摘要介绍了我国高线生产的发展、技术进步,全面分析了我国高线轧机所采用的先进技术,综述了我国高线轧机的发展趋势及特点。关键词:高线轧机;高速线材;技术进步;发展趋势1. 我国热连轧带钢生产的回顾线材是热轧材中断面尺寸最小的一种,由于轧钢厂需将线材在热状态下圈成盘卷并一次交货,故又称之为盘条。自20世纪60年代中期高速线材轧机及轧后控冷技术问世以来,随着线材生产技术本身的日臻完善和相关技术的进步,高速线材轧机的产品在品种规格范围、盘重、尺寸精度、表面质量及内在质量上比以往的线材轧机产品均有长足的进步,能更好的满足经济和技术发展的需要。线材不仅用途很广而且用量也很大,它在国民经济各部门中占有重要的地位。据有关资料统计,各国线材产量占全部热轧材总量的5.3%15.3%。美国约占5%,日本约占8%,英国约占9%,法国约占14%,我国约占20%左右。线材的用途概括起来可分两大类:一类是线材产品直接被使用,主要应用在钢筋混凝土的配筋和焊接结构件方面。另一类是将线材作为原料,经过再加工后使用,主要是通过拉拔成各种钢丝,在经过捻制成为钢丝绳,或在经过编制成钢丝网;经过热锻或冷锻成铆钉;经过冷锻及滚压成螺栓,以及经过各种切削加工及热处理制成机器零件或工具;经过缠绕成型及热处理制成弹簧等。近年来由于我国经济的快速发展,使用线材为原料的小型工厂日益增加,社会对高质量的线材产品的需求越来越大。目前,由于资金以及冶炼技术的落后,我国仅有为数不多的几家线材厂能生产出高档次的线材产品,因此我国还不时需要从国外进口少部分的胎圈钢丝、钢绞线、镀锌钢丝等硬线产品。我国的高速线材生产虽然取得了较好的成绩,但仍然存在着一些问题,主要表现为;1.钢线材品种中Q215和Q235比重仍然较大,优质钢线材中合金钢线材的比例仍然偏低。2.产品的质量仍有较大问题,如钢的纯净度不高,线材通条性能不够稳定,含碳量的偏差较大。3.我国已有多条世界一流的生产线,但产品的品种质量还达不到世界一流水平。4.高质量的合金钢线材,纯净钢线材、易切钢线材如合金弹簧钢、不锈钢等还存在着品种和质量方面的诸多问题,每年仍需进口。5.高线的日历作业率和机时产量与先进国家的生产线相比,普遍有较大的差距,造成日历作业率和机时产量低的原因除坯料供应不足外,主要是生产准备和更换尺寸所用的工时较长,设备备件寿命低且储备不足,设备维护检测手段不够完善,从而造成故障停机和检修工时长。6.中热装率、燃耗、电耗等方面与先进国家的生产线相比也同样存在着一定的差距。7.表面质量方面的主要问题;1)由于自动监测装置的失准以及轧件温度不均,调整不及时或方法不当等原因造成产品尺寸超差。2)由于辊环破缺,轧槽磨损或是坯料表面缺陷等原因造成产品表面产生折叠。3)由于连铸坯皮下气泡严重或是轧槽严重磨损致使轧件凸起部分被叠轧造成产品表面结疤。4)由于轧辊质量差,表面硬度不一或吐丝温度过高,冷却速度过慢,盘条表面受到严重氧化或钢坯加热不当,局部或全部严重脱碳等原因造成产品表面麻面。2. 我国高线生产所采用的先进技术及发展趋势2.1采用连铸坯热送热装工艺为进一步节能,有的高线厂又采用了连铸坯热送热装工艺,进一步降低了燃料消耗,提高加热质量,减少金属损耗。热装温度一般在 600左右,德国 BSW 厂达到 650920。热装要求无缺陷连铸坯,连铸坯缺陷较多的现场,就不宜使用热装。2.2加热炉加热炉是保证产品质量、产量和降低能耗的关键设备。因此,加热炉炉型选择和装备水平,应与车间规模和轧线工艺设备装备水平相匹配。对于高速线材轧机,轧制速度较高,除进行控制冷却外,还需降低开轧温度。因此,加热温度的确定,应与轧机、轧制速度和控轧控冷要求相结合。2.3无头轧制无头轧制是应用在小型棒线材轧制领域的一项最新技术。其要点是将刚出加热炉的钢坯的头部与前一根钢坯的尾部焊接起来进行无头轧制,从而消除头尾的无张力段,尤其减少中间切头和咬入事故,提高了成材率和金属收得率,提升轧机生产效率。线材的分卷在集卷筒内进行,可根据用户需求选定线材的分卷盘重。日本NKK公司东京制铁高松工厂的棒线材轧机上已采用了无头轧制这项技术。国内也有厂家试验焊接无头轧制,但焊接质量不理想,造成损失更大。2.4粗、中轧机组的平/立布置粗轧轧件短,全连轧时速度慢。有些现场采用三辊轧机轧制,也能与后续连轧匹配。但刚度差,不利于生产高精度线材。也有现场采用全水平粗轧,中间轧件扭转。采用单线布置,轧机就容易平/立交替安装,使轧件无扭行进,减少了因轧件扭转造成的表面和内部缺陷及废品,而且可以选用高刚度轧机,适合高档次产品的生产。2.5预精轧机的“微型无扭轧机”以往预精轧机组为平/立交替布置的单独传动的悬臂机架或无牌坊轧机。悬臂轧机体积小、专门安装硬质辊环,但轧机刚度很差。无牌坊轧机是短应力线高刚度轧机,但轧辊只能使用硬质钢辊,耐磨性不足。为此新建高线将精轧机组的成组传动概念扩展到预精轧机组。这是高速线材轧机的最新进展之一。它是将预精轧的后四架改为大号悬臂轧机,顶交90°布置,油膜轴承13。轧机两架一组集体传动,故叫“微型无扭轧机”。其优点是安装碳化钨辊环,延长孔型寿命,主电机和传动装置由4套减为2 套,比常规独立预精轧机可减少 22%成本,而轧件断面小,轧制力小,悬臂轧机刚度不足的缺点不用考虑。我国鞍钢线材厂在预精轧区每线采用了两台230mm “微型无扭轧机”,杭钢、包钢、银水新建的高速线材厂预精轧机都采用了“微型无扭轧机”方式,取得良好效果。 2.6重型和超重型 V型结构因为轧制速度的提高和规格范围增大,高速无扭轧机组的最后一架的成品尺寸有时很大,其上限已加大到26mm,这时进线尺寸相应加大,再加上采用低温轧制和又要适用于轧制合金钢产品等因素,都使轧制负荷急剧增加。为此,通过对油膜轴承的改进,相继研制开发了重负荷及超重负荷V型结构的无扭精轧机组,V型是指轧辊箱嵌入V型底座,安装更简捷,稳定性更好。其中230mm重负荷机架设计轧制力达到 295KN。我国近些年引进的美国摩根制造的几套 100m/s 级的精轧机均为重负荷型。2.7采用低温轧制技术粗中轧采用高刚度轧机,预精轧和精轧采用重型及超重型无扭轧机,为高线生产采用低温轧制创造了条件。低温轧制可降低燃料消耗,减少脱碳、烧损,改善轧件表面质量。这时需要电机功率也相应提高。目前最新的轧件开轧温度可低至850,进无扭精轧机温度也可低至 850。2.8减定径机与精密轧制1. 减定径机组减定径机组是近年来在高速线材轧机上采用的一项最新技术。主要是用来提高线材的轧制精度,以满足用户对产品质量包括尺寸精度、表面质量和机械性能等进一步提高的要求。在这种客观需要下,美国摩根公司和意大利达涅利公司相继开发出了线材定径机组。摩根公司的定径机组(RSM)由 4 架组成。前两架为减径机组,后两架为定径机组。由一台3200KW左右的调速电机经两级减速箱驱动。机架型式均与无扭精轧机架相同,为悬臂式结构,碳化钨辊环。前两架辊径 230mm,后两架为 150mm。前两架不设轴向调整机构,后两架有轴向调整及预加载机构,以保证精确对中。2. 减径机组为减少投资,摩根公司还推出了只有两机架的减径机组方案,有的资料把它称为双机架泰克森(Tekisun)高精度轧机,安装在无扭精轧机和夹送辊之间,与现有无扭精轧机配合使用。成品精度可以达到±0.1mm。在这种情况下,粗、中、预精机、精轧就需要2 套孔型系统。2.9吐丝机头部定位目前,常用的吐丝机头部定位法有两种:精轧前飞剪延时剪切;改变吐丝机运行速度。我们采用改变吐丝机运行速度实现吐丝机头部定位控制。改变吐丝机运行速度的原理:系统根据吐丝机位置偏差值(吐丝机的实际角度与设定角度之间的偏差)来调整吐丝机的转速,在吐丝的时候使线材转到预定位置。这要求吐丝机的转速调节和恢复工艺转速必须在线材头部进入吐丝管之前完成。3.结语高速线材生产发展到今天,其技术已经相当成熟,国内线材的生产技术已代表了世界先进水平。但各个企业还要根据市场需求和本企业能力确定自己的发展方向;追求高附加值产品要量力而行,根据本企业技术水平、资金能力、市场需求、竞争中所处地位选择项目和确定产品,发挥本企业的用户群优势、地域优势、技术优势等。有力地推动国民经济快速发展。