2020-2021学年仁爱版英语九年级下册词汇创新拓展学习法(第8组)第8组 height 英音:/hat/美音:/hat/ 1. n. , 身 2. 处, 地 3. 顶点, 极 词组 | 习惯用语 average height 平均高度;中等身材 hook height 吊钩提上升度 pole height 电杆高度 clearance height 净空高度;离水高度;间隙高度 Cleveland Heights 克利夫兰高地(美国俄亥俄州东北部克利夫兰旁边城市名) bank height 台阶高度,露天矿阶段高度 stack height 堆码高度;积累高度;烟囱高度 bearing height 机 轴承高度 barrier height 电子 势垒高度,障高 commanding height 制高点 网络短语: Rowland Heights Hacienda Heights 双岗地区 wall height 壁高; 墙高; height difference 潮高差; 高差; header height 割台高度 geopotential height 重力位高度; 位势高度; Height piezometric 水压计示高 Surface height 表面高度 shoulder-elbow height 肩肘高 twitch height 颤搐高度 ceiling height 楼底高度; 室内净高; 吊顶高度; 天花高度; 英语例句库 1.Its the height of madness to sail at the height of the storm. 1.在暴风雨最猛烈的时候出航可谓疯狂到了极点。2.He measured the height of the bridge. 2.他测量了桥的高度。3.We looked down from a giddy height. 3.我们从使人头晕的高处往下看。4.The tower is fifty feet in height. 4.塔高五十英尺。5.The airplane climbed to a dizzy height. 5.飞机爬到令人头晕目眩的高度。6.This door is narrow in proportion to its height. 6.这扇门就其高度的比例而言窄了些。7.As we gained height, the ground receded from view. 7.随着我们向空中升起, 地面渐渐从视野中消逝。8.Many people suffer from a great dread of heights. 8.很多人特别畏高。9.She rose to undreamed-of heights of power and fame. 9.她的权力和声望上升到她做梦都想不到的高度。10.She was frightened by the height of the cliff. 10.她被悬崖的高度吓住了。11.We may determine the height of a mountain by trigonometry. 11.我们可用三角原理测定山的高度。12.In that dingdong struggle both players were reaching great heights. 12.在这场旗鼓相当的竞赛中,双方选手都斗志昂扬。13.I had a recurrent dream about falling from great heights. 13.我多次梦见从极高的地方跌落。14.The dwarfs long arms were not proportional to his height. 14.那侏儒的长臂与他的身高不成比例。15.The platform was elevated to a height of five feet. 15.平台被升到五英尺的高度。16.Fusion rate, segmental lordosis, and disc height were assessed by roentgenography. 16.通过X线评价融合率、阶段性脊柱前凸和椎间盘高度。17.These desks and seats can be adjusted to the height of any child. 17.这些桌椅可以随儿童的身高而调整。18.The troops hutted among the heights. 18.部队在高地驻扎。19.The tide was at its height. 19.潮水涨到最高点了。20.He is six feet in height. 20.他身高六英尺。21.I make the height 20 feet. 21.我估计有20英尺高 22.Respiration becomes difficult at great heights. 22.在很高的地方呼吸就变得很难。23.Its the height of stupidity to go out to sea in this bad weather. 23.这样恶劣的天气出海真是愚蠢透顶。24.Lemuria became a favored vacationland for those of Atlantis in the height of their era. 24.利莫里亚成为亚特兰蒂斯人极盛时期所宠爱的度假胜地。25.He is of medium height. 25.他是中等身材。26.This only heightens our admiration. 26.这只能使我们更加钦佩。27.Vivarium Requirements: 18 inches (length) by 12 inches (width) (height unimportant) will suit 2-3 geckos. 27.18英寸(长) ,宽12英寸(宽) (高度不重要) ,将适合2-3壁虎。28.The height of the steps on crystal faces increases with the increment of oversaturation degree of gold. 28.晶面上阶梯状生长纹的高度随金的过饱和度的增大而增高,阶梯的密度随热液碱性程度的上升而增大。29.From the angle of function and form, the bowls caliber and height all meet the easterners needs. 29.从功能和形式上讲,碗的口径和高度大小均满意东方人对碗的运用要求。