Stranger Things《怪奇物语》第四季第六集完整中英文对照剧本.docx
他在哪?Where is he?事发时埃迪在哪?Where was Eddie when that happened?什么?Wha.什么?Wait, what?我问埃辿Eddie.你目击本案时埃辿在哪?Where was Eddie when you saw this?他在He. He was in the.船上我说过了.in the boat, like I said.对Right.对Right. Right.不过But then, uh.是谁把帕特里克捞上岸的?.who lifted Patrick out the water?什What.你根本没在管我说什么You're not listening to me.你为什么不听? 杰森我们有在听你说Why aren't you listening to me? -Jason, we are listening. 明明就没有No, you*re not. You*re not.埃辿他Eddie, he's.埃迪是容器Eddie is a vessel.只是容器Just a vessel.容器?A vessel?撒旦的容器Cornelius!我要跟你讲几次才行?How many times do I have to tell you?这不是玩具That is not a toy.给我过来Come on.你要是再跑掉You make another escape,我就要报告父亲I'm getting Father.你们是什么人?Who the hell are you?阿盖Argyle.你呢?Uh, and you are?伊甸Eden.伊旬园的伊甸耶Like the garden.我们在找苏西知道她在哪吗?We're looking for Suzie. -Do you know where she is? 上三楼左手边第二扇门Third floor, second door on your left.记得帮我稍微推一把You make sure to give that那个自私的四眼田鸡selfish four-eyed shit a nice little shove for me.没问题Absolutely.伊甸我Eden, I.我会帮你推她我会I will shove her for you. I will.我会为你做任何事I will do anything for you.太棒了她不在这里Well, great, she's not here.“推她一把”"Give her a shove."苏西-什么事?Suzie! - Yeah?你们是谁?Who the heck are you?在我房♥间干嘛?And what are you doing in my room?抱歉我们确实很可疑-你听我说Sorry, that's. that's fair. -No, listen.我们是达斯汀的朋友-又寸We're Dustin's friends. - Yeah.我们很需要你的帮助We really need your help.你明明说一小时就回来You said an hour.是我错估了I underestimated.我还以为你死了I thought you were dead.死了也好Might as well be.我们真的是掉入了冰冻地狱We are truly in hell if hell froze over.南边什么都没有不过往北3公里处有些炊烟There's nothing south, but two miles north I saw some smoke.可能是一座小镇一户人家Could be a town, a house.或许居民会知道这座监狱在哪Maybe somebody there knows where we can find this prison.那是极密监狱耶The top-secret prison.你在说笑吗?Really?对喔Right.我们的朋友有说什么吗?Any luck with our friend?你觉得咧?What do you think?大白 ♥痴♥Dipshit!我们要走了给你最后一次机会We're outta here. Last chance.监狱在哪里?Where's the prison?我就跟你说了I told you.你开个好价会比拟顺利Yuri will help you for the right price.我就说这是在浪费时间I told you, we're wasting our time.一半什么?Half. -What?什么? 老顽固你听得没错What? -You heard me, you stubborn bastard.原定报酬的一半Half the reward.两万Twenty thousand.三万一两万二Thirty thousand. -Twenty-two.两万五Twenty-five.好吧All right.看来我们已一致同意Looks like we got ourselves你是大白♥痴♥ !a moron!你以为我是在跟你当真?You thought I was serious?他以为我是认真的耶He thought I was serious.被耍了吧我整惨你了I got you! I got you good!这笔交易只会给你一个好处There's only one thing you get if you take this deal.活命机会You get to live.你才不敢杀人You are not killer.你说得对Oh, you're right.他不敢杀人He's not a killer.没错No.问题是我们无须下手杀你Thing is, we don't need to kill you.只要把你丢在这里就好We can just leave you here.因为方圆数里内毫无人烟Because there's nothing for miles 绝对没人会发现你and no one will find you.至少不是人类No human, at least.我有看到足迹足迹I saw tracks. -Tracks.在森林里尤里In the woods, Yuri.有熊有熊Bears. -Bears.没想到你竟然预测到自己的命运Who knew you could see your own future? 要不要离开这里啊小可怜?Shall we fly out of here, little bird? 尤里掰掰Bye-bye, Yuri.笺笺 寺寺Wait.你们要往东走不是往北走You should go east, not north. 那里有我的仓库补给枪枝卡车My warehouse is there. Supplies; guns, truck. 我们得在入夜前抵达监狱We will need to reach prison by nightfall 才有希望救出你的们朋友 if you hope to save your friend.而且那也要他还没死That is, if he's not already dead.出来Out.所有人都出来Everyone out.快点动起来Let's go! Move it!时候到了美国人This is it, American.希望你做好心理准备了I hope you're ready.你们在等什么?What are you all waiting for?走啊Move!快走啊Let's go!走啊Move!美国人我是在做梦吗?Am I dreaming, American?难道这是真的吗?Or is this real?你的美国朋友怎么了?What is wrong with your American friend?他失去了生存意志He has lost his spirit to live.而且他不是我朋友And he is not my friend.