2022年高中生物人教版必修三知识点总结 .docx
精品_精品资料_promotion of employment, form a rea sonable and orderly pattern of income di stribution, build a more fair and sustaina ble social se curity systems, me dical and healt h system reform. The ple nary, innovation of social governa nce, must focus on t he mainte nance of fundame ntal interest s of the ov erwhelming majority of the pe ople, maximize factors, e nha nce social development, im proving social gover nance, t he interest s of nati onal security, e nsure that t he pe opl e live and w ork, social sta bility a nd order. o improve social g overna nce, stimulati ng social organizati on, i nnovative and effective system of preventi ng and resolvi ng social conflicts, im proving t he public security system, set up the Nati onal Se curity Council, national se curity systems and nati onal security strategy to ensure national se curit y. Pl enary sessi on, t he construction of ecologi cal civ ilization, you must e stabli sh systems of ecological system, using t he system to prote ct the e cological environment. o improve natural re sources a sset property right system and use control, red li ne of delimitation of ecologi cal pr otection, resour ces paid use sy stem and ecologi cal compe nsation system in ecologi cal envir onme nt prote ction management system reform. Plenary session, ce ntering on buil ding a l isteni ng party command, ca n win and having a fi ne style of the pe opl e's army, a str ong army under t he ne w situati on of the party Goal s, restricti ng the development of national def ense a nd army buil ding is solve d outstanding contradictions a nd problems, i nnovation a nd devel opment of military theor y, e nha nce military strategi c gui dance, impr ove the military strategy in t he new peri od, buildi ng a modern military force system with Chi nese chara cteristics. o deepen the adjustment of personnel system reform in the army, military policy a nd sy stem reform, promote t he devel opme nt of military and civili an i ntegration dept h. Pl enary se ssion stre ssed that comprehensiv e reform must be t o strengthen a nd impr ove the party's lea dership, give full play to the core role of the party commands the overall situati on a nd coordi nating all parties, impr oving t he party's lea ding water . M argin. Challe nged t he lea dershi p of the Communist Party of Chi na, Marxism -Leni nism and Ma o Zedong thoug ht by De ng Xia o-ping' s flag, repla ced by threrepresentatives a nd t he harm oni c society. The former Communist Party spirit and social cohesion point of almost allpoliti cal makeover. Characteristi cs of sociali sm public owner shi p is shifting to private ownership, pla nne d regulation and market regulation, the proletaria n regime controlle d by the elite. Of universal e qual ity, fairness and basi c pri nci ples of distribution system is sociali st society, howev er after economic monopoli zed by pow erful, vested i nterests grow, empl oyers do not have the same status, hardly seems fair social di stribution. State key protection of ca pital int erests rather tha n the intere sts of citize ns, had been hits the bottom of the proletariat可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学问点总结生物必修三稳态与环境学问点总结第一部分稳态可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_细胞内液(细胞质基质细胞液)(存在于细胞内,约占 2/3)、1. 体液血 浆细胞外液 内环境(细胞直接生活的环境)组织液(存在于细胞外,约占 1/3)淋巴等2. 内环境的组成及相互关系细胞内液组织液血浆淋巴(淋巴循环)考点:呼吸道,肺泡腔,消化道内的液体不属于人体内环境,就汗液,尿液,消化液,泪液等不属于体液,也不属于细胞外液细胞外液的成分水,无机盐(Na+, Cl-),蛋白质(血浆蛋白)血液运输的物质养分物质:葡萄糖甘油 脂肪酸胆固醇氨基酸等废物:尿素 尿酸 乳酸等气体:O2,CO2等激素,抗体, 神经递质维生素组织液,淋巴,血浆成分相近,最主要的差别在于血浆中含有很多的蛋白质,细胞外液是盐溶液,反映了生命起源于海洋,血浆各化学成分的种类及含量保持动态的稳固,所以分析血浆化学成分可在肯定程度上反映体内物质代谢情形,可以分析也一个人的身体健康状况考点:血红蛋白,消化酶不在内环境中存在蛋白质主要机能是维护血浆渗透压,在调剂血浆与组织液之间的水平稳中起重要作用 无机盐在维护血浆渗透压,酸碱平稳以及神经肌肉的正常兴奋性等方面起重要作用理化性质(渗透压,酸碱度,温度)渗透压一般来说,溶质微粒越多,溶液浓度越高,对水的吸引力越大,渗透压越高, 血浆渗透压的大小主要与无机盐,蛋白质的含量有关.人的血浆渗透压约为 kpa,相当于细胞内液的渗透压.功能:是维护细胞结构和功能的重要因素.典型事例:(高温工作的人要补充盐水.严峻腹泻的人要注入生理盐水,海里的鱼在河里不能生Obvi ousl y, face Chi na's Socialist system, t he Communist Party is not the part y. In t hat case, political cha os has been very t ight. Is remodeling or reconstr ucti on, i s a corre ction or a st ove. Whether to turn rig ht or left, is back to t he source or put forward new politica l ideas. This is to determi ne the road problems in Chi na, is al so t he key out of the de ep water of the reform of the economic system.After 18, the new Central collective l eadership atta che s great importance to politi cal orie ntation. First, the "Central eight arti cles" as a starting poi nt, starting from the Central Government's self -restraint, whi ch pre aches and pr o-image, brought fresh feeli ng to the community. Secondly, before reform and openi ng up and reform and ope ning tw o peri ods after non-negative, untying the tangle of the society a long time on this issue. Thir d, a ne w generation of party l eaders on various occa sions to Mao Ze -Dong and Ma o Ze-Dong' s thought of