THE THEORY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE BACKLIGHT SYSTEM FOR LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAYS 1Color filterLCDPCBBacklight module液晶顯示器的結構 實物圖2contentsSection 1 I,Introduction to Fundamental Optics II,Apply Optics to LGPSection 2 III,Applied Optics in the Construction of the Back-light Modules IV,The future of the Back-light Modules3The main optical units constructed in back-light modules prism lens diffuserLGP reflectorLamp reflectorCCFLPatterns (elements)4The Reflection and Refraction of Light 1,Reflection and refraction phenomena will happen on the interface when light transports through it.2,the reflection of light acts according to the reflection rule.3,the refraction of light acts according to the refraction rule.5The Reflection Rule of Light 1,insert line(),normal()and reflect line()are on the same plane.2,insert angle is equal to the reflection angle.6The Refraction Rule of Light 1,insert line(),normal()and reflect line()are on the same plane.2,insert angle and refraction angle act according to the Snells law7The meanings of the Snells Law1,if2,ifWhats happened when?8The Critical Angle and Total ReflectionWhen andCritical angleTotal reflectionNormal refraction9Diffusion When parallel light waves through rough surfaces or particles,diffusion will be formed by the reason that non-parallel factor of the normal for those surfaces and particles.10The diffusion effect depends on the roughness of the interface of the media.11Applied optics to LGPfundamental principles-total reflection and diffusionthe optical properties of the printed unitsthe optical properties for different types of reflection unitsthe properties of the print-less LGPs12Critical angles and total reflection of LGPCritical angle13Refraction Index v.s.LGPRefraction indexproper energy14Refraction index v.s.LGPrefraction indexeffective area of luminary15折射率大者,單位面積能量使用率較大Refraction Index v.s.LGP16折射率大小對導光板選擇的影響折射率大者,單位面積有效出光角較小17印刷點的光學性質 印刷點係用光高反射或高折射材料混合油墨印刷在導光板的反光側,藉由改變光路徑形成漫射效果導光板反光面出光面印刷點1819印刷點對光能的有效使用率油墨比入射至印刷點單位面積光能量印刷點截面積20油墨比與光能的有效使用率21印刷點截面積,入射至印刷點單位面積光能量與光能的有效使用率22量測與設計的修正量測區域,區域面積23印刷點的極限容易受環境條件改變而減短壽命受印刷網板網目極限限制點的dimension(250m)24無印刷導光板的光學性質定義:何謂“無印刷”“無印刷”的方法種類 1,機械加工 2,蝕刻 3,薄板取代 4,其它各種“無印刷”的方法所形成patterns的光學特性25機械加工蝕刻薄板取代26無印刷的定義:把所需的光反射元件先行轉置在模具上,然後用一體成型 得到所要物件的方法無印刷導光板:用無印刷方法所製作的導光板27機械加工法光反射元件的光學原理與特性V-groove typeU-groove type282930反射元件間隙(pitch)的影響31蝕刻法光反射元件的光學原理與特性32薄板取代法:師法於“半導體”的製程,主要是微小光反射元件,可增加局 部區域能量調整的程度intensityintensity33Photo maskPhoto resistsubstrateParallel lightForm the metal plate by electro-forming34各種無印刷方法的比較35背光模組整體結構之光學應用稜鏡片(prism lens)擴散片(diffuser)導光板(LGP)反射片(reflector)36反射板與導光板間 反射板一般為“擴散反射”,用以增加回授的光 能可用率37擴散板與導光板間38Diffuser-prism lens3940The future and challenge of Backlight modules 1,future:LCDBL 2,challenge:(1),Brightness,Uniformity (2),Notebookthinner and thinner Monitor larger and larger (3),EL,OLED,.41