30.The contribution of groyne height reduction to counteracting unwanted erosion is then considered a favourable incidental circumstance. 30.丁坝降低对削减一些对主槽不利的侵蚀是一项比较可取的措施。31.The terrain affect Spatial Distribution of Precipitation by way of macroeconomics topographer and parcel height above sea level. 31.地形对降水空间分布的影响主要是通过宏观地形因素的性质和局地海拔高度不同而起作用的。32.He is not the first politician to kick down the ladder by which he has risen to exalted heights. 32.他不是第一个被抬上高位便忘恩负义的政客。33.Gunmetal grey paint on this mudrooms French doors adds contrast and enhances the feeling of height in the space. 33.青灰色的法式门让这个门厅对比剧烈,并且空间看起来了更高。34.Loss of anterior ertebral height, degree of kyphotic deformity, and percentage retropulsion were recorded at seeral phases of treatment. 34.在几个治疗阶段记录椎体前缘高度、驼背畸形的程度、后退步态的百分比等。35.Rest vertical dimension is the lower face height measured from chin point to nasospinale, with the mandible in rest position. 35.垂直距离的概念可以是指下颌位于姿态位时这两个标记点之间的距离,主要与肌功能有关。36.A nontracking third camera is placed in centerfield and is only used for setting the height of the strike zone. 36.第三台不用来追踪轨迹的摄影机架设在中外野,唯一的目的是设定好球带的高度。37.Automatic focusing technicology for ob- jects of diverse height is one of the key point of acquisition of CCD image. 37.对各种不同高度被测物体的自动聚焦是图像采集识别系 统的关键之一。38.Ramus height and condylar width reduced in the mandibular retrusion group, which was a result of condylar growth inhibition during adolescence. 38.下颌后缩组的髁突宽度、长度以及升支高度明显较小,说明髁突和升支发育受到抑制。39.This dissertation presents the theory and method on the establishment of height datums.And some problems on the geocenter motion are also studied. 39.本文系统地探讨了建立高程基准的理论与方法、地心运动规律及其对高程基准的影响等有关问题。40.Based on homothetic triangle theory,a new height computation method of pile type brige pier and ribbed plate type abutment post is introduced. 40.文章以一种新的思维方式-相像三角形原理计算桩柱式桥墩、肋板式桥台柱(肋板)顶高程。41.(2) all of biological characters, such as cormels fresh weight, size, height, root length, roughness and root quantities, presented 1% significant difference. 41.(2)不同生长发育期无性繁殖的子球鲜质量、最大直径、子球高度、根系长度、根基粗度及根系数量等生物学性状均呈现1%水平极显著差异。42.Kaiyuan and Tianbao is a height of cultural in Tang Dynasty which prevailingness is to attach importance to the classics and Confucianism. 42.唐玄宗开天时期是唐代文化发展的一个高峰,重经崇儒也是这一文化鼎盛时代的风尚。43.It can get good society and economic efficiency on the feasible study on the raising height of truck spoilbank bench at Baiyunebo Mine. 43.本文针对白云铁矿提高汽车排土场的排土高度可行性做了论述,可获得巨大经济效益和社会效益。44.But bulls can be overenthusiastic too, talking of new eras in which asset prices will reach undreamed-of heights(remember the book “Dow 36,000”?). 44.但是乐观者也会过于热心,谈论新的时代资产价格将达到不可思议的高度(记得道指36,000点那本书吗?) 45.The criteria for woody ground cover plants were summarized as, low height, easy ramifying, strong adaptability, easy propagating, and good colony expressive force. 45.木本地被植物应当具有植株低矮、易分枝、适应性强、繁殖简单、群体表现力好的特点; 46.Based on homothetic triangle theory, a new height computation method of pile type brige pier and ribbed plate type abutment post is introduced. 