诅咒的化身你说是吧?Isn*t that right, Cursed One?你失去了生存意志You have lost your spirit to live.差不多吧Yeah. Yeah, something like that.糟糕No.毕竟他是美国人He is American after all.嘴巴很硬人却很软Big talk, but weak inside.叫他吃东西Tell him to eat.不然他会害到我们Or he endangers us all.我们还有一场大战要打We have a big fight ahead of us.什么大战?What are you talking about? Fight?我一周前来过这个地方I have been in this place one week.我的第一晚My first night,我看到六个人走进这个房♥间I saw six men enter this room.六个Six.就像我们一样Just like us.他们出去的时候They came out吃得心满意足一脸油光happy and fat, faces smothered in grease.人夜后他们被赶到外面那个围场But when night fell, they were thrown into that pit out there.但是现场不只他们But not alone.你们有听到那些吼声吧?You heard those roars, yes?那是一头怪物That is a monster.不属于这个世界Not from this world.花了 30秒仅仅30秒Thirty seconds it took! Thirty seconds.六个人全都And all six men.胡说八道You speak no sense.要是他们打算要我们送死If they plan to kill us tonight,何必要浪费这些食物?why waste this food on us?他们要我们补充体力They want us strong.才能和它战斗So we can fight it.测试它的力量To test its strength.训练怪物作战To train this monster for war.但上周那些人拿到武器后But last week, the men got their weapons. 跟笨蛋一样四散逃窜 then scattered like fools.我们要团结We stick together.或许能有机会Perhaps we stand a chance!或许能活到明天Perhaps we live to see another day.活到明天Till tomorrow!我猜猜看Let me guess.这头This.怪物Monster.大概3公尺高?.its about nine feet tall?削瘦苍白?Thin, white skin?没有脸?No face?没有眼睛?No eyes?快点翻译Come on, come on, come on. Translate!你怎么知道?How do you know this?因为我亲眼看过'Cause I've seen one.也亲身对战过And I've fought one.你的推测And all your theories about it,通通都错了they*re all wrong.知道为什么要喂活猎物给圈养的掠食者吃吗?You know why they feed captive predators live prey?如果不喂掠食者会无聊然后就不吃东西Because if they don't, the predator gets bored and it stops eating. 它需要狩猎的快♥感♥It needs the thrill of the hunt.我们不是负责用兵器力U练这头怪物We're not here to train this monster with swords and axes.我们是来娱乐它的We're here to entertain it.这些食物And this food.这些食物不是要补充我们的体力this food isn't to make us strong.而是要让我们肥肥胖胖It's to, uh, make us plump.充满发育期怪物So we're full of the nutrients and protein需要的养分和蛋白质that a growing monster might need.吃吧兄弟们So eat up, boys.慢慢享用Enjoy.这是你们的最后一餐This is your last meal.你想要的是哪个号♥码?Which number are you aiming for?三号♥Three.其实You know,有时候sometimes暂时缓一口气反而有奇效it*s helpful to take a step away for a moment.放空思绪Let the mind clear.你还真有决心毅力Determined, aren't we?话说You know.你让我想起一个旧识.you remind me of someone. Someone I used to know really well.你能猜到是谁吗?Can you guess who that is?一号♥ ?One?爸爸说他不存在?我知道Papa said that he doesnrt. -Exist? I know.可以告诉你一个秘密吗?But can I tell you a secret?有时候Sometimes,爸爸不见得都说实话Papa doesn't tell the truth.我跟一号♥相处多年I spent years with One.就在这里Right here.就在这个房♥间In this very room.他到哪去了 ?Where is he?这个故事改天再说吧Maybe we*ll save that story for another day.结局恐怕并不是太欢乐It doesn't have a happy ending, I'm afraid.但他跟你很像But he was a lot like you.原本一切对他来说都很困难Everything was hard for him.但有天他突然走了进来Then, out of nowhere, he walked in here and it was like好像发生了某种改变something had changed.我问他哪里不一样他说And I asked him what's different, and he said.他说他搞懂了he said he had figured it out.他从过去的记忆中找到力量He had found his strength in a memory from his past.这段记忆会让他难过Something that made him sad.但同时也会愤怒But also angry.你有没有Do you那种记忆?maybe have a memory like that?记得某天有个陌生女人来看你吗?Do you remember the day a strange woman came to see you? 那时应该是八号♥还在的时候This would've been when Eight was still here.那个女人The woman,她用某个名字叫你she was calling a name to you.简不要Jane. No! No!不要简!No! Jane!那个人That是你母亲was your mother.妈妈死了Mama is dead.她在生我的时候死了She died making me.是谁告诉你的?And who told you that?