ABSTRACTThe development of China's high-wire production, technological progress, a comprehensive analysis of the advanced technology used in high speed wire rod mill in China, reviewed the trends and characteristics of China's high-speed wire rod mill.Keyword: high-speed wire rod mill; high-speed wire; technological progress; development trends1. Review of the Hot Strip Mill productionThe wire is the minimum section size of a hot-rolled material, wire rod rolling mill need to wire in the hot state circle, coil and the first delivery, it is also known.Since the 1960s, the mid-speed wire rod mill and rolling and controlled cooling technology came with the wire production technology itself is getting more sophisticated and technological advances, high-speed wire rod mill product varieties and specifications range, plate weight, dimensional accuracy, surface quality and internal quality wire rod mill products than in the past have made great progress, and to better meet the needs of economic and technological development.The wire is not only very versatile but also a great amount of, it occupies an important position in the various departments of the national economy. According to statistics, the national wire production accounts for 5.3% to 15.3% of all hot-rolled material of the total. About 5 percent in the United States, Japan, about 8 percent, about 9 percent in the United Kingdom, France accounted for about 14%, China accounted for about 20%. To sum up the use of wire can be divided into two categories: one is the wire directly, the main applications of reinforcement in reinforced concrete and welding pieces of aspects. The other is the wire as raw material, after reprocessing, mainly by drawing into a variety of wire, after twisting into rope, or in the preparation of the steel wire mesh; after hot forging or cold forging into the rivet; after cold forging and rolling into the bolt, and made through a variety of machining and heat treatment of machine parts or tools; after winding and heat treatment made the spring.Small factories in recent years due to China's rapid economic development, the use of wire rod as raw material is increasing, growing social demand for high-quality wire products. Present, due to the backwardness of the funds as well as smelting technology, only a few number of wire rod plant capable of producing high-grade wire products, China is not imported from abroad, a small part of the bead wire, steel wire strand, plated zinc wire and other hard-line products.China's high-speed wire rod production achieved good results, but there are still some problems, mainly as;(1) steel wire varieties Q215 and Q235 is still larger proportion is still low, the proportion of high quality steel wire, alloy steel wire. (2) the quality of the product there is still a large problem, such as the purity of steel wire through the performance is not stable enough, the deviation of the carbon content. China has a number of world-class production line, but the variety and quality of the product has not yet reached world class level.4 high-quality alloy steel wire, pure steel wire, free cutting steel wire rod imports also there are many problems of the variety and quality, such as spring steel alloy, stainless steel a year still. Compared to the operating rate of high-line calendar and production of advanced countries in the machine production line, generally the larger the gap, resulting in low yield in the calendar of the operating rate and the machine because In addition to the lack of billet supply, mainly for production preparation and replacement size used for longer working hours, low life expectancy of equipment, spare parts and lack of reserves, equipment maintenance, testing means are inadequate, resulting in downtime and maintenance and long working hours. Production line in hot charging rate, fuel consumption, electricity consumption in advanced countries than there are also a gap. Surface quality of the main issues; 1) automatic monitoring device inaccurate, and the rolling temperature is uneven, adjustments are not timely or improper causes the product size is ultra-poor. 2) due to the roller ring breaking, rolling groove wear or blank surface defects and other reasons caused by the product surface folding. 