20122012 四级真题四级真题20112011 年年 6 6 月大学英语四级真题月大学英语四级真题Part IPart IWritingWriting(30 minutes)(30 minutes)Directions:Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortFor this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a shortessayessayonon thethe topictopicofof OnlineOnlineShopping.Shopping.YouYou shouldshouldwritewriteatat leastleast120120 wordswordsfollowing the outline given below:following the outline given below:1 1现在网上购物已成为一种时尚现在网上购物已成为一种时尚2 2网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题网上购物有很多好处,但也有不少问题3 3我的建议我的建议Online ShoppingOnline Shopping注意:此部分试题在答题卡注意:此部分试题在答题卡 1 1 上。上。Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)(15 minutes)(15 minutes)Directions:Directions:InIn thisthis part,part,youyou willwill havehave 1515 minutesminutestoto gogo overover thethe passagepassagequickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7,quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1.For questions 1-7,choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).For questions 8-10,complete the sen tences with the information givenFor questions 8-10,complete the sen tences with the information givenin the passage.in the passage.British Cuisine:the Best of Old and NewBritish Cuisine:the Best of Old and NewBritish cuisine(British cuisine(烹饪烹饪)has come of age in recent years as chefs()has come of age in recent years as chefs(厨师厨师)combine the best of old and bine the best of old and new.Why does British food have a reputation for being so bad?Because itWhy does British food have a reputation for being so bad?Because itisisbad!bad!ThoseThose areare notnot thethe mostmost encouragingencouraging wordswords toto hearhear justjust beforebefore eatingeatinglunchlunch atat oneone ofof HongHong KongsKongs smartestsmartest BritishBritish restaurants,restaurants,AlfiesAlfies byby KEE,KEE,but head chef Neil Tomes has more to say.but head chef Neil Tomes has more to say.The past 15 years or so have been a noticeable period of improvementThe past 15 years or so have been a noticeable period of improvementforfor foodfood inin England,England,thethe EnglishEnglish chefchef says,says,citingciting thethe trendtrend inin BritishBritishcuisinecuisine forfor betterbetter ingredients,ingredients,preparationpreparation andand cookingcooking methods,methods,andand moremoreappealing presentation.Chefs such as Delia Smith,Nigel Slater,Jamieappealing presentation.Chefs such as Delia Smith,Nigel Slater,JamieOliverOliver andand GordonGordon RamsayRamsay mademade thethe publicpublic realiserealise thatthat cookingcooking-andand eatingeating-didnt have to be a boring thing.And now,most of the British public-didnt have to be a boring thing.And now,most of the British publicisis familiarfamiliar eveneven withwith thethe extremesextremes ofof HestonHeston BlumenthaPsBlumenthaPs molecularmoleculargastronomy,a form of cooking that employs scientific methods togastronomy,a form of cooking that employs scientific methods to createcreatethe perfect dish.the perfect dish.Its no longer the case that the common man in England is embarrassedIts no longer the case that the common man in England is embarrassedto show he knows about food,Tomes says.to show he knows about food,Tomes says.ThereThere waswas plentyplenty ofof roomroom forfor improvement.improvement.TheThe problemsproblems withwith thethe nationsnationscuisine cancuisine can be tracedbe traced backback toto thethe SecondSecond WorldWorld War.BeforeWar.Before thethe War,War,muchmuchof Britains food was imported and when German U-boats began attackingof Britains food was imported and when German U-boats began attackingships bringing food to the country,Britain went onships bringing food to the country,Britain went onrationsrations(配给配给).).As rationing came to an end in the 1950s,technology picked up and wasAs rationing came to an end in the 1950s,technology picked up and wasused to mass-produce food,Tomes says.And by then people were justused to mass-produce food,Tomes says.And by then people were justhappy to have a decent quantity of food in their kitchens.happy to have a decent quantity of food in their kitchens.TheyThey werentwerent lookinglooking forfor curedcured meats,meats,organicorganic produceproduce oror beautifulbeautifulpresentation;they were looking for whateverpresentation;they were looking for whateverthey couldthey could getget theirtheir handshandson,on,andand thisthis prioritisationprioritisation ofof quantityquantity overover qualityquality prevailedprevailed forfordecades,meaning a generation was brought up with food that couldntdecades,meaning a generation was brought up with food that couldntcompete with neighbouring France,Italy,Belgium or Spete with neighbouring France,Italy,Belgium or Spain.Before star chefs such as Oliver began making cooking fashionable,itBefore star chefs such as Oliver began making cooking fashionable,itwas hard to find a restaurant in London that was open after 9pm.But inwas hard to