2022年衢州市衢江区九年级中考英语一模试题卷考生须知:1.全卷共七大题,71小题,薪分为120分。考i树同为100分钟。2 .全卷分为卷I (迭择题)和卷】1 (非迭择题)两局部,全部在“答题纸”上作答。卷I的答案 必须用2B钳笔填注;卷n的答案必须用黑色字迹徊笔或筌字笔写在“答题纸的相应位置上。3 .清用黑色字迹柄笔或签字笔在“答题纸”上先填写姓名和准考证号。卷I说明:本卷共有三大题,45小题,薪分70分。第一局部听力局部一、听力(共15小题,薪分25分)第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个迭顶中迭出正确的迭顶,回答i可题。(共5小题;每题1 分,薪分5分)How will the man go to school?A. Bv bus.B. Be car C. By bike.1. Whaf s wrong with ths woman"A. Sha s sot a fever. B. Sha s got a cough. C. Sha s got a headache.2. How is the weaker going to be?A. Ratnv.B. Cloudv.C. SunnvWhvdtdnt ±e womanlike stavinE in India?A. Because of crowded traffic.B. Because of hot weatherC. Because of living cost.3. Wliat sthepos sible relationship bmtwman ths two speakers?A. Waiter and customer. B. Doctor and patient. C. Dad and daughter.第二节:听长对话,从A、B、C三个迭项中迭出正确的选项,回答下列问题。(共5小题;每题2 分,薪分10分)听下无一萤故长对话,习号6、7问题.4. Wherm will the camp be held?A. In Rome. B. In Huston. C. In Manchester.?. How。也n will the boy practise soccer'7A. Everv dav. B. Twice a week. C. Ones a month.听下五一段级长对话.SO 8-10 ir®.S. Wherm are the two speakers?A. At the garden.B. At the fsstaurant. C. At the sup式market.9. What doesthe girl like1A. Carrots. B. Potatoes. C. Tomatoes.10. How does the man describe his hobby”A. Exciting. B. Relaxing. C. Boring.第三节:昕下面一段独白,从A、B、C三个选项巾迭出正确的选项,回答i可题。(共5小题; 每题2分,总分值10分)What does the speaker do?A. A co ok B. A teacher. C. A presenter.11. What is the new product?A. Adisbvashei. B. AcookinE robot.C. A washing machine.12. How lone has company spent designing the productA. For about 4 years. B. For about 5 vean. C. For about 6 vaars.13. What can the product do?A. Wash dishes. B. Sweep the floor C. Order meals online.14. How can we set more information about the product?A. Call the con5)any.B. Visit the official web site. C. Send the company emails.第二局部笔试局部二、完形填空(共15小题;每题1分,莉分15分)法读下董短文,掌握其大意,然后从每盟所的A、B, C、D四个选项丰选出员隹选项.Cassandra Naud is verv hot on the Internet these davs. She is a eood 16 and sha was bom with a brown WWW"J-Ibirthmark (由记)under her fight eye. It covers a large part of her face so it is very easy to be 17. His parentswere Eitan a chance to remo the birthmark rtEht after her birth. But thev ware IS about that it mieht be dangerous for her. so they refused to putbabjr Cassandra under the 19 just for meetins the aesthetic(审 美的) needs of public.Cassandra experienced a 20 childhood m priman* school though she had tha great love of her parents. Her schoolmates often 21 her because of her birthmark. She was heartbroken with what they said and had to _22 in comers and fight back tears. She was even ataid of hcnv she would be treated 23 she went to highschool.At the age of 13 she took an important 24 to change her life. She told her parents she wanted to have her birthmark removed. They were 25 that but they chose to understand her and respect her decision. So they 26 invited a great doctor to opeiate on her. The doctor said that if she had the opexation. there, would be the 27 of beins left with a lazv After knowing this, she decided to keep her birthmark, and tried to find out thw 2S side of it.Cassandra dreamed of being an excellent dancer. She realised that the birthmark would make 29 more mVVSAAAAAAmemorable and popular amonz the dancers. From then on. she beean to 30 her birthmark instead of trvinE tohide it and she also learnt to face the world with brieht smiles.16.A. StDEBfB. dancerC. actressD. doctor17. A. seenB. movedC. cleanedD. chansedIS.A. crazvB. angryC. excitedD. worried19. A. evesB. faceC knifeD. table20. A. busyB. safeC. shortD. hard21. A. looked afterB. listened toC. laughed atD. believed