银行招聘之银行招聘综合知识题库一 , 单选题 (每题1分,选项中,只有一个符合题意)1、Ever since book critic Martja Taynbe praised Reinaldo Da Silvas The Flag Bearer, _ for it has skyrocketed.A.structureB.visionC.demandD.effort【答案】 C2、To our surprise, she suddenly( )in front of us。A.appealedB.appearedC.appeasedD.prepared【答案】 B3、下列关于宪法原则的说法哪个是正确的?( )A.社会主义国家的宪法和资本主义国家的宪法都遵循国家主权、基本人权、法治和权力制 约原则,并且内容相同B.社会主义国家的宪法和资本主义国家的宪法所遵循的基本人权原则在内容上是一致的C.社会主义国家的宪法并未确立基本人权的原则D.社会主义国家的宪法中权力制约主要表现为监督原则,而资本主义国家的宪法中权力制约主要表现为分权原则【答案】 D4、Upon completing his examination _ the patient, the docter offered his judgment of her condition.A.ofB.offC.aboutD.around【答案】 A5、2020年1月5日,庚子年特种邮票首发仪式在()举行,2020年是庚子鼠年,也是中国邮政发行生肖邮票()周年,此次生肖邮票加入了邮票数字化内容。A.北京;30B.上海;40C.上海;30D.北京;40【答案】 D6、材料一:为进一步支持实体经济发展,优化流动性结构,降低融资成本,中国人民银行决定下调金融机构存款准备金率1个百分点,其中,2019年1月15日和1月25日分别下调0.5个百分点。同时,2019年一季度到期的中期借贷便利(MLF)不再续做。这样安排能够基本对冲今年春节前由于现金投放造成的流动性波动,有利于金融机构继续加大对小微企业、民营企业支持力度。A.公开市场业务操作B.利率政策C.常备借贷便利操作D.中央银行贷款【答案】 A7、我国现行劳动争议处理制度为()。A.一调一裁两审制B.两审终审制C.一调一裁制D.调解制度【答案】 A8、The orphanage is just one of her _ causes.A.phoneticB.philanthropicC.prevalentD.lunatic【答案】 B9、 下列项目中不属于有价证券的是()。A.国库券B.股票C.银行汇票D.企业债券【答案】 C10、Care providers also need to help patients to manage their feelings of uncertainty and_them of the benefits of modern medicine and technology which can substantially aid in health improvement。A.assureB.insureC.sureD.ensure【答案】 A11、公文应在()装订。A.左侧B.右侧C.上面空白区D.下面空白区【答案】 A12、金融市场客体不包括()。A.新浪大数据100指数B.中西C.国债D.上证50ETF【答案】 B13、下列关于计算机病毒认识不正确的是()。A.计算机病毒是一种人为的破坏性程序B.计算机被病毒感染后,只要用杀毒软件就能清除全部的病毒C.计算机病毒能破坏引导系统和硬盘数据D.计算机病毒也能通过下载文件或电子邮件传播【答案】 B14、I cannot think of anything _ happened that day which I would have wished otherwise.A.whatB.whoC.thatD.which【答案】 C15、资料:(二)A.The rules are good for lenders while bad for borrowersB.The rules will help baby boomer seniors to save moneyC.The rules will help consumers better understand reverse mortgageD.The rules will be stricter for consumers【答案】 C16、资料:Global business travel topped $1.2 trillion and is expected to reach $1.6 trillion by 2020, according to new research by the Global Business Travel Association(GBTA), an association representing the interests of corporate travel managers. Whats more China has now surpassed the U.S. as the largest business travel market in the world, ringing up $291 billion last year.A.Personalization is on the rise, together with sharing economyB.IT era is finally coming for travelling industryC.Businessmen are becoming more and more generous on global business tripD.Traditional travel agency is about to fade away【答案】 A17、资料:Special needs students can not only learn from regular education teachers, but can participate in collaborative learning with mainstream students as well. Collaborative learning allows students to work together in groups to complete lessons and assignments. A.It is desired for students with special needsB.It is tutored by regular teachers for mainstream studentsC.It is planned for collaborative learning by mainstream studentsD.It has students with special needs and regular education classmates【答案】 D18、资料:(二)A.The rules are good for lenders while bad for borrowersB.The rules will help baby boomer seniors to save moneyC.The rules will help consumers better understand reverse mortgageD.The rules will be stricter for consumers【答案】 C19、资料:Keeping the Zeal of a Startup as You ScaleA.An insurgent company invests more in the future while an incumbent company invests more in the status quoB.An insurgent company prefers chaos to