3) Due to the the the billet subcutaneous bubbles serious or rolling groove is badly worn resulting in rolling convex part of the Roll caused by the product surface scarring. 4) Due to the quality of the roll surface hardness different or the spinning temperature is too high, the cooling rate is too slow, wire rod surface by severe oxidation or billet is heated properly, part or all of the serious decarburization causes the hemp side of the surface of the product.2. high line used for the production of advanced technology and development trends2.1 billet hot delivery and hot charging processIn order to further energy conservation, some high-wire factory uses a billet hot charging process, further reducing fuel consumption and improve the heating quality, reduce metal loss. Hot charging temperature is generally at about 600 , Germany BSW plant reached 650 920 . Defect-free billet hot charging requirements, more billet defect site, it would be inappropriate to use the hot charging.2.2 furnaceThe furnace is to ensure product quality, yield, and reduce the energy consumption of key equipment. Therefore, the furnace furnace selection and level of equipment, should match the scale and rolling line of the workshop process equipment and equipment level. For high-speed wire rod mill, the rolling speed is high and needs to reduce its open rolling temperature controlled cooling. Therefore, the heating temperature, combining with the rolling mill, rolling speed and controlled rolling and cooling requirements.2.3 no head rollingWithout a head rolling is one of the latest technology applications in the field of small bar and wire rod rolling. The point is that just left the furnace and billet head welded to the rear of the former a billet without a head rolling, thereby eliminating the tension-free section of the head and tail, in particular, to reduce the intermediate cutting head and bite into the accident, and improve the finished product rate and the metal yield, enhance the production efficiency of the mill. Wire the sub-volumes in the set rolls, wire sub reel weight can be selected according to user needs. Takamatsu factory in Japan's NKK Corporation Tokyo Steel wire rod and bar mill has endless rolling this technology. There are also a factory test welding without a head rolling, welding quality is not satisfactory, resulting in a greater loss of.2.4 coarse, medium rolling mill group of flat / vertical layoutCrude Rolling short, the whole rolling slow. Some site using a three-roll mill rolling, and subsequent rolling match. But the stiffness is not conducive to the production of high precision wire. Live a full level of rough rolling, intermediate rolling to reverse. The single-line layout, mill on the flat / vertical alternate installation, the rolling, twisting road, reducing rolling to reverse the result of surface and internal defects and waste, and can choose to use the high stiffness mill, suitable for the production of high-grade products.2.5 pre-finishing mill "micro-twist mill"Pre-finishing mill in the past as a separate drive / vertical alternating arrangement cantilever rack with or without arch mill. The cantilever mill small size, specifically to install the hard roll rings, but the poor mill stiffness. St. Paul mill is the high rigidity of the Short Stress mill roll can only use the hard steel roller, wear