入职培训杭州歌江维嘉酒店简介Orientation for New Hires Orientation for New Hires Introduction of Gejiang Veegle HotelIntroduction of Gejiang Veegle Hotel 杭州歌江维嘉酒店隶属雷迪森酒店旅业集杭州歌江维嘉酒店隶属雷迪森酒店旅业集团,按四星标准建造,坐落在花园式生态型团,按四星标准建造,坐落在花园式生态型杭州副城杭州副城- -下沙,距杭州萧山机场只需下沙,距杭州萧山机场只需1515分钟车程,与上海、苏州、宁波形成百公分钟车程,与上海、苏州、宁波形成百公里商务圈,地理位置得天独厚,十分优越。里商务圈,地理位置得天独厚,十分优越。 Gejiang Veegle hotel is a four-star hotel, which belongs Gejiang Veegle hotel is a four-star hotel, which belongs to Landison Hotel travel group. The hotel sits on the to Landison Hotel travel group. The hotel sits on the ecological garden city of Hangzhou deputy. Its in the ecological garden city of Hangzhou deputy. Its in the centre of the business area formed by Shanghai ,Suzhou centre of the business area formed by Shanghai ,Suzhou and Ningbo. The distance from Xiaoshan Airport is only and Ningbo. The distance from Xiaoshan Airport is only 15 minutes by car. The location of the hotel is very ideal.15 minutes by car. The location of the hotel is very ideal. 简 介 地理位置地理位置基本信息经营宗旨:经营宗旨: 注重品质、争创一流、和谐发展、共创双注重品质、争创一流、和谐发展、共创双赢。赢。管理理念:管理理念: 员工是我们的财富,客人是我们的朋友。员工是我们的财富,客人是我们的朋友。服务理念:服务理念: Yes Yes,I can.I can.宗旨、理念Come to here by taxiCome to here by taxi1 1、萧山国际机场(、萧山国际机场(1515公里)公里) Xiaoshan AirportXiaoshan Airport 搭乘出租正常搭乘出租正常3030分钟可到酒店,正常费用为分钟可到酒店,正常费用为8080元元2 2、火车城站(、火车城站(2020公里)公里) Chengzhan Railway StationChengzhan Railway Station 搭乘出租正常搭乘出租正常3535分钟可到酒店,正常费用为分钟可到酒店,正常费用为8080元元 3 3、武林广场(、武林广场(1818公里)公里)Wulin SquareWulin Square 搭乘出租正常搭乘出租正常2020分钟可到酒店,正常费用为分钟可到酒店,正常费用为8080元元 基本路线By Bus By Bus K373K373:下沙行政中心:下沙行政中心听涛路二十五号路口听涛路二十五号路口K104K104:四季青服装交易中心:四季青服装交易中心学正街公交站学正街公交站K401K401:下沙高教东区:下沙高教东区马市街马市街 B1 B1 :下沙:下沙黄龙公交中心黄龙公交中心地铁地铁1 1号线:下沙文泽路号线:下沙文泽路 萧山湘湖萧山湘湖基本路线周边信息购物购物周边信息餐饮餐饮周边信息娱乐娱乐周边信息银行银行周边信息通讯通讯医疗医疗东方医院东方医院下沙经济技术开发区下沙经济技术开发区9 9号大街号大街9 9号号周边信息雷迪森旗下首家维嘉品牌酒店雷迪森旗下首家维嘉品牌酒店First Veegle hotel of Landison Tourism GroupFirst Veegle hotel of Landison Tourism Group管理集团歌江维嘉(歌江维嘉(VeegleVeegle)是雷迪森)是雷迪森(Landison)(Landison)旅业集团全权管理的品牌四星级精品主题旅业集团全权管理的品牌四星级精品主题文化酒店。文化酒店。雷迪森旅业集团雷迪森旅业集团 电话:电话:+86 571 85158888+86 571 85158888管理集团管理集团旗下酒店品牌管理集团旗下餐饮品牌管理集团旗下餐饮品牌杭州国大雷迪森广场酒店管理集团旗下餐饮品牌杭州雷迪森龙井庄园 以茶文化为主题管理集团旗下餐饮品牌上虞万锦雷迪森大酒店管理集团旗下餐饮品牌慈溪雷迪森广场酒店管理集团旗下餐饮品牌南通雷迪森大酒店酒店组织架构图酒店组织架构图Organization ChartOrganization Chart董事会董事会The board of directorsThe board of directors王雄飞王雄飞董事长董事长组织结构总经理总经理General ManagerGeneral Manager 唐唐 杭杭 武武沈沈 雯雯副总经理副总经理余佳余佳总经理助理总经理助理占水永占水永主任主任陈文平陈文平副主任副主任林航正林航正副主任副主任组织结构 行政人事部行政人事部 HR 王惠莹王惠莹前厅部前厅部FO祝方祝方管家部管家部RD徐川仙徐川仙餐饮部餐饮部F&B游丽红游丽红组织结构市场营销部市场营销部S&M陈陈 洁洁 财务部财务部FD王晓玲王晓玲工程部工程部ENG董琰琰董琰琰安全部安全部SD周佳周佳厨房厨房cook余勇恒余勇恒组织结构前台前台为宾客提供客房预订为宾客提供客房预订, ,办理入住办理入住登记,信息咨询登记,信息咨询, , 客人留言客人留言, ,并并提供提供2424小时外币兑询小时外币兑询, ,留言等服留言等服务。