The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes《福尔摩斯历险记(1984)》第二季第四集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
福尔摩斯探案集第2季第4集 萨顿Sutton, 萨顿Sutton, 萨顿救我Sutton help me.救我啊萨顿Help me Sutton.快救我Please help;救命help, 救我啊萨顿help me Sutton.萨顿救命Sutton help.不要让他们带走我萨顿Don't let them take me Sutton.救我啊萨顿Help me Sutton, 萨顿Sutton.不要让他们带走我啊萨顿Don!t let them take me Sutton.救我Help me.救我啊萨顿Help me Sutton.萨顿救我啊Sutton help.快点救我啊Please help;救命啊help!救我啊Help me!快救我啊萨顿Help me Sutton!萨顿你所要做的就是安安分分地All you have to do is to wear out the chair坐在你的诊室里in your consulting room.你所赚的Then you hand over to me我要占四分之三three quarters of everything you earn剩下的四分之一你自己留着and keep one quarter for yourself.你觉得这个提议怎样呢?Now what do you say to that sir?你同意吗?Do you agree?福尔摩斯先生这就是那个This then Mr. Holmes was the strange proposal叫布莱星顿的陌生人给我提的奇怪建议with which Mr. Blessington approached me.我不再表达我们怎样I will not weary you with how we协商成交的事bargained and negotiated.结果是我在报喜节But it ended with my moving into the house next quarter 搬进了这个寓所并按他所提出的条件and starting in practice on very much the same conditions 开始营业as he had suggested.这就是候诊室Waiting room for your patients.你的诊室Your consulting room.难以置信啊布莱星顿先生I can't believe it Mr. Blessington,叫我怎么感谢你呢nor can I thank you enough.他把一楼最好的两间房♥改成了He turned the two best rooms on the first floor起居室和他自己的卧室into a sitting room and a bedroom for himself然后以住院病人的身份and came to live with me in the character of和我住在了一起a resident patient.他的心脏衰弱但算不上不正常His heart was weak but not abnormal.显然他需要经常治疗And yet he demanded constant medical supervision.他脾气古怪闭门谢客He was a man of singular habits,shunning company深居简出不过有一件事除外and very seldom going out except in one respect.在每天晚上的同一时刻他都会Every evening at the same time he would go for a walk外出散步半小时风雨不改for half an hour exactly no matter what the weather.而且每晚同一时刻And every evening at the same hour他都会踱进我的诊室he would walk into the consulting room.检查账目He would then examine the books,赚的诊费每1几尼他给我留5先令3便士put down five crumpets for every guinea I had earned其余的他全部拿走and then carried the rest off to the strong box放到他自己屋内的保险箱里in his own room.我可以非常自信地说I may say with confidence Mr. Holmes对这项投机生意他永远也不会后悔that he never had occasion to regret his speculation.一开始生意就很成功From the first it was a success近两年来我使他变成了一个富翁and during the last two years I have made him a rich man.就是这些了福尔摩斯先生So much Mr. Holmes,我过去的经历以及for my past history and my relations和布莱星顿先生的关系with the resident patient Mr. Blessington.我要告诉你的现在只剩下一个问题It only remains for me now to tell you 就是我今晚来此求教的原因what has occurred to bring me here tonight. 几星期之前布莱星顿先生下楼来找我Some weeks ago Mr. Blessington came down to me 我似乎觉得 in as it seemed to me-他的心情异常激动特里维廉医生-a considerable state of agitation. - Dr. Travelian, 特里维廉医生特里维廉医生Dr. Travelian,Dr. Travelian, 特里维廉医生特里维廉医生Dr. TraveIian,Dr. Travelian, 特里维廉医生特里维廉医生 Dr. Travelian,Dr. Travelian sir. 