打印机常见故障处理办法pr2e打印机的简单故障处理pr2e打印机不进纸时的简单故障处理1,打开顶盖,把打印头拨到最左边,按住面板三个键开机,听到响声后,将顶盖盖上。2.连续按两下ST1键,等听到蜂鸣声的时候,将A4纸放进去,按ST2键一下,A4纸进取后,又出来。3.等A4纸出来后,再重新放入机器,此时,打印机就会打印一组参数出来。4.重新启动PR2E存折打印机。日常用的打印机常见故障 及排除方法:一、打印机常见日常故障之打印效果与预览不同一般这种情况是在文本编辑器下发生的,常见的如word或wps2000等,在 预览时明明是格式整齐,但是打印出来去发现部分字体是重叠的。这种情况 一般都是由于在编辑时设置不当适成的,其解决的方法是改变一下文件“页 面属性”中的纸张大小、纸张类型、每行字数等,一般可以解决。二、打印机常见日常故障之打印字迹不清晰这种问题在平时使用打印机中非常的常见,一般来说这种情况主要和硬 件的故障有关,遇到这种问题一般都应当注意打印机的一些关键部位。我们 在这里就以喷墨打印机为例,遇到打印品颜色模糊、字体不清晰的情况,可 以将故障锁定在喷头,先对打印头进行机器自动清洗,如果没有成功可以用 柔软的吸水性较强的纸擦拭*近打印头的地方;如果上面的方法仍然不能解 决的话,就只有重新安装打印机的驱动程序了。三、打印机常见日常故障之无法打印大文件这种情况在激光打印机中发生的较多,可能在打印小文件时还是正常的 ,但是打印大文件时就会死机,这种问题主要是软件故障,你可以查看硬盘 上的剩余空间,删除一些无用文件,或者查询打印机内存数量,是否可以扩容。四、打印机常见日常故障之选择打印后打印机无反应一般遇到这种情况时,系统通常会提示“请检查打印机是否联机及电缆 连接是否正常”。一般原因可能是打印机电源线未插好;打印电缆未正确连 接;接触不良;计算机并口损坏等情况。解决的方法主要有以下几种: 1、如果按下打印电源开关后打印机能正常启动,就进bios设置里面去看 一下并口设置。一般的打印机用的是ecp模式,也有些打印机不支持ecp模式 ,此时可用ecp+epp,或“normal”方式。2、如果上述的两种方法均无效,就需要着重检查打印电缆,先把电脑关 掉,把打印电缆的两头拔下来重新插一下,注意不要带电拔插。果问题还不 能解决的话,换个打印电缆试试,或者用替代法。五、打印机常见日常故障之打印不完全如果您遇到这样的问题,可以肯定地说是由软件故障引起的,可以在 windows95/98内更改打印接口设置,依次选择“开始设置控制面板系 统设备管理端口打印机端口驱动程序更改驱动程序显示所有设 备”,将“ecp打印端口”改成“打印机端口”后确认。打印机常见硬件故障及处理方法:症状一: 打印机不装纸,. 装纸后还出现缺纸报警声, 装一张纸胶辊不 拉纸,需要装两张以上的纸胶辊才可以拉纸。 原因分析 一般针式或喷墨式打印机的字辊下都装有一个光电传感器,来 检测是否缺纸。在正常的情况下,装纸后光电传感器感触到纸张的存在,产 生一个电讯号返回,控制面板上就给出一个有纸的信号。如果光电传感器长 时间没有清洁,光电传感器表面就会附有纸屑、灰尘等,使传感器表面脏污 ,不能正确地感光,就会出现误报。以上这几种现象基本是同一问题,光电 传感器表面脏污所致。处理办法 拔掉电源,打开机盖。对于大多数针式打印机(如epson lq- 1600k、star-3200等),拿掉上盖板后,要先把与打印头平行*在打印头下 部的一块小盖板拿掉(大约有20多厘米长1厘米宽),把打印头推至这中间( 喷墨式打印机一般没有此小盖板),这样可以拿掉上盖,否则是拿不下来的 。卸掉打印机周边的螺丝(大多数在打印机底部),慢慢活动就可以将外壳 拆开,然后卸下黑色的进纸胶辊,要注意进纸辊两边是由一个切槽通过两个 铁片卡住,只要用力推它,使它绕纸辊旋转,就可以拿下纸辊。此时能看见 纸辊下有一小光电传感器,清除周围灰尘,用酒精棉轻拭光头,擦掉脏污, 重新安装好纸辊、机盖等,通电开机,问题解决。症状二:打印时字迹一边清晰,而另一边不清晰。原因分析 此现象一般 也是出现在针式打印机上,喷墨打印机也可能出现,不过几率较小,主要是 打印头导轨与打印辊不平行,导致两者距离有远有近所致。 处理办法 可以调节打印头导轨与打印辊的间距,使其平行。具体做法是 :分别拧松打印头导轨两边的螺母,在左右两边螺母下有一调节片,移动两 边的调节片,逆时针转动调节片使间隙减小,顺时针可使间隙增大,最后把 打印头导轨与打印辊调节平行就可解决问题。要注意调节时找准方向,可以 逐渐调节,多试打几次。 症状三:打印时感觉打印头受阻力,打印一会就停下发出长鸣或在原处震动。原因分析 打印头导轨长时间滑动会变得干涩,打印头移动时就会受阻 ,到一定程度就可以使打印停止,严重时可以烧坏驱动电路。处理办法 在打印导轨上涂几滴仪表油,来回移动打印头,使其均匀。重 新开机,如果还有此现象,那有可能是驱动电路烧坏,需要拿到维修部了。 症状四:打印字符残缺不全,并且字符不清晰。原因分析对于喷墨打印机,可能有两方面原因:1. 墨盒墨尽;2. 打印机长时间不用或受日光直射 ,墨嘴堵塞。对于针式打印机,可能是以下几方面原因:1. 打印色带用得时 间过长;2. 打印头长时间没有清洁,脏污太多;3. 打印头有断针;4. 打印头驱动电路有故障。处理办法 对于喷墨打印机,可以换新墨盒或注墨水,如果墨盒未用完, 可以断定是墨嘴堵塞:拿下墨盒(对于墨盒喷嘴非一体的打印机,需要拿下 喷嘴,但需要仔细),把喷嘴放在温水中浸泡一会,注意,一定不要把电路 板部分也浸在水中,否则后果不堪设想,用吸水纸吸走沾有的水滴,装上后 再清洗几次喷嘴就可以了。对于针式打印机,可以调节一下打印头与打印辊 间的间距(在打印头移动线的周围可以找到),如果不行,可以换新色带, 如果还不行,就需要清洁打印头了,方法是:卸掉打印头上的两个固定螺钉 ,拿下打印头,用针或小钩清除打印头前、后夹杂的脏污,一般都是长时间 积累的色带纤维等,再在打印头的后部看得见针的地方滴几滴仪表油,以清 除一些顽污,不装色带空打几张纸,再装上色带,这样问题基本就可以解决 ,如果是打印头断针或是驱动电路的问题,那只好拿到维修部去了。症状五:打印机开机后没有任何反应,根本就不通电。原因分析 打印机 都有过电保护装置,当电流过大时就会引起过电保护,此现象出现基本是打 印机保险管烧坏。 处理办法 打开机壳,在打印机内部电源部分找到保险管(内部电源部分在打 印机的外接电源附近可以找到),看其是否发黑,或用万用表测量一下是否 烧坏,如果烧坏,换一个与其基本相符的保险管就可以了(保险管上都标有 额定电流)。症状六:打印时纸上出现一条条粗细不匀的黑线,严重时整张纸都是如 此效果。