46.摘要文章以一种新的思维方式-相像三角形原理计算桩柱式桥墩、肋板式桥台柱(肋板)顶高程。47.The height element of human body 70% decide by genetic gene, occupy in a lot of factor that affecting child heighthereditarily two into. 47.人体的身高因素70%由遗传基因确定,遗传在影响孩子身高的诸多因素中占两成。48.A rule says that the height of a wave (in meters) will usually be no more than one-tenth of the winds speed (in kilometers). 48.“有条规则表明,波浪的高度(以米为单位)一般小于风速(以公里为单位)的非常之一。“ 49.An MDA is the lowest permissible height (in a nonprecision approach) at which an aircraft can be controlled by reference only to instrument information. 49.最低下降高度是在仅参照仪表信息就能操纵航空器时的最低允许高度(在非精密进近中)。50.Pillar glass vase in different height and diameter. Clear cylindrical design is great for spotlighting river stones or colorful marbles piled in the bottom. 50.支柱玻璃花瓶,在不同的高度和直径。明确圆柱设计,是特别突出河石块或彩色大理石砌成,在底部。51.The relationship between arctic tropopause height and surface air temperature is discussed by using the aerological sounding and surface data during 1977-1990 in Beijing area. 51.利用北京地区19771990年的高空、地面资料,探讨了极地对流层顶与地面温度的关系。52.To that time bystreet had already downfalled from its height of power and splendour,greatgrandfather bought-out a buckeens official residence with his half of life hoardind. 52.那时,胡同已经从鼎盛走向衰败,曾祖父用半生的积蓄买下了一户破落贵族的王府。53.The vertical height of transmission for each set of flectional helix conveyer will be as high as 10m and the horizontal distance will be 25m. 53.单台可弯曲螺旋输送机输送物料,垂直高度可达10米,水平距离可达25米。54.Back planning: Finishing operation to the back of a stereotype or an electrotype after backing up to make it smooth and to the required height. 54.铅铸版或电铸版在背后所需的刨平和达致标准厚度的工作。55.The overall height of catalyst bed as well as the optimal feeding point was obtained for different detritiation efficiency under specific mass transfer coefficient of catalysts. 55.依据不同的催化剂传质性能,计算了为达到特定脱氚率和电解池浓缩倍数所要求的交换床总高度和进液位置。56.The plant reaches a height of 1.40 m and 1.25 m.It is winter-hardy, flowers abundantly and repeatedly, and is highly resistant to blackspot and powdery mildew. 56.该工厂达到了1.40米和1.25米的高度这是冬天,耐寒,花大量地,反复,并具有较高的抗黑点和白粉病。57.The length of the body, measured from the sternum (breast-bone) to the ischiatic tuberosity, should not exceed the height at the withers by, at most, 15 %. 57.体长(自胸骨至坐骨结节)最长不应超过肩隆(肩骨间的隆起部)高度的15。保藏指正 58.The ring has a diameter equivalent to 300 Saturns lined up side to side.And its thick too - about 20 Saturns could fit into its vertical height. 58.大光环相当于300个土星从一端排到另一端,而且它也很厚垂直高度相当于20个土星叠起来。59.Height is a measurement at right angles to this surface, and though gravity pulls mainly toward the centre of the earth, the geocentre, there are local variations. 59.高程是一个垂直于这个表面的测度,而虽然重力总是将物体向地心方向拉,但局部总会有一些改变。60.Finnish government takes raise height of fox course of study seriously, installed thremmatology of animal of institute of national flix animal, flix technically association of school, flix. 60.芬兰政府对养狐业高度重视 ,特地设置了国家毛皮动物探讨所、毛皮动物饲养学校、毛皮协会。