务。Reception Reception The reception provides the room The reception provides the room reservation, check-in, registration, reservation, check-in, registration, information, message leaving, balance information, message leaving, balance checking foreign currency exchange checking foreign currency exchange service etc. in our lobby for 24 hours.service etc. in our lobby for 24 hours.礼宾部:礼宾部: 位于酒店一楼,为宾客提供行李运送及寄存,邮件寄发,物品转交,预定车辆,位于酒店一楼,为宾客提供行李运送及寄存,邮件寄发,物品转交,预定车辆,送递传真等服务。送递传真等服务。ConciergeConcierge On the first floor, provides guests the luggage delivery, mail delivery, car arranging, fax delivery service On the first floor, provides guests the luggage delivery, mail delivery, car arranging, fax delivery service etc. etc. 商务中心:商务中心: 位于酒店一楼,营业时间为位于酒店一楼,营业时间为:8:00-21:00:8:00-21:00。主要提供的服务项目包括:收发传真、。主要提供的服务项目包括:收发传真、国内国际电话直拨,电子邮件、复印、文字处理、装订,电脑出租,互联网,快递寄国内国际电话直拨,电子邮件、复印、文字处理、装订,电脑出租,互联网,快递寄发、票务预定会议室出租等服务。发、票务预定会议室出租等服务。Business CenterBusiness Center On the third floor, business time from 8:00am to 21:00pmServices the Business Center provides On the third floor, business time from 8:00am to 21:00pmServices the Business Center provides includes Fax, dail, E-mail, file copy, typing, word processing in both English and Chinese, laptop renting, includes Fax, dail, E-mail, file copy, typing, word processing in both English and Chinese, laptop renting, internet, EMS, ticket booking ,meeting room renting etc.internet, EMS, ticket booking ,meeting room renting etc.兰汀大堂吧兰汀大堂吧位于酒店大堂,是您享用各式特色咖啡、创意鸡尾酒和西位于酒店大堂,是您享用各式特色咖啡、创意鸡尾酒和西式糕点的好去处。式糕点的好去处。营业时间:营业时间:0808:30302323:0000(外包时间再定)(外包时间再定) Lanting Lobby BarLanting Lobby BarThe lanting lobby bar located in the hotel lobby.It is a good place that The lanting lobby bar located in the hotel lobby.It is a good place that you enjoy all kinds of special coffee,creative cocktails and western-style you enjoy all kinds of special coffee,creative cocktails and western-style cakes.Opening hourcakes.Opening hour:0808:30233023:00.00. 朋友酒廊朋友酒廊 置身置身Bon AmiBon Ami,写意款坐,在绚烂的落日余,写意款坐,在绚烂的落日余晖中,享受超凡绝俗的闲静;品尝经典酒品,晖中,享受超凡绝俗的闲静;品尝经典酒品,聆听拉丁、爵士音乐的现场演奏,犹如朋友之聆听拉丁、爵士音乐的现场演奏,犹如朋友之间的感情,愈陈愈香。