stabilityC.An insurgent company loves challenging the incumbent companiesD.An insurgent company sees changes as opportunities while an incumbent company loves stability more【答案】 D20、资料:Did your child's brain shrink last summer? Probably not, but it may have shifted into reverse, according to a study by Dr. Harris Cooper, professor of psychology at the University of Missouri-Columbia. The study found that when students return to school after a long summer vacation, they've lost one to three months worth of learning.A.Doing some special planning to have math-related activitiesB.Signing up for programs like “Shakespeares Theater”C.Having less reading activities over the summerD.Going to the libraries more often【答案】 A21、Even if you dont actually carry out all the actions you say you will take, honest students will appreciate knowing that you care enough about academic _ to take precautions.A.entiretyB.integrityC.unityD.reliability【答案】 B22、资料:FOR TWO MARKETING EXECUTIVESA.Emma, master degree in English, frequent business trips are acceptableB.Li Lei, master degree in Management, 3 years experience in marketing, good English and computer skillsC.Jack, bachelor degree in Management, good EnglishD.Jimmy, master degree in Marketing, 2 years experience in marketing, good English and computer skills【答案】 B23、美国历史上首位华裔驻华大使是( )。A.赵小兰B.张之香C.骆家辉D.朱棣文【答案】 C24、资料:You can not go forward by going backward. Take the current debate about trade and globalization, for instance, while the impulse to erect trade barriers is understandable given the pain experienced in recent years, it is not the way to create lasting growth and shared prosperity.A.Blocked flow of trade and investmentB.Loss of economic valueC.Declining worker mobilityD.Distressing job losses【答案】 D25、The()tough training given by our company creates strong and able sales representatives who perform well above others in the same field.A.indifferentlyB.presumableC.completelyD.unbearably【答案】 D26、我国现行货币统计制度将货币供应划分为三个层次,其中M2代表()。A.广义货币供应量B.狭义货币供应量C.流通中的现金D.储蓄状态的货币【答案】 A27、“沉鱼落雁”“闭月羞花”用以形容古代四大美女,下列形容古代四大美女与其关系对应不正确的是()。A.沉鱼西施B.落雁王昭君C.闭月赵姬D.羞花杨玉环【答案】 C28、A joke which was funny to American people might seem _ to Chinese.A.defenseB.fenceC.offenseD.intense【答案】 D29、下列银行中不是政策性银行的是( )。 A.中国农业发展银行B.国家开发银行C.中国进出口银行D.中国农业银行【答案】 D30、The fire caused a lot of _to the building and factory machinery.A.damageB.harmC.injuryD.wound【答案】 A31、 “长期股权投资”科目的期末余额在()。A.借方B.贷方C.没有余额D.视盈亏情况而定【答案】 A32、“只有错买的,没有错卖的”指普遍存在于经济生活中的()。A.道德风险B.逆向选择C.信息不对称D.测量误差【答案】 C33、In sub-Saharan Africa today, for instance, gross investment_for roughly of national income.A.estimatesB.accountsC.constitutesD.makes【答案】 B34、资料:之后,经济学家Mr.V发表了关于一些新名词的感悟,请根据下列资料回答问题。A.Globalization is a business strategy that means doing everything the same everywhereB.Globalization is a shift in traditional patterns of international production, investment, and tradeC.Globalization is interconnections between different interests of business and societyD.Globalization is the absence of borders and barriers to trade between nations【答案】 C35、下列不属于审计的职能的是( )。A.经济监督功能B.经济评价功能C.经济鉴证功能D.