爸爸Papa.他不见得都说实话Who doesn't always tell the truth.这个地方This place.还有这里的人and the people here.跟你想的不一样For Satan.他和撒旦订下契约取得它的力量He's made a pact with the devil. Now he has his powers.你不相信我You don't believe me.我们只是We*re just, uh,脑袋里还在消化processing all of this, that's all. Okay?对Yeah.你如果不信有恶魔要怎么阻止它?How do you expect to stop the devil if you don*t believe he's real?NETFLIX 影集第6章:下潜我可以叫停I can make it stop.我可以让你受苦到这里就好I can make the pain end.那个少女在哪?Where's the girl?我跟你说过了I told you.我不I don't.我不知道I don't I don't know.目前有两种可能说法There are two proposed explanations for what is happening.第一种Explanation one,有个来自异次元的隐形魔人an invisible boogeyman from another dimension在屠♥杀♥这些年轻人is slaughtering these kids.第二种Explanation two,布伦纳博士的小宠物再度暴走Dr. Brenner's special little pet has gone rogue again他和一众爪牙and he and his lackeysare not what you think.孩子们早安爸爸早安Good morning, children. - Good morning, Papa.我今天为你们准备了非常特别的计划I've got something very special planned for you today.准备好了吗?Are you ready?好了爸爸Yes, Papa.很好Good.17可以麻烦你开门吗?Seventeen; would you open the door?没问题爸爸-出发吧Yes, Papa. -Off you go.你先请After you.我们应该直接告诉她真♥相♥就好We shouldVe just told her the truth.拿一切赌运气?And risk everything?不行No.她再不久就会自己发现了She'll find out soon enough.我告诉你你带错路了Dude, Tm telling you, you're taking us the wrong way.我很确定是在北边我查过地图了It's north. Tm positive. I checked the map.你知道骷髅岩是超热门幽会地点吧?You do realize Skull Rock, it's a super popular make-out spot?知道所以呢?Yeah.So?其实是我让那里热门的Yeah, well, it wasn't popular until I made it popular.知道吗?根本就是我开♥发♥的All right? I practically invented it.我们走错方向了-史蒂夫We're heading in the wrong direction. -Steve.你要去哪?史蒂夫-少啰嗦跟上信我就对了Where are you going? Steve! -Stop whining. Let's go. Trust me.等等我们现在是要改走这边?Okay, so apparently we're going this way now? 要是他们带错路我发誓一定要I swear to God, if they get us lost.你还好吗?You okay?还好Uh, yeah.我没事只是I'm fine. Just.在想帕特里克你懂吗?thinking about Patrick. You know?我搞不懂Yeah. I mean, its. its like, 为什么是他? why him?然后我又想起之前有一天But then, I remember this one day, 他来练球的时候脸上有黑眼圈 he. he came to practice with a black eye. 他说是摔伤的但显然是在说谎He said he fell, but clearly he was lying. 维克纳下手的目标It's like everyone Veena targets 生活里都会有某种东西has something in their life.这东西在伤害他们Something that's. -Hurting them.纠缠他们Haunting them.对Yeah.我跟帕特里克不太熟I. I didn't really know Patrick, 所以很简单就可以so it was easy to just 假装没看到他的困扰 look the other way, I guess. 但我跟你很熟But I did know you.很抱歉我之前没陪伴你And I'm sorry I wasn*t there.不是你的错It's not your fault.不对-是我自己消失了No. -I disappeared.不对你没有No, no, you didn't.是我没有用力去找I just didn't look hard enough.知道吗?Okay?但我现在看清楚了But I see you now.我懂你I see you.天啊他们好惹人疼我好想用力熊抱他们Oh my God, they're so adorable. I just wanna squeeze 'em, you know?真要说这场末日愁云惨雾If I'm permitted to see a silver lining有带来什么一丝曙光的话in this end-of-the-world doom and gloom,那就是让这些本不该it would be the rekindling of old flames熄灭的旧情复燃that never shouldVe been snuffed out.我没有在暗示什么喔I didn*t mean that as a hint or anything.最好是Right.但就算我意有所指真有那么糟吗?But if I did mean it as a hint, would that be so terrible?希望朋友们能幸福不行吗?To wish for happiness for my friends?你觉得我不幸福?You think I'm not happy?我相信你很幸福I. Tm sure you are.只是前几天我在图书馆提到乔纳森时It's just, the other day, I mentioned Jonathan你有点退却脸部抽搐and you flinched or winced or something like.我没有退却也没抽搐I didn*t flinch or wince. 好-乔纳森和我没问题 Okay. -Jonathan and I are fine. 了解-我们很顺利Got it. -We're good.是Right.只是,It's just.他本来是要回来过春假He was supposed to be here for the break, 但又临时拿出他那套and then he backed out at the last minute 模糊不明的乔纳森式借口for some vague, mumbly Jonathan reason.