当代医学英语微课程 临床医疗问题与对策教学参考答案.docx
当代医学英语微课程临床医疗问题与对策教学参考答案微课程临床医疗问题与对策教学参考答案Unit 1Key to Lesson 1Activity 11. Primary care 2. options 3. illustrate 4. complaints5. radiologist 6. motivation 7. preventative 8. reform9. attractive 10. spinalActivity 31. There is a nationwide shortage of primary care doctors.2. One of the four physician jobs are open.3. It is hard to provide care to anyone in the community.4. Two major reasons: the health system and the income.3. Because she caught breast cancer early and got a second opinion.4. She was urged to get a second opinion on the pathology.5. They had their treatment plans changed.6. They have time to seek a second opinion and to plan the most appropriate course of therapy.7. Although confident in their doctor1 s advice, most patients need to get a second opinion or do their own research.演员及歌手丽塔威尔逊因患乳腺癌而 作了双乳切除手术。她的经历说明求医 治病中听取第二方意见有多么重要。癌 症专家也认为,一旦诊断有乳腺癌,患 者有时间去咨询第二方意见,规划最合 适的疗程,不必立即治疗。医疗中误诊 并不少见,但多达70%的美国人很相信 医生,不觉得有必要获得第二方意见或 自己研究一下,而威尔逊的案例给患者 带来了警示。Activity 5Rita Wilson, an American actress and singer, underwent a double mastectomy for her breast cancer. Her experience shows how important it is to seek a second opinion in the treatment. According to cancer specialists, when the diagnosis of breast cancer is made, the patient has time to seek a second opinion and to plan the most appropriate course of therapy. There is no immediate need to have treatment.A misdiagnosis is not uncommon in medicine, but as many as 70% of Americans are so confident in their doctor, s advice. They didn' t feel they need to get a second opinion or do their own research. Nevertheless, the Wilson, s case is a wake-up call for patients.当代医学英语微课程临床医疗问题与对策教学参考答案Unit 7Key to Lesson 19Activity 11. nausea 2. heartburn 3. sweat 4. tightness in the chest5. highlights 6. atypical 7. empowered 8. shortness of breath9. hefty 10. overwhelmingActivity 3Heart disease kills more women than all cancers combined.1. It is highlighting why so many women are dying of heart attacks.2. She was just 41 years old.3. They don' t have classic symptoms of heart attacks.4. Shortness of breath, light headedness, pain in the jaw, neck or arms, nausea, cold sweats and extreme fatigue.5. Being overtired and terribly stressed, tightness in her chest, pain in her jaw.6. Knowing gender differences in a heart attack and acting on them can save your life.在美国,心脏病这一头号杀手造成的女性死亡 人数超过女性死于所有癌症之合,因此成为临 床医疗中的重大问题之一。临床上,心脏病发 作有着性别差异。女性更可能有的非典型病症 包括冷汗、恶心、呼吸浅短、头晕、胸闷、下 颗及颈部疼痛、极度乏力等。很多心脏病发 作的案列说明,了解这些差异并根据这些差异 采取行动,能挽救很多女性的生命。Activity 5Heart disease, the number one killer in the U.S., kills more women than all cancers combined. Therefore, it is one of the major problems in clinical medicine. Clinically, there are gender differences in heart attacks. Women are more likely to have atypical symptoms: cold sweats, nausea, shortness of breath, light headedness, tightness in the chest, pain in the jaw or neck, and extreme fatigue.Numerous cases of heart attacks show that knowing those differences and acting on them can save many women7 s lives.Key to Lesson 20Activity 11. coronary 2. implant 3. inflammation 4. intra-aortic5. intervention 6. pump 7. prognosis 8. myocarditis9. lymphocytic 10, in conjunction withActivity 31. Nearly half a million.2. Coronary artery disease or years of high blood pressure.3. A rare form of heart failure called lymphocytic myocarditis.4. A common virus.5. By implanting an intra-aortic balloon pump and medication.6. Shortness of breath, fatigue and a general feeling of being unwell.7. The faster you get treatment for it, the healthier you will be.留神脏无法有效泵送血液以满足身体的需 要时,就发生心力衰竭。每年将近50万 美国人诊断有心力衰竭,足以说明它是临 床医疗中的重大问题。心力衰竭的常见原 因有冠状动脉疾病(包括以前的心脏病发 作)、高血压、感染、过量饮酒、心肌炎 等。