He is He is She isShe is He is He is She isShe is He is He is She isShe is He is He is She isShe is He is He is She isShe is He is He is She isShe is He is He is She isShe is Happy birthday to you!Happy birthday!boxWhats in your?Guess!-How many hamburgers?-You haveLets count!-How many apples?-You haveLets count!cookie-How many s?-You haveLets count!Pair work作为张鹏的朋友作为张鹏的朋友,我们也要给张鹏送礼物了我们也要给张鹏送礼物了,请把你的礼物画请把你的礼物画好好,悄悄藏在你的悄悄藏在你的pencil-case里里,让你的同桌来猜猜你送给张让你的同桌来猜猜你送给张鹏的礼物鹏的礼物!-Whats in your box?-Guess!-Chocolates?-Open it and see!-Oh.Chocolates.()-How many?-You have