布莱星顿先生冷静下Mr. Blessington calm yourself sir. 冷静你叫我怎么冷静?Calm myself? Calm myself? 你没有听说那件盗窃案吗?But my dear sir have you not heard of the burglary? 盗窃案?Burglary?哪里啊?Where?不不不不是这里先生No,no,no not here sir, 不是这里但是可能会的 not here,but it could have been. 可能会的Could have been.一周之内整栋房♥子Within a week the whole house had become 的门窗都被加固闩牢a fortress of bolts and bars and locks. 你确定这些栅栏足够坚固吗?Are you sure these bars are strong enough? 它们坚固得用在英格兰银行都绰绰有余了They'd be strong enough for the bank of England,sir. 布莱星顿先生?Mr. Blessington?当我向他问到这件事时When I questioned him upon the point他变得非常无礼于是我he became so offensive that I was compelled就不再谈这件事了to drop the subject.刚开始我还以为他At first Mr. Holmes I thought he merely sought只是想保护他的保险箱to protect his strong box,但后来我觉察but then I suspected that it was his life他是在保护自己的性命he was protecting.从那之后他就完全不外出了From then on he stopped going out all together, 不停地从窗户往外看peered continually out of his windows把自己锁在房♥间里and kept himself locked in his room in what我只能说他已经到了极度焦虑的状态I could only describe as a state of mortal dread.特里维廉医生在你继续之前Dr. Travelian,before you continue,你说你发现布莱星顿先生you say you found this man Blessington终日卧床手抓报纸并且日渐虚弱?prostrate on his bed clutching a newspaper?准确点说是More precisely the remains of a newspaper他撕下的报纸条for he had torn it to shreds.撕成报纸条Torn to shreds.你还记得报纸上的内容吗?Do you recall the contents of this newspaper at all?不记得了但我发现了些新的情况No Jm afraid not even if Td known what I was looking for.什么时候呢?When was this?几周之前It was some weeks ago,好像是五月初the beginning of May I think.时间一天天过去Gradually as time passed他的恐惧似乎逐渐消失了his fears appeared to die away他又恢复了常态and he renewed his former habits.晚安特里维廉医生Good evening Dr. Travelian.外面天气多好啊Wonderful evening outside.我又开始出去散步了I'm beginning to enjoy my walks again.然后突如其来地一件事And then suddenly a fresh event reduced him让他就此卧床不起to the pitiable state of prostration知道现在in which he now lies.事情是这样的昨天我收到一封信What happened was yesterday I received this letter一位侨居在英国的俄♥罗♥斯♥贵族寄来的from a Russian nobleman now resident in England他深受强直性昏厥病的折磨who suffers from catalepsy.他在信中写道亟愿到我处就医In it he announces his intention of visiting me准备明晚六点一刻左右for a consultation this very evening前往就诊at a quarter past six.由于对强直症进行研究的主要困难Because of the chief difficulty in the study of catalepsy在于这种疾病是罕见的and the rareness of the disease你可以相信在约定时间那时you may believe that at the appointed hour我已经心焦地等候在我的诊室里I was eager to receive the patient.晚上好啊先生Good evening gentlemen.我是特里维廉医生我想I'm Dr. Travelian and it was you sir就是阁下给我写的信吧?I assume who wrote to me?医生我的父亲很少说英语的My father speaks very little English doctor,所以希望你不介意我陪他进来so I trust you will excuse my coming in with him他的健康问题as his health is a matter对我是极重要的事情of the most overwhelming importance to me.是的这个我清楚先生YesJ respect that sir.芬顿Fenton,或许在诊治时你愿意留在诊室里吧?perhaps you would like to join us for the consultation?不行绝对不行Nyet,nyet,not for all of the world.