治疗取决于此病的原因和严重程度。 典型的心力衰竭康复比拟慢。不过,治疗 开始得越早,心力衰竭的预后会越好。Activity 5Heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to pump blood efficiently to meet the body* s needs. Every year nearly half a million Americans are diagnosed with heart failure, and this shows that it is a major problem in clinical medicine.Common causes of heart failure include coronary artery disease (including a previous heart attack), high blood pressure, excess alcohol use, infection, and myocarditis.Treatment depends on the cause and severity of the disease. Typical heart failure comes on slowly.However, the prognosis of heart failure gets better the earlier you start treatment.当代医学英语微课程临床医疗问题与对策 教学参考答案Unit 11Key to Lesson 31Activity 11. allergen 2. Spasm 3. allergies 4. pollen5. drastically 6. reactive 7. inhaler 8. kick up 9. allergist 10. triggersActivity 3More than 17 million Americans.1. They will wheeze, cough and get shortness of breath.2. He thinks pollution is probably the most important reason.3. Infections.4. By recognizing triggers, avoiding the triggers and knowing what medications to use.5. Any effective care could be compromised, which could lead to more troublesome symptoms.6. The theory goes that being exposed to a whole host of allergens on the farm can do that.哮喘是呼吸道常见疾病之一。据估计 2011年全球有235百万-330百万人患哮 喘,每年25万-34万人死于此病。哮喘 由复杂的、未完全明了的环境和遗传因素 相互作用引起。与哮喘发生有关的众多环 境因素包括过敏原、空气污染和其他环境Activity 5Asthma is one of the common respiratory diseases with estimates that as of 2011, 235-330 million people worldwide are affected by asthma and approximately 250,000-345,000 people die per year from the disease.Asthma is caused by a combination of complex and incompletely understood environmental and genetic interactions. Many environmental factors associated with asthma' s development include allergens, air pollution, and化学物。据一项全国调查发现,80%以上 的患者未能有效控制疾病。这就意味着他 们将面临哮喘严重发作及肺部长期损伤 的风险。化学物。据一项全国调查发现,80%以上 的患者未能有效控制疾病。这就意味着他 们将面临哮喘严重发作及肺部长期损伤 的风险。other environmental chemicals. According to a nationwide survey, more than 80% of patients with asthma failed to effectively control the disease. This means they will face the risk of severe asthma attacks and long-term lung damage.Key to Lesson 32Activity 11. lightning 2. declaration 3. hospitalization 4. toll5. pandemic 6. swine flu 7. intent 8. mortality9. category 10. predispositionActivity 31. The swine flu was declared a global pandemic.2. Because the virus is spreading from person to person in at least 37 countries.3. Because the US government has been in face of the pandemic for some time.4. More than 30 deaths.5. Men and women with asthma and other lung problems, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.6. The one in 1918 killed 50 million people worldwide. In 1957, 2 million people died. And in 1968 the toll was I million.7. The virus could change as it moves from place to place.呼吸道疾病是全球疾病和死亡的一个常见 和重大的原因。呼吸道疾病中的病毒性肺 炎及哮喘的恶化,可能是流感导致的并发 症。2009年至少37个国家爆发了猪流感, 被世界卫生组织宣布为全球大流行病。在 现代历史上曾发生三次流感大流行,每次 死亡人数在100万以上。为什么在医学取 得很大进步的今天还会爆发全球流感大流 行?这个问题确实值得研究。Activity 5Respiratory disease is a common and significant cause of illness and death around the world. Among respiratory diseases, viral pneumonia and worsening of asthma can be complications due to influenza.The outbreak of the swine flu in 2009 in at least 37 countries around the world was officially declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. There have been three global influenza pandemics in modern history, each resulting in more than a million deaths. Why does a global flu pandemic still outbreak in a day when medicine has achieved a lot of progress? This is indeed a worthwhile research question.