在瑞典,说起普遍意义上的家In Sweden, when you talk about home in a more general way,我们称之为“汉姆”we say "hem."但自己的家被称为“汉玛”But your own home is "hemma.”是自己独一无二的家It's your special home.我们管这个地方叫那特鲁斯We call this place Naturhus(瑞典那特鲁斯)因为我把房♥子建在了温室里because I built my house inside a greenhouse.这样我就在瑞典拥有了地中海式气候So I have Mediterranean climate in Sweden.就像是用意大利把房♥子围起来It's like having Italy around the house.有时在建房♥子时,要把大自然推开Sometimes when you build a house, you push nature away.(房♥主安德斯索瓦姆)要保护自己不受大自然的侵蚀You protect yourself from the nature.但这个房♥子更像是,我们把大自然邀请到了家中But this is like more we invite the nature to the house.一座自然之屋的理念A nature house is all built around是要增强人与植物的互动trying to enhance the interaction between people and plants.家并不仅仅是个庇护所A home is not only like a shelter.家也可以成为养活我们的地方it can also be a place to feed you,为我们提供食物和能量both with food and energy.我一直想为家人建一座房♥子I have always wanted to build a house for my family.那是我的梦想It was a dream.但我刚开始时,我不知道家还可以给人带来治愈But when I started out, I didn't understand that a home can heal you.如何让他开心how am I going to make him happy.我们从这些问题开始入手We started with all these questions,结果可以说一切都事与愿违and everything went upside-down in a way.安德斯对乔纳坦的期望很高Anders, he had so high expectations of Jonatan,发现儿子不是他想要的样户后,他很失望and the disappointment of him not being the son he was wanting him to be 他很难过was very hard for him.有了孩子以后When you have a child,家长会想象自己和孩子一起踢足球,读书、讨论各种话题you can see yourself playing football, reading books, discuss this and that, 一起去冒险going on an adventure together.但当孩子的表现完全不同时And then when your child is acting very differently,家长便会意识到这些梦想只是梦想而已you understand all these dreams were just. dreams没有任何实现的可能with no option to fulfill them.我现在很想上岸Now I really want to get out.一回去?-对-Go back?-Yeah.要游回去吗?Should we swim back?不,别说了No, stop it.我本来期待着将来与儿子共度快乐时光I was looking for so much fun in the future, together with my son.重新实现梦想To remake your dreams,这是非常困难的that can be very, very, very hard.所以我当时完全崩溃了So, yeah, I was. completely devastated持续了很长时间for a long time then.我要走了I'm leaving now.好,我很快就到Okay, I'll be right there.我们当时过一天算一天We lived, in a way, day-to-day.遇到困难时,安德斯就会去房♥子那里And when we faced difficulties, Anders went up to the house.我没有意见And I was fine about it.“你在建造我们的房♥广,我来照顾乔纳坦”"You're building our house. I'll take care of Jonatan."我认为这样可以让安德斯集中精力In a way, I think it made Anders focus来给我们的家打造一个未来on how he could build a future for the family.乔纳坦七岁时,我们搬进了自然屋Jonatan was seven years when we moved into the Nature House.(2006 年)自然屋的意义要比我想象中大得多And it meant so much more than I could imagine.用了好几年时间他才适应了这座房♥子But it took some years before he could find his place into this house. 我们设计房♥子时When we planned the house,想要一个大大的起居室,这样大家都可以聚在一起we wanted to have a big living room where we could be together.我们想把卧室设计得小一些And we wanted to have smaller bedrooms这样孩子们可以拥有自己的小空间so the children can have their own little space.但乔纳坦无法接受这个小房♥间But Jonatan didn't accept this little room.当时我没有意识到空间和环境At the time, I didn't realize how space and environment对自闭症患者有多么重要was so important for people that has autism.所以他选择f 一间电视房♥So he just chose a TV room, 后来那就成了他的房♥间and it turned out to be his room after that.(乔纳坦的房♥间)我们还需要用某种东西And then we needed to have something来把厨房♥里的声音和他的房♥间隔离开that was isolating the sounds from the kitchen to his room.乔纳坦的门是我祖父做的Jonatan's door, my grandfather, he made it.是我们大家一起设计的And we all sort of designed it.但他做出来的门非常精致But he made it very, like, detailed.那朵小花是我们家的象征The little flower is like a symbol for our family.门很厚实,是用实木做的It's a real thick door made of solid wood.