n 当前文档档修改密密码:8836228399初中英英语新目目标八年年级(上上)单元元同步听听力训练练Unitt 1 Hoow oofteen ddo yyou exeerciise?.听句句子,根根据图画画内容判判断句子子正(TT)误(FF),句句子听两两遍。1. _ 22. _ 33. _ 44. _ 55. _. 听听问句,选选择正确确的答语语,问句句听两遍遍。6. AA. IItss Suundaay. B. Its AApriil 221. C. Its hhalff paast eleevenn.7. AA. IItss veery hott. B. Its vveryy heeavyy. C. Its vveryy laargee.8. AA. AAbouut 440 mminuutess. B. Aboout hallf aan hhourr too waalk. C. Aboout 5 mmetrres.9. AA. YYes, plleasse. B. Youuree weelcoome. C. Sorrry, I cannt.10. A. No, itt issntt. B. Yess, iit iis. C. Thaank youu. 听听对话和和问题,选选择正确确答案,对对话和问问题听两两遍。11. A. Jappan. B. Engglannd C. Ameericca.12. A. Chiinesse. B. Engglissh. C. P.EE.13. A. No, hee caantt. B. Yess, hhe ccan. C. He cann sppeakk Enngliish.14. A. Twiice a wweekk. B. Forr twwo yyearrs.C. He oftten goees tto cclasss.15. A. Yess, sshe doees. B. No, shhe ddoessntt.C. Sorrry, I donnt knoow. 听听短文和和问题,选选择正确确答案,短短文和问问题听两两遍。16. A. Thee baaskeetbaall mattch. B. Thee foootbballl maatchh. C. Thee voolleeybaall mattch.17. A. A FFrennch plaayerr. B. An Engglisshmaan.C. NNoboody.18. A. Thee Enngliishmmen stoop tthe balll wwithh heeadss.B. HHe ddoessntt kiick thee baall harrd eenouugh.C. HHe iis ttoo farr frrom thee gooal.19. A. Wheen tthe gamme iis ooverr. B. As sooon aas aan EEngllishh pllayeer kkickks tthe balll tto hhim.C. WWhenn itts thee laast fivve mminuutess.20. A. Thee Frrencch tteamm. B. Thee Enngliish teaam. C. No teaam. 听听写: 听短文,填填上文中中所缺的的单词,短短文听两两遍。We aall likke tthe Chiinesse NNew Yeaarthe(221)_ Fesstivval. Thheree iss a namme ffor eacch CChinnesee yeear. Wee maay ccalll itt thhe yyearr off thhe hhorsse, thee yeear of thee(222)_orr thhe yyearr off thhe ppig. Annd tthiss yeear is thee yeear of sheeep.(23)_ Neew YYearrs Dayy, ppeopple aree buusy(24)_ annd ccleaaninng ttheiir hhousses. Onn Neew (25)Yeaarss Evve, theere is a bbig fammilyy diinneer. Aftter dinnnerr, aall thee faamilly sstayy upp laate to (266)_ tthe Neww Yeear. Onn thhe ffirsst dday of thee Neew YYearr, ppeopple (277)_ oon ttheiir nnew cloothees aand go to vissit(28)_friiendds. Theey ssay “Goood (299)_!” andd soome othher greeetiingss too eaach othher. Peeoplle uusuaallyy haave a vveryy goood timme (30)_ thhe ffesttivaal.Unitt 2 Whhats tthe mattterr?. 听听句子,选选出相应应的图画画,句子子听两遍遍。1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 55. _. 听听问句,选选择正确确的答语语,问句句听两遍遍。6. AA. YYes, I am. B. Yess, yyou aree. C. No, hee issntt.7. AA. YYes, I am. B. Yess, II doo. C. No, I donnt.8. AA.Itts Thuursdday. B.IItss Apprill 200. C.IItss fiive passt tthreee.9. AA. FFor a wweekk. B. In a wweekk. C. Oncce aa weeek.10. A. I hhavee a heaadacche. B. Shee shhoulld ddrinnk ssomee teea.C. I hhavee a boook. 听听对话和和问题,选选择正确确答案,对对话和问问题听两两遍。11. A. Nott weell. B. Verry wwelll. C. Beaautiifull.12. A. Shee iss tiiredd. B. Shees worrrieed. C. Shee haas aa coold.13. A. Takke mmediicinne.B. Driink hott waaterr.C. Seee a docctorr.14. A. No. Beecauuse shee haasnt sseenn a docctorr.B. NNo. Beccausse hher colld iis sseriiouss.C. YYes. Beecauuse shee dooesnnt feeel vveryy baad.15. A.VVisiit aa dooctoor. B. Havve aa goood resst.C. Worrk aat hhomee. 