我受不了这种痛苦It is more painful to me than I can express.如果我看到我父亲If I were to see my father in one of those疾病发作时那种可怕的样子dreadful seizures I am convinced我相信我是忍♥受不了的I would never survive it.我自己的神经官能My own nervous system也十分敏感is an exceptionally sensitive one.你如允许With your permission I will remain在你给我父亲诊治时in your waiting room while you go into my father's case.我可以在候诊室里等候in your waiting room while you go into my father's case.好的当然可以啦Yes,of course.谢谢医生thank you doctor.谢谢你芬顿Thank you Fenton.现在先生请允许我Now sirj hope you will forgive me 问你几个基本的问题if I ask you a few basic questions.首先你能告诉我你的年龄吗?First,can you tell me your age?Sixty-seven.除了强直性昏厥病And apart from catalepsy你是否觉得自己身体健壮呢?would you say you are physically sound?也就是说你的身体还好吗?Normally do you have good health?嗯没有头痛? headaches?腹痛呢?Abdominal pain?有没有感觉到疼痛?Any pain at all?没有No.很好Good.首先我要给你做个全身检查Naturally I will examine you thoroughly但这只是初步检查but this is merely a preliminary.你抽雪茄吗?Do you smoke cigars?是的Yes.你喝酒吗?Do you drink alcohol?伏特加Vodka.伏特加?Vodka?我知道了I see.每天?Every day?我没想到I didn't expect.我最初的感觉是既怜悯又害怕my first feeling was one of pity and horror.后来我的职业兴趣My second I fear was rather占了上风one of professional satisfaction.哪一方面都没有发现与我以前所诊断的There was nothing markedly abnormal in his condition 这种病例有不一致的现象which had harmonized with my former experiences.在之前类似的病例中我使用I had obtained good results in such cases.烷基亚硝酸吸入剂取得了良好的疗效By the inhalation of nitrite of alma现在似乎正是试验and the present seemed an admirable opportunity它疗效的极好机会of testing its virtues.先生我相信你能听见我Now sirbelieve you can hear me.我很快就会回来I should be back directly rest assured.芬顿Fenton,芬顿芬顿过来Fenton,Fenton immediately.芬顿你15分钟之前Fenton,the two gentlemen you showed in带上来那两位先生less than 15 minutes ago,你见到他们走了吗?did you see them leave?走?没有啊先生Leave,no sir.你确定?Are you sure?我确定先生I'm positive sir.晚上好啊特里维廉医生Good evening Dr. Travelian.晚上好布莱星顿先生Good evening Mr. Blessington你今天的散步如何呢?and how was your walk today?有点小雨但还是很愉快的A little rain but very amiable my good sir.非常愉快Very amiable.你听到他们离开吗?Did you hear them leave?没有先生No,sir.我不在大厅附近I was nowhere near the hall.你不应该离开的Well you should have been.这是你的职责That is your duty.我知道你是刚来的但现在你应该记住了Now I know you are new here but you should know by now.医生医生Doctor! doctor!医生医生doctor! doctor!有人进过我的房♥间Someone has been in my room.没有人进过你的房♥间先生No one has been in your room sir.说谎A lie.你在说谎You're lying to me.我向你保证我没有I assure you I am not.芬顿你进过布莱星顿先生的房♥间吗? Fenton,have you been in Mr. Blessington's room? 我肯定没有Of course I haven't.我就说你听到了吧There you are you see.你自己上来看下吧Then come up and see for yourself.什么事先生Now sir.看下那里吧Look at those.你敢说这是我的脚印?Are you telling me that they're mine?嗯一眼看上去Well at first glance they do appear这确实大了点不是你的to be too large for you.这些肯定不是我的脚印Of course they're not mine.我从来都是在前门脱套鞋的I always remove my galoshes at the front door.有什么被盗的吗?Has anything been stolen?没有但这个不是重点No,but that's not the point.