原因分析 此种现象一般出现在针式打印机上,原因是打印头过脏或 者是打印头与打印辊的间距过小或打印纸张过厚引起。 处理办法 卸下打印头,清洗一下打印头,或是调节一下打印头与打印辊 间的间距。给喷打加墨的应知事项 1、如果墨盒与打印喷头是集成在一起的,那么在给墨盒加墨时,一定要 注意保护墨盒上的喷嘴不受伤害,不然的话喷嘴一旦被堵塞或者损伤,墨盒 就不能被反复利用了。另外由于墨盒在频繁的使用过程中,喷头可能会被溅 回的纸张纤维堵塞,而导致喷头的输出效果变差,因此定期对喷头进行清洗 也是非常有必要的;清洗喷头时,应尽量使用湿纸巾和无棉纸巾轻轻清洗喷 嘴的边缘,而不要碰到喷嘴,接着再利用喷墨打印机控制面板上的清洗键来 对喷头执行清洁动作,直到打印输出效果清晰为止。 2、由于有的墨盒有专门的注墨孔,给这些墨盒注墨之前,一般都必须将 墨盒注墨孔中的塞子先移开,然后按照正确的步骤填充完墨盒后,还必须将 注墨孔的塞子重新盖回,不然的话,喷墨打印机重新工作时会发生甩墨现象 ,从而玷污喷墨打印机的内部面板。 3、许多用户在给喷墨墨盒加墨时,一般都会选择在墨水指示灯提示墨水 耗尽的情况下进行;但是对那些没有墨水指示灯的旧式喷墨打印机来说,就 不能根据打印机提示来进行换墨了,不过这些没有墨水指示灯的喷墨墨盒大 部分都是透明的,因此大家可以通过眼睛观察的方法来更换墨水,具体地说 就是用眼睛观察墨水在墨盒中的剩余量来判断什么时候加墨,通常在墨水还 有10%剩余量时对墨盒进行填充;要是连墨水的剩余量都无法观察到的话, 只能观察最后的打印效果了,只要在打印页面中发现有断线现象就应该给墨盒加墨水了。4、不少初次给喷打墨盒罐装墨水的用户,常常错误认为墨盒中的墨水应 该罐满为止,这样可以延长墨盒的使用时间,其实我们在每次填充墨水时, 最好将墨水罐装到整个墨盒容量的90%左右,如果超过这个容量的话,墨盒内部的海绵体可能无法吸收太多的墨水而产生墨水溢出的现象,从而污染喷 墨打印机。5、在给墨盒罐装好墨水后,最好不要立即将墨盒放回到墨盒架中,因为 许多墨盒中都包含有吸收墨水用的海绵垫,而海绵垫吸收墨水速度比较缓慢 ,这样墨水罐进墨盒后,无法均匀地被海绵垫所吸收,所以在将墨盒放回到 墨盒架之前,最好让墨盒先静置几分钟时间,以便让墨水慢慢渗透到海绵垫的各个角落,从而确保最终的打印质量。打印机使用注意事项由于打印机内部的部件比较精密,即使是普通的擦拭或者加润滑油都有可能会对打印质量产生不可低估的影像,所以内部的清理一定要谨慎小心,根据我的经验,列出以下可以清洗的部件,供大家参考。1.墨粉保护装置打印机的墨盒都会有一些衬垫,它们的作用是在传输纸张的滚筒系统中吸收过剩的墨粉。用户可以把它从机器中取出,用手工的方式进行清理。一般在新的墨盒中也会包含一个新的衬垫。2.送纸滚筒它们是打印机的传送部分,将纸张从纸槽拖曳到打印机的内部,但在这个过程中,纸张上玷污的油和灰尘也会在滚筒上沉淀,长时间不清洗就会导致卡纸和送纸错误,这也是打印机最容易出现的故障。在这里,我们可以用酒精泡过的棉花团或湿布清洗这些沉积物。此外,在一些办公设备专业用品商店有专门的滚筒清洁器。3.冠状电线它们是在打印机内部用来传送静电的专门电线。静电是用来将墨粉吸引到纸张的,但是灰尘的沉淀会影响静电的使用效率(特别是对于一些老式的激光打印机影响尤其严重)。用户可以使用棉布将灰尘轻轻擦去,但是请不要使用酒精或者其它溶剂,它们会影响打印机的效果,一般在老式激光打印机当中,冠状电线在打印机内部是裸露的。如果找不到,打印机手册中会指明它们的位置。4.通风口与计算机内部相似,许多激光打印机内部也有内部风扇,常年的工作会被灰尘和污物阻塞。我们必须保证定期清理通风口和风扇的页片,保持打印机内部的空气流动。以上是激光打印机内部可以清洗的部件,但我们一定要注意:由于激光打印机都是使用高热的方法将墨粉吸附到纸张上。所以切记在刚刚完成打印机任务时进行打印机的清洗工作,并且注意所有带有温度警告标志的部件。在一些办公用品商店我们还可以看到一些专门的激光打印机的“清洁纸”出售,它们表面覆盖有特殊的纸张,可以吸附打印机纸张通路中的灰尘和过剩的墨粉,同时因为它们会经过完整的打印过程,所以对于打印机内部的清洗也是最彻底的。打印机外部的清洗与清洗内部比较起来,打印机的外部清洗总的来说是比较容易和安全的。一般用户在清理计算机硬件的外表面时可以使用清洗汽车内部时使用的清洁/保护喷雾剂,这种产品可以帮助减少静电,对于塑料的表面比较安全。可以将清洁剂喷在柔软的布上,然后用它擦拭设备的外壳(注意不要将喷雾剂喷入机器内部),同时,在清洗打印机外部的时候,我们也可以通过空气出口,风扇通道和纸槽中吹入压缩空气,来清除灰尘和污物。打印机虽然算不上是娇贵的产品,但由于长期处于高温的环境下,定期的清洗与维护可以有效的延长它的寿命。一般一月对外部进行一次清洗,两个月对内部进行一次内部清洗,可以大大提高打印机的工作效率,何乐而不为呢?打印机使用注意事项1.万一打印机产生发热,冒烟,有异味,有异常声音等情况,请马上切断电源与信息人员联系。2.打印机上禁止放其它物品。打印机长时间不用时,请把电源插头从电源插座中拔出。3.为防万一,当附近打雷时,将电源插头从插座中拔出。如果插着的话,有可能机器受到损坏。4.打印纸及色带盒未设置时,禁止打印。打印头和打印辊会受到损伤。5.打印头处于高温状态。在温度下降之前禁止接触。防止烫伤,受伤。6.请勿触摸打印电缆接头及打印头的金属部分。打印头工作的时候,不可触摸打印头。7.打印头工作的时候,禁止切断电源。8.请不要随意拆卸、搬动、拖动,如有故障,请与信息人员联系。9.禁止异物(订书针,金属片,液体等)进入本机,否则会造成触电或机器故障。10.在确保打印机电源正常、数据线和计算机连接时方可开机。11.打印机在打印的时候请勿搬动、拖动、关闭打印机电源。12.对于打印同样重复的档,请不要超过5份,超过5份时应拿到前台复印机上复印。13.在打印量过大时,应让打印量保持在30份以内使打印机休息5-10分钟,以免打印机过热而损坏。14.在打印档的时候,不允许使用厚度过高(超过80g)的纸、不允许使用有皱纹、折叠过的纸。15.如打印机在出现严重物理损坏、人为损坏或不按上述操作规范而使打印机损坏时将会追究其责任人。