小学生关于食品安全英语作文The 21st century, is a rapid economic development, with advanced technology in the world. People living standard enhancement, no more hunger, although there is no hunger but now people CARES for another thing, how to eat green food, health food and worry!The food safety can not be ignored, it's about the health of people, will be affected by any carelessness life-threatening!Someone will ask: "that to eat what good?" Is ah! What should eat? Can have the industrial salt chicken, duck, goose, there will be residual pesticides in vegetables, drink will have pigment, even pork by water injection. We can also go to eat some of what? Should go to eat? Do you still dare to dare not to eat table food?Often reported on TV, clenbuterol, Sudan red, cooking oil, etc. Even the sanlu milk powder was also said to be "poisonous milk powder", in order to reduce the cost of some small retailers should use as edible salt industrial salt can lead to cancer. These carcinogenic food, all in the name of "cheap" to sell to those who are not informed. Although many not have seized "production license". Illegal manufacturer has not been sealed, but there are many dangerous also hidden in our side!As the saying goes: "man is iron, the meal is steel, a meal is not to eat so hungry panic" although we can't stop illegal businessmen but we can not buy 3 without food, so we should choose safe food, production date, there are number of qs food. I think if every one of us can see the production date before shopping, choose to have qs food then won't make illegal businessmen have a chance!On February 6, the first time China has set up a special food safety work, high-level deliberation and coordination agencies of the state council food safety commission, the 15 members including 29 ministries and commissions under the state council. The ministry of agriculture, ministry of health, quality supervision, inspection and quarantine, state administration for industry and commerce, food and drug administration and other relevant departments collaboration.I believe that every person, so long as you don't deceive and administration management, illegal businessmen will explode!二十一世纪,是个经济发展快速,拥有先进技术的世界。人们生活水平提高,不再有饥饿,现在虽然没有了饥饿可是人们又为另一件事而烦忧:怎样才能吃到绿色食品,健康食品而发愁!民以食为天,食品平安不行忽视,它关乎人们的健康,稍有不慎就会危及生命!有人会问:那吃什么好那?是呀!应当吃什么那?鸡、鸭、鹅中会有工业盐,蔬菜中会有残余的农药,饮料里会有色素,就连猪肉都被注水。我们还能去吃一些什么呢?应当去吃去什么?餐桌上的菜你还敢不敢吃?电视上常常报道,瘦肉精、苏丹红、地沟油等。就连三鹿奶粉也被说是毒奶粉有些不法商贩为了削减成本竟然用可以导致致癌的工业盐充当食用盐。这些致癌食品它们打着廉价的旗号,来销售给那些不知情的人。虽然已经查封了很多没有生产许可证的厂家。但是还有很多不法厂家没有被查封,危急还隐藏在我们身边!俗话说:人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌我们虽然不能制止不法商家但是我们可以不去买三无食品,所以我们应当选择平安食品,有生产日期,有qs号等食品。我想假如我们每一个人都能在买东西前看看生产日期,选择有qs的食品那么就不会让不法商家有可乘之机!2月6日,中国首次特殊设立了食品平安工作高层次议事协调机构国务院食品平安委员会,成员包括国务院29个部委中的15个。农业部、卫生部、质检总局、工商总局、食品药品监督管理局等有关部门分工协作。我信任每个人只要不被蒙骗,加上管理局的管理,不法商家就会不攻自破!