没有东西被盗?Nothing has been stolen?我的隐私被陌生人侵犯了My privacy has been invaded by a stranger, 这还不够吗?is that not enough?布莱星顿先生?Mr. Blessington?布莱星顿先生?Mr. Blessington?你给我出去我要单独呆会出去Leave me alone,go away and leave me alone.我相信我能帮上什么忙的Surely there's something I can do to help.要我叫警♥察♥吗?Sutton,萨顿萨顿救我啊Sutton,Sutton help,救我啊help me!萨顿Sutton,萨顿Sutton!住院的病人放松点福尔摩斯Mustn't take it so badly Holmes.什么?What?我知道这么说有点难为情Well I know it's inconvenient but you really mustn't 但你不能让它影响你的 let it affect you like this.你在说什么啊?Whatever do you mean?你一直怒愤难抑You are sitting there boiling with indignation因为你被迫离开because you have been forced to leave221B这么一间舒适的公♥寓♥the warmth and comfort of 221B by the order 哈德森太太正在进行春季大扫除of Mrs. Hudson's spring cleaning.我亲爱的华生你是怎么推断出的?My dear Watson however did you deduce that?只是简单地运用了下你的方法罢了By simply applying your methods Holmes.是么?Indeed?相信你来这里You'll agree that you are not here 不是为了剪发或刮胡 for either a shave or a haircut.这是事实That is true.你怎么知道的呢?Shall I call the police?不要不要叫那些喇叭手No. Not those buglers.现在只有一个人能帮我的There*s only one person who can help me now.这就是我上这儿来的原因了And that is why I am here.这么琐碎的事情麻烦你我实在很抱歉But I must apologize for such a trivial reason.一个什么都不偷的贼A thief that doesn't steal.他有指名道姓说要我帮助吗?Did he ask for me by name?噢是的Oh,yes.那我们走吧Then let us be on our way.谢谢Thank you.这边?This way?站在那里Stay where you are.我有手♥枪♥的我保证I have a pistol and I give you my word要是你再走近一点我就射你I will shoot if you come any nearer.布莱星顿先生不要那么无礼Mr. Blessington this is outrageous sir!你不认得我吗?Do you not recognize me?是你吗医生?Is that you doctor?是的就是我啊Yes,of course it is me.另外两位先生The other two gentlemen,他们是假扮的吗?are they what they pretend to be?他们是夏洛克福尔摩斯先生They are Mr. Sherlock Holmes和他的朋友华生医生and his friend Dr. Watson.上帝啊布莱星顿先生Good God Mr. Blessington,是你让我叫他们来的it was you that asked me to fetch them.是的是的是的请原谅我Yesyesyes,forgive me,原谅我forgive me.先生们上来吧Gentlemen do come up.我的警惕冒犯到你们的话我很抱歉I'm sorry if my precautions have annoyed you.晚上好福尔摩斯先生Good evening Mr. Holmes.我相信我是到了迫不得已的地步I'm sure Fm very much obliged才请你们来的to you for coming around.没人比我更需要你的建议了先生No one has ever needed your advice more than Lno one. 我相信特里维廉医生已经告诉你I expect Dr. Travelian has told you有人不经允许闯进我的房♥间这件事了of this unwarrantable intrusion into my rooms.布莱星顿先生My sir,Mr. Blessington,那两个男人是谁呢?who are these two men?哪两个男人啊我不认识他们Which two mendon't know them.那他们为什么要打搅你呢?Then why do they wish to molest you?打搅我?Molest me?你可不能指望我来回答这个问题You could hardly expect me to answer that.你是说你不知道?You mean that you don't know?请进Come in here,please.请进来吧Just have the kindness to step in here!我从来就不是个富人福尔摩斯先生I've never been a rich man,Mr. Holmes.我一生只做过一次投资I've never made but one investment in my life, 特里维廉医生会告诉你Dr. Travelian will tell you that我有多么不相信银行家的but I don't believe in bankers sir.绝对不要相信银行家Never trust a banker福尔摩斯先生绝不Mr. Holmes,never.这是我们之间的秘密It's between ourselves.