经济核算功能【答案】 D36、资料:HS ensures there is a clear career path for any employee, from any background. Three key levels in Harrods are the sales employee, department managers and senior managers. At each level, employees can benefit from the development programs in order to build a career.A.because he wanted to make a change of his lifeB.because ge got hurt and could't dance any moreC.because he wanted to take the coursesD.none above【答案】 B37、资料:Are walkers smarter than drivers?A.Different choices of transportationB.Increased urbanizationC.The correlation between education levels and GDPD.A study conducted by an urban advocacy group【答案】 D38、资料:Singapore Airlines plans to introduce inflight mobile phone and internet access in May this year,beginning with its flagship Airbus A380 fleet.A.Singapore Airlines to charge high international roaming ratesB.Singapore Airlines to offer different pricing models for inflight mobile and Internet servicesC.Singapore Airlines to unveil sky high netD.Singapore Airlines to conduct online survey【答案】 B39、商业银行的贷款,按照贷款保全方式可分为( )。 A.长期贷款和短期贷款B.信用贷款和担保贷款C.企业贷款和个人贷款D.正常贷款和关注贷款【答案】 B40、资料:The data a bank has stored on its servers is more valuable than the gold in its vaults. Banks enjoy a monopoly over data that has helped them get away with poor services and fend off competitors. In Europe, at least, that is all about to change with a new set of regulations, named PSD2.A.Challenges facing European regulatorsB.A new regulation in Europe that opens banks to competitionC.The solutions to the flawed banking system in EuropeD.A looming threat to customers' private bank data【答案】 B41、The_of their years of education was 10.96 with a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 17.A.meanB.medianC.modeD.average【答案】 B42、为贯彻落实房住不炒的政策,各地政府纷纷出台措施,对首套房和套房的信贷政策进行差异化处理,如提高二套房的首付比例。这样的举措属于()。A.间接性货币政策工具B.一般性货币政策工具C.选择性货币政策工具D.直接性货币政策工具【答案】 C43、资料:As a business owner, it is vital that you understand and use advanced technologies. Technology can help increase business efficiency and even expand operations.A.The Age of Advanced TechnologyB.How to be a Good Business OwnerC.Using Technology to Stay CompetitiveD.The Convenience of Technology【答案】 C44、在金融工程中,投资者借入资金买入标的资产,买这种操作称为()。A.买空B.卖空C.空仓D.平仓【答案】 A45、()是指市场增长率低,而相对市场占有率高的产品。A.金牛产品B.瘦狗产品C.明星产品D.幼童产品【答案】 A46、Passage 2A.Find out how you should address the host familyB.Always be prepared for the unexpectedC.Be prompt during meal timesD.tablish a rapport with the host family【答案】 C47、在我国,随着经济发展和改革的深入,“短缺经济”转变为“过剩经济”,投资消费需求膨胀一度转变为投资消费需求不足。1997年下半年,我国零售物价指数开始全面持续下跌,存在“通货紧缩趋势”。为此中国人民银行采取了一系列货币政策措施予以应对。A.不动产信用控制B.窗口指导C.道义劝告D.直接干预【答案】 C48、 银行的现金资产包括( )。A.营业利润B.库存金银C.营业外收支净额D.利息收入【答案】 B49、资料:The market is a concept. If you are growing tomatoes in your backyard for sale you are producing for the market. You might sell some to your neighbor and some to the local manager of the supermarket. But in either case, you are producing for the market. Your efforts are being directed by the market. If people stop buying tomatoes, you will stop producing them. A.seriousB.trueC.importantD.real【答案】 D50、下列不属于投资银行主要利润来源的是( )。A.佣金B.资金运营收入C.存贷利差D.利息收入【答案】 C51、2011年4月14日,( )加入金砖国家以来,该国总统首次以“金砖国家”成员国的身 份参加金砖国家集团第三次首脑会议。A.南非B.印度C.俄罗斯D.巴西【答案】 A52、 There's an_food shortage and many farmers will miss the winter cropping season.A.enormousB.immenseC.acuteD.urgent【答案】 C53、Passage 9A.the application of reading strategiesB.matching our expectations with the meaning of a textC.the development of our ability to check the detailsD.determining the main idea of a text【答案】 A54、下列哪家机构不属于我国成立的金融资产管理公司?()A.东方B.信达C.华融D.均不符合题意【答案】 D55、直接在流通领域内表现出来的资本总公式是()。