乔纳坦对此非常自豪Jonatan's very proud of it.对我们家来说非常实用It's very practical for our family,因为他需要时就可以把门关上,独处在自己的空间里'cause he can close it when he needs to be on his own and have his space. 罗斯玛丽让我把房♥子设计成,可以种这些植物的样子 Rosemary had asked me to make this house to have these plants.“植物能用来做什么?”"What can we do with them?"“我们也许会变得更健康"We could probably get healthier.我们也许可以调整生活和饮食方式”We could probably adjust the way we are living and eating."对,那一串可以摘Yeah. could have that one.很好Perfect.自然屋有一条气候隔岗带,或叫气候保护层In the Nature House is the climate envelope, or climate shell.就是木屋与温室墙壁之间的空间The space in between the log house and the greenhouse这里不像外面那公冷is not as cold as outside.正因如此,植物生长♥期♥差不多翻了一倍Because of that, the growing season is like double.这是最重要的,夏季变得更长That's the most important thing. Longer summer.我在建木屋的同时还造了菜园Along with the log house, I'm building the vegetable garden.我们开始讨论更大的工程计划We started to have bigger discussions.我们有温室、植物We have a greenhouse, we have plants,有水、有垃圾we have water and we have waste.为什么不把排污水系统,连接到植物系统中呢?Why not connect the sewage system to the plant system?好Okay,我们进去看看so let's go inside and check.-谢谢,-来看看新的系统-Thanks. -Let's check out the new system.真令人兴奋,好Exciting! Okay, okay.第二套系统重新建造了So system two is rebuilt.我们位于安德斯的家最中心的地方We're in the very heart of Anders's house.生态屋的废水系统The eco-house wastewater system.(市政工程师,汉姆斯赫斯塔迪斯)应该是“环保废水系统”Or I should say "the sustainable wastewater system."我与安德斯的合作,是从我给他的房♥子做评估时开始的My work with Anders started when I made an assessment of his house. 一开始,我对这套系统的实际效率,很感兴趣In the beginning, I was interested in the actual efficiency of the system. (排出)我们上去采个样Let's jump up and take a sample.-这是B号♥杯子,-去吧-This is B cup. -Go for it.自然屋里有一套生态循环系统We have an eco-cycle system in Nature House.好Great.我们把厕所里的废水We take the wastewater from the toilets.输送到地下室去处理and treat it in the basement净化过的水The water that's been cleaned,再用水泵输送到温室里去灌溉所有的植物we pump it up to water all the plants in the greenhouse.废水经过处理就不是废水了Now that the wastewater is treated, it's not really a waste.其实是很好的营养物质来源It's actually a perfect source of all the nutrients给可持续的农业系统提供了必要的肥料that we need to have a fertilizer for a sustainable agricultural system.在我看来,那就像是植物的营养补给In my brain, it's just like nutrition for the plants.我吃植物的果实I eat what's from the plants.我不吃植物的营养补给I don't eat the plant's nutrition.我会吃西红柿I eat the actual tomatoes.然后我们把水输送到一号♥植物种植地Then we pump the water out to plant bed one.然后水再流回这里And then it runs back here.我们对房♥子进行了一年的监测We did this one-year screening of the house,发现这个系统很有效率and it turned out it was actually a really efficient system.我每周都会对水进行采样测试Every week I take samples and tests of the water.我努力去模仿大自然的各种过程I try to imitate nature's processes.我觉得我不会想要其他的生活方式I don't think I would want it any other way.我并没有被老爸关于这座房♥子的想法洗♥脑♥I'm not victimized by my dad and his visions for this house.对我来说,这座房♥子让我对向生态系统里To me it was just a question of becoming more aware 投放哪些化学物质变得更加关注 on what chemicals I put in the system. 我喜欢化妆品I like makeup.我落欢美容护肤品,我用洗发水、护发素I like products. I use shampoo, I use conditioner.我不想吃这些东西里所含有的化学物质And I don't want to eat the chemicals that are in those things. 我要开始去寻找有机替代品So for me it was like starting to find alternatives that are organic, 那些对生态系统更平安的产品 that are more safe to use in the system.谁都可以在温室里建一座房♥子You can build a house with a greenhouse, 但如果没有整套循环系统 but it's not a nature house 那就不是自然屋if it's not the whole concept with the recycling system.我们的废水里含有我们所需的一切We have our wastewater, and it contains everything that we need 来支撑长♥期♥、可持续开展的农作物系统to have a sustainable and long-term sustainable agricultural system. 