find a restaurant in London that was open after 9pm.But inrecent years therecent years the capitalscapitalsculinaryculinary(烹饪的烹饪的)scene has developed to the)scene has developed to thepoint that it is now confident of its ability to please the tastes ofpoint that it is now confident of its ability to please the tastes ofany international visitor.any international visitor.With the opening of Alfies in April,and others such as The Pawn,twoWith the opening of Alfies in April,and others such as The Pawn,twoyearsyears ago,ago,modernmodern BritishBritish foodfood hashas mademade itsits wayway toto HongHong Kong.Kong.WithWith BritishBritishfood,I think that Hong Kong restaurants are keeping up,says Davidfood,I think that Hong Kong restaurants are keeping up,says DavidTamlyn,Tamlyn,thethe WelshWelsh executiveexecutive chefchef atat TheThe PawnPawn inin WanWan Chai.Chai.HongHong KongKong dinersdinersare extremely responsive to new ideas or presentations,which is goodare extremely responsive to new ideas or presentations,which is goodnews for new dishes.news for new dishes.Chefs agree that diners in Hong Kong are embracing the modern BritishChefs agree that diners in Hong Kong are embracing the modern Britishtrend.Some restau rants are modifying thetrend.Some restau rants are modifying therecipesrecipes(菜谱菜谱)of British)of Britishdishes to breathe new life into the classics,while others are usingdishes to breathe new life into the classics,while others are usingbetterbetter qualityquality ingredientsingredients but remainingbut remaining truetrue to British traditions andto British traditions andtastes.tastes.Tamlyn is in the second camp.We select our food very particularly.WeTamlyn is in the second camp.We select our food very particularly.Weuseuse USUS beef,beef,NewNew ZealandZealand lamblamb andand forfor ourourcustardscustards(牛奶蛋糊牛奶蛋糊)we)we useuse BirdsBirdsCustardCustard Powder,Powder,TamlynTamlyn says.says.SomeSome restaurantsrestaurants gogo forfor custardcustard mademade freshfreshwithwith eggs,eggs,sugarsugar andand cream,cream,butbut BritishBritish custardcustard isis different,different,andand wewe staystaytrue to that.true to that.MatthewMatthewHill,Hill,seniorseniormanagermanageratatthethetwo-year-oldtwo-year-oldSoHoSoHorestaurantrestaurantYorkshire Pudding,alsoYorkshire Pudding,also uses better ingredients as auses better ingredients as ameans of improvingmeans of improvingdishes.There are a lot of existing perceptions about British food anddishes.There are a lot of existing perceptions about British food andsoso wewe cantcant alteralter thesethese tootoo much.much.WereWere a a traditionaltraditional BritishBritish restaurantrestaurantsoso therethere areare somesomestaplesstaples(主菜主菜)thatthat willwill remainremain essentiallyessentially unchanged.unchanged.These traditional dishes include fish and chips,steak and kidney pieThese traditional dishes include fish and chips,steak and kidney pieandand largelarge piecespieces ofof roastedroasted meats.meats.AtAt Alfies,Alfies,thethe newestnewest ofof thethe BritishBritishrestaurantsrestaurants inin towntown andand perhapsperhaps thethe mostmost gentlemensgentlemens club-likeclub-like inin design,design,Neil Tomes explains his passion forNeil Tomes explains his passion forprovenanceprovenance(原产地原产地).Britain has).Britain hasstartedstarted toto becomebecome reallyreally proudproud ofof thethe foodfood itsits producing.producing.ItIt hashasexcellentexcellent organicorganic farms,farms,beautifullybeautifully craftedcrafted cheeses,cheeses,high-qualityhigh-qualitymeats.meats.However,However,thethe BritishBritish dontdont havehave a a historyhistory ofof exportingexporting theirtheir foodstuffs,foodstuffs,whichwhich makesmakes itit difficultdifficult forfor restaurantsrestaurants inin HongHong KongKong toto sourcesource authenticauthenticingredients.ingredients.We can get a lot of our ingredients once a week from the UK,TamlynWe can get a lot of our ingredients once a week from the UK,Tamlynexplains.explains.ButBut therethere isis alsoalso pressurepressure toto buybuy locallocal andand savesave onon foodfood miles,miles,whichwhich meansmeans wewe taketake ourour vegetablesvegetables fromfrom thethe locallocal markets,markets,andand therethere arearea lot that work well with British staples.a lot that work well with British staples.TheThe Phoenix,Phoenix,inin Mid-Levels,Mid-Levels,offersoffers thethe widestwidest interpretationinterpretation ofof BritishBritishcuisine,while still trying to maintain its soul.The gastro-pub hascuisine,while still trying to maintain its soul.The gastro-pub hasexisted in various locations in Hong Kong since 2002.Singaporean headexisted in various locations in Hong Kong since 2002.Singaporean headchef Tommy Teh Kum Chai offers daily specials on a blackboard,ratherchef Tommy Teh Kum Chai offers daily specials on a blackboard,ratherthanthan stickingsticking toto a a menu.menu.ThisThis enablesenables himhim toto