国际联号酒店前厅客房营销礼宾财务运营管理资料 Formatted GW4 Incident Tracking Training Reference Guide.docx
GuestWreVersion 4 Reference GuideIncident TrackingDecember 2011The information in this document is subject to change without notice. The most recent version of this content may be accessed through the help file within Guest Ware Version 4. Names of persons or organizations used as examples in this document are fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the express written permission of Diversified Computer Corp.Copyright and Trademarks© 2011 Diversified Computer Corp. All Rights ReservedGuest Ware is a registered trademark of Diversified Computer Corp.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.GuestWreIncident Tracking Reference Guide3.4.5.Group information will come from your PMS system automatically based on the Group Market Oode.There are 3 tabs at the bottom of the screen. Group List, Group Detail and Group Incidents.Group Incidents will be linked if a request or an incident is logged and the Guest has the Group code on their PMS reservation.What is Incident Trackina?Incident Tracking is a module within GuestWare used to track, follow-up and report on guest problems, complaints, positive remarks or other issues not requiring an immediate response.Guest incidents span all departments and may include issues reported on manager on duty (MOD) logs, letters, phone calls, face to face interaction or surveys from in house or departed guests.Typically incidents logged in this module do not include requests and problems that need to be dispatched and monitored for response time. This belongs in the Rapid Response module.Benefits of Incident Tracking?Ensure guest issues are resolved in a timely manner.It is faster and more efficient than writing information on paper.Ensure the guest is satisfied with problem resolution.Collect valuable data for process improvement.Help lower operating costs through process improvement.Improve Guest satisfaction and loyalty and identify previous issues for Repeat Guests.Objectives of this document:This document is intended to supplement the module training you should have already received. Not every topic covered in the training is documented here. This should serve as a basic instruction for the critical functions for this module which include:Understand what Incident Codes are.Log an incident.Link an Incident to a Guest.Create a Response(s) for an incidentEdit and incident.Copy an incident record.Find an existing incidentTo Find an Incident Record:1. Open the Incident Browser by clicking on the Incident icon in the GuestWare icon bar Click2. on the Find button in the tool bar.3. Select the field you want to search in the drop down list.4. Type the information into Look fo匚 line. Note you can type the first portion of the text followed by two periods (.) to find anything that starts with your text. For example if you select to search on Last Name and type Bern., the system will generate a new list with all guests where the last name starts with BernOnce the list is displayed, you can sort and find the incident within the list and click Detail to view the incident details.5. You also have the ability to sort the columns by clicking on the column heading and the ability to move the columns around by clicking and dragging them where you want.Incident Tracking Reference GuideGuestWreGuestWreIncident Tracking Reference GuideLoaqina Guest IncidentsThe Incident Browser is used to record guest incidents and complaints. The guest may be in-house or departed. Incidents entered can have one or more responses entered as well per code.To loq an Incident:1. Click the Incidents icon, to open the Incident Log.2. Click the Add Record icon on the top of this window.3. Enter the date and time of the incident as reported. The system may be configured to populate the date & time if the Date Auto-fill Enabled is set to True in the database. These fields can still be edited to display the actual date and time of the original occurrence. Pressing the arrow by the date will display a calendar and another date can be selected. The time field is also editable.4. Enter the room if known. If guest is in house, only, then can you use the PMS Lookup button. 5. If the guest is not in-house, we must Link the incident to the Guest. Double click on the guest name button.6. Enter the room number and/or last name to search for the name and click the Find Now button. 7. Highlight the name and click the Select button. The entry is now linked.8. If this was a staff reported issue use the Reported By button and select the name of the person who reported the issue.9. Choose an incident code using one of the following methods:鼠 TnciHpnt I ngAdd Record Delete RecordAdd Record Delete RecordFirst Previous Wexl Last® ®夕自产aRef'esh Slop Fivi Filter Email Prirt Helpl±lRecord: 1 of 75Incident lirreIncidentKoom NoLast Namehirst NameGuest IDStatuslime Due 上14272)11 10A55 削IBath Towel Request (H6BQ111421111WORK OFDER二一 -AiOII 1021:28 PMMovies Not Working (EG4-MP)06茹fern steinDavid101DG53G242672014-26/011 1UU/:55HMHVAC Not Coding (tUl-NCi1101tternstemMaurice10U&69112CLUShD42raxi4TZWI1 4 S7 S7 RMTc订HRrnkr (FG2-HD)AchihaldGy;CIOSFR4力加1/_4-22/20114:22:46 PMBath Towel Request (HK5-B-)II07JoeJoe100624510DISPATCHED422/20W42220114:(0:16 PMToilet Overflowing (EG2-OFi1103Carte-Nicholle100624518CLOSED4.22201 V42272011 3:59:5' PM422/2011 3:33:45 PMToilet Needs Caulkirg (EG2-CL)Water - Mo Cold Water (EGS-NCi11031101Carte" feeNicholle-hucn100624518100624367NEWCLOSED423/2011:4222011:-V22/2011 3.33.36 PMBdlliTwel Requel (HK3-B-*)1103Cai IdNidmlle100624518CLOSED422/2011:4222011 3:28:57 PNToilet Leaking (EG2-LK)1203Munoz-GazmanLiz100624574WORKOFDER4222011:422/2011 2:25:57 PMConcitioncr Request (HK4 CN)1107JoeJoe100624510CLOSED422/2011:4222011 3:25:57 pmShampoo Request (HK4-SP)1107JoeJoe100624510CLOSED4222011:G2/2O11 3:15:00 PMTV Rctu-e Fj32y (EG4-PF)1107JoeJoe100624510CLOSED4222011:422/2011 3:14:58 PMTV Rctu e Fjzzy (EG4-PF)1107JoeJoe100624510CLOSED4.222011:4-222011 3:04:10 PMBath Towel Request1101Sae-husn100624始7CLOSED430114421/2011UghtUir - Bsdsde (bUb-Bb)0301/UKKUhUtK421/2011;4-7(19011 RT&25 PMOG拓WDRkCFnFR4t?