A.WGWB.GWGC.GGD.GWG'【答案】 D56、资料:It seems simple enough. Take all the line-forming and paper-filling busy work of the government, and put it all up on the Internet. Now, in order to report a pot-hole, pay your property tax, complain to an official or cast a vote, just log on and hit a few buttons. Goodbye bureaucracy, hello e-cracy?A.having public confidenceB.having sufficient investmentC.lowering government spendingD.upgrading government technology【答案】 B57、需求量和价格之所以呈反方向变化,是因为()。A.替代效应和收入效应同时作用B.替代效应C.补偿效应D.收入效应【答案】 A58、资料:Google and Uber have grabbed most of the attention regarding the advent of self-driving cars, but on Sunday, Lyft threw down the ultimate challenge: A majority of autonomous vehicles for Lyft within a mere five years.A.Mr.Zimmers idea is that now we are at the critical moment in history, we should take decisive action whether taking the right path or notB.Mr Zimmer thinks the introduction of the autonomous vehicles will not cause the unemployment and surely will increase the employment because such car drivers will be needed to provide serviceC.The author has argued that although there are still some problems in Mr. Zimmers predication but the general direction of realizing self-driving cars will be correctD.Mr.Zimmer provides some variable factors such as companies profits and leagal procedure problems in order to realize the massive transformation of self-driving cars in such a short of time【答案】 B59、 下列各产品中能够适用我国产品质量法的是()。A.甲自产自用的木椅B.乙销售的木椅C.丙自建自用的木屋D.丁销售的木屋【答案】 B60、Passage 8A.the widows were pressured to lose their own namesB.the widows may be forced to leave their homesC.the widows have misunderstood the reverse mortgageD.the widows do not know what their long-desired things are【答案】 B61、Luo Jingyu,19,has four years of experience of running business.He is also a freshman in the arts department of Hubei University.A.Talented but lazyB.Rich but meanC.Optimistic and generousD.Hard-working and plain-living【答案】 D62、资料:Global business travel topped $1.2 trillion and is expected to reach $1.6 trillion by 2020, according to new research by the Global Business Travel Association(GBTA), an association representing the interests of corporate travel managers. Whats more China has now surpassed the U.S. as the largest business travel market in the world, ringing up $291 billion last year.A.Travel destinations financial conditionsB.Travel suppliers strategiesC.Travelers PreferenceD.Mobile Tech【答案】 A63、让考核回归价值本位、激发更多正能量,_。在江西景德镇,当地就领导干部存在的突出问题向社会征求意见,并以此为依据分类设计“逆向民主测评表”;在江苏南通,有关部门在领导干部“德”的评价指标中设置正反两个层面,让考核考出差别、考出问题。各地积极的探索尝试表明,只要高度重视、认真谋划、矢志创新,就能更好激活考核的正向效应,为干部队伍建设注入新的活力。A.主要是干部队伍建设B.核心是加强道德建设C.关键还是靠制度创新D.突破口在于群众监督【答案】 C64、You can send and retrieve_many files as you want to a message-up to 1MB(1024K) of attachments.A.tooB.suchC.soD.as【答案】 D65、M2又称为广义货币供给量,是判断宏观信用松紧环境的常用指标,在各国有不同的统计口径。根据中国人民银行的规定,以下不属于M2的是()。A.活期存款B.流通中现金C.银行准备金D.定期存款【答案】 C66、资料:Workforce planning helps an organization to estimate its future workforce requirements and calculate the numbers, nature and sources of potential employees who might meet that demand.A.it offers them regular trainingB.it provides them with insuranceC.both A and BD.not mentioned【答案】 D67、在PowerPoint 2003中,要将D盘上的“时间都去哪了.MP3”文件插入到当前幻灯片中,所选择的命令项是()。A.插入影片和声音剪辑管理器中的声音B.插入影片和声音文件中的声音C.插入影片和声音剪辑管理器中的影片D.插入影片和声音文件中的影片【答案】 B68、As they had run out of sugar, they used honey as a(n) _ for it.A.exchangeB.assistanceC.substituteD.preference【答案】 C69、最集中最概括地反映社会经济活动总成果的指标是( )。A.经济增长率B.财政收入总额C.社会总供给和总需求D.出口总额【答案】 C70、 “电子汇兑往来”科目下设“往账户”和“来账户”,属于()科目,核算参加联行的机构之间的资金往来。A.负债类B.损益类C.资产负债共同类D.资产类【答案】 C71、扩张性财政政策对经济的影响是()。A.缓和了经济萧条,也减轻了政府债务B.缓和了经济萧条,但增加了政府债务C.缓和了通货膨胀,但增加了政府债务D.缓和了通货膨胀,也减轻了政府