听听短文和和问题,选选择正确确答案,短短文和问问题听两两遍。16. A. Theey hhavee goot aa goood carr.B. Theey hhavee maany cloose friiendds. C. Theey llivee inn a citty.17. A. A tteaccherr.B. A ddrivver.C. A sstuddentt.18. A. Teaachiing.B. Plaayinng bbaskketbballl.C. Coookinng.19. A. Bobb iss noot sso ffrieendlly.B. Bobb liivess faar aawayy frrom theem.C. Bobb iss buusy.20. A. Theey ddont hhavee muuch timme tto mmeett eaach othher. BB. TTheyy offtenn sttay homme aalonne bbecaausee thhey likke tto bbe qquieet. CC. TTheyy offtenn haave a gget toggethher witth ttheiir ffrieendss. 听听写:听听句子和和问题,根根据内容容用钩号号“”完完成表格格,句子子和问题题听两遍遍。The ClaarkeesThe GreeenssThe HunntsThe JohhnsoonsThe KinngshoussegarddencardogcatbirddUnitt 3 Whhat aree yoou ddoinng ffor vaccatiion?. 听听句子,判判断图片片正(TT)误(FF),句句子听两两遍。1. _ 22. _ 3. _ 4. _ 55. _. 听听句子,选选择与所所听句子子意思相相同或相相近的答答案,句句子听两两遍。6. AA. IIm freee ttodaay.B. Imm buusy todday.C. Imm frree eveery dayy.7. AA. HHe mmakees tthinngs welll.B. He doeesnt llikee maakinng tthinngs. C. He nevver makkes thiingss.8. AA. TTheyy arre bbuyiing yellloww skkirtts.B. TTheyy arre pputttingg onn yeelloow sskirrts.C. TTheyy arre wwearringg yeelloow sskirrts.9. AA.Wheen aare youur ppareentss gooingg foor vvacaatioon? B. Whhat aree yoour parrentts ddoinng ffor vaccatiion?C. HHow lonng aare youur ppareentss sttayiing forr vaacattionn?10. A. I kknoww a litttlee Enngliish.B. I ddont kknoww Enngliish at alll.C. I kknoww muuch Engglissh. 听听对话和和问题,选选择正确确答案,对对话和问问题听两两遍。11. A. Twoo. B. Thrree C. Fouur12. A. In a ffacttoryy. B. On a ffarmm. C. In a sshopp.13. A. A bblouuse. B. A sshirrt. C. A bbookk.14. A. Whiite. B. Redd. C. Bluue.15. A. 34 yuaan. B. 24 yuaan. C. 20 yuaan. 听听短文和和问题,选选择正确确答案,短短文和问问题听两两遍。16. A. Lisstenningg too thhe rradiio. B. Wattchiing TV. C. Reaadinng EEngllishh.17. A. By lisstenningg too thhe rradiio. B. By lisstenningg too thhe ttapee.C. By wattchiing TV.18. A. Theeir minnds.B. Theeir eyees. C. bbothh A andd B.19. A. Badd.B. Goood. C. Bettterr.20. A.LListteniing to thee raadioo. B. Wattchiing TV.C. Howw shhoulld cchilldreen wwatcch TTV?. 听听写: 听短文,填填上文中中所缺的的单词,短短文听两两遍。(21)_is verry iimpoortaant to us. Wee muust tryy (222)_bbestt too keeep it cleean andd (223)_ it nott onnly forr (224)_ butt allso forr peeoplle iin tthe (255)_.Heree arre ssomee suuggeestiionss foor eeachh off uss.1. DDont tthroow (26)_ onn thhe ggrouund.2. DDont ddraww piictuuress onn (227)_ wallls.3. DDont (28)_ heere andd thheree.4. DDont ccut dowwn ttreees.5. PPickk upp ruubbiish andd thhroww itt innto a (29)_.6. CColllectt waastee paaperr annd bbotttless foor (30)_.Unitt 4 Hoow ddo yyou gett too scchoool?. 听听句子,选选择相符符的图画画,句子子听两遍遍。 A B C1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 44. _ 5. _. 听听句子,选选择正确确的答语语,句子子听两遍遍。6. AA. YYoure verry cclevver. B. No, thhankks.C. My pleeasuure.7. AA. TTwo killos. B. Tenn doollaars. C. Fivve mmontths.8. AA. OOn ffoott. B. Its 110 mmilees. C. Lett mee heelp youu.9. AA. AAt tthe schhooll gaate. B. Howw abboutt 3 p.mm.? C. It takkes 20 minnutees.10. A. Yess, II doo. B. Whyy noot? C. As youu liike. 听听对话和和问题,选选择正确确答案,对对话和问问题听两两遍。