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V106 Although it is freedom to use tobacco while some people think it should be made illegal as the same way as other drugs. To what extent do you agree or disagree? V1077(20003.3.88,3.15已已考)Tassk 11 Taask 2 SSomee peeoplle bbeliievee thhat stuudennts whoo waant to go to uniiverrsitty aafteer ggradduattionn frrom higgh sschoool shoouldd haave aboout onee yeears ttimee too geet aa joob tto oobtaain worrk eexpeerieencee orr haave a ttravvel to enllargge ttheiir vvisiion.whaat aare thee addvanntagges andd diisaddvanntagges reggarddingg itt annd wwhatt iss yoour opiinioon? V1088 Taask11 grraphh abboutt thhe vvaluue oof ssalees aand renntalls oof vvideeos in us andd Euuroppeann unnionn frrom 19992 tto 220000 Taask22 Soome peooplee saaid thee gooverrnmeent shooulddn'tt puut mmoneey oon bbuilldinng ttheaaterrs aand spoortss sttadiiumss; ttheyy shhoulld sspennd mmoree mooneyy onn meediccal carre aand eduucattionn. AAgreee oor nnot agrree? V1009 ttaskk 1 TTaskk 2 thee ccompputeer aare widdelyy ussed in eduucattionn annd ssomee peeoplle tthinnk tteaccherr arre nnot plaay iimpoortaant rolle iin tthe claassrroomm . To whaat eexteend do youu aggreee?(aagreee/ddisaagreee) V1110 taask11 baar ccharrts,是是说随着着年龄的的增长学学习目的的的改变变情况,青青年人大大都是为为了caareeer,老老年人大大都是为为了innterrestt,还有有empployyer和和年龄的的关系。 tassk2 whaat iis tthe reaasonn foor llosiing a vvariietyy off laanguuagee annd ccultturee?(分分析原因因型) 一些語語言和文文化的喪喪失,语语言多样样化的减减少和退退化 11.全球球一体化化(gllobaalizzatiion) 2.外国文文化的影影响,现现在的青青少年推推崇潮流流(tiidall cuurreent) 3.自身的的忽视,小国家家为了生生存只能能不断吸吸收其他他国家的的语言文文化 vv1111 taask11 写的的是6个个城市的的地铁情情况是个个tabble. 由伦伦敦,巴巴黎,东东京,华华盛顿,洛洛杉矶,还还有一个个日本的的城市,伦伦敦最早早,好像像是最长长,要不不就是巴巴黎,东东京的载载客量最最大!指指出了最最长,最最早,最最大载客客量,最最小的.taskk2 NNatuure andd nuurtuure, whhichh pllayss maajorr roole in perrsonnaliity andd deevellopmmentt? V 1112 tassk1: 比較較20001年時時4个国国家在ppopuulattionn,liiterracyy與 nnumbber of boooks pubblisshedd的數字字 taask22 PPeopple in higgh pposiitioon aat tthe agee 555 shhoulld ggivee oppporrtunnitiies forr neew ggeneerattionn. DDo yyou agrree or nott? 公公司应该该鼓励年年纪已到到55岁岁的高阶阶人员退退休,iin oordeer tto ggivee oppporrtunnitiies to neww geenerratiion,赞成及及反对的的理由为为何?(agrree/dissagrree) v1113 tassk 11 yoou hhavee too wrritee a repportt foor aa unniveersiity leccturrer ; aa chhartt shhowss thhe nnumbber of sofftwoood andd haardwwoodd inn neew ssoutth wwalees, Austtrallia, frrom 19990 tto 119988, ttaskk 2 somee peeoplle tthinnk tthatt unniveersiity shoouldd noot pprovvidee thheorretiicall knnowlledgge, butt too giive praactiicall trrainningg beeneffit to soccietty.DDo yyou agrree or dissagrree. Usse yyourr owwn eexpeerieencee annd kknowwleddge to suppporrt yyourr iddea. V1114(220033.3.22已已考):taskk 1 两个bbar chaart, 关于于chiildrren wattch TV事事宜; tassk2 Soome peooplee prrefeer tto sstayy inn thhe ssamee joob ffor thee saame commpanny, butt ottherrs ppreffer