长春外国语学校2016-2017学年第一学期高三英语期末试题及答案长春外国语学校2016-2017学年第一学期高三英语期末试题及答案:未经允许 请勿转载 长春外国语学校206-2017学年第一学期期末考试高三年级英语试卷出题人 : 胡成赫 陈英卓 审题人:薛玲 许艳君 第卷一、第一部分 听力共两节,满分30分第一节共5小题; 每题1.分,满分7.5分听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。未经许可 请勿转载1. What doseman ant te wo to do?ABuy a walet.B ep m pyC. Gn adeee.2. owwi he mango to NewYor?A. By plan.ytrin.C By shp.3. Wheredoe th oversation takpace?A. By the leB. In the gaenC. At th esarant4. What i the man oing?A. Making aan. B.Colaiing. C.Askingor aic 5. os he man ean?A. Hewil get u at once.B. He l gtu a 7:20.C. Hes isd theat bus.第二节共15小题;每题1.5分,满分2.5分听下面段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每题秒种;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。未经许可 请勿转载听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. Wha desthe n fnd difiut?A.Grammar.B. llng.C Pronunciatin.7. Wat can weknw aoutthe man?A. es goo atspelin.B. is satised wt his progres.C. HelearnedE in grde scool.8. What re th speaker ailtlngab?A. Englih learing.B. Th eaching metodC. Th imotnce f ring.听第段材料,回答第9至1题。9. Where is thman speaer?. nthe bak.B.At the pot ff.C A i frieds.10. hyoes themn come here?A. o by sampsB. To see a fen. To nda packag.11. What dos he manlie?A. endingmail tois iends.B. Getting maavertsements.C. ontacting his freds b mal.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. Whatiste wan farit ctvit in hr e time?未经许可 请勿转载 Danig.Playing sors.C. Wachng oies.13. ow may kinds of iesofhe man are mntioned?未经许可 请勿转载A. 2.B.3.C. 414. Wht oes he a lok like?A. Hsvery fatBHeis out of ae.C. He as a god fue.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. Wht iste womn asing th anaout?A. Hisork.B. His rounes 日常事务.C. Hisfavoites.16. Whn dos the man pobably havelunc?A At11:00 m.B. t 1:3 .C. At2:3 p.m.17. How is the ans life aft wo?A.Relaxig.B. ring.C.Dull.听第10段材料,回答第18至题。18. Whn irinceChals bco agrandfther?. In Apil 21.B. In uly 203Cne 203.19. Wha id Buckingham Pla d toanounc th birth?未经许可 请勿转载A. Te sent or theeortrs.B. ey pinted thepcegat.C. Thy put a ocn stad 架子,展台20. w ddCana celre th arival ofthe ay price?未经许可 请勿转载A. Niagra al w l wihbluelights.B. Aiftas et o Bukingamalace.C. Man newppes chad thr ame.第二部分 阅读理解共两节,满分40分第一节共15小题;每题分,满分30分阅读以下短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出最佳选项。A Chise Nw Yaris apohing and prearatios uderway aud the wrld.Here are soe hnatowns orthose ousie of iawishng to mr theday.未经许可 请勿转载LondnAlthought my not be s aros lnbuas oter, hingnlybecom acenter orhehinese cmmuniy dug te195s, Londons hinatownis a erfectlyfored le firework tha knos ho see in te yer with a ban. Decorted it re laner灯笼, preious ars hae seenshostacrbatic 杂技, marta arts 武术, aneand pernearb未经许可 请勿转载San FrancisoSan Francicosatown i perpstemost fmous in the Unted States. T citywsheain enty-oit r Cinese whad croedth Pacic o he U during t arl 19h cntry Betwe thrantvene and the ockt Stret, thi hisoric ra is a lcal resre,tracin more isitos e yer than eGold GteBridge.未经许可 请勿转载Bnkoithan abut 100-rold hsoy,t hai capt naw ntains comlestrets offeing a kidsf tasty teas, lothe, toys nd antius.Sunday marketday are suha godime gt theulamospre ft neighbroo. Taa isalso knonfoits gold dealers,whoe hops line te rod.未经许可 请勿转载MurtiuFoun i Po Lis,his auia Chtow shows h isan ntions rich multicultural diersity. sblished heery year ofte 2th century by settrs fm na, itsiny shps d retant serv loalsad vsios Durig the hinese pringFestva, themosexcitigsgh is the gn Dnen ue RaewhenChine msicnand dner perfomthe tradiional Lion dances throh the steet未经许可 请勿转载21. Accrding to the x, hch of th ollwin as the longest itory?