学习教育网打印机使用常见故障分析讲解供学习网网友学习参考利用,找到原因对症下药!Printer common trouble processing methodSimple troubleshooting of pr2e printerSimple troubleshooting pr2e printer paper at1, open the top cover, the print head to the left, press and hold the three keys on the panel, after hearing the sound, the lid cover.2. Continuous press the two button ST1, hear beep, put into a A4 paper, press ST2 type, A4 paper and enterprising, and came out.3 A4 out, again into the machine, then, will the printer to print a set of parameters.4 restart PR2E passbook printer.Common malfunction and troubleshooting method for daily use of printer:One, the print effect and preview of printer common daily breakdown is differentThis is usually the case in the text editor, such as word or WPS2000, etc., in the preview is clearly a neat format, but the print came out to find that some of the fonts are overlapping. This situation is generally due to improper settings when editing, the method is to change the file "page surface properties" in the paper size, paper type, the number of words per line, generally can be resolved.Two, the printer is not clear the common daily breakdown of the printThis problem is usually used in the printer is very common, in general, this situation is mainly related to the failure of the hard part, encountered this problem should pay attention to some of the key parts of the printer. We are here to ink jet printer as an example, the color of the print product color, the font is not clear, can be locked in the nozzle, the first print head machine automatic cleaning, if not successful can use a soft absorbent paper wipe near the print head, if the above method still can not solve the case, only to re install the printer driver.Three, printer common daily failure can not print large filesThis is more likely to occur in the laser printer, it is possible to print a small file is normal, but when the print file will crash, this problem is mainly software failure, you can view the remaining space on the hard disk, delete some useless files, or check the number of printer memory, whether it can expandVolume.Four, the printer is common in the daily failure of the printer to print the printer no responseIn this case, the system will usually be prompted, "please check if the printer is connected to the cable and whether it is normal or not". General may be due to the printer is not plugged the power cord; print cable is not properly connected; poor contact; damage to the computer parallel port and other conditions. To solve the method mainly has the following several: 1, if the printing press the power switch the printer to normal after the launch, enter BIOS Setup to look at the parallel port settings. General printers use the ECP mode, and some printers do not support ECP mode, this time can be used ecp+epp, or "normal". 