仁爱版初三英语上册全册教案32. (老师呈现一些写有国家、语言、民族的卡片,和学生一起谈论三者的对应关系,引诞生词和被动语态。然后,请学生将此三类卡片一一对应地贴到黑板上的相应栏目中。)t:s1, which do you like better, chinese or english?s1:i like chinese better. t:so do i. chinese and english are both languages. chinese is spoken by the most people throughout the world while english is the most popular language throughout the world.(板书,要求学生驾驭language;理解throughout。)languagethroughout=all overt:there are many countries in the world. different languages are spoken by people in different countries. now here are some cards about the countries, the languages and the people. can you stick them on the blackboard in the correct order?s2:i can have a try. peoplelanguagecountrychineseenglish/englishmanamericanjapanesefrench/frenchmanchineseenglishenglishjapanesefrenchchinaenglandu.s.a.japanfrance(可请3-4名学生分工完成。)3. (1) (通过上面这个表格,进行对话练习,引出被动语态。)t:look at the blackboard and answer my questions. which language do chinese people speak?s3: they speak chinese. t:good! it means “chinese is spoken by chinese”. and which language do australians speak?s4: they speak english. t:youre right. english is spoken by australians.(进行上述对话时,板书以下结构,并讲解它们的意思和区分。)(2)(要求学生依据表格,仿照以上对话练习被动语态。)s5:which language do americans speak?s6:they speak english.s7: english is spoken by americans. t:good jobs. this class were going to learn section a, topic 1, unit 3.step 2 presentation 其次步 呈现(时间:10分钟)老师展示图片,创建情景对话,呈现新词汇和被动语态,完成1a,1b。1. (老师出示一幅mickey mouse和donald duck的卡通图片,导入新课,学习生词。)t:now, look at this cartoon. who are they?ss:mickey mouse and donald duck. t:do you like them?ss:yes. we like them very much. t:they are very popular. they are enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. i think you would like to see more cartoon characters.(板书并要求学生理解。)cartooncharacterthey are enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world. 2. (要求学生听录音,并回答下列问题。熟识1a内容,培育听力技能。) (出示小黑板。)(1)where will wang junfeng and his parents visit?(2)which language is widely spoken throughout the world?(边听边视察,若学生有很多不懂之处,再放一遍录音,然后核对答案。)3. (让学生速读1a,完成1b,提示学生重点理解被动语态的用法,并找出重点、难点。培育学生快速阅读实力。)共31页,当前第1页12345678910111213141516171819202322232425262728293031