2022年临沂市沂南县九年级中考英语一模试题卷一.听力洌试(共20小延计加分)(一)听学子.自搭与WmK容用对正的国匕告小句子立辱迫.ABCDEF1.134.5.(二:听对话刊同翌.糙提中奸W客,W搭最健苍页,对迂充同H北京劳迈:B.Nin Smith s.C.GocmpiLg.C.Luk!3!l6 A Go tiki理.7.A.,IUgSMthKA By e咄匚m the tsxtbockB.Bvwotkirz withftiendsC. BywachiiiE moviesA. Ai 7:50.B.Ai 8:00.C.At 8:10.8. A.Ehe1sd(L.B.FfSEce.C. Japan.:三)Linen肛d tell Tgor Fai盟:听孟M笈提©内容.为市以下句子壬误,壬狗曲可“A”表示,不正 的W “B”表示立工皆两温,呻短工篁,你门有20秒=的时间阅京以下句子6IL Sara lost her Lacds becau-e of就 azcident.12. Sara was taught and treated like a common panor by bl Amari皿 couple.13. Sata practtcad Biting with her feet.14. Sara woz the fint prize in the Chirese fitting competitiai.15. Sara waited to aicouiage the disabled Chieie j«soilb to ba succewful in life.CG? Listen and nUi£±blai±5.(听对话.根据对话方客三成二列旬子总豆过跤不限.对话土三猥.听对 话包.你们终有20卷=的时间间京k列旬于:,清考生们先把答灵耳芒W建旦格处.检五羽告耳谷克石苔会 卡第必)建上.Ifi.HwoldisJudv? .She is yean ol±VrTiy didnl Nick go to tba party?BecsiLH he had a last Satodav afternoon.17. Howwas the party?It w骂Vrlere are tbav Sim thisweieM?Th2y are eoite tonsit theWhH are they gairs to meet?TheVre going to meet二、完形填空(共8小矍,计8分)根痞追文内容.从方程中出出恰当的单词或追通步至,便追 文孟思定整.第一个方程於21-24小翌去电第二个方攫失25-28小理选用.每个选项只用一次, 每握有一项附余.A. In order to B.as C. however D. bendf E.harEil过 Gu.a Chinese 山er :,管号乏芯三' .ha: akeady wob two golch and om silver ftjrCkiu3t tba 2022 Winter Olmpk Games.Gu 谭器 bom to 5士 an America:面her and a ChiiBse mother. The teecazet (21)has alwavi gmVW- Jproud ofhar Chirese toots :椁). S拄 卬为匕 Chines well srd calls (22 )a Teijirg eiri.' Gji itarted skiing wban ska wa» only thiee. She got her fint win at the age of mre when she lived ir ±e Uiuted States C23 ) m Americai. (24)eKOuiage tau of milEoz of Chiie-e tesLagers to love skirg, tbe gill joined Tbsei China aod chscged her cationalih9 (篇:.A 6fficulties B.successfclly C.oeIimD. took part inE.In Aueil2019.Gu (25)the A口 tralim New ZalaDd Cup. The teecaze skier wouHer 旨wVWXA/VVWW '.congrsmlated her (26). People called her a 'gaiiui (skier/Gu also does well in her ichoolwoik. She tas 3mx the entfance :注'、: exmiiLaioii of Sfiford Univentty. She is si onlv talented M aho h3fd-woiki£2. She is biave enouEh tofke aDthe (27)She never wives up and alwsyi tries her belt to achieve ter dxesm. So±e becomes a (28 )gid. She is really worth leamtHg. 三.阅读理解(共12小昱,计24分)A:根箴XX客.志名最使苦灵(共4小建.计8分: there are Ker than fourhmJied.Oecw 山圣 were many thuDdm of Ga Desert1 沙漠:el学匕e【e in Mali, a ccimtxy 江 Vest Africa. NoW ±y did the Ember of the sleptanu drop w quickly? On thm o« hard, the elv 匕3' mail: lake. thWi onlywaief Boufce :索忍:.dried up. On ±e other hand, tbe lacd which the eleptants lived on wa: oven2ad by 匕工皿.To protect tbs elephants1 living Evifomem. the Mali Elephant Ptoject CNIEP: wa- -urted tr 2007AIEP met ith local people 311d kelpad them make rdes of uttg Istd md 宣3tm. Ai a 偿Mt, the mitu3tion became better mi tberw was mote food, forest 或 gxaulmd.However, fircci 2012 to 2016,poach理 :鳖 道:acd illegal trade in the elephants ixaeased ridly. Eighty。聿 elephants were lost in 2015, and SMtber fidy-ow eleptsnts were killed in 2016. ;iIf thia dtiatiou goes on. all tbe Goima ele?h3Et3 will bs killed bv 2020/ -aid amembef of MEP.Lixkily; thw voice ofNIEP was heard. More ofgadzattoi 1 旦举:have joined togetkef to aducaie the local people that trading elephsnts is agairjt the Elephant pM±irg has dropped to a very low level. Tte local paople have leaded to live peazefdly ui± elephants, oce oftbe ildEfe treasrjes inthewoddNIEPwas started toA stop the main Lake firan &yirg updiscover water jobn for elephant-B. protect the elephaEts. lt4ng 即vifomeEiWlat dees th/ word,lfegal' ir Paragih 4 m过 in Chinese?A公平的B.非法的C.号投的Wecan lean: firom the last paragraph thatA therm is much less elephant posing cowthe umber of cmnizstiorj has dioppadB. tbe whole Kxjrid live peace fidly with elephant!29. This parage is marly aboutA the mle- of usiie land 亚d wateB. tbaeducation of±e localpaopleThe sitLatioi- srd protection of GouimDeien elephants *VSAAAAA/VB:栈女式W容.