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2023届新高考英语备考复习记叙文写作技巧考查要点:高考书面表达的记叙文同一般的记叙文有所不同,需要记叙的时间、地点、人物、内容 及经过都有要求和限制,学生必须根据所给的要求和提示表达。高考书面表达的记叙文的内 容和要点可以通过图画、表格或汉字等给予揭示,有时还和书信、日记等体裁相结合。记叙文的分类高考记叙文考试可能性不大,但是小作文和口语很大还是需要积累(1)以记人为主的记叙文。即以人物为中心组织材料,围绕这个人物来写一两件事。(2)以叙事为主的记叙文。即以时间为中心组织材料,围绕中心事件,可以写一个人或 几个人。(3)以写景状物为主的记叙文。但应注意的是,在一篇记叙文中,写人、写事、写景往 往是交织在一起的,不可截然分开,但应各有侧重。写作要点:(1)六要素 一般记叙文都具有时间、地点、人物、事件、原因和结果等要素。(2)结构不管是记人还是记事,文章中应有一条(或几条)贯穿全文的线,要有开始、中间、结尾。(3)叙事角度 写作时,通常用第一人称和第三人称两种角度来记叙。使用第一人称, 即以当事人的口吻来表达事件或人物,使人感到亲切、可信,缺点是有可能主观或武断。使 用第三人称,使人感觉更加客观,有身临其境之感,这种表达角度常用于对重大事件的客观 报道,以及表达他人的经历或事迹。(4)顺序 一般来说,记叙文是按时间顺序来表达的,最常用的表达方法是顺序和倒 叙。顺序就是按照客观事物发生、开展的先后次序进行表达,容易把事件说清楚。倒叙,及 先倒叙结果,然后按事件的开展顺序进行表达。(5)时态 记叙文所需要的时态要根据需要决定,一般使用动词的过去时态;记叙文如 用对话时,必须注意使用正确的时态及标点符号,还要注意使用适当的连接词,如when, next, afterwards, meanwhile, finally等,用来表示事件之间的时间关系。注意:(1)动作、语言、心理描写是记叙文写作中最常用的手法,写作时应针对不同主题选择 最合适的手法。(2)故事的发生总是循序渐进的,但在记叙文写作中需做到详略得当,选择与主题契合 度高的内容是重中之重。(3)记叙的最终目的是为了表达作者的看法、观点,“夹叙夹议”往往是明智的做法。课堂精讲1.请写一篇记叙文,讲述一个让你印象深刻的人。词数控制在150200。审题本文是一篇以人为主的记叙文,应该围绕所谈论的人展开,写一两件事。成文Li Jiacheng is known as the richest person in Asia. His brilliant achievements are admired by many teenagers. Some may say that, "It's his destiny. He deserves it" But how many people know how he approached the door of success?When Li was young, he was just an ordinary boy. Selling plastic flowers was his job. His life was boring. What he had to do was to make the flowers and sell them. But the great ambition in his heart never died. While he was sleeping on a bench in a park or bearing hunger, he was still waiting for a chance to prove himself.Then, the chance arrivedan old man ordered a large number of flowers. This was anarduous task. Li managed to complete it without complaining or giving up. He didn't know that he was being tested by the old man until he found out that the old man was a prosperous businessman. Li's honesty moved the old guy. He passed the exam, of course. What kinds of life Li was going to have was clear. His life became glorious as well as resplendent.Li's experience told me that honesty is a beacon lighting up one's way forward. You'll be successful because of your precious honesty.课堂精练1、人生充满各种经历,其中有一些即使多年之后回首仍让我们感觉记忆犹新。你是否也有 这样的经历?请以第一人称的形式描写一次难忘的经历。词数控制在120左右。审题本文要求以记叙文的形式描写一次难忘的经历,对于写惯议论文的学生而言,首先应注意 防止将其写成论证“为什么难忘”,包含“首先、其次、再次”的标准议论文。还应注意的 是,不能简单地讲本提要求中的“第一人称”理解成一个视角,如果“我”只是一个旁观者, 写出的文章一般就会比拟生硬,远不如以“参与者”视角来写更具说服力。此外,记叙文的高下之分还在于是否具有“言外之意”,即是否有作者的观点和启发人们 思考的内容,或是有生活情趣的细节。成文The passage of time often deposits something truly meaningful. The sports meeting months ago is such a memorable experience.By some stoke of fortune, I got the last ticket for the 1000-meter race. In the next few days, my heart was at sixes and sevens since I was a little bit fat and totally green. Thus, completing the whole journey seemed to be a hard goal to reach.Worried as I was, I was finally in the game. While I was soon out of breath, I resisted the temptation to give up. I refused to surrender. As I passed the finish line, I smiled. I knew I had won.Sometimes life is like a race. The biggest rival actually lies in you. Waken your potential, and nothing is impossible as long as you put fate in your own hand and pursue your dreams.