22年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集6卷22年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集6卷 第1卷 需要申请和增加项目资源时,由谁做出决定?( )A职能经理B项目经理C项目管理主任D客户正确答案:B 109 Problems can occur in properly defining a project because:A. Project goals may not be agreeable to all partiesB. The plan was "too loose," thus allowing priorities to changeC. Low turnover of project personnelD. Too much communication between the client and project personnelE. The project objectives were quantified正确答案:A 136 Using the situation stated in the Special window, a comparison of the cost variance of August as compared to July shows that the magnitude ($ value) of the variance has _ and the percentage change has _.A. Become worse, become worseB. Become worse, improvedC. Improved, increasedD. Improved, become worseE. None of the above are correct正确答案:B 某天晚上下班的时候,由于司机休假,你们公司的(CEO)不得不自己开车。但是他怎么也找不到出楼的路,加上他本来已经比较疲惫了,所以他感到非常恼火。第二天就找人要改善本楼的出入系统,以方便大家进出。而你正是这个出入系统的项目经理,你决定用流程图来做什么事情?A帮助分析问题是如何出现的B表明任务之间的依赖关系C说明一个流程的结果D预测未来成果正确答案:A The most common method for pricing out non-burdened labor hours for a three year project would be to:A . Price out the hours at the actual salary of the people to be assigned.B . Price out the work using a company-wide average labor rate.C . Price out the work using a functional group average labor rate.D . All of the above.E . A and B only.正确答案:C 返工是:A、 质量控制过程的输入B、 质量保证过程的输出C、 使不符合要求的产品符合要求而采取的行动D、 根据质量控制标准确性进行的调整正确答案:C22年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集6卷 第2卷 1.0.0建房1.1.0挖掘1.1.1探测1.1.2挖坑1.2.0准备地基1.2.1建框架在此WBS清单中工作包是( )A建房B挖掘C地基准备D以上都不是正确答案:D 统计抽样法可以确定项目的某个元素和产品是否符合要求。其最大优势在于:( )A不要求资源B抽样低于1%也可以达到足够的准确度C无需100%的检验元素就可以为总体提供满意的参照D只需在最终产品出现问题或客户发现不合格品时采用正确答案:C 你是一个大型IT公司的项目经理. PX软件由一家软件开发公司开发,并将合成到你的系统。最近你发现PX有错误,但PX公司不想让你的客户知道这个问题,因为这个问题要在项目完工后很久才会出现。他们也可以在纠正或出售下一个版本的PX。PX公司和你的公司都可以从中获取利润,你如何克服这个冲突:( )A会见客户,告诉他们如何向PX公司的工程师询问新软件的功能,这样客户就能发现问题了。B忽略这个问题,因为项目完成后你将要离开。C和PX公司经理个情况,劝服他不要使用这种方法D暂时不向客户透露,会见你的主管和PX经理和销售小组探讨备选方案。正确答案:D 189 Ouchi's Theory Z relates more to _ whereas Theory X / Theory Y relates to _ .A. Project managers; team membersB. Company management philosophy in treating employees; the average workerC. Project sponsors; project managersD. The functional team; project sponsorsE. Recruitment policy; wage and salary administration正确答案:B 撰写项目进展报告是所使用的“50-50”规则主要用于( )A计算精确的增殖B比较准确的估计挣值的大小C判断进度方差D以货币值来判断进度方差正确答案:B Formal written communication is mandated for which of the following?A scope changes not part of the original projectB taking exception to a specificationC procurement of raw materialsD All of the above.E A and B only正确答案:D22年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集6卷 第3卷 78 A common mistake in communications is to _ of the receiver.A. overestimate the knowledgeB. underestimate the knowledgeC. underestimate the intelligenceD. overestimate the intelligenceE. None of the above正确答案:A 你是一个项目经理,负责完成一个新的计算机系统。管理层希望项目能在低成本的情况下实现高收益。你希望能够将时间,成本和产品的功能很好地结合起来,这样在长远的角度来看是增加了项目的价值。但是,项目的一个承包商雇佣了高级的编程员,这使得该承包商比其他几个承包商的成本高。当与干系人一起工作时,你应该a把干系人分成容易辨别的几类b对于那些会给项目带来反面影响的干系人,提早对其行为进行干预c要认识到不同的干系人往往持有不同的目标,而这也使得干系人的管理工作非常困难d认识到角色和义务可能会出现交叠正确答案:C Which of the following contract types has the highest risk to the contractor:A Firm fixed price (FFP)B Time and material (TM)C Cost plus fixed fee (CPFF)D Cost plus incentive fee (CPIF)E A and B only正确答案:A A legally binding document offered unilaterally is a _ .A purchase orderB scope of work descriptionC contract stipulationD level of effort proposalE request for proposal正确答案:A 75 Random cause or system variation is:A. generally present in every processB. the responsibility of the inspection of the processC. the responsibility of the workers of the processD. the responsibility of managementE. A and D only正确答案:E Network schedules are prepared during the _ phase and updated during the _ phase.A Conceptual, execution.B Development, implementation.C Development, close-out.D Implementation, close-out.E Planning, finishing.