迸&最佬苔灵(共4小建.计8分)In tba 13thvMtuiy: Marco Polo, the worid Italian ttavelx w nuny word3ftli thirga ir China. One of the thmp be discovered was cigd2y made of paper.People i£ the West did cot have suet kind of money until ±e 15th century. Hower, the Chirera began to use it irtba -thimv.Pacer 宣第 mvented by a Ctimsz mai: called Cai Lim almost 2.0C0 vean 3so. But it wai not made in Europe Wv VvWuntil the year llOOTou hmhed yeas later, a Gennsn discovered that he could make ±e best g* from tr笠,After that countries rich ir fbrats. suet as Canada, 3kWh America, Finland became tbe most important ones ir pper cukirs.Paper can be used ir many wayj. The common use! iEdixte 理平与学ers. dazaare- and books. ButdcyouknwArd e-en holies can be tnsulsted (使经缘:&om bear or cold with 内冲.HoKevet we have to ixdentaid that paper stiH comes ftom trees sw. If 2 keep on wasting so much paper, there will not m any trees left or tbe earth iocb 与达 the nearEvay day people thxow away 曲口 1&00 tots of p>2f in 04 dty. k takes r trees to make ore ton of pper. Thii cxsej that we are cutting dour Heady 48,000 tr%5 every 切The is that it takes mon ±an lOyesn for a tree to grw.So we must 3t制 率加m per right now. We 询 uh both sides of every piece of p>er. We 皿 make uiend thirgsout of used p>ef. We can use china cups iLsead of paj>er one-. V.len sboppirE. we 也 uie fewei per bag- aocd fuie theci if we have 3ome.Ir short, we should k) a balance 1=麦:between usirg paper and protecting trees. SDddoitDOwbeftjre it is too late.30. Paper i3ed tn CLimAintbe 了 thcmtiayB. mil the 15theemyC.ir±el3±ceEmvCountries like Canada became tbs most inportant ores in p针 making bscairaA. they km nch coimtrieB±eywere large comtrieaC.也2V had lots of forestsWhich is not tnie accoidirg to 修 passage?A. Euiop2SE3 didii'tuse per wiltbe year 11Q0.B. Pieris only used for king warn in F inland.C. V;35tiiz more p« meaiu cutting down more traes.31. The pauage naiiily wants to tell usA ±e invMtkm of p>erB. tbeuieofppefthe impotsnee of saving p>erc f据敬内客.从下腿项o建白隹填入X。包自处的鞋继项.使思文内献胸三.有一项多余.:三 4小电计8分)Kik岫IE Dick was nuiirE. hh moter was wonied. 4HT A. Dick was too scared to move and regretted deeply.B. But soon Dick became more intere»ted in playing games with o±n,There was a Ri父 student called Dick.C. Il tkw crowd tbera was a wiie teaier.Long long ago. there was a crowd of antelopes :类主: in the forest. (37)He wa- admired by everyme b2csi3e he taught tte yoimg tbe tricks and sttaiegies of mivival C 生芋黄夯:Or?e 邺;hh yoixger li-ter brought her son to Ha and asked him to tea± wtst 宣器 impoftait to antelopes. She said. 'Dear biothM this is ny son, Dick. Please teach him the tricks and Btrstesie: of survival. "The teaier laid to IF*9Dick,' Yim can come at this time tomarow for your fint lesson/At fint, Dick came to kava 1名sons oe time every (38)whe began to ba abiect from clades. H(阳2V. he didn'tflize hw daEgeroui it could tefor a yoimg antelope who 1 划应 ncthi里 but game-.Unluckily one day the young antelope iteppad iu a txq :需 讲).(39 )S拄 went to her biotbef and asked him. 'My biotber. hwis my son? Have you taught him tbe tricks and strategies of sunSval?' The teaiz 可lied. My dear siaer, I tried my best to tea± bin but youx sol did Eot want to 1 皿 the tricks and -tiategte- of iur4val. He wa: absent from daues. How could I Mt HmTAt this ticB they heard that Dick was caught in a ttap. They hurried to fescue :含致:hm befiwe it was too late.(40)If tbe yean建 antelope had k>t learang carefully all the time.