间的感情,愈陈愈香。Bon Ami loungeBon Ami loungePlace oneself Bon Ami, freehand brushwork in Place oneself Bon Ami, freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting of sit in the evening glow of traditional Chinese painting of sit in the evening glow of gorgeous, enjoy extraordinary off the common quiet; gorgeous, enjoy extraordinary off the common quiet; Classic taste wine, listening to jazz music scene of the Classic taste wine, listening to jazz music scene of the Latin play, like the affection between friends and the Latin play, like the affection between friends and the more gets sweet.more gets sweet. 怡景咖啡厅怡景咖啡厅 位于酒店二楼,浪漫典雅的现代风格,回味位于酒店二楼,浪漫典雅的现代风格,回味悠远的浓厚香味,让您充分享受商务的快捷与悠远的浓厚香味,让您充分享受商务的快捷与舒适,旅游的惬意与愉悦,度假的闲暇与放松。舒适,旅游的惬意与愉悦,度假的闲暇与放松。自助早餐时间:自助早餐时间:7 7:00000909:3030Le Mistral cafLe Mistral cafLocated on the 2st floor of the hotel, romantic Located on the 2st floor of the hotel, romantic and elegant modern style, a strong aftertaste and elegant modern style, a strong aftertaste elusive flavor to the full enjoyment of your elusive flavor to the full enjoyment of your business quickly and comfortable, pleasant and business quickly and comfortable, pleasant and comfortable travel, leisure and relaxation comfortable travel, leisure and relaxation holiday .Opening hourholiday .Opening hour:6 6:30223022:0000 尚庭中餐厅尚庭中餐厅River yardRiver yardLocated in the second floor,it Located in the second floor,it has 11 luxury boxes that can has 11 luxury boxes that can service for 150guests.service for 150guests. 位于酒店三楼的多功能厅和位于酒店三楼的多功能厅和3 3间大小各异的会议室能满足您的各项会议要求。间大小各异的会议室能满足您的各项会议要求。 In the third floor of the hotel function rooms and three meeting rooms of different sizes to meet In the third floor of the hotel function rooms and three meeting rooms of different sizes to meet all your meeting requests.all your meeting requests.歌江宴会/会议厅歌江宴会/会议厅歌江厅歌江厅位于酒店三楼的多功能厅位于酒店三楼的多功能厅歌江厅,面积歌江厅,面积400400平米。简平米。简明易用的影音灯光设备,专为会议而设的餐饮美食,明易用的影音灯光设备,专为会议而设的餐饮美食,有我们为您打点一切,让工作变成享受。有我们为您打点一切,让工作变成享受。Go-gental HallGo-gental HallThe Go-gentall Hall located in the third floor of 400 square meters The Go-gentall Hall located in the third floor of 400 square meters area.The large-scale business conference with simple and easy-to-use area.The large-scale business conference with simple and easy-to-use lighting devices,the delicious food specially prepared for the conference as lighting devices,the delicious food specially prepared for the conference as well as our excellent service,will make your work become enjoyable.well as our excellent service,will make your work become enjoyable.