计算机网络实验:实验四 RIP 路由协议.docx
实验四RIP路由协议一、实验目的.学习路由的基本原理;1 .掌握距离向量算法的基本原理;.熟悉RIP协议的配置。二、应用背景RIP (Routing Information Protocol)路由协议是一种应用广泛的内部网关协议,在路由 器数 量小于10台的企业规模网络中比拟适用。RIP采用距离向量算法,计算比拟简单,从一 个路由器到直接相连的网络的距离定义为1,到非直接相连的网络距离定义为,每经过一个 路由器那么距离加1, 距离也称为跳数,它以到目的网络的最小跳数作为路由选择度 量 标准,而不是在链路的带宽和延迟的基础上进行选择。RIP允许一条路径最多只能包含15 个路由器,因此,距离等于16时即为不可达。RIP协议有两个版本,RIPvl在RFC 1058文 档中定义,提出的较早,有许多缺陷;RIPv2在RFC 2453文档中定义,对前一个版本进行 了改进。RIP使用UDP报文交换路由信息,UDP端口号为520o通常情况下RIPvl报文 为广播报文,消息通过广播地址进行发送;而RIPv2报文为组播报文, 组播地址为224.0.0.9o RIP每隔30秒向外发送一次更新报文。如果设备经过180秒没 有收到来自对端的路由更新报文那么将所有来自此设备的路由信息标志为不可达,路由进入 不可达状态后,120秒内仍未收到更新报文就将这些路由从路由表中删除。本实验以2 台R1762路由器、1台三层交换机为主要网络设备。S3760上划分有VLAN10和VLAN50, 其中VLAN10用于连接Routeri, VLAN50用于连接PC1;三、实验设备S3760交换机(1台)、R1762路由器(2台)、主机(2台)、V35线缆(1根)、直连线 或 交叉线(2条)。实验拓扑Time: 01:03:51 I Power Cyde DevicesTime: 01:03:51 I Power Cyde DevicesRealtimeLac Status Source D«s:<nation Type Cotor Time (sec) Penoc>c Numjj| Sctn© 0fwNew Delete' POU Ust Window五、实验步骤第1步:连线将PC1的配线架上的网卡连接三层交换机S3760.1的F0/5端口;将三层交换机 S3760_l的F0/1和路由器R1的F1/0连接;将路由器R1的S1/2和路由器R2的 S1/2通过V35线缆连接;将路由器R2的F1/0和PC2的配线架上的网卡连接.第2步:配置交换机给三层交换机创立VLAN虚接口 10和50,并配置IPS3760(config)#interface vlan 50 !仓II建 VLAN 虚接口,并配置 IP(1) 验证Vian的配置:» Multilayer SwitchO0 | 回PhysicalConfigIOS Command Line InterfacevxdfrVLAN NameStatusPorts1defaultactiveFa0/2r Fa0/3r Fa0/4r Fa0/Fa0/7r Fa0/8r Fa0/9r Fa0/10Fa0/llr Fa0/12r Fa0/13r FaO/14FaO/lS, Fa0/16r FaO/17, FaO/18Fa0/19r Fa0/20r Fa0/21r FaO/22Fa0/23r FaO/24, Gig0/lr GigO/210 VLAN0010activeFa0/l50 VLAN0050activeFaO/51002 fddi-defaultact/xinsup1003 token-ring-defaultact/unsup1004 fddinet-defaultact/unsup100S trnet-de faultact/xinsupVLAN Type SAIDMTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode Transl Trans21enet; 1000011500 0010 enet 1000101S00 001SO enet 1000S01S00 -00二1002 fddi 1010021S00 -00MoreCopy Paste(2) 查看端口状态(3) 第3步:配置路由器R1的基本配置酉己置 Routerl(config)#interface fastethernet 0/1配置 Routerl(config)#interface serial 0/0/0Routerl(config-if)#ip address 设置时钟 Routerl(config-if)# clock rate 64000R2的基本配置酉己置 Router2(config)#interface fastethernet 1/0Router2(config-if)# ip address 255.255.255.配置串口 ip设置时钟 Router2(config-if)# clock rate 64000第4步:配置RIPv2路由协议进程(1)S3760 配置 RIPv2 协议 S3760(config)#router rip !开启 RIPS3760(config-router)# network 172.16 1.0 !申明本设备的直接网段(2) RouteriS3760(config-router)# network S3760(config-router)# version 2配置 RIPv2 协议 Routerl(config)#router rip Routerl(config-router)#network Routerl(config-router)#network Routerl(config-router)# version 2 !定义 RIPv2 协议 Routerl(config-router)#no auto-summary !关闭路由信息的自动 汇总功能 (3 ) Router2 配置 RIPv2 协议 Router2(config)#router rip Router2(config-router)#network Router2(config-router)#network Router2(config-router)# version 2 Router2(config-router)#no auto-summary (4)验证 三台路由设备的路由表,查看是否自动学习了其它网段的路由信息。S3760# show ip route Type: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 El - OSPF external type 1, E2 一 OSPF external type 2 Type Destination IP Next hop Interface Distance MetricStatus0.0.0.0 VL10 0 0 Active R VL10 120 2 Active R VL10 120 3 Active C VL50 0 0 Active Routeri# show ip route Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP 0 - OSPF , IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 El - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2 - candidate default Gateway of last resort is no set C is directly connected, FastEthernet 1/0 C is local host. C isdirectly connected, serial 1/2 C is local host. R 120/1 via, 00:00:01, FastEthernet 1/0 R 120/1 via, 00:00:21, serial 1/2 Router2# show ip