当代医学英语微课程临床医疗问题与对策教学参考答案Unit 12Key to Lesson 34Activity 11. paralyzing 2. abdominal 3. alteration 4. spontaneous5. evacuation 6. bloating 7. constipation 8. gastroenterologists9. bowel habit 10. Irritable bowel syndromeActivity 2A case diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)1. The symptoms for IBSEffects of IBS and its cause2. Treatment for IBSSuggestions about controlling the symptomsActivity 3Itz s not life threatening, but it causes a great deal of distress.1. Itz s characterized by abdominal discomfort or pain.2. After going through a series of tests.3. Alteration of bowel habit, feeling of incomplete evacuation, bloating, and abdominal fullness.4. IBS is caused by emotional conflict or stress.5. It is to establish a good doctor patient relationship.6. Through the right combination of medication, diet and counseling to control the symptoms.Activity 5胃肠道疾病是临床上常见的,肠易激综合征 就是其中之一。此病不威胁生命,但谈起它 来却令人尴尬。肠易激综合征的常见病症包 括腹痛、腹胀、腹泻和便秘,对患者生活质 量造成不利影响。引起此病的原因尚不清 楚,目前也没有治愈的方法。一些患者可以 通过调整饮食、生活方式和压力来控制症 状;另一些那么需要药物治疗和心理咨询。Gastrointestinal diseases are common disorders clinically, one of which is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The disease is not life-threatening, but it is embarrassing to talk about.The general symptoms for IBS include abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea and constipation, affecting negatively the patienV s quality of life. The causes of IBS are not clear, nor is there a cure for it. Some patients can control their symptoms by managing diet, lifestyle and stress. Others will need medication and counseling.Key to Lesson 35Activity 11. reluctance 2. fecal 3. occult 4. sigmoidoscopy5 oncologist 6. polyp 7. exert 8. barium9. exhaustion 10. sporadicActivity 21. A case of 3rd-stage colon cancerThe occurrence and death rate of colon cancer2. Appropriate screening tests for colon cancerThe importance of early detection by colonoscopy3. The public education about colon cancerActivity 31. Lack of energy, tiredness, her hands and feet hurt and skin deteriorated.2. At the age of 44.3. It is the second highest cause of cancer death after lung cancer.4. Fecal occult blood tests, sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy.5. Because none of those are pleasant to undergo.6. She had surgery and she underwent six months of chemotherapy.7. The majority of the colon cancers tend to be sporadic and show up even if you have no family history of the disease.Activity 5Colon cancer is the development of cancer from the colon or rectum, a 结肠癌是产生于结肠或直肠的癌症,是胃肠common gastrointestinal disease. Globally, colon cancer is the third 道常见疾病。全球范围内结肠癌是最常见的most common type of cancer making up about 10% of all cases. It is 第三种癌症类型,约占所有病例的10%。它more common in developed countries, but its incidence has risen 在兴旺国家比拟普遍,但近年来在中国的发quickly in China in recent years.Some risk factors for colon cancer 病率迅速上升。结肠癌的一些危险因素包括include diet, obesity, smoking, and lack of physical activity, with a small 饮食、肥胖、吸烟和缺乏体力活动,少数情number of cases due to genetic factors. Screenings including 况下是遗传因素。包括结肠镜检查在内的筛colonoscopy are crucial and effective for early detection of colon 查是早期发现结肠癌的关键和有效的方法。cancer.5. Family doctors earn on average $190,000 annually, while radiologists earn $ 424,000, and spinal surgeons, $ 611,000 annually.6. Nationwide the number is only about 5% of the medical students.7. Health reform must change medicine so that family medicine can be seen as an attractive option.Activity 5临床医疗中一大问题是全科医生短缺。全 科医生被认为是健康的守门人,在为人口 最大群体提供基本医疗服务中起着重要作 用。全科医生短缺,意味着医疗培训和卫 生系统中应对响应机制的短缺,也意味着 卫生体制和政策的危机。从政策上和报酬 上吸引更多医学生从事全科医学为患者提 供基本的医疗服务,是卫生体制改革的一 个重点。临床医疗中一大问题是全科医生短缺。全 科医生被认为是健康的守门人,在为人口 最大群体提供基本医疗服务中起着重要作 用。全科医生短缺,意味着医疗培训和卫 生系统中应对响应机制的短缺,也意味着 卫生体制和政策的危机。从政策上和报酬 上吸引更多医学生从事全科医学为患者提 供基本的医疗服务,是卫生体制改革的一 个重点。临床医疗中一大问题是全科医生短缺。