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    人教PEP四年级英语下册《Unit5 My clothes》单元测试02.docx

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    人教PEP四年级英语下册《Unit5 My clothes》单元测试02.docx

    人教PEP版四年级英语下册Unit 5 My clothes单元测试一、判断发音(判断每组单词画线局部读音是“ 否"义”相同)()1. shirt skirt()2. apple little()3. whose where()4. clothes clock()5. table people二、看图片,选单词G. skirtA. dress B. shorts C. pants D. socks E. shirt F. sweaterH. hat I. coat J. jacket三、单项选择()1. Whose the shorts?A. isB. amC. are()2. 一Is this your dress? 一A. Yes, it isn't.B. Yes, it is. C. No, it is.()3. The pants are.A. your fatherB. your fathersC. your father's()4.are your shoes.A. ThatB. TheseC. This()5. What colour are the jeans? 一A. They are blue.B. It's blue.C. It's black.()6. Where my socks?A. amB. isC. are()7. 一 coat is that?一It's Miss White's.A. WhoB. Who'sC. Whose()8. 一一Yes, they are.A. Is this your skirt?B. Are these your clothes?C. Where are they?()9. It's 9:00. It's time.A. go to bedC. for go to bed ()10. This isB. to go to bedbook. That book isA. my; yourB. mine; yoursC. my; yours)H.-are your shorts?一They are brown.A. What colourB. How oldC. What about)12. 一Are those shoes Amy9s ?A. No, they aren'tB. No, they areC. No, those not()13. What about football?A. playB. playingC. to play()14. 一一It's four o'clock.A. What time it is?B. What time is it?C. Which time is it?()15 It's hot. I want to wear.A. sweaterB. shortsC. coat四、按要求完成句子1. Those are Mike's pants.(改为一般疑问句) Mike's pants?2. This is my book.(改为同义句)This is.3. Whose socks are those?(改为同义句) are those?4. Are those new shorts Jim's?(作肯定回答) , they.5. That is John's pencil.(对画线局部提问)is that?五、看图选句子J()1.A. Hang up your dress.()2.8. Hang up your pants.A. Is this your sweater? No, it isn't.8. 一Are these your pants?一Yes, they are.)3.A. These are Zhang Peng's shoes.8. These shorts are Zhang Peng's.()4.A. That is Amy's dress.B. This is Amy's skirt.A. I like these hats.8. I like those blue jeans.六、读问句,选答语A. Yes, they are.B. They are Tom's.C. They are red.D. No, it isn't. It's Mike's.E. They are shirts.()1. Whose are these bags?()2. What are these?()3. Is this John's table?()4. What colour are your socks?()5. Are these yours?七、连词成句1. shoes; John's, are, these (.)2. Chen Jie's, is, dress, this (.)3. a, has, Chen Jie, apple, green (.)4. bike, is, a, little, this (.)5. Uncle Dan's, that, shirt, is (.)八、阅读短文,选择正确答案Today is a cool day. I'm packing my clothes for a trip. Look! This is my white dress and this is a yellow shirt. I like them very much. That is my orange skirt. It's new. These are my black socks and blue pants. There is a red jacket. Whose is it? Oh, it's my sister's. Where is my jacket? Ah, it's on the floor. I want to pack it, too.()1. My dress is.A. whiteB. yellow C. orange()2.1 like my very much.A. dress and socks B. shirt and skirt C. dress and shirt()3. My new skirt is.A. blueB. blackC. orange()4. 一Where are my jacket? 一It's.A. on the bed B. in the bagC. on the floor()5. Which one (哪一个)is not packed (被装包)?A. The hat. B. The jacket. C. The dress.参考答案1.二、1.H2. J 3. D 4. B 5.16. G 7. F 8. C 9. E 10. A三、1.C2, B 3. C 4. B 5. A6. C 7, C 8. B 9. B 10. C 11. A 12. A 13. B 14. B 15. B四、1. Are those点拨:Those are改为一般疑问句时,把are提到句首并大写首字母, those首字母变小写,末尾加问号。即u Are those? ”。2. book; mine3. Whose; socks4. Yes; are5. Whose pencil点拨:对所有格提问要用whose “谁的",所有格后面假设有名词,那么 放在whose后面。五、1. A 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. B六、LB 2. E 3.D4. C 5. A七、1. These are John's shoes.2. This is Chen Jie's dress.3. Chen Jie has a green apple.4. This is a little bike.5. That is Uncle Dan's shirt.八、1. A 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. A


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