11. A. Theey aare tallkinng iin aa hoospiitall. B. Theey aare tallkinng oon tthe roaad. CC. TTheyy arre ttalkkingg onn thhe pphonne.12. A. Li Leiis aunnt. B. Annns aunnt. C. Annns unccle.13. A. Yess, hhe ddoess. B. No, hee dooesnnt. CC. NNo, he wannts to askk a polliceemann.14. A. Aboout 16 killomeetrees. B. Aboout 60 killomeetrees.C. Aboout 6 kkiloomettress.15. A. To staay aat hhomee.B. To askk a polliceemann. C. To hellp AAnn. 听听短文和和问题,选选择正确确答案,短短文和问问题听两两遍。16. A. Spoortss arre vveryy innterresttingg.B. Spoortss caan mmakee peeoplle hheallthyy annd hhapppy.C. SSporrts aree thhoussandds oof yyearrs oold.17. A. Thee seeasoon.B. Thee weeathher.C. Thee tiime.18. A. Runnninng.B. Basskettballl.C. Vollleyyballl.19. A. Foootbaall.B. Jummpinng.C. Swiimmiing.20. A. Thee gaame is exccitiing.B. Spoortss heelp theem uundeersttandd eaach othher.C. TTheyy beeginn too knnow eacch ootheer. 听听写: 听对话话,根据据下图写写出图中中地点名名称,对对话听两两遍。1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 44. _ 5. _Unitt 5 Caan yyou comme tto mmy ppartty?. 听听句子,选选出与所所听句子子意思相相同或相相近的答答案,句句子听两两遍。1. AA. YYoud bbettter havve aa goood timme.B. II hoope youulll haave a ggoodd tiime.C. YYoure nott suure to havve aa goood timme.2. AA. TThe boookshhop is farr frrom ourr scchoool.B. TThe boookshhop is ninne kkiloometterss awway froom oour schhooll.C. TThe boookshhop is neaar oour schhooll.3. AA. AAre youu abble to comme tto mmy ppartty?B. YYou cannnott coome to my parrty, caan yyou?C. CCan youu coome to plaay ffoottballl?4. AA. IIt iis ttimee foor bbreaakfaast.B. IIt iis ttoo earrly forr luunchh.C. TTen occlocck iis tthe timme ffor lunnch.5. 听听问句,选选出能回回答每个个问句的的正确答答案,问问句听两两遍。6. AA. TTheyy haave beeen tto BBeijjingg.B. Theey aare botth ffinee.C. Theey hhavee goone to worrk.7. AA. SSepttemeer 110thh.B. Monndayy.C. Its ffinee.8. AA. AAt tthe gatte.B. At schhooll.C. At eigght.9. AA. SShe doeesnt ffeell weell.B. Its bbrokken.C. Shees a ddocttor.10. A. Twiice.B. Forr twwo yyearrs.C. Yessterrdayy. 听听对话和和问题,选选择正确确答案,对对话和问问题听两两遍。11. A. Marry. B. Mikke. C. Marryss huusbaand12. A. He hass goot aa neew ccar. B. He hass paasseed tthe exaam. C. He hass moovedd.13. A. Thiis SSundday eveeninng. B. Nexxt SSatuurdaay aafteernooon C. Thiis SSatuurdaay aafteernooon14. A. In thee oppen airr. B. At Mikkess neew hhousse. C. In a pparkk.15. A. Luccy, Lilly aand Jimm. B. Lilly aand Jimm. C. Luccy aand Jimm. 听听短文,根根据短文文内容选选择正确确答案。16. A. Quiite bigg.B. Verry ssmalll.C. Quiite neww.17. A. Onee.B. Twoo.C. Thrree.18. A. Payy foor iit.B. Buyy a neww onne.C. Sayy soorryy.19. A. Retturnn itt.B. Reaad iit aat sschoool.C. Rennew it.20. A. In claass.B. Aftter claass.C. On Sunndayys. 听听写: 听短文,填填上文中中所缺的的单词,短短文听两两遍。Surffingg iss onne oof tthe (211)_ mmostt poopullar watter (222)_. Its eenjooyedd byy maany peooplee (223)_ thee woorldd. IIt ffirsst sstarrtedd onn thhe (24)_ off Haawaiii.Hawaaii is a ggoodd pllacee foor (25)_ annd ssurffingg, bbecaausee thheree arre bbeauutifful (266)_ wwithh biig wwavees ttherre. Andd thhe wweattherr thheree iss (227)_ tooo coold norr tooo hhot. Soo evveryy yeear, itt (228)_ manny ssurfferss frrom alll ovver thee woorldd too taake parrt iin ssurffingg (229)_ andd laargee nuumbeers of (300)_ sspennd ttheiir hholiidayys ttherre.Unitt 6 Im mmoree ouutgooingg thhan my sissterr. 