精品_精品资料_1上课( Beginning a class )( 1) Let s start now Let s begin our class lesson( 2) Stand up, please( 3)Sit down , Pease 2问候( Greeting )( 4)Hello ,boys and girls children ( 5)Good morning ,class everyoneeverybody children boys and girls ( 6)Good afternoon , class everyone everybody children boys and girls ( 7)How are you today ?3考勤( Checking attendance)( 8)Whos on duty today? Whos helping this morning today?( 9) Is everyone everybody here present?( 10) Is anyone away? Is anybody away ?( 11) Is anyone absent? Is anybody absent?( 12)Whos absen?t Whos away?( 13)Where is he she?( 14)Try to be on time Dont be late next time( 15)Go back to your seat , please( 16)What day is it today ?( 17)Whats the date toda?y( 18)Whats the weatherlike today ?( 19)Whats it like outside? 4宣布( Announcing )( 20)Let s start working Let s begin start a new lessonLet s begin start our lesson( 21) First, let s reviewdo some review( 22)What did we learn in the last lesson ?( 23)Who can tell remember what we did in the last lesson yesterday?( 24)Now were going to do something new different Now let s learn something new( 25)We have some now words sentences 5提起留意( Directing attention )( 26)Ready? Are you ready ?( 27)Did you get there ? Do you understand ?( 28) Is that clear?( 29)Any volunteers ?( 30)Do you know what to do ?( 31)Be quiet , please Quiet , please( 32) Listen ,please( 33) Listen carefully ,please( 34) Listen to the tape recorder the recording ( 35) Look carefully , please( 36) Look over here ( 37)Watch carefully ( 38)Are your watching ?( 39)Please look at the black-board picture map可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_( 40)Pay attention to your spelling pronunciation 6课堂活动( Classroom activities )( 41) Start; Start now ( 42)Everybody together All together ( 43)Practise in a group Practise In groups In groups , please( 44)Get into groups of three four( 45)Every body find a partner friend ( 46) In pairs , please( 47)One at a time L et s do it one by one( 48)Now you , please Your turn ( Students name)( 49)Next , please Now you do the same , please( 50) Let s act Let s act out do the dialogue ( 51)Who wants to be A ?( 52)Practise the dialogue ,please( 53)Now Tom will be A , and the other half will be B ( 54)Please take( play) the part of( 55)Whose turn is It ?( 56) It s your turn.( 57)Wait your turn , please( 58) Stand inline Line up ( 59)One by one One at a time, please( 60) In twos In pairs( 61)Dont speak out( 62)Turn around 7恳求( Request)( 63)Could you please try it again ?( 64)Could you please try the next one ?( 65) Will you please help me ?8勉励( Encouraging )( 66)Can you try ?( 67)Try , please( 68)Try your best Do your best ( 69)Think it over and try again ( 70)Dont be afraid shy 9指令( Issuing a command)( 71)Say Read after me, please( 72) Follow me , please( 73)Do what do ( 74)Repeat, please Repeat after me( 75)Once more, please One more time , please( 76)Come here, please( 77)Please come to the front Come up and write on the blackboard chalkboard ( 78)Come and write It on the blackboard ( 79)Please go back to your seat可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_( 80) In English ,please( 81)Put your hand up , please Raise your hand ,please( 82)Put your hands down , please Hands down ,please( 83)Say it Write it in Chinese English ( 84)Please take out your books( 85)Please open your books at page Find page Turn to Page( 86)Please answer the question questions Please answer my qllllst1On ( s)( 87)Please read this letter word sentence out loud Please readout this letter wordsentence( 88)Please stop now Stop now , please Stop here, please( 89)Clean up your desk the classroom, please( 90) It s cleanup time Tidy up your desk the classroom( 91)Put your things away Clean off your desk Pick up the scraps·( 92)Clean the blackboard ( 93)Plug in the tape recorder, please( 94)Put the tape recorder away( 95)Put the tape in its cbaosxsette( 96) Listen and repeat( 97) Look and listen ( 98)Repeat after me( 99) Follow the words ( 100) Fast Quickly ; Be quick , please( 101) Hurry ; Hurry up ,please( 102) Slow down ,please( 10)Slowly ( 104) Bring me some chalk , please 10禁止和警告(Prohibition and warning )( 105) Stop talking Stop talking now , please( 106) Dont talk Everybody quiet , please( 107) Dont be silly( 108) Settle down 11评判( 109) Good, thank you ( 10) Good Very good God job Good work Good example ( 111) A good answer Nice work ( 112) Excellent Great; Well done Very good I like the way you( 13)That s Interestin;g( 114) Dont worry about It No problem ( 115) OK; That s OK( 116) I don t think so( 117) That s not quite righ,t any other answers? That s close That s almost right( 118) Not quite ,can anyone help him her? try again ( 119) A good try 12布置作业( Setting homework )可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_( 120) For today s homework( 121) Practise after class Practise at home( 122) Say it out loud , before you write It down ( 123) Copy Print Write each word twice ( 124) Remember( Memorize ) these words sentences( 125) Learn these words these sentences this text by heart ( 126) Do your homework Do the next lesson Do the new work 13下课( Dismissing the class )( 127) Hand in your workbooks , please( 128) Time is up ( 129) The bell is ringing ( 130) Theres the bell( 131) There goes the bell( 132) Let s stop here( 133) That s all for today( 134) Class is over( 135) Good bye Bye See you next time Open your books.Turn to pageXX.Who can tell me .Who knows .Raise your hand.举起你们的手Who can help.Great.Thank you.Do you have anything to add.你有什么补充?可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载