会话含义与文学翻译中文译者的主观感悟乃是文学作品英译的传统手法,因此主观臆断取代了科学的 体察与分析,翻译时多凭臆测,而缺乏对全文的透彻理解与深刻阐释。本文由此 而发,特地以杨宪益夫妇二人合译的中国古典文学作品红楼梦(YangHsicnyi & Gladys Yang (trans.). 1995. A Dream of Red Mansions. Beijing: Foreign Language Press. Vols.I.II.III)前八十回为研究对象,用的会话含义学说 (Conversational Implicature)对书中人物之一王熙凤的话语进行语用实证分析, 旨在强调文学文本的内外语境及语用因素,着力考察语用学之于文学翻译的文本 生成力,同时以语用学的会话含义学说实证考察语用学的普遍阐释力及文学翻译 所应采用的语用原那么,理论阐发与实证考察相携而行,以达译学模式理论整合的 研究目的。作为言语行为理论(Speech Act Theory)的一个重要组成部份,H.P.Grice 的会话含义学说认为话语的自然意义有别于说话者的交际意图。为使交际成功, 说话者即应遵守相关的合作原那么(the Cooperative Principle),即:质的准那么、量的 准那么、相关准那么和方式准那么(Maxims of Quality, Quantity, Relevance and Manner) o 而这四项准那么便是本文赖以进行实证研究的主要理论框架, 借此即可以科学的理论模式整合翻译阐释,使”义生言外”,译文差可逼近原文, 尤其是原文的内在底蕴或日”会话含义”。据此以观文学作品,说话者的个人意图 或言外之意无疑是作品理解与阐释的一个重要因素。说话者的言外之意往往意味 深长,需要听话者仔细体会,而就译者而言,也须借鉴会话含义学说,依据上述 准那么予以认真揣摩,小心处理。为具体说明这种理论模式的语用阐释力及文学翻 译所应采用的语用原那么,也为了说明某一具体文本中会话含义的处理手法,本迨 文以理论为观照,对实例一一采取了实证分析的阐释模式,希望能对我国译学研 究及跨语际实践(Translation Studies & Translingual Practice)有所启示。本文的 理论意义在:既将语用理论及其分析模式引进了具体的文学翻译,为我国译学研 究及跨语际实践提供了新的理论模式,同时又为语用学研究拓展了新的研究领 域,因此而获得跨学科的交互视野,这于学科整合、交相融通无疑大有裨益。译文Sense and sensibility are approaches generalized within the traditional framework of translation, which, among other things, have resulted in the subjective understanding of the source texts at the cost of the scientific approach characterized by analytically insightful interpretations. The present study, on the contrary, is committed to conduct an empirical study of the English version of A Dream of Red Mansions (Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 1995)co-translated by Yang Hsienyi and Gladys Yang, just in terms of the Four Maxims proposed by H.P.Grice(1981), aiming to lay much claim to the contextual or the pragmatic factors attached to literary texts, and thus, by testifying to the universal forces of pragmatic approaches,to examine the textual generativeness of pragmatics for literary texts and their translations.As an organic body of the Speech Act Theory that involves the study of conversational structures, H.P. Grice's proposition of conversational implicature "refers to the implications which can deduced from the form of an utterance, on the basis of certain co-operative principles which govern the efficiency and normal acceptability of conversationsH(D.Crystal, 1991:172).Besides, the theory holds that personal utterances differ from their real intentions in that the conversational implicatures are none other than "he inferences calculated on the basis of the Maxims of Conversation"(D.Crystal, 1991:172), which, as is generally agreed upon among scholarship, fall within the Maxims of Quality, Quantity, Relevance and Manner. The present study, hence, has drawn heavily upon the maxims, in the hope that they might serve the purpose of integrating and identifying the pragmatic approach with the practice of literary translation. The study is of significance in the sense that it has initiated the introduction of the pragmatic approach into the domain of translation studies and hence provided this new school of discipline with a new paradigm; and vice versa, it has also opened up a new perspective of study for pragmatics. The fusion of horizons characteristic of interdisciplinary approaches, to be sure, would be conducive to a great extent to the integration and incorporation of diverse studies, especially at the turn of the century and at such an age of multiculturalism.