resistance. To this end the new High Line will be the finishing mill group drive to extend the concept pre-finishing mill. This is one of the latest progress of the high-speed wire rod mill. It is pre - finishing four to large cantilever rolling mill, the top cross the 90 ° arrangement, the oil film bearings 13. The mill two groups of collective drive, so called "mini-no twist mill. The advantage is tungsten carbide roll rings installed to extend the pass life, the main motor and gear reduction from four sets of two sets, 22% less cost than conventional independent pre-finishing mill, and rolling section, rolling force, cantilever shortcoming mill stiffness without considering. China's Anshan Iron and Steel wire rod plant in each line of the pre-finishing area using two 230mm micro no twist mill Hangzhou Iron and Steel, Baotou Steel, silver water new high-speed wire rod factory pre-finishing mill uses a micro no twist mill "approach, achieved good results.2.6 of the heavy and super heavy-duty V-shaped structureThe rolling speed increases and the size range increases, high-speed twisting mill group last one finished size is sometimes great, its upper limit has been increased to 26mm, when the size of the line corresponding increase, coupled with low temperature rolling and also applies to the rolled alloy steel products and other factors, a sharp increase in the rolling load. To this end, the improvement of the oil film bearing, have developed a V-shaped structure of the heavy-duty and heavy load no-twist finishing mill, V-is the roll box embedded in a V-shaped base, the more simple to install, better stability. Rolling force of the 230mm heavy duty rack designed to achieve 295KN. Morgan manufactured in China in recent years the introduction of several sets of 100m / s-class finishing mill are heavy duty.2.7 The low temperature rolling technologyCrude and rolled high stiffness mill, pre-finishing and finishing with the heavy and super heavy-duty twist mill, using low temperature rolling to create the conditions for the production of high-speed wire. Low temperature rolling can reduce fuel consumption, reduce decarburization, burning to improve the rolling surface quality. Then need to motor power has correspondingly increased. The latest rolling on rolling temperature can be as low as 850 ° C into the twist finishing mill temperature as low as 850 .2.8 minus sizing and precision rolling1 Less sizing unitReducing and sizing unit is a latest technology in recent years, high-speed wire rod mill. Is mainly used to improve the rolling precision, in order to meet the requirements of the user to further improve the quality of products, including dimensional accuracy, surface quality and mechanical properties of the wire. This objective needs, Morgan, and Danieli, Italy have developed a wire sizing unit. Sizing unit (RSM), the Morgan 4. Before the two reducing units, two sizing units. Gear box driven by two speed motor by a 3200KW about. Rack-type finishing stands with no twist, the cantilever structure, the tungsten carbide roll ring. Former two roller diameter 230mm, after two 150mm. The former two no axial adjustment of the body, after the two axial adjustment and pre-loading mechanism to ensure that accurate right.2 reducing unitIn order to reduce investment, Morgan has also launched only two rack reducing unit program, some information it called dual rack the Taike Sen (Tekisun) high-precision rolling mill, installed in the non-twist finishing mill and the pinch roller used in conjunction with the existing no-twist finishing mill. The finished accuracy of ± 0.1mm. In this case, crude, pre-finishing machines, finishing on two sets