未经许可 请勿转载A. Lonons Chnatwn.B. BoksChinatown.C. auritss inatn.D. San FrcsCnatown.22. Whas sci abutBngos Ciaow?. It is cowed wt Chinee restaurats. Ita he majr ene or t Cines.C. I is ell-own fo itgod buiness.DIt is he yucan eny wks.23f you wntto noy theDragon Dces, you an o to _.未经许可 请勿转载A Rue ole i Por Louis,MatusB. he Sudaymakt in Bgkok. te GrantAvenu i SaFrancio. D.thChnseommunityn Lon.Have yo ver though o quittingorjo whenyoufeel xhad?Myb os of you oul sy “ster a pariularly bus pe atwor,I deided toget awy roal by goin ona hikein the mountains in souten ranc. Befre Ilef, readan nterestingstor in a magzine. It red,“nce, whle I asriding acrowded bus,h mastin next to me threw hiscellphneout ofth wndow hn i phone rag. wassuised.H looed atme, hrugge 耸耸肩 adooe away.I a no idea whther t ashi r stle r weeh ve new what ace on ws orot,but e clalywned to be re f it, beause t cleal trubled im. llios feolecosthe worl se cel phos. hou ll phonesa a wnderfl wayor comicaton, teotendo thextoppste Usin cll ones ca inese stres within fails and rd. oen Irently reurned home, got ri of myclphne.o go outsid wthout king m one wh me Ive notcedinsin ynighborhood I ever noced befor,suhsardens. Ie ew eope,statedcnvratin with neighbors int peako before and ad with se omfrindsaceto fcensted o cattigover thehone nstd of keepn me off from eworl, stopn uing my cll phon as helpe e ge ven closer o m famiy nd friend4 According to thestory, th mn on te butrew away is e phon bcause 未经许可 请勿转载_.A idnt wok prperlyB. it wa solen fom omee ele h didnt lk h poes styleD hedidntan o b otherd by it25.We cn ear fro e passae tha ce phon _.未经许可 请勿转载 are oo exenve fmn eple. re o no seto th autorCanalo e peple nto troleD.anmak eoreinteeing26. What cnw lern abouthe auor?. He wnts town gren nowB. He alwaychattd withhsneighbos.C. He used to ae icll phone when gig ouside.D. ene threwway is cellphoe.2. The main prpoe of the passe is _. tll us n to t e phos conrollieB. ecourag ohes to hie wih himi reC. he hs eperiene in Francewits. each us owo getalng witneiorClack Friday istFridayolwing aksgiing yin the UnitedStts.thasbnrgared as thebegiing of te holidy shppi season. Althug t nt n oficalholda, ilon of eoyers gieheir ploeehe dy, admny peope se th ay ogta ump-t n ther olidy hoppin. A simlardy in Canada and Grat Briai is called“oxinDay.未经许可 请勿转载lackiday has becmesomewhatofa arketin snsationi recent years. Snce 2005, as been the busie shpingday o th yar. To leshopers,retaler 零售商 routinlpehr dors s earlya .m.nd oersecilslead rmotis tote sopper tt r ealy. Sme f th eci dasoferd stores areonly available in lmedquantes.ht i h som hoppers ntent on gettin the bestdeals n cmpoutinrnt of ste ovright o that theylle t irst inie whn he doos opn.未经许可 请勿转载u wh Black Fri? Hiorians beliee the nae stared inPladpia nte mid-960s. Bus drive anpolce used “Black Fra to esibe the heay rai that wold bloccty strees thedytr hansivings soppe headedo th stors未经许可 请勿转载Busineses, owever, didt like t neatv tone ssciaeith he “Bla idaynam. In th early 980s, a mrepostivexlanationof thname eg to irulate. Acording toth alrntivpnain, BcFrdy s the day hen retaiers fnall begi to trn proft fo th year. I auntig terms 会计行业, operati a a los isalledbig “nthereecause accounanstradtionally usedred nk to sho egative amounts. Psiti amounts were usually sown inbcki hus, ein “in the lack s a od thing becaue it meas tores aotig at a prot未经许可 请勿转载Reenty,for hoe wh ar too so hop o Blckriday r whoj d wn to fighth cowds, he Monayfolowing BlackFriday h becme nown as Cr dy网络星期一frthe manni als.