reinterpretreinterpret BritishBritish cuisinecuisinedepending on what is avail able in the local markets.depending on what is avail able in the local markets.We use a lot of ingredients that people wouldnt perhaps associate asWe use a lot of ingredients that people wouldnt perhaps associate asBritish,but are pre sented in a British way.Bell peppers stuffed withBritish,but are pre sented in a British way.Bell peppers stuffed withcouscous,alongside ratatouille,is a very popular dish.couscous,alongside ratatouille,is a very popular dish.AlthoughAlthough thethe ingredientsingredients maymay notnot strikestrike dinersdiners asas beingbeing traditional,traditional,theytheycan be found in dishes across Britain.can be found in dishes across Britain.EvenEven thethe traditionaltraditional chefschefs areare awareaware ofof thethe needneed toto adaptadapt toto locallocal tastestastesand customs,while maintaining the Britishness of their cuisine.and customs,while maintaining the Britishness of their cuisine.At Yorkshire Pudding,Hill says that his staff asks diners whether theyAt Yorkshire Pudding,Hill says that his staff asks diners whether theywould like to share their meals.Small dishes,shared meals and mixingwould like to share their meals.Small dishes,shared meals and mixingit up is not something commonly done in Britain,but Yorkshire Puddingit up is not something commonly done in Britain,but Yorkshire Puddingwillwill bringbring fullfull dishesdishes toto thethe tabletable andand offeroffer individualindividual platesplates forfor eacheachdiner.diner.ThatThat way,way,peoplepeople stillstill getget thethe presentationpresentation ofof thethe dishesdishes asas theytheywere designed,but can carve them up however they like,Hill says.were designed,but can carve them up however they like,Hill says.ThisThispracticepracticeisis alsoalsopopularpopularatat TheThe Pawn,Pawn,althoughalthoughlargelylargelyforforrotisseriesrotisseries(烤肉馆烤肉馆),Tamlyn),Tamlyn says.says.Some tablesSome tables willwill arrivearrive onon a a Sunday,Sunday,orderorder a a wholewhole chickenchicken andand a a shouldershoulder ofof lamblamb oror a a babybaby pig,pig,andand justjust staystayfor hours enjoying everything we bring out for them.for hours enjoying everything we bring out for them.Some British traditions are tooSome British traditions are toosacredsacred(神圣的神圣的)to mess with,however,)to mess with,however,Tomes says.Id never change a full English breakfast.Tomes says.Id never change a full English breakfast.注意:此部分试题请在答题卡注意:此部分试题请在答题卡 1 1 上作答。上作答。1.1.What is British food generally known for?What is British food generally known for?A)A)Its unique flavour.Its unique flavour.C)Its special cooking C)Its special cookingmethods.methods.B)B)ItsIts badbad taste.taste.D)D)ItsIts organicorganicingredients.ingredients.2.2.The Second World War led to_ in Britain.The Second World War led to_ in Britain.A)A)an an inadequateinadequate supplysupply ofof foodfoodC)C)anan increaseincrease inin foodfoodimportimportB)B)a a decreasedecrease ofof graingrain productionproduction D)D)a a changechange inin peoplespeoples eatingeatinghabitshabits3.3.WhyWhycouldntcouldntBritainBritaincompetecompetewithwithsomesomeofofitsitsneighbouringneighbouringcountries in terms of food in the post-war decades?countries in terms of food in the post-war decades?A)A)ItsIts foodfood lackedlacked variety.variety.C)C)ItIt waswas shortshort ofofwell-trained chefs.well-trained chefs.B)B)Its people cared more for quantity.Its people cared more for quantity.D)It didntD)It didnthave flavourful food ingredients.have flavourful food ingredients.4.4.With culinary improvement in recent years,Londons restaurantsWith culinary improvement in recent years,Londons restaurantsare now able to appeal to the tastes ofare now able to appeal to the tastes of.A)A)most young peoplemost young people C)all C)allkinds of overseas visitorskinds of overseas visitorsB)B)elderlyelderlyBritishBritishdinersdinersD)D)upper-class customersupper-class customers5.5.What do Hong Kong diners welcome,according to Welsh executiveWhat do Hong Kong diners welcome,according to Welsh executivechef David Tamlyn?chef David Tamlyn?A)Authentic classic cuisine.A)Authentic classic cuisine.C)New ideasC)New ideasand presentations.and presentations.B)B)Locally produced ingredients.Locally produced ingredients.D)The return D)The returnof home-style dishes.of home-style dishes.6.6.While using quality ingredients,David Tamlyn insists that theWhile using quality ingredients,David Tamlyn insists that thedishes should_.dishes should_.A)A)benefitbenefitpeoplespeopleshealthhealthC)be offered at reasonable pricesC)be offered at reasonable pricesB)B)looklookbeautifulbeautifulandandinvitinginvitingD)D)maintain British traditional tastesmaintain British traditional tastes7.7.Why does Neil Tomes say he loves food ingredients from Britain?Why does Neil Tomes say he loves food ingredients from Britain?A)A)They appeal to people