2, if the above two methods are invalid, you need to check on the print cable, put off the computer, print cable two pull down the re inserted, careful not to live plug. If the problem can not be solved, the replacement of a print cable to try, or replace.Five, the printer is not complete, common daily breakdown of printingIf you encounter such problems, it can be sure that the software fault, you can change the print interface in windows95/98 settings, select the start - > Settings > > Control Panel > system > system > > Device Management > > port > driver > display all settings, the "ECP print port" to "printer port".Printer common hardware failure and processing method:Symptoms: printer paper. Paper also appeared after the paper shortage alarm sound, installed a piece of paper rollers do not pull paper and need to hold more than two pieces of paper rollers before they can pull the paper. Cause analysis of the general pin type or inkjet printer with a photoelectric sensor is equipped with a photoelectric sensor to detect whether the lack of paper. In normal circumstances, when the paper is loaded with paper, the photoelectric sensor is touched by the paper. If the photoelectric sensor for a long time not clean, photoelectric sensor surface will be attached to the scraps of paper, dust, etc., makes the sensor surface dirty, not photosensitive correctly, there will be false positives. Several of the above phenomenon is basically the same problem, the photoelectric sensor surface caused by dirt.Handling method to unplug the power, open the machine cover. For most of the needle type printer (such as lq- 1600K Epson, star-3200, etc.), to remove the upper cover, and the print head parallel to the top of the print head of a small cover (about 20 cm long 1 cm wide), the print head pushed to the middle (inkjet printers generally do not have this small cover), so you can remove the cover, otherwise it can not get down. Unload printer peripheral screw (most) at the bottom of the printer and slowly activities can the shell open, and remove the black under the paper feed roller, attention should be paid to the feed roller on both sides by a cutting groove by two iron stuck, just push it and make it rotate around the roller, can get the paper and. At the same time the paper and saw a small photoelectric sensor, remove dirt around, with alcohol cotton swab head and rub off the stain, re install paper roller, a machine cover, start, solve the problem.Symptoms two: when the print is clear, while the other side is not clear. Reason analysis of this phenomenon is generally appear in the needle type printer, ink jet printer may also occur, but the probability is small, mainly print head guide rail and print roller is not parallel, resulting in both of the distance is far from near. The processing method can adjust the distance between the print head guide rail and the printing roller, making it parallel. Specific approach is: the first two side of the print head guide rails on both sides of the nut, the left and right sides of the nut has a regulation, the