in22. A. crvB. waitC.talkD.sleep23. A. before.B. whenC. untilD. unless24. A. noteB. seatC. breakD decision25. A. certain ofB. surprised atC. pleased withD. interested in26. A. neverB. alreadyC. immediatelvD. suddenly27. A. riskB. wishC. prideD. dream28.A. silentB. commonC. modernD. pleasant29. A. usB. themC. herD.it30. A. missB. loveC. checkD. find三、阅读理解(共15小题;每题2分,总分值30分)阅读下五四运追文,从每理所言的A, B. C, D四个选项半进出最匡选项.Do you want to so somawhera exciting? The Arctic (北 极)is a good place. The beauty of this place attracts thousands of tourists evenr vearto see its wonderful wildlife, natural sidits and local cultures. Even thoush thm Arctic w *is a popular tourist area, dont forzet that people live there too. Ramember to show your respect to local culture and protect the local environment.If you want to make an Arctic vistting plan, you can refer to the following chart.The International TourismWhen to go on a North Pole crutit一Acc ording to the text what should tourists pay attention to in the Arctic?A. Wearrng warm clothes and shoes.B. Following an experienced guide.C. Respecting the local people and culture. D. Starting an envtroniaent protection project.31. Vlien is the best time to see most kinds of Arctic animals'A. Aprtl& May. B. Juna& July. C. August& September. D. November. & December.32. In which part of a newspaper may ±is passage appear7A. Travel. B. Nature. C. Culture. D. Eduction.BIt's commonlv known that sreenhouse eases like carb on dioxide (CO:) causes elobal wanninE. The whole wodd has made great efforts to imprc-ethe situation. Especially, ±e trees planted in China are playing an important role.A report published tn Nature shows ±atCO: absorption (吸收)in two new forest areas in China is more than we thought. The two areas are located in China s south-estem and northeastem provinces. They make up over 35 percent of Chinas carbon sinks. Carbon sinks are natural s%3tams that absorb and store CO: from the air. The main natural carbon sinks are trees and other plants.According to Paul Palmer. these pr(r/inces have been working on rapid forestation (irin large areas. Over thapast 10 to 15 years, the forest areas have kept incraasms by 400-4.400 square kilometeis psi year.Inner Monsolia is now coveted with trees. In 2019. Alipay's Ant Forest pfosramChina ts one of the world s bissest countries of human-produced CO% A. In 1978. China began a national-leval fofBStatton project. Many trees have planted tn the areas of northern China to act as Sndbreaks. For example, about one third of the Kubuqt Desert in planted 122 millton trees and won the UN Champions of the Earth award for helping 500 million people live low-carbon lives.China s goal is to reach carbon neutrality by 2060. Carbon neutrality refers to famoving as much CO: as one puts into the air. If China s zoal is achieved, it will lower global wanninH bv around 0.2 to 0.3 C alone, accordme to Climate Action Tracker (CAT).33. China s two naw forests areas.A. play an important role mtree-plintinEare in the southwest and northeast of ChinaB. cover more than halfofChinas carbon sinksmainly absorb and store trees and other plants34. In Paragraphs 4 Paul Palmer shows China s achievement in fofestationbyA. using number B. asking questions C. giving examples D. comparing facts35. Which ofthe follow4nM can ba put tn the in Paragraph 4?A. and it has caused serious environnHntal problemsso the government wtU take steps to stop air pollutionB. though most of Chinese people are living low-carb on livesbut our countrv has been workins on reducinE its climate influence 936. The p&ssase mainly talks about.A. what causes zlobal wanningB. what China doasto lower slobal