(y?o 二 二|JGuestWreIncident Tracking Reference GuideTyping a keyword in the incident code field.a) Type a keyword such as rollaway into the Incident Code field and a list of codes with that word will appear.b) Highlight the proper code and left click with the mouse - the code w川 automatically populate the incident code field.Clicking on the cascade icon next to the incident code field.a) Click on the cascade icon next to the incident code field, b) A cascading menu w川 appear, listing all departments.c) You can scroll through the departments, viewing core codes and the detail codes they contain. Locate the code which best describes the issue your want to log.d) Highlight the proper code and press the Enter key - the code will automatically populate the incident code field.GuestWreIncident Tracking Reference GuideMG1 | 3G/20V :11044AF7 r今50nGuwtKanc.Inc Code.FGd TelftviGnn C!wlix itkn Nor15F/I-Av电 nrd Tc |Sohoon. |2JI13C0:htcideiiX i unit' ijAYSAt vGu_5crvizeKAHBusinet; CenterKUe 15:3nd卜 rm Lcn:iFroi: CekGolfCone ergsCone rq:Lounq:aEGKvndUuat ScrviuMSLaxusH v.C Prob em/Comcla ntKeOuf 0FfllS* | bUlH:i£ekee:inq8G4Teevcon J'/; Procte-CG4-KBJn-roo- Inboard 'Jo: Aork ngFWCuut cud A'iridu/ -iubl=nvCurrip di .wun-MPMovie: 'Jot Aork ngCGGLi: Ying Piob :nVCom:lai"tFGO-PFTV 二 iu-reFicr,bb/Fwnlutc/ Fidurc / F rs/Wal $/Cd ingsEG4<PNTV -i( irTJol w riU-8GBBsvztor P:ble / Comclai-tCG4RBKe-ote Uattenes J:a:89PhiMir / V l«nl /""ri h- itltigy卬MHLRemote N>: in '.oomCC97Keiivetion Prcblsm ' L:rpleintUc nAsrin * Da沁、©FG3MVid=o jame; slo: Vrfort: ngQ Rwjx?iisr IX R« ponseCG2BG3I'lumcing l'robl:m/(.omc artBuy,,二一IP jle ,*C_inpkinlTnil-t P - hl,rr,T-mpl,irrI «=>|10. Choose the source, (how you received the information such as GSS, Comment Card, In Person, Letter, etc.).11. Make certain to record the status of this incident. If there will be no further responses, you will want to use Closed. If a response w川 be completed later, perhaps Follow-up w川 be used. 12.Type additional notes in the Incident Notes field if necessary.13. If no response is being completed at this time, to save the entry click save.Creating a Response to an IncidentAfter entering an Incident, you have the option of creating a response for that incident. A response could be as little as assigning the incident to someone, or it could be multiple responses for each incident recorded if more than one associate was needed to resolve a particular problem.To Create one or more Responses in the Incident Browser:1. Click on the Incident system icon in the GuestWare Icon bar. 2.Locate the Incident for which you want to create a response.3. Click on Edit icon on the far left of the incident; this will allow you to make changes to the logged incident.4. Click on the +Response button on the right side of the page.5. Click the Assign To button and begin typing the name of the associate that has or will be taking care of the issue. Click the name; it will automatically complete the Assign To entry.6. Enter the Date and Time that this response is being done by using the arrows by Date/Time. 7. In the Completed field, enter the date and time that this response will be complete, if it is thecurrent date and time there is a small clock to the right that will enter this for you by clicking on it one time.8. Click the Solution button and choose the appropriate service recovery code or action item for this Response.GuestWreIncident Tracking Reference Guide9. More detailed notes can be logged in Response Notes, if needed.10. In the Cost field, you should record the cost to the property. For example, if your response is refunding 1 Night Room and Tax, and that amount is $149.55, then this is the amount you should record.11. In the Satisfaction field, you can record the level of Guest Satisfaction, if not known this can be left blank.12. If this response will resolve the incident, then click Resolved: Yes, if it won*t, then click Resolved: No.13. Save the incident and the response by clicking Save.GuestWreIncident Tracking Reference GuideTip:To add another response, click the +Response button and repeat the above steps.To view responses if more than one, use the scroll bar located to the right.To Copy an Incident Record:1. Open the Incident Browser by clicking on the Incident icon in the Guest Ware icon bar2. Locate the Incident you want to copy and click the Detail tab. Click the Copy Record button3. on the right side of the page.4. A Dialog box will open with the following choices: Press yes to copy the incident and all linked response records, Press no to copy the incident only, Press cancel to abort.5. If you want the top incident information as well as the responses that were linked to the original incident, press yes, but if all you want is the top incident information then press no and if you made an error and want to stop, and then press cancel.6. Once you make a selection, you will receive another dialog box asking the following: Press yes to copy the incident notes, Press no to leave the incident notes blank for the new incident created, or Press cancel to abort.7. If you click Yes here, it w川 copy the incident notes. (Usually you won't want these to copy). Clicking No w川 allow you to type in new notes for this new incident and if you made an error, simply click on cancel.8. Finish completing the record as detailed above.GuestWreIncident Tracking Reference GuideTo Access Group Information:1. Click the Groups Icon on your task bar. 2. The Group information screen will open37 pM8