但是在瑞典,废水处理存在着垄断But in Sweden, there is a monopoly on treating wastewater. 市政♥府♥想把所有的房♥子The city wants to connect all houses 连接到市政当局的污水处理系统中 to the municipality's system of sewage treatment. 完全没有必要把我的房♥子连接进去There's no need at all to connect my house 因为我有一套独♥立♥的系统 because I have a freestanding system.我不需要市政♥府♥的系统,因为我的系统更优秀I don't need the city's system, because my system is better.我的系统在对资源进行再利用My system is renewing resources.他们的那么不行Their system is not.瑞典的法律法规并不比其他国家更严格Sweden is not more regulated than any other country,但我们的文化认为所有人必须非常平等but we have this thing that everybody has to be very equal.所以无论是什么东西,每个人都要支付同样的份额So you have to pay an equal share of everything.(法 ♥院♥)我们认为每个人无论拥有什么东西,都不应该比其他人拥有更多We have this feeling that nobody should have anything more than the other one has. 偏离主流太远的话就会被制裁Venture too far away from the mainstream, then you'll get cut down. 令人沮丧It's frustrating.市政♥府♥不停地寄来表格和文件The city, they keep on sending forms and papers.(前台)非常费时间It's extremely time-consuming.你好Hello?我想向土地与环境法庭递交文件I want to hand some papers to the Land and Environment Court.我去市政♥府♥对他们说,“我建了个新房♥子"When you go to the city and say, "I have something new,"他们的表格里没有and they don't have that in the form, 他们说:“这种房♥子不存在” they say, "It doesn't exist."是,它不存在,因为它是一种新房♥子Yeah. It has not existed because it's new.“是,但我们的表格里没有”"Yeah, but we don't have it in the form.',“不批准”"It's not approved."我想这些是需要盖章的第一批?这些附件?I guess it's the first ones that need to be stamped? The attachments?对Yes.无论有什么证据、无论它如何运作It doesn't matter what proof, how it works, 是否漂亮、是否有益if it's beautiful, if it's good, 是否它给我们提供食物,都无所谓if it feeds you,因为他们只想让我交钱because they want you to pay.这令我很生气That makes me angry.他们认为我很麻烦They think of me as a problem.他们应该把我当成一种资源They should think of me as a resource.-谢谢-谢谢-Thank you. -Thanks.来自其他国家的人对我们所做的感到惊奇People that come from other countries are amazed at what we are doing. 但在这里,我们似乎与体制格格不入And here, it's like we don't fit in, really, in the system here.如果他们强迫每个人,为一个不好的系统付钱If they make everybody pay for a system that's not good,这个系统还会令人们对自然屋失去兴趣that will stop people from being interested in nature houses.那等于是禁止人们与众不同You're not allowed to be different.在瑞典,我们自己建造房♥屋的传统In Sweden, we have a long tradition有悠久的历史,这是为了在严酷的气候中生存下来of building houses to survive in this tough climate.嘿,孩子们,你们想吃多少比萨饼?Hey, kids, how many pizzas do you want?我要吃净素比萨I'll take a vegan pizza.纳塔莉的加工芝士Natalie's plastic cheese.这芝士很好It's good cheese.不,不好No, it isn't.有两根烟囱穿过房♥子We have two chimneys going right through the house.很独特They're very unique.壁炉里一直燃着火The fireplaces, they're always working,所以房♥屋取暧无需用电so we don't need electricity to heat up the house.让房♥子给人一种古老的感觉,但还是非常舒适They give a feeling of coming to a house that is old but still is very comfortable. 在冬季,房♥子里我最喜欢的地方是房♥顶My favorite place in the house during the winter is the roof.很适合约翰纳斯上楼去锻炼身体It's good for Johannes to go upstairs and work out,因为室内开着壁炉,很温暖because it's kind of warm inside because we light the fireplace.屋顶尤其暖和,因为热空气上升And especially along the root because the heat rises up.你来吗?Are you coming?来,我来了Yes, I'm coming.每个星期六,我和乔纳坦会烤蛋糕Every Saturday, Jonatan and I bake this cake.要不要看看该先做什么?Shall we read what to do first?蛋糕只是让我们有一件可以一起做的事This cake is really just a place to meet and do something together.不好Oops.不要再弄了Not again!乔纳坦得到诊断后,我去翻阅了关于自闭症的一切资料When jonatan got his diagnosis, I tried to read everything about autism.还有心理学的psychology.我试图去理解人类的大脑I tried to understand the human mind去理解与之相关的一切and understand everything.