正确答案:B22年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集6卷 第4卷 169 Which quality management tool would be used to determine potential causes of a production problem?A. control chart.B. Ishikawa diagram.C. scatter diagram.D. histogram.E. run chart正确答案:B 以下哪些说法能最好地描述属性抽样和变量抽样?( )A属性取样与预防有关,而变量取样与检查有关B属性取样与适应性有关,而变量取样与适应的程度有关C属性取样与特殊的理由有关,而变量取样与任何理由有关D它们是同一个概念正确答案:B 范围核实 ( )A改进成本及计划的准确性对于使用革新技术及工艺的项目尤为重要B是项目移交给前客户的最后一项活动C将项目实施励则是产出的产品及服务特性制成文档D与质量控制有区别范围核实与工作结果的验收有关而不是更正E检查WBS是否是根据组织的项目管理理论来建立的正确答案:D 19 Range estimating in determining cost risk probabilities requires _ .A. an amount of financial exposure.B. risks and opportunities ranked in order of bottom line importanceC. contingency requirements for expected level of confidenceD. probability of cost overrun occurrencesE. All of the above正确答案:E 16 Your client, with which you have good relations, wants you to provide him with office supplies. This task is not supported under your contract. You respond to your client's informal request using which medium?A. SpeechB. WrittenC. OralD. A and CE. Form. letter正确答案:C 137 Project team building is most difficult in which type of environment?A. weak matrix organizationB. strong matrix organizationC. projectized organizationD. functional organizationE. expediter organization正确答案:A22年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集6卷 第5卷 157 Fast tracking means to:A. Speed up a project through parallel tasks.B. Swap one task for another.C. Reduce the number of tasks if possible.D. B and C.E. None of the above正确答案:A 项目失败的理论原因是( )A缺少项目式的或者强大的矩阵结构,不良的范围定义,以及缺少项目计划B缺少上级管理部门的支持和承诺,项目团队不和谐,以及项目经理缺少领导能力C客户需要的不良定位,项目团队工作位置上的分散,以及在整个项目进程中缺乏与客户的沟通D织结构因素,客户需要的不良定位,不合适的项目具体要求,以及不良的计划编制和控制正确答案:D 根据什么来进行评估项目范围活动的完成?A、 要求B、 项目计划C、 范围管理计划D、 工作分解结构正确答案:B 风险分析最简单的形式是: ( )A概率分析B敏感分析C德尔菲技术D效用理论正确答案:B 82 Which of the following are included in the Acquisition phase(s) of the project life cycle.A. concept and developmentB. development and planningC. execution and phase-outD. planning and implementationE. concept and planning正确答案:C 项目经理花在沟通上的时间占多少?A、50%B、75-90%C、30%D、40-60%正确答案:B22年项目管理师模拟冲刺试题集6卷 第6卷 如果成本偏差和进度计划偏差相同,那么:( )A成本偏差由进度偏差导致B偏差对项目有利C可以轻易的纠正进度偏差D劳动力价格在项目开始后上涨了正确答案:A 97 If a project manager communicates a verbal message to a subordinate, and the subordinate leaves without saying a word, the project manager should assume:A. the message was understoodB. the message was not understoodC. the subordinate discarded the informationD. the information was not appropriateE. None of the above.正确答案:E 按照激励的预期理论A、 不良业绩表现是不良训练的自然结果B、 管理者对于员工不应该期望过多C、 应该用某种预期的结果来激励员工的行为D、 管理者应该期望薪水高的员工会更加努力地工作正确答案:C 以下哪项不属于成本控制的输出?A、 成本基准计划B、 变更请求C、 完工估算(EAC)D、 附加计划编制正确答案:C 一个很有名望的项目管理公司委派你去帮助一个主要客户选择项目方案。客户公司的工程师们有条件地最优选择方案最好,然而,销售人员认为利润分析的方案更好,同时也比较容易计算。你实际上是一个刚刚毕业的大学生,原来的专业与动物学有关,与项目管理没有丝毫关系。因为你对这些问题并不熟悉。但是客户方要为你每天的服务向你的公司支付2000美元,因此,你必须在下一次会议上有所作为。你拿出你的PMBOK,想要准备一份漂亮的陈述报告,列举每一个方案的优点和缺点。你以一个小问题结束了你的报告,这个问题的项目是:下面哪一个方案不属于有条件地最优选择方案?( )A层次分析过程B逻辑框架分析C经济模型结构D多元目标计划正确答案:C经济模型包括利润衡量方法,以及对比方法,分数模型,以及利润分配开始 "Paraphrasing" is most closely associated with which part of the communication process?A encodingB decodingC barriersD feedbackE None of the above.正确答案:D