to chaangee joobs freequeentlly. Youu shhoulld uuse speeciffic reaasonns tto ccompparee thhe aadvaantaagess annd ddisaadvaantaagess off booth siddes v1115(220033.1.18, 2.8已考) taskk1 TTaskk 2: soome peooplee thhinkk kiilliing aniimalls aas ffoodd iss crruell annd uunneecesssaryy. ootheer ppeopple dissagrree beccausse mmeatt iss esssenntiaal tto ppeopple. diiscuuss andd giive youur oopinnionn V1166 TAASK 1 是是比较33个国家家65岁岁以上人人口的百百分比,并并预测到到20440年持持续上升升。是33条曲线线。描述述关键词词是FLLUCTTUATTIONN。 TTASKK 2 Somme iinfoormaatioon iin ffilmms, boooks andd onn thhe IInteerneet hhas badd innfluuencce oon yyounng ppeopple andd evven on soccietty. Somme ppeopple thiink succh iinfoormaatioon sshouuld be conntroolleed. Givve yyourr oppiniion on botth ssidees oof vvieww usse yyourr owwn eexpeerieencee annd eexammplees v1117 tassk1 是有2個個chaartss,分析析一下ddailly cconssumpptioon oof pprotteinn annd ccalooriees iin ddifffereent reggionns oof wworlld. 其中圖圖表中的的prooteiin有列列出是ffromm meeat還還是ottherr prroteein,而四個個reggionns則分分別是有有norrth Ameericca, souuth Ameericca, Afrricaa, aand Inddia, 只有有norrth Ameericca在两两方面都都超出了了ideeal inttakee sttanddardd。大概概是这样样吧 Taskk2:SSomee peeoplle tthinnk cchilldreen sshouuld leaarn to commpette, butt ottherrs tthinnk tthatt chhilddrenn shhoulld bbe ttaugght to coooperratee. EExprresss soome reaasonns oof bbothh viiewss annd ggivee yoour ownn oppiniion.V1188 (220033.2.22已已考) tassk1 is floow ccharrt aabouut tthe nattionnal parrk iin uuse aftter thee fiire dissastter, thhe ttreees rrefrreshh thhe eenviironnmennt 3300 pluus yyearrs pperiiod。 是讲在在美国黄黄石公园园的一次次火灾后后,森林林的生长长情况。task2 is about there a gap of living in cities and countryside. what is the reasons in your country how can reduce the difference 城市和乡村的差距越来越大?原因是什么?解决办法?(分析原因解决问题型) v119 task1 two pie charts one show in 1981 in Europe five things people like spent on leisure time namely to 32% 2.talking with friend , 3.talking with family 4.go to restaurant 5.forget in 2001 play computer games add into the pie gets a higher percentage about 27% ,watch TV still the same ,and talking with friend sharp increase to xx%.the others has decrease to low. task2 universities should accept equal numbers of male and female study in every subject. Do you agree or disagree. v1220 ttaskk 1: 2 piee chhartts aabouut ddailly cconssumpptioon iin bbanggdesshi andd Brittishh taask 2: whaat aare thee puurpoosess off pllacees ssuchh ass muuseuums andd hoow sshouuld theey bbe ffundded? v1221(220033.2.15已已考) Somee peeoplle tthinnk vvisiitorrs tto ootheers couuntrriess shhoulld iimittateed llocaal ccusttom andd beehavviorrs. Somme ppeopple dissagrree,theey tthinnk tthe hosst ccounntryy shhoulld wwelccomee cuultuure diffferrentt. vv1222 taask22 Iss itt neecesssarry tto fforbbid smookinng? givve yyourr reeasoons. 好像像和V1106的的观点差差不多,不不多说了了! tassk1 Parrt-ttimee annd FFulll-tiime -991.224%(malle) - 558.336%(femmalee)