warminsC. how China produces so much CO)D. how trees absorb and store CO: from the airStress (互力)has bean a part of my life for as Ions as I can femember. Whan I was a kid. I stiessad over some news reports. Why was there so many bad things happening tn the wodd? And every age and stage comes with new problems: exams, friends. lo*e. loss, job. tamilv and death. One ntzht while I was facins a wittns deadline. I could feel the worn1 setting tn. Vas it possible that stress was making me feel good?As a psychologist (心窿学家),Catherine Jackson, PhD, says, ' In tact stress is a mu st for people to Hva; Good stress is known as "eustress' and it comes with different advantases. Manv studies have shown that Yu stress” will XA/WWVW_JVWWXA/Whelp people to keep healthy and eneisetic.Dr. Jackson finds stress can also increass your powet and creativity to con5lete a task. Anotber advantage is improved peftonnance.' she adds. Low levels of stress can make a good influence on brntn power and improve nnmorv and leamms abilities in short time, wBrDf. Jackson sugeests reconstdeitnE the word' stress'' as 1 pressure.* This could change how you go onto do with the situation. But its important to tell the differen:e between them/'Stress nearly takes people s bfath away, and the goal is to reduce it/ Dr. Jackson explains. but pressure is having something depend on your perfonnanc fora good result;'I changed the mind about stress that nizht. For the first time in mv life. I was actuallv constdarinE stress 一3Ldiffeiently. In my case, my deadline finally had a good result. It s almost as if this pressuie helped me get the job done. I might never be able to make bad stress disappear completely. but I can change my thoughts. and that's a step in the right directton.3S.Tha writer stressful when he was little because of.A. news B. exams C. love D. friends39.AccordinEto ParaEiaph2. *eustress' can help peopleA. stay fit B. set high scores C. find goodjobs D. increase creativity40.The undeiltifi word ' pressure' tn Paragraph4 means something thatA. takes vour breath awav B. chanses vour mindC. pushes you foiward D. makes you nervous41. Which of the following shows the structure ofthe whole passage?DThe next dav would be Christmas, and Della had only S If" to buv a sift for Jim. Now. there were onlv two possessions (财北).One was Jim s sold watch &omhts grandfather. The other was Della s hair.She went to the street with tears. Then she saw a sign. Hair Goods ”11 Will you bw my hair?1' asked Della.“I buy hairsaid the woman. "Taka your hat off”“Twantv dollars.v said tha woman.aGtve it to me quiddyj s&td Della.The next two hours, sha was seaichmg through the stores for Jim's gift. She found a watch chain:表廷)at last. As soon as she saw it she knsw that it must be Jim s although it needed $21.At about seven. Jim BOt homa. 'Jim. darlinE.' she cried, "dont look at me that wav. I had my hair cut off and sold.You dont know what a nice gift Ive got for you. Let s be happy.”"You ve cut off your hair T asked Jim.“Cut it off and sold it; said Della. *kDontyou like me just as welL anyhow,Jim took out a package and threw it upon the table.“Dem t make any mistake. Delia., he said. I don,t think there s anythine that could make me like mv eirl anvless.But if you open that package, you may under stand.',After opaninE it sha bunt into joy but then shecxiad.For there lay the set of combs(配于)that Della had always wanted. They ware expansive, she knew. And nou ±ey v/er e hen. but her hair was sone.But she hugeed him and said.,My hair grows fast:Jim had not vet seen his beautiful Eirt. She held it out to him. "Isnt it wonderful Jim? Youll look at the time ahundred times a day now. Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it/'But Jim put hts hands under the back of his head and said. Let s put our girts away. I sold the watch to get the monevto buvvour combs." 4)0From The Gift ofthe MagiBy 0 HennrWhich is the correct order ofthe following eventsa. Jim came back home at seven.B. Della decided to sell her hair.C. Jim sent a set of combs to Della.D. Della boxidit a watch chain for Jim.A. a-b-c-d. B. a-d-b-c. C. b-c-a-d. D. b-d-a<.42. How did Jim feel when ha found Dalia s hair was cut?A. Afraid. B. Worried. C. Happy. D. Surprised.43. What can we infer (推柠)from the underlined sentence 'bly hair grows fast; Jim!”?A. Della faeretted cutting her hair B. Della wanted to show offher hair.C. Della tried to make Jim happy. D. Della hoped to sell the naw combs.45.Th,purpouoftbt story is toA. t«U ushowto choopfopK fiftsC. d«scrtb«th*love bttx-nn Jim &nd IllaB. show th,impoftuct of ChristmisD. tMch uito b,hont$twith out family卷JI说明:本卷共有四大题,26小盘,总分值50分。、任的同读(共5小血喇心2分,高分10分)假工你是辛骨.你4在学校的英,修文化可用可学们挹湾(焚莅&后这本书任务A:清补金4&49密的停息.每生虐-一司.任务B:情嫌一决你对这本的卷遂,充或第505s.不超过10个词.The$Kr<t Gird口i$written byFructsHodpoQ Buniett.Iti$ one otBuraett$ mostpopultrnols.Th< Ski*t Gvdtn wu first published tn ten issuts of ThtKtcu M&pztne (Nombtr 1910-Aupjst 1911). It was first published tn book form in Avgust 1911 by th FrMenck A. Stokes Company tn N«w York: it wt$ also published ±it yen bv Willum Heinemun in Londoa Difftrent editions(枝 上) were published in the late 1980$ and eirly 1990s. such is a full<olour illustrated(有挡出的)edition from David R. Godine Publisher tn 19S9.wvwvwlixy, a girl of The Secret Garden, gets the k«y t。±e garden and finds its hidden door. The girl loves the secret E&fden. where she plays with her cousin. Colin. M&eic&llyt ill kinds ofb&d habits on them dis&ppe&rName: The Secret GardenName: The Secret GardenGenre: Novel46: Frances Hodeson Burnett46: Frances Hodeson BurnettNilin Characters: Alary and ColinStoryline: Mary; whoe parents were detd. went to live with her uncle. The 典den of her unde was & magic phce to Alary. One day, Man* got the key and entered the E&rden. She found Colm there and 41 happily with him. The garden opened a new and wonderful world for them.Publication historyIn 1911In 1911November 191 O-August 1911Published in The A/nericac MagazinJ |Pubhshed in book form in New York and 4850. Whxt do you think of this book?In 49五、词汇运用(共10小题 每小颗1分,薪分10分)愎据宣文内容和所给中文提示.在王自处写出单词的三宿形式.每三医审一词.To help people develop good habits. Gear Plate offers users credit points :度打'三 W®) that can be used to buy products.After finishing dinner at the dining hall. Bi Haibao. a taacher. took s ome 51(熙片)of his empty plates andposted on a WeOiatprosram called Gear Plate. After that, he 52 (收 到)some creditpointsthat couldbeused to buy products or give meals to people in need. Bi led a student 53(队 伍)to enter a competition tor theactivity. "It is suqjrisine. as all the members had enjoyed 54(可 为)food by the end of the tenn.' he said.Liu Jinchen. who founded Clear Plate tn 55(十月)201S. s&td rafusinE food waste should be a lifestyleWW VS/WWWK,,*-V56 (透 ») . His pro gram has helped about 4.200.000 people and given away over 20.000 meals. "It s not an easy job. but I can leam a lot and improve 57 (我 自己)by doing these things/* Liu said. He believes that good behavior should be encouraged audit will 58(或许)become a good habit. He has helped millions of people to fonn the habit of clear tng the plates in an 59 (有 段)way.Liu was named one of the 60( +-C) young leaders by the UN in 2 020. And ha is the only Chinese pen cmto set the honor so far六、语法填空(共10小题;诲