酒店康乐设施棋牌室棋牌室KTV KTV 健身房健身房 菲姆菲姆KTVKTV位于酒店三位于酒店三楼,楼,健身房健身房 Fitness CenterFitness Center位于酒店位于酒店五五楼楼营业时间:营业时间:7 7:00-2300-23:0000棋牌室棋牌室 Chess and Card RoomChess and Card Room位于酒店位于酒店五楼五楼营业时间:营业时间:1212:00-200-2:00am00am 酒店客房楼层为酒店客房楼层为5-155-15层,共层,共136136间客房,其中间客房,其中11 11层、层、1212层为层为无烟楼层,无烟楼层,1212层、层、1515层为行政楼层为行政楼层,客人可以一览无遗地俯瞰层,客人可以一览无遗地俯瞰钱塘江璀璨景观。钱塘江璀璨景观。 Hotel has 136 rooms, the floors 5-15 Hotel has 136 rooms, the floors 5-15 are room floor, are room floor, 11 and 12 floor are non-smoking floor, 11 and 12 floor are non-smoking floor, 12 and 15 floor are executive floor, 12 and 15 floor are executive floor, guests can glance looks down at the guests can glance looks down at the Qiantang river bright landscape.Qiantang river bright landscape.客房楼层酒店客房酒店客房: :5 5F F-15-15F F无烟楼层无烟楼层: :1111F-F-1212F F行政楼层行政楼层: :1212F F、15F15F行政酒廊行政酒廊:15F15F客房设施 符合人体工程学的书桌和椅子符合人体工程学的书桌和椅子 光纤高速上网光纤高速上网 保险箱保险箱 3232英寸液晶电视英寸液晶电视 浴袍浴袍 吹风机吹风机 羽绒被羽绒被 电话电话 语音留言系统语音留言系统 数字电视数字电视 茶、咖啡茶、咖啡 迷你吧迷你吧房型介绍高级房高级房(双床或大床)(双床或大床)豪华房(双床或大床)豪华房(双床或大床)行政双床房行政双床房行政豪华房(双床或大床)行政豪华房(双床或大床)豪华套房豪华套房行政套房行政套房行政豪华套房行政豪华套房维嘉贵宾套房维嘉贵宾套房其中双床房其中双床房7575间、间、大床房大床房6060间间 ,贵宾,贵宾套房分成两个房间,套房分成两个房间,共计共计135135间间, ,其中其中3030间可由双床拼成大间可由双床拼成大床。床。房价表房价表TariffTariff房价表房价表行政楼层行政楼层特权:行政楼层特权: 进入位于酒店进入位于酒店1212、1515楼的行政楼层楼的行政楼层 私人管家服务私人管家服务 欢迎水果、欢迎鲜花欢迎水果、欢迎鲜花 免费软饮享受免费软饮享受 快速入住、退房快速入住、退房 繁华都市中的宁静港湾和私密繁华都市中的宁静港湾和私密豪华居所豪华居所, , 让您在舒适惬意的空让您在舒适惬意的空间内彻底放松。间内彻底放松。 清新闲适的氛清新闲适的氛围将唤醒您的感官。围将唤醒您的感官。 13136 6间装潢间装潢典雅的舒适的客房典雅的舒适的客房, ,可确保您尽可确保您尽情放松、恢复活力。情放松、恢复活力。 In the busy city quiet harbour and In the busy city quiet harbour and illicit close luxurious dwelling place, let illicit close luxurious dwelling place, let you be in comfortable space complete you be in comfortable space complete loosen. Pure and fresh and leisurely loosen. Pure and fresh and leisurely atmosphere will awaken your senses. atmosphere will awaken your senses. Between the 1Between the 13636elegant decoration and elegant decoration and comfortable guest room, can ensure that comfortable guest room, can ensure that you relax and restore vitality.you relax and restore vitality.酒店套房酒店套房 SuiteSuite我们期待您的精彩表现!我们期待您的精彩表现!Looking forward to your achievementLooking forward to your achievement