拄 wouldn't tsv三 been esught.U!,词形转换(共8小蚂计E分)根据句意用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空限填一词.41.My3ixtliveiOE±e;twenty: floor.42. Tom did:bad:than any other boy ir th dais tn ±e exam.1. .1 dreamed to be a 'science . when I was a child.44. The red sweater izEt LiLda s. (she; h st home.45. Thee are many ,北洋? estt£E grass on the hill1 am angry id ':. age: to go to tbe m的 withBob.46. Sone itr±nts choose t Russia: as theif foragr language.47. Mv other has been woikinz too hard: recant;.41.42五动词庄用(共7小黑,计7分)根据专文内客.W三号内斫冷幼词的适当招式步三必要 可加助劭词或传态动词.He (49)erffeisWuYdlaWSA/Van 5由皿 C苔透的:invenior 丘om a village. Even when he宣器 a child,he C50) (take: a great irtere-t in robots. He made his first miri-electrical mail理 at the age of S.He woiked on fobou all 妈Local nlhzenthoi啰 Wu熟 W3! 6Zf Howe注 he 坪号 up m dream. He spat most of his time fobots and didzl careabout 立迎.SofefeCSD:make:mcce than thirty fobotm with different fixctio口 (以隹 MSoiffi 皿 dean, sockcan wash the dhbr and othen (52 )can wash the dhbr and othen (52 )*1 willcever stop(53)Cpoux: Rater or serve fixxi.(make?fobottsDdrci glad that I hap/e kt on" -aidYdu. *1112CO9,1 (54)finite? to an ahbition :曼些:in ShijiaztiEg. ±e coital of Hete Pfovrce. my robots. I-a: proud that myfobots were oe §how along with Shenzhou XU., -WSAAAA/VXAhHuenced bv Wu Ydu, him son Wu Whevhe loves robots, too. The man ii a college strdent maorirH inJWAAXAvWWV.1-11 sscience desin:(设计):and always balpm his other make robot!. In the future, he 3nd his mber Wu ( 55 )C血匈: more usefcl fobota.-53.54.55.六、阖该表达(共s小艇.计10分)In BritsiiL Boxirg Day i3 usually celetaated or December 26th,出<± is tbs following day after Chiisteias Day.Hsvev. stricthr, ipeaking. Boxiis D务 is the fint weekday after Chrisims. Like ChriTDsy: Boxik Day is apublic holiday. This meau its a Eorrwodcing day ir th三 whole ofBritaiii. R/Lh Boxirz 啊 felh on a Saturday orSrndsv. the folloizE Alordav im ±e public holid3V.The exxt origin : W 田:of the holiday is imdear. Ote of thw thcugte is that during th三 Middle Ages, when great sailirg (凯行的) ships were setting off to discoslandI a Chriamas Box -as placed b>* a priest :护父on eachship. Those sailcts :忒手:wbo wanted to make sw ofasafe latum would drop money into the box. It wsb sealed :史 主: up and kept on board until ±e ship came heme safely. Then tbe box 宣虫 handed over to the priest in the ex±3nge for 但 saying of a Maia of thanks for tbs auccess of tbe lailirg. Tbs priest wouldn't open it to share ±2 content:(容纳分)wth ±epoor imti Chris:One more thought ii about the 'Alm: C 政声.整堂:Box* placed in every church oe Chxinms Dsy. Wonii逅 s :£ 充慧的人:加 gifts fiw ±e poor irto it The=e boxes were 如笆冷 opened the day afier Chii-tm:. that is why thatday beeday beeie knOTx 韭 Boxing Day. 7bday J。k刊 the tiaditi(xal spirit ofBoxmg Day alive, people still derate : W 笊:thek tim serncei and mojB* to help the people in nM. 医京京根据土方容回答y列问思When is Bokihe Day?5 工 XVhar s the memrg ©f public holiday?58. Who placed a ChrisimaB Box on each stip?59. Why did Bailon drop money irto±e Chri-teia- Box'How do people tod* do to k 却 tbe uaditioul spirit of Boxing Day alive?七补全对话(共4小墨,计8分)根相对迂大客.在空E处步入适当的句子,层对话京.恩完整.A: Whst basmifil pictures, Ja±!B: No, not pieties. (61)Stamps? Ive wver 工过 them befora (62 ?A: They arm used for poitiisg letten.A: Ww? There are so asny stamps. 163'?B:r*e Eot more than *00 of them. 一A: So yoS really a stamp lover.B: eah and Iwsn: to be a stamp designer :设itP?).A: 64)?B: Im eoihe to Btudvan tllv hard sndzo to an an college.A: I hops jxmfdfean can come tiua.B:Ttaiixxyii.6LA.书面表达(计n分)殳情看下.我们守当了学矣博.积松军正保持身体堂泉清根据爰承谈魂作了孥的芋为炎的电场受法的意 议.开头m沦出.提乱Wt3i kl±y piobleais may* ±e people hr/e if ±e>* get infected :善友:aiththevin 1 备三:?1. Vrlat should we do to kp Wealthy? (wear masks 口焦Z in good mood 心库:W 袋.五百以上何恚允提示.可正三发捋注意无句通巴沼法壬遁,书号超范.1 .斐工=不存已或任何MH的人名.校名及其它年共惜售.百力方子评分.不少于8词.UDder the epideciic situstkji:女书),we should kr.w smettiiq and do gmthii谭 to keep Wealthy.