听听句子,选选出与所所听句子子意思相相同或相相近的答答案,句句子听两两遍。1. AA. CChinnesee iss ass ussefuul aas mmathh.B. Chiinesse iis mmoree ussefuul tthann maath.C. CChinnesee iss noot sso uusefful as matth.2. AA. DDaviid aand Bobb doontt fiinissh ttheiir hhomeeworrk.B. DDaviid aand Bobb fiinissh ttheiir hhomeeworrk eeverry dday.C. DDaviid hhas to finnishh hiis hhomeeworrk, so doees BBob.3. AA.Thhe bbigggestt boooksshopp iss haalf an houurss drrivee frrom herre.B.Itts quiite farr frrom herre tto tthe boookshhop by bikke.C.Itt taakess haalf an houur tto gget to thee biiggeest boookshhop by bikke.4. AA. TThe catts earrs aare blaack.B. Thee caatss leegs aree bllackk.C. Thhe ccat is blaack andd whhitee.5. AA. II prrefeer rreaddingg Enngliish to reaadinng CChinnesee.B. II prrefeer rreaddingg Chhineese to reaadinng EEngllishh.C. II liike reaadinng CChinnesee beetteer tthann reeadiing Engglissh. 听听问句,选选出能回回答每个个问句的的正确答答案,问问句听两两遍。6. AA. HHoldd onn, ppleaase.B. Yess, yyou mayy.C. No, yoou ccant.7. AA. OOK, Illl bbuy a ppen.B. Thaankss veery mucch.C. Cerrtaiinlyy, hheree yoou aare.8. AA. II caan hhelpp myysellf. Thaankss, MMum.B. Imm noot ssuree iff yoou ccan, Muum.C. YYes, yoou sshouuld hellp mme, Mumm.9. AA. YYoure wellcomme.B. Goood iideaa.C. Havve aa goood timme.10.AA. CCerttainnly.B. Nicce tto mmeett yoou.C.Goo doown thiis sstreeet andd tuurn rigght at thee trrafffic ligghtss. 听听对话和和问题,选选择正确确答案,对对话和问问题听两两遍。11. A. It meaans thee poossiibillityy off haarm or losss. B. It meaans “Ruun aawayy quuickkly”. C. Itt meeanss “HHandds uup”.12. A. A sspecciall siignaal oof aa coounttry. B. Thee innterrnattionnal siggnall foor hhelpp. C. Ann innterrnattionnal siggnall off spportts.13. A. On pacckinng bboxees oof ggoodds.B. On anyy boox oof ffoodd. CC. OOn aany boxx off woood.14. A. NO PARRKINNG B. DANNGERR C. PLAAY, PAUUSE, STTOP15. A. HOUURS B. NO PARRKINNG C. OFFFICEE HOOURSS. 听听短文和和问题,选选择正确确答案,短短文和问问题听两两遍。16. A. Engglissh ppeopple likke ttheiir wweattherr veery mucch. BB. IIn EEngllandd thherees onlly oone seaasonn inn a yeaar. CC. WWeattherr iss moore impporttantt thhan cliimatte tto EEngllishh peeoplle.17. A. Engglissh wweattherr iss allwayys bbad. BB. EEngllishh weeathher is mosst cchanngeaablee. CC. TTherre aare morre tthann foour seaasonns iin EEngllandd.18. A. Thrree. B. Fouur. C. Fivve.19. A. Theere is no exttremme wweattherr inn Ennglaand. BB. DDifffereent kinnds of weaatheer mmay occcur sudddennly. CC. FFor tenn moonthhs oof tthe yeaar EEngllandd iss cooverred by fogg.20. A. Whaat iis tthe weaatheer?B. WWhatt iss Enngliish weaatheer llikee? CC. WWhatts thee diiffeerennce bettweeen cclimmatee annd wweattherr?. 听听写: 听短文,填填上文中中所缺的的单词,短短文听两两遍。Moree thhan sixx (221)_ lannguaagess arre sspokken in thee woorldd toodayy. WWhicch llangguagge iis sspokken by thee (222)_ nummberr off peeoplle iin tthe worrld? (223)_ couursee, tthe ansswerr iss (224)_.