但对我没有帮助But it didn't help me.安德斯眼中的事物,他总想把它们当成一个问题去解决Anders sees things, and he wants to solve them as a problem.就像工程师一样Just like an engineer.但乔纳坦不是一个我们能解决的问题But Jonatan is not a problem we can solve.我其实是在寻找答案I was really looking for answers.安德斯和乔纳坦之间出过一件事There was a moment between Anders and Jonatan.当时我不在场I wasn't there when it happened.安德斯当时很生乔纳坦的气Anders had been quite angry with Jonatan,想让他做一些他做不到的事wanting him to do things that he couldn't live up to.乔纳坦对他说Jonatan communicated to him,“我已经为了你做了这么多"I've done so much for you.这么屡次so many times.你感受不到我的爱吗?”Can't you feel my love?"他们的灵魂在那一天交融了Their souls met on that day.我终于不再将他视为一个问题,而是一位亲密的朋友Finally not seeing him as a problem, but as a close friend.自那以后一切都改变了That changed. The. that meeting.安德斯接受了他的现状Anders accepted him for what he was.我认为这是我们在处理期望时都应做的And I think that is something we all had to do with our expectations. 因为有期望才会有失望'Cause it's our expectations that makes us disappointed.那就是他们的突破So that was their breakthrough.今天天气真好What a lovely day.天气真好,对Lovely day, yes.我面对他时充满了尊重,没有期望Meeting him with total respect and no expectations, 只有爱just with love,我要不要去采集些药草?Should I go and get some herbs?看看我摘的Look what I've got!这个给你This for you.这个给我And this for me.我们在这座房♥子里住了十多年We've lived in this house for more than ten years now.我的孩子们My children.基本没有住过其他地方they haven't really experienced a life without it.早餐是最重要的一餐Breakfast is the most important meal.-谁说的?-我-According to whom? -Me!还有妈妈And Mom.我们一家人很亲密Our family is very close.我想我从小就是这样And I think I have it from when I was growing up.(安德斯之妻罗斯玛丽索瓦姆)我想要一种很亲密的家庭关系I wanted to have a very strong family connection.我和罗斯玛丽有三个孩子Me and Rosemary, we have three children.约翰纳斯14岁,马上就15岁了Johannes, he's 14 years old, soon be 15.还有纳塔莉和乔纳坦And we have Natalie and Jonatan.他们是双胞胎18岁马上就19岁了They are twins, 18 years old, soon be 19.在我们的孩子中,乔纳坦很特别Jonatan is our special child.他有自闭症He has autism.作为乔纳坦的李生姐妹,我和他之间的关系非常亲密Being a twin with Jonatan is like a really, really strong, special bond.这令我受益良多it really helped me.乔纳坦的自闭症让我进步去思考,我为什么要建这座房♥子 Jonatan's autism made me think deeper in why I'm doing this house. 他教会了我责任的含义He taught me the meaning of responsibility, 我现在承当起了更好地保护环境的责任which I'm now using to take better care of the planet.(阿普格粒那那特鲁斯)我们正坐在阿普格拉那那特鲁斯里We are sitting in Upgranna Naturhus.这里是个见面的地方It's a meeting place.是个环保的见面场所,人们可以来这里喝杯咖啡A sustainable meeting place where people can come for a coffee.我们有餐馆和咖啡厅We have a restaurant and cafA©.(欢迎)当然,安德斯是这项工程中的关键人物Anders has been a key person, of course, in this project.我看到了安德斯的网站,爱上了自然屋I looked at Anders's website and fell in love.所以我知道这就是我要建的房♥子So I knew this is the house I'm gonna build.越来越多的人在考虑自然屋的概念More and more people are thinking about the nature house concept.这很重要,因为人们有这种需求It's extremely important because there is a need.我想对整个地区造成影响I want to affect the whole area.我会从买♥♥卜一块地I'll start by buying a plot of land建造另一座自然屋开始and building another nature house.我还想建一个生态村I also want to build an eco-village,里面有小型商户、学前教育、健康机构so you can have small-scale businesses, a pre-school, a health facility. 我有几个有趣的计划I have some interesting plans.我的房♥子只是第一版My house is just the first version.(大型,主要解决方案)我们正在让这个概念变得越来越容易实现We're making this concept more accessible.(斯盖哈斯工程)如果有更多的自然屋If there were more nature houses,政♥府♥就会学着去了解它们的好处the government would learn to see the benefits, 我们就会对整个体制♥造♥成更大正面影响 and we could have a greater positive impact on the whole system. 如果你发现当前的体制不够好If you're not finding the current system g