全科医生被认为是健康的守门人, 在为人口最大群体提供基本医疗服务中起着重要作用。A big complaint about clinical medicine is the shortage of primary care doctors. Primary care doctors are considered to be health concierges, who play an essential role in providing basic health care to the largest group of the population.A shortage of primary care doctors means a shortage of a responding mechanism in medical training and health systems, and also a crisis in the health system and policies. It is a key point of health system reform to attract more medical students, by both policies and remuneration, to pursue a career in primary care to provide patients with basic health care.临床医疗中一大问题是全科医生短缺。全 科医生被认为是健康的守门人,在为人口 最大群体提供基本医疗服务中起着重要 作用。全科医生短缺,意味着医疗培训和 卫生系统中应对响应机制的短缺,也意味 着卫生体制和政策的危机。从政策上和报报酬A big complaint about clinical medicine is the shortage of primary care doctors. Primary care doctors are considered to be health concierges, who play an essential role in providing basic health care to the largest group of the population.A shortage of primary care doctors means a shortage of a responding mechanism in medical training and health systems, and also a crisis in the health system and policies. It is a key point of health systemKey to Lesson 36Activity 11. beverages 2. imbalance 3. enzyme 4. pylorus5. vomiting 6. mucous 7. digestive 8. Helicobacter9. sore 10. pepsinActivity 21. D 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A胃溃疡指的是胃内层的破裂,是临床上 常见的消化道疾病。许多因素导致胃溃 疡,一种被称为幽门螺杆菌的细菌是最 常见的原因。胃溃疡的病症和体征包括 腹痛、腹胀、腹部胀满、恶心、呕吐、 食欲不振和体重减轻。治疗包括戒烟、 戒酒和服用减少胃酸的药物。Activity 4Gastric ulcer is a break in the lining of the stomach, and a common digestive disorder clinically. A lot of factors contribute to gastric ulcer, with a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori being the most common one.Signs and symptoms of gastric ulcer can include abdominal pain, bloating, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and weight loss.Treatment includes stopping smoking, stopping alcohol, and medications to decrease stomach acid.酬上吸引更多医学生从事全科医学为患 者提供基本的医疗服务,是卫生体制改革 的一个重点。临床医疗中一大问题是全科医生短缺。全 科医生被认为是健康的守门人,在为人口 最大群体提供基本医疗服务中起着重要 作用。全科医生短缺,意味着医疗培训和 卫生系统中应对响应机制的短缺,也意味 着卫生体制和政策的危机。从政策上和报 酬上吸引更多医学生从事全科医学为患 者提供基本的医疗服务,是卫生体制改革 的一个重点。reform to attract more medical students, by both policies and remuneration, to pursue a career in primary care to provide patients with basic health care.A big complaint about clinical medicine is the shortage of primary care doctors. Primary care doctors are considered to be health concierges, who play an essential role in providing basic health care to the largest group of the population.A shortage of primary care doctors means a shortage of a responding mechanism in medical training and health systems, and also a crisis in the health system and policies. It is a key point of health system reform to attract more medical students, by both policies and remuneration, to pursue a career in primary care to provide patients with basic health care.Key to Lesson 2Activity 11. pediatrics 2. access 3. chronic 4. coordinate5. screening 6. unavailable 7. insurance 8. consistent9. practitioner 10. follow-upActivity 31. Access to primary doctors is often unavailable to many Americans.2. Many patients go unnecessarily and expensively to emergencyrooms.3. Regular follow-ups and good preventive medicine.4. Primary care was offered in an old-fashioned way: Monday through Friday, 9 to 5.5. Physician assistance and nurse practitioners started to see patients nights and weekends, and provide 24-hour-phone service.6. They have improved care for patients and decreased healthcare cost.7. It increases from 5 to almost 8 percent each year.1 .许多美国人常常无法获得初级医生的诊治。2 .许多病人不必要而昂贵地去了急诊室。3 .定期随访和良好的预防医学。4 .初级保健是以传统的方式提供的:周一到周五,朝九晚五。5 .医生助理