makes the world go round, but people are now starting to believe that competition, not love, is what makes the world go round! Competition is, after all, necessary for the advancement of society. Man will become lazy without competition and there will be no progress at all. In the first place, competition helps inspire people to be hardworking and creative. Due to the lack of a market economy, China used to have little competition, which resulted in low productivity. However, with the introduction of various economic and social reforms which led to fierce international competition, China has now become prosperous and powerful. Secondly, competition demands concentration, determination and a desire to win. Like all sports events where athletes strive for the gold, we work equally hard daily in order to achieve success in life. Thus, as a student during this time where opportunities abound, I am well aware of the importance of excelling in my studies and it is my aim to become the most competitive and hardworking student. Comment: This is a well-organized passage as it sticks and follows the given outline. It is absolutely important for all freshmen of non-English majors to write according to the provided essay online, using the words and expressions that they have been taught. The author was fluent and coherent by using transitions such as “in the first place”, “in the second place,” “due to”, and “as the result of” to smooth the entire writing flow. The best part is that the author uses appropriate phrases in the text and complex sentences in the lead-in. Key to Reading 2 I. comprehension 1) C. It is time for adults to get out of youth sports and given them back to kids. 2) A. Because they believe children can benefit from sports competition. 3) C. When winning is emphasized too much. 4) D. Most children play sports because they want to have fun. 5) D. One that encourages cooperation and fun rather than fierce competition. II. Vocabulary 1) evident 2) generate3) ruined 4) impose 5) commonplace 6) yelling7) as well as 8) priority 9) related 10) noticeable