未经许可 请勿转载28. On Blac rday,the Aia _.A.dt have togo to r s usuaB lok xactly lietCdianC are sall uy doing oppgD. say athomeand raxthemslvs29. Te underlind word“lur Paagrph2 probaby mean _未经许可 请勿转载A.ptectB.attrct . psuaD.rnd30 How te rtaiers unrsnd Blac rday?A s totaldfferet from oxngD.B They uually lossmone on the dayC. It evkep te very busy. It pobalybrings th more mony3. Thauthor wries this assag n ord t _.未经许可 请勿转载.te th dveopment of CyrMondayB. tll t differene between red an lak trdceack Frida tthe radesD. explai themeanig of Boing DayDsgongn holidy of anybnet?ew resech shost goigolidayake you ot nlyfl ood whil your herut alin he heth enfformoths. Jetting ff to dsiatis suchs the Maldiv cts r bloo prssre, helps o sleepbetter ndbouc ak fr te. ebeneit las at least a fortngt long han the vcaio and an be felt fo moth i smecasswe it is climd. Eperts sayworkersshouldalays take terhoia titlement 权利 eah ear, but man o nthre dnt. he tudycoare ke health akers in holdyaers visitng Thaand, Pru or the dives, it those ineoe who stayed athome adcntinudworkn. Taveae blodrsure othoe onolarpped b si perent whileh wokers sheibpressrerse byopercentov tesampeiod Th sep ualty of hlidaymaks improd by 17 prcet whil hat of te on-hlaymakes deerirate by 14 pecen. The tuy als found he abty vcationrs ecover fro ses, n as th stes-resiien st, mroed by9ercnt Th was a 71ercent falin sress-esilnce scr among kes. Testsshoedallelood gluose葡萄糖 evel, reded ris of diabts糖尿病,imer waistles ad mprov mod adnergyevels, with theffctssustad fr at eas tw ees atereturnighome. ThHoid Heathxmetwas cducted by tour operator Kuoi d Nuffeld Halth, th UKslargst healtcare chriy.32. ccdig te psage, how mny pepl on holiday?未经许可 请勿转载 A.Oetird.Bwohirds .1 pcnt.DA quater.33.Which the olwigca infe from the page?未经许可 请勿转载A.Th uteryou go,the bette you gtthbenis.Mostppleik o sta at hmeduig the hlday C.Th sult o th su ismostlybasdon tedesrption rom thepeople ivovd. Doldaykerarmoe lklyt e healir tn non-holdayake.34.he author inns t tells that _.A.w hav togo nhliays ucas ossibeByoull certnly get depredif youdt g on holidayC.ehad ette go onlidorthe bnitsoourhealthD.it etog forgn contries like Maldivs3.Thbettitle of the psais _ AA Holiday eahExrimntHealth Benefit rmHlidC.Halth Problem fHanglayDKy Hah Mkersn Hoiymaks第二节共5小题;每题2分,满分10分 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。otg our Bra PoerWho hasntsedthheywre justa litle smte?Mybe yore i hool an ust n toe etrgradeon a est. 36 Here ar some ays u can go abot bstngyo bapwe. Sleep oe of thease hgs to ,yet oeofhe ones that ost of u dont do We liv i a bus ag and often t see ht wedonteenouh ie to ge evything d many of s scrfice ur hurs ofslepto acmplish ur ailasks. 37 Read aboo. Bngsmater i t n bout thinkng utknowledge lys a big prt n it, too Reading help yur brainsta civ. 3Thin it xrcis fr the brain.Tyurnng off tht tisn setan gifor wlk. A walk will timulteour bdy adrela yormind. Jst as watcig too mcTVcanut yr ody, it scauses your brain to sow dn as we. 3 Thers abig diffebetween kowisomtin ad ben able to teach t toseonese Theesoting ke ting to beaksmetng dow int siplertemsoothrs to lp u undetanditbettr than y did before.ork o a uzl. Itcan anyting fom thenesapr csword o the e Sudokupuzzl. Puzzes help yu use yurbrain to fgue out the anse. 40 u brn need exrcsejust lik yu ody esto be able to fuctn n tp frm. So go t there n bootyu bainower, ourmwill thak yo.A. Lrn sometinew nd thnteach someoe ee h todo i.B. By writou hing u know, i hes yo to nderstnd hem eter.C. Cod pzzles alo av the added benitf increasg your vocabularyand knowldge. D. ye uwantto showour boss that yuare od nough o get a promoion.E. vnyourbod he tit ned very ni can oot yur ablity o funcion a our est the nt dayF. kippn lsnmake it hre you t hnk a perform at yor s. he mo ou read,th moreyou kow, an he smrte o wll be. 第三部分 英语知识运用共两节,满分4