route Codes: C - connected, S - static, R - RIP O - OSPF , IA -OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 El - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2 - candidate default Gateway of last resort is no set R 120/1 via, 00:00:03, serial 1/2 C is directly connected, serial 1/2 C is local host. C is directly connected, fastethernet 1/0 C is local host. R 120/2 via, 00:00:03, serial 1/2 最终状态:F Multilayer SwitchOPhysicalPhysicalConfigCLIIOS Command Line InterfaceP - periodic downloaded static routeGateway of last resort is not set172.16.0.0/24 is subnetted, 2 subnets172.16.1.0 is directly connected, VlanlO172.16.2.0 120/1 via 172.1.l.lr 00:00:15, VlanlOs3760#ahow ip routeCodes: C - connected, S - static, I -工GRP, R - RIPr M - mobiler B - BGP D - E工GRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 El - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2t E - EGP i - IS-IS, LI - IS-IS level-lr L2 - IS-IS level-2r ia - IS-IS inter area * - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR P - periodic downloaded static routeGateway of last resort is not setC R RC R Ris subnetted, 3 subnetsis directly connected, VlanlO120/1 via 172.1.l.lr 00:00:03, VlanlO120/2 via, 00:00:03, VlanlO33760#CopyCopyPaste甲 Routed)Physical Config CLIIOS Command Line InterfaceGateway of last resort is not set172.16.0.0/24 is aubnetted, 3 subnetsCis directlyconnected, FastEthernetO/lCis directlyconnected, Serial0/0/0R120/1 via172.16.2.2, 00:00:29, Serial0/0/0routerl#show ip routeCodes: C - connected, S - static, I -工GRP, R - RIP, M - mobiler B - BGP D - E工GRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPFr IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 El - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2, E - EGP i - IS-ISr LI - IS-IS level-lr L2 - IS-IS level-2r ia - IS-IS inter area * - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR P - periodic downloaded static routeGateway of last resort is not setr 3 subnetsCis directlyconnected, FaatEthernetO/lCis directlyconnected, Serial0/0/0R120/1 via172.16.2.2, 00:00:17r Serial0/0/0routeri#Copy Paste甲 RouteriPhysical Config CLIIOS Command Line InterfaceGateway of last resort is not setr 3 subnetsR120/1 via172.16.2.1, 00:00:08, Serial0/0/0Cis directlyconnected, Serial0/0/0Cis directlyconnected. FastEthernet0/1router2#show ip routeCodes: C - connected, S - static, I -工GRP, R - RIP, M - mobile, B - BGP D - E工GRP, EX - EIGRP external, O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 El - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2 r E - EGP i - IS-ISr LI - IS-IS level-lr L2 - IS-IS level-2r ia - IS-IS inter area * - candidate default, U - per-user static route, o - ODR P - periodic downloaded static routeGateway of last resort is not set172.16.0.0/24 is subnetted, 3 subnetsR172.1.1.0120/1 via172.16.2.1, 00:00:21r Serial0/0/0Cis directlyconnected, Serial0/0/0Cis directlyconnected, FastEthernetO/lrouterz#Copy Paste第5步:设置网卡地址 配置PC1"网络实验网卡的IP地址为:172.16511/24,网关设为 ;配置PC2”网络实验网卡的IP地址为:,网关设为172.16.3.Io 第6步:测试网络的连通性在PC1命令行下输入:;在PC2命令行下 输入:;实验结果:JP pco_ 口 I 回Physical Config Desktop» PCI_I。I 回口,Physical Config Desktop六、问题与收获问题:第一次没有能够ping通过。解决方案:通过鼠标悬浮在软件界面上的三层交换机、路由器和两个电脑上,检查当前的Ian 设置以及ip设置,发现三层交换机的lan50的ip没有配置好,重新配置三层交换机后发现 可以ping通了。收获:本次试验是对上课讲的RIP协议进行了一次试验操作,RIP是一种基于距离向量的协 议,路由器通过只跟它相邻的路由器交换路由表来获得网络上所有主机的路由信息,实现全 网路由器上路由表的信息统一。本次试验的时候,路由器1和路由器2起初只存储了各自网 络的ip信息,但是在设置过后,两个路由器通过交换路由表,获得了对方网络的主机ip信 息,从而让PC1可以Ping通另一个网络的PC2o这次试验让我更加深入的理解了 RIP协议, 将理论用实际试验的方式强化了。