我全部身家都在这保险箱里What little I have is here in this strong box.现在你知道So you can understand what it means to me 陌生人when unknown people潜进我的房♥间这件事对我有多重要了吧force themselves into my rooms.布莱星顿先生要是你一定要蒙骗我的话Mr. Blessington I cannot possibly advise you 我是没法帮助你的if you try to deceive me.蒙骗你Deceive you?我已经告诉你一切了But I've told you everything.晚安特里维廉医生Good night Dr. Travelian.福尔摩斯先生你不给我一些指教吗?Mr. Holmes,no advice for me?我对你的指教就是请讲真话My advice to you is to speak the truth.福尔摩斯?Holmes?马车 Cab! 福尔摩斯 Holmes.我能从那人的眼睛中看出I can read in a man,s eyes 他只是害怕自己的幻想 when it's his own skin that he's frightened of. 是的但你为什么说他说谎呢?YesBut why did you call him a liar?因为我知道他认识那两个人Because I am certain that he does know who these men are. 马车Cab!一位俄♥罗♥斯♥年轻人A young Russian潜进布莱星顿先生的房♥间 penetrated to Blessington's rooms 他的同谋就引开医生的注意力while his confederate kept the doctor from interfering. 强直性昏厥病是很好模仿的And of course catalepsy is a very easy complaint to imitate. 是的我知道我自己也做过YesJ know I've done it myself.福尔摩斯?Holmes?会不会有这么一个可能性Might there be one alternative, 十分荒诞但同时也是可信的 grotesquely improbably no doubt but still just conceivable, 整个故事就是患了强直性昏厥的人might the whole story of the cataleptic Russian和那个儿子都是特里维廉医生编出来的and son be a concoction of Dr. Travelian他自己居心不良闯进布莱星顿先生的房♥间who for his own purposes has been in Blessington's room? 但你看到楼梯上地毯上的脚印了吗?But did you see the footprints on the stair carpet?那鞋印是方头的而布莱星顿先生的They were square toed,quite unlike Blessington's 鞋子是圆头的同时又比特里维廉医生的which are round and an inch and a third longer长了 1.3寸than Dr. Travelians.我觉得我们今晚要好好想下I think we can sleep on this Watson不出所料的话but I should be surprised if we do not hear他们明早就会来找我们的from Brook Street in the morning.晚安Good night.晚安老朋友Night old fellow.早啊医生Morning doctor.你的茶放门外了Your tea is here.谢谢诺拉Thank you Nora.布莱星顿先生你的茶Mr. Blessington,your breakfast tea.布莱星顿先生?Mr. Blessington?华生Watson.赶快穿衣服get dressed quickly.马车在等我们了There*s a cab waiting for us.为什么啊?Why?什么事啊?What's the matter?布鲁克街那件事The Brook Street business.有什么新消息吗?Any fresh news?看在上帝的面上For God's sake,立即前来珀西特里维廉come at once,P. Travelian.噢福尔摩斯先生很高兴你能来Oh,Mr. Holmes I'm so glad you could come.发生什么事了 ?What has happened?布莱星顿先生自杀了Mr. Blessington has committed suicide.自杀?Suicide?是的Yes.他在夜里上吊了He hung himself during the night.有人碰过尸体吗?Has the body been touched?没有No.听差呢?Where's the page?找不到Nowhere to be found.早上好啊巡官Good morning inspector.福尔摩斯先生很高兴见到你Mr. Holmes,delighted to see you.现在请你看下Now please take a look.我们正准备把他放下来We were just about to take him down.是的巡官Right,inspector.担架Stretcher.就这样了That'll be all.你听说过案子发生前的一些情况了吗?Have heard of the events leading up to this affair?是的特里维廉医生已经跟我说过一些了Yes,Dr. Travelian has told me something of them.你有什么意见吗?And have you formed an opinion?目前就我所知他Now as far as I can see,the man was driven应该是被吓疯了out of his senses by fright.在这张床上他睡了好一阵子The bed has been well slept in.有很深的压痕There was his impression deep enough for al