eval uation has r oom for manoeuvre, t hroug h to the ruli ng ide ology of Ma o Zedong thoug ht, is the call of the soul to the Soci alist Revoluti on a nd construction. Empty talks je opardize nati onal i nterestsand try again, is an affirmation of Deng Xia o-ping's reform ideas. These strong political signal showing a new ge neration of political lea ders i s still kee ping to t he Socialist roa d. Four is revisiting t he "talking to Mao Ze -Dong's histori cal cy cle of" high profile a nti-corruption and the im portance of the Constitution, reorga nization is bad styl e of officialdom, was t o civilize pe ople obey the la w, while improvi ng the col or change of the regime of vigila nce. Five is to reform into dee per waters a nd stresse d that top-level desig n, thi s is a review on t he reform and openi ng up in the past, is al so l ooki ng for a way out. Six foreign and Russi a cl oser, the flexibl e attitude on t he issue of the Korean peninsula, Sino-Ja pane se fishi ng har dline Chi na on the isla nd out of the "pati ent" and low profile shadow began to gradually plan development. Sig ns show t hat the new lea der ship began t o make a left turn in politi cs. However, as of right now , not only ide ologi cal confusion in the community, the new lea dership's t hinki ng is messy. New leaders both stressed t he nee d to implement the Constituti on, stresse d the need t o turn off the power in a cage. Also stresse s that Ma o Zedong thought cannot be l ost, 30 year s after the reform and ope ning up 30 years ag o can not deny ea ch other. Both adv ocate democra cy and release "seve n does not speak of" files of pol itical constraints. Neither deny the history of the CPC Ce ntral Committee on seve ral issues .Comrades: today brings toget her members, mainly in order to provide a platform to Excha nge and lear n from each other i n order t o facilitate our w ork. Just now, we focus on taxation, pla nni ng and stabilit y, safety, proje ct construction, typi cal topics such as private facts prese ntation and interacti on, and towns currently exist in the in -de pth a nalysis of the problems to be solved, to ex plore new methods t o solve t he problem. It can be sai d that summing up the achievement, no grandstanding ; analy sis可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_promotion of employment, form a rea sonable and orderly pattern of income di stribution, build a more fair and sustaina ble social se curity systems, me dical and healt h system reform. The ple nary, innovation of social governa nce, must focus on t he mainte nance of fundame ntal interest s of the ov erwhelming majority of the pe ople, maximize factors, e nha nce social development, im proving social gover nance, t he interest s of nati onal security, e nsure that t he pe opl e live and w ork, social sta bility a nd order. o improve social g overna nce, stimulati ng social organizati on, i nnovative and effective system of preventi ng and resolvi ng social conflicts, im proving t he public security system, set up the Nati onal Se curity Council, national se curity systems and nati onal security strategy to ensure national se curit y. Pl enary sessi on, t he construction of ecologi cal civ ilization, you must e stabli sh systems of ecological system , using t he system to prote ct the e cological environment. o improve natural re sources a sset property right system and use control, red li ne of delimitation of ecologi cal pr otection, resour ces paid use sy stem and ecologi cal compe nsation system in ecologi cal envir onme nt prote ction management system reform. Plenary session, ce ntering on buil ding a l isteni ng party command, ca n win and having a fi ne style of the pe opl e's army, a str ong army under t he ne w situati on of the party Goal s, restricti ng the development of national def ense a nd army buil ding is solve d outstanding contradictions a nd problems, i nnovation a nd devel opment of military theor y, e nha nce military strategi c gui dance, impr ove the military strategy in t he new peri od, buildi ng a modern military forc e system with Chi nese chara cteristics. o deepen the adjustment of personnel system reform in the army, military policy a nd sy stem reform, promote t he devel opme nt of military and civili an i ntegration dept h. Pl enary se ssion stre ssed that comprehensiv e reform must be t o strengthen a nd impr ove the party's lea dership, give full play to the core role of the party commands the overall situati on a nd coordi nating all parties, impr oving t he party's lea ding water . M argin. Challe nged t he lea dershi p of the Commu nist Party of Chi na, Marxism -Leni nism and Ma o Zedong thoug ht by De ng Xia o-ping' s flag, repla ced by threrepresentatives a nd t he harm oni c society. The former Communist Party spirit and social cohesion point of almost allpoliti cal makeover. Characteristi cs of sociali sm public