老实说我也没感到多意外And, to be honest, I'm not that surprised 因为我最近一直感受到他在抽离 because I've been feeling him pulling away.我不知道是因为我们距离太远And I don't know if it*s because we're 2,000 miles away 还是他可能已有新对象之类的 or if he met someone new or what.现在我又无法问清楚And now I can*t find out why因为他家的because apparently he's blown up 电♥话♥线炸 了his family's house phone or something.所以如果提到他的名字So, yeah, if. if the mention of his name会让我脸部肌肉轻微失控caused a slight muscle spasm on my face, 大概就是这个原因that's. probably why.这确实是退却或抽搐的Seems like a perfectly reasonable reason 好理由to flinch, wince, or something.你刚才说朋友们能幸福You said, "the happiness of your friends."所以我们是朋友了 ?So does that make us friends?说定了吗?As in, officially?对啊你说是吧?Uh, yeah. I. I mean, right?对Right.你看Oh, boom!给我睁大眼睛看我找到了亨德森Bada bi ng, bada boom. There she is, Henderson.骷髅岩Skull Rock.被打脸了吧打肿你这个小屁脸In your face, man. In your stupid, cocky little face.这不合理啊Doesn't make sense.你就连亲眼目睹也不愿成认Yeah, yeah. Even with it staring you in the face, you can't admit it.不成认自己错了你这大头蛋Can't admit you're wrong, you butthead.我同意I concur.达斯汀亨德森你确实是You, Dustin Henderson, are a.彻头彻尾的大头蛋total butthead.天啊我们还以为你死定了Jesus, we thought you were a goner.我也有同感Yeah, me too, man.我也是Me too.你知道凶手是埃迪曼森多久了 ?How long have you known Eddie was killing these kids?克丽丝是在他的居住车里被杀It was his trailer where Chrissy was killed,你要我们相信他今早才成为嫌犯?and you expect us to believe he was made a suspect just this morning?事实上我们一直在追查数条线索The truth is we've been following several leads,埃迪曼森确实是其中一条and, yes, Eddie Munson was one of them.我们正在尽全力找他And we are now doing everything in our power to find him.在找到他之前为了各位的平安In the meantime, for your safety,我们要施行严格宵禁we will be enforcing a strict curfew.什么?-这就是你的解决方法?What? -That's your solution?躲起来? 我们早就在躲了Hide from him? -We're already doing that.已经好几天了It's been days. Days!解释一下他为什么还没被关起来So you tell me why he's not behind bars right now.我明白各位的不满但我向大家保证I understand you all are upset, but I promise you,我们一定会找到他we will find him.不对No.你们找不到You won't.杰森?Jason?孩子我们还是私下谈谈吧Son, how about we talk about this in private?为什么?好让你堵住我的嘴?Why? So you can keep me quiet?你就可以阻止真&hearts湘♥曝光?So you can keep the truth from coming out?不知道你们做何感受I don't know about the rest of you,但我已经听不下去这些借口和谎言but I can't bear to listen to any more excuses and lies.你够了喔我同意我受够了That's enough. -I agree, I've had enough!其实大家应该都受够了In fact, I think we've all had enough.昨晚Last night.我看到了我无法解释的事情Last night, I saw things, things I can*t explain.警方不想相信的事情Things the police don*t wanna believe.我自己都不愿相信的事情And things that I don't wanna believe myself.但我很清楚我没看错But I know what I saw. I know.最后我接受了一个可怕的事实And I've come to accept an awful truth.这些谋杀案是献祭仪式These murders are ritualistic sacrifices.我们都听过撒旦邪教在我国蔓延We've all heard how satanic cults are spreading through our country 就像疾病一样like some. some disease.而埃迪曼森And Eddie Munson就是其中一个邪教教主is the leader of one of these cults.这个邪教以霍金斯为本营A cult that operates here in Hawkins.购物中心大火The mall fire.数年来多起无法解释的命案All those unexplained deaths over the years.有人说本镇受诅咒只是不知道原因Some people say our town is cursed. They just don't know why.现在我们知道了Now. Now we do.真♥相 ♥大白 了Now we know.他们自称地狱火They call themselves Hellfire.乱讲一通That's bullshit!地狱火不是邪教只是个阿宅俱乐部The Hellfire isn't a cult. It's a club for nerds.爱瑞卡!-真的是这样啊Erica! - Just the facts.俱乐部A club.他们正是希望被你们看做无害俱乐部A club. A harmless club. That's what they want you to think.(通缉)但那是谎言But it's a lie.用来隐瞒真♥相♥的谎言A lie designed to conceal the truth.现在这个邪教在保护教主埃迪And now this cult is protecting its leader, Edd