adjustment of the two sides of the film, the counter clockwise rotation adjustment piece to reduce the gap, the last to print head guide rail parallel with the printing roller can solve the problem. Should pay attention to adjust the direction of the right direction, can be gradually adjusted, more than a few times to fight. Three symptoms: print the feeling when the print head resistance, print will stop ringing or vibration issued in place. Cause analysis of print head long rail sliding time will become dry, moves the print head will be blocked, to a certain extent can stop the printing, serious can burn the driving circuit.Processing method in the printing of a few drops of oil on the print, back and forth to move the print head, so that it is uniform. Re boot, if there is this phenomenon, it may be the driver needs to get burned, repair department. Four symptoms: print characters and incomplete, character is not clear. Reasons for the analysis of ink jet printers, there may be two reasons: 1 ink cartridges, 2 long time without or subject to direct sunlight, ink nozzle blockage. For needle type printer may be the following reasons: 1. Print ribbon used when too long; 2. Print head for a long time not clean, dirty too much; 3. Print head broken needle; 4. Print head driving circuit fault.Approach for an inkjet printer, can change new cartridges or injecting ink. When the ink cartridge is unused, it can be concluded that is ink nozzle clogging: take cartridges (for cartridge of the nozzle is one of the printer, you need to get under the nozzle, but need to be carefully), put the nozzle in the warm water soak for a while. Note that must not be the portion of the circuit board is also immersed in the water, otherwise the consequences could be disastrous, with absorbent paper suck dip some water, installed after washing several times nozzle can be. For the printer, can adjust the distance between the printing head and printing roller (around the print head moving line can be found), if not, can change the new ribbon, if not, you need to clean the print head, the method is: remove the print head of the two fixing screws, with the print head, with a clear print head, needle or hooks after inclusion of dirt, is generally a long time accumulation of ribbon fiber, the rear visible print head needle in place a few drops of oil to remove the instrument, some stubborn dirt, do not install the ribbon playing a few sheets of paper, and then put on a ribbon, this problem can be resolved, if the print head is broken needle or drive circuit, it had to get to the repair department. Symptoms five: the printer does not have any response after the boot, simply do not work. Analysis of the causes of printers have overcurrent protection device, when the current is too large will lead to electrical protection, t