英语机器人简介PPTThe history of robotsThe third stage-Intelligent robotics development(1984-?)In1999,Sony demonstrated the Intelligent robotics AIBO In2002,iRobot company launched a vacuum cleaner(吸尘器)robot Roomba In2006,Microsoft introduced Microsoft Robotics Studio(微软机器人工作室)The development of robotThe first stageTheoretical Development(1920-1948)In1920,Czechoslovak(捷克斯洛伐克)Writers Karel Capek(恰佩克卡雷尔)“Luo Samus universal robot”was first mentioned in Robota(Czech“drudgery,servitude”苦差事,奴役),create a“robot”is the word.In1942,American science fiction writer Asimov(阿西莫夫)put forward the Three Laws of Robotics.。In1948,Robert Wiener(罗伯特维纳)published Cybernetics,Offered to the computer as the core of automated factory.发表“控制论”,提出以计算机为核心的自动化工厂。In our country,the Eastern Han Dynasty zhang heng invented the south,the Three Kingdoms Period,zhuge liang created MuNiu LiuMa.Strictly speaking,this is not a modern sense of the robot,but they expressed the human yearning for robots and explore.The development of robotThe developmentof robotsThree Laws of RoboticsThe first rule Robot may not injure a human,or sit back and do nothing hurt humans;机器人不得伤害人类,或在人类受到伤害时袖手旁观The second rule Unless contrary to the first rule,the robot must obey human orders;在不违反第一定律的前提下,机器人必须绝对服从人类的命令The third rule Without prejudice to the first and second law,the robot must protect themselves.在不违背第一和第二定律的前提下,机器人必须尽力保护自己。Will robot capture the human being?The development of robotThe first stage-Theoretical development(1954-1959)In1954,American George Dvol(乔治德沃尔)create the worlds first programmable robot,(可编程机器人)and registered patents.In1959,Dvol and American inverntor Joseph FEngelberger(英格伯格)invernt the first industrial robot(工业机器人)and found a robot copany-Unimation.industrial robotThe development of robotThe second stage-Technology development(1962-1978)In1962-1963,Application of sensors(传感器)to improve the operability of the robot.In1965,Johns Hopkins University(约翰霍普金斯大学)Applied Physics Laboratory developed the Beast robot.In1969,Japans Waseda University(早稻田大学)developed the first robot to walk with its feet.In1978,Unimation company developed industrial robot PUMA which means the industrial robot technology has fully matured.Cornell”is walking forwardThe development of robotThe third stage-Intelligent robotics development(1984-)In1997,Honda(本田汽车公司)demonstrated the Intelligent robotics ASIMO.Classification of robotAccording to the purpose of robotCivilian or Service robot:help people live betterIndustrial robot:increase the efficient of manufactureAgricultural robot:picking,weeding,fertilizing,etcmilitary robot:avoid death,fighting,searchUnderwater robot:diving,Underwater detectionMedical robot:engaged in the medical or auxiliary medical Classification of robotCivilian or Service robot-help us do job in everyday life,improve the quality of life.domestic vacuum cleaner A toy for todays childAn android,or robot designed to resemble a human,can appear comforting to some people Classification of robotsIndustrial robot-can relieve human labor,increase the efficient of manufacturethe Manipulator&Machine hand To carry and manufacture the car.Ferrari production equipmentcarrier robot hold Lamborghini in the production line.A set of six-axis robots used for welding(焊接)Classification of robotsmilitary robot:military robot help the army to avoid death in battle and beat the enemy efficiently.Gladiator Tactical Unmanned Ground Vehicle at Redstone ArsenalMQ-1L Predator UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)armed with AGM-114 Hellfire missiles(导弹)The Armed(武装的)Robotic Vehicle variant(变种)of the MULEmilitary robotThis small tactical robot named SUGVs,it is a small unmanned ground installations,assembling cameras,audio devices and other sensors on the battlefield can be found in real-time remote explosive device(IED),and related public safety the threat.It can crawl into the stairs,and roll it difficult to enter into the human or dangerous areas.SUGVs小型战术机器人,小型无人地面装置,它装配有相机,音响设备和其他传感器,在战场上可被用于实时远程爆炸(简易爆炸装置),以及相关的公共安全威胁。它可以爬上楼梯,进入人类很难进入的或危险的区域。Medical robot-engaged in the medical or auxiliary medicalMedical nanoscale robot Medical nanoscale robots is currently in the pilot phase,big to a few millimeters long,small to a few microns in diameter;But certainly,the next few years,nanoscale robots will lead to a revolution in medicine.Many engineers,scientists and doctors think,medical nanoscale robots have unlimited potential-and one of the most likely include:treatment of atherosclerosis,anti-cancer,remove blood clot,clean the wound,help blood coagulation,dispel parasites,treat gout,crushing kidney stones,artificial insemination and the cell activation energy,make the person not only keep healthy,and prolong life.医用纳米机器人目前还处在试验阶段,大到长几毫米,小到直径几微米;但可医用纳米机器人目前还处在试验阶段,大到长几毫米,小到直径几微米;但可以肯定的是,未来几年内,纳米机器人将会带来一场医学革命。以肯定的是,未来几年内,纳米机器人将会带来一场医学革命。许多工程师、科学家和医生都认为,医用纳米机器人有着无限的潜力许多工程师、科学家和医生都认为,医用纳米机器人有着无限的潜力而其而其中最有可能的包括:治疗动脉粥样硬化、抗癌、去除血块、清洁伤口、帮助凝血、中最有可能的包括:治疗动脉粥样硬化、抗癌、去除血块、清洁伤口、帮助凝血、祛除寄生虫、治疗痛风、粉碎肾结石、人工授精以及激活细胞能量,使人不仅保祛除寄生虫、治疗痛风、粉碎肾结石、人工授精以及激活细胞能量,使人不仅保持健康,而且延长寿命。持健康,而且延长寿命。The future visionFigure described in the is a nanoscale robots is going into the red blood cells 图中描述的是一个纳米机器人正在进入红细胞 Medical nanoscale robotFigure is described in the nanoscale robots are looking for invasion of the virus 图中描述的是纳米机器人正在寻找入侵的病毒 T The development of robot put he development of robot put forward problems to science and forward problems to science and technology,the solution of the technology,the solution of the problemproblems s also will greatly promote also will greatly promote the progress of the robot.Robots the progress of the robot.Robots will make the world more colorful will make the world more colorful tomorrow.tomorrow.Thank you for your time!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!此课件下载可自行编辑修改,仅供参考!感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢感谢您的支持,我们努力做得更好!谢谢