精品_精品资料_资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -优秀范文如何写好高考英语开放作文浅评同学开放作文的习作首都师范高校附中马德玲海淀老师进修学校柳宁一、命题原就今年高考将使用新的考试说明.依据20XX 年一般高等学校招生全国统一考试北京卷 考试说明, 最大的一个变动就是在书面表达题型,即由以往的一篇情形作文调整为情形作文和开放作文两小题.将书面表达题,由以往的25分增加至35 分.新增加的其次篇作文英文为open-endingcomposition .它所给提示比较简略,要求同学依据供应的情形,写一段接续文字.这篇作文要求同学充分发挥想象力和制造力,自己拓展主题,组织篇章结构,既能表达出同学活跃的思维.又能表现出他们的规律思维才能和敏捷运用英语的才能.它要求同学必需在短时间内写出一篇内容充实新奇、思想健康、符合规律、交际得体的,字数不少于30个字的作文.二、解题要点由于开放作文是今年高考的新题型,因此同学们写作的时候没有前车之鉴 (范文)可循.另外对评分标准(15 分)也无据可查.但是依据考试说明中对开放作 文的评分原就,我们可以得知只有那些内容充实、思维活跃、规律清晰,交际得体的文章才能够得高分第四档(1115 分).而那些内容贫乏,句式单一的文章,尽管可能没有语法错误,也不能够得满分.那么,如何写好高考开放作文了?我们依据教学中同学们平常练习时所显现的问题,一起进行分析、探究,初步总结出要写好作文应当留意到几点事项,现在供应应大家参考:1 、认真审题,即:审语境、审人称、审时态2 、要紧扣主题,符合要求,首尾呼应3 、留意写作对象和语言风格,要有读者的意识4 、要进行细致描写,有细节的支撑5 、要有主次之分,详略得当6 、要力求内容新奇,必需符合规律7 、要做到思想健康,积极向上三、解题步骤我们先拿一篇开放作文为例,依据它所给提示的简略语境.看一看如何着手审题.SITUATION :OneSaturdayafternoon,LiHuaandWangPingwere playing in the woods when they found a bird on the ground. They picked it upand found it wounded.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -优秀范文Supposing you are Li Hua and Wang Ping. Please tell us what you did with the bird.在拿到题以后,我们第一要按做到如下摸索:1 、审语境:一个星期六的下午,李华和王平在树林里玩,这时他们在的上发觉一只小鸟,他们拣起小鸟的,发觉小鸟受伤了2 、审人称:Supposing you are Li Hua and Wang Ping.从今句的提示中可以看出时要求你以李华和王平两个人的口气续写,因此人称就该是we .3 、审时态 :Please tell us what you did with the bird.在这个提示语中的did正是打算同学在写作中所用的时态应当是过去时.四、浅评习作我们先共同来看一看同学们已经写好的文章,找出其中的问题所在:例 1:If I were Li Hua I would try my best to save the bird. I would put the bird carefullyintomysofthat tokeepit warm.Andthencarriedit to an animal hospital assoon as possible.I think doctor could helpit. Ifthe bird can live I would carry it back home, and took care of it until it can fly back to the woods. Ifit couldn t live, I would buried it. I think whoever meet this thing will do just likewhat I did. Everybody would like to see this bird family live happily together, isnt it.【分析】可以说这篇文章没有符合要求,由于整篇文章使用了虚拟语气.从文章的开始 If I wereLi Hua I wouldtry mybestto savethe bird.I wouldput thebird carefully into my soft hat to keep it warm就表示一种与事实相反的陈述: “要是我是李华我就会如何” ,从作者的意识上就根本没有把“我”当做“李华”, 这就没有符合我们刚刚在审题时所提到的: “假如你是李华和王平, 表达你们对这只鸟做了什么.”因此这篇文章严峻不符合要求.例 2: First find the wound of the bird quickly. Second, tidy the wound carefully and softly and remember not to make the bird pain a lot. Then put some medicine on it and tie a cloth around the wound.【分析】从这篇文章的表达语气上看,作者使用了祈使句.我们都知道祈使句是表示一种命令、恳求等,它一般是表示将来的时态的行为.这篇文章仍是犯了与前一篇同样的错误,违反了此篇作文的时态要求.例 3:I was worried about the little bird when I had picked it up. Its leg was seriously hurt. So I decided to bring it to see the doctor. But Li Hua told me that the doctor couldnt see the animals. At last we put it on a big tree, because webelieved it could be safer in the woods than in the city. We hoped it could be better now.【分析 】1.从这篇文章的人称上看,存在着肯定的问题.我们在审题时知道可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -优秀范文了人称要用 we,依据要求此处应当是以俩个人的口气写的,可是本文却使用了“ I”一个人 .另外,有的同学仍用了they,同样违反了文章关于人称要求.2.上面的文章仍存在着肯定的规律性问题.由于其次句已经提到了小鸟的腿严峻的受伤,而第五句话中就说我们把小鸟又放回到树上.虽然有“we believed it could be safer in the woods than in the city.”和“ We hoped it could be better now. ”,但是既然小鸟的腿已经严峻的受伤,依据正常规律思维, 再把小鸟放回树上一般来说它也不行能活下去.例 4:First we are looking at the bird carefully in order to know where the bird has wounded. Then we treated the bird carefully and decided to take the bird to see a doctor, where it could have a better medical care. After that, when the bird is getting better, we let it free.【分析】这篇文章很简洁.请看划线部分,作者在这里只是单纯提到“认真处理了一下”,但是并没有说明到底是如何处理的.缺少细致的描写,就像建房只 搭架子不用砖一样, 显得空洞无味. 英语写作有一条座右铭, 那就是 “show more thantell”,意思是细节表达肯定要多于抽象陈述,也就是写作要细节化或举例说 明.我们尽量用看得见、摸得着的东西来详细表达思想.才能使文章充实、好玩, 符合开放作文要求的.例 5:One day afternoon, Wang Ping and I were playing happily in the wood. We were playing balls and suddenly the ball ran into the other side of the road. I hurried to get it when I saw a bird lying there and I found it was wounded. We quickly took it to the hospital and the doctor gave the bird some medicine andwe took it back home then. It was getting better and better and we decided to set it free the next day.【分析】洋洋洒洒的一篇文章,从语言上看没有问题,好像很完善.就要求而言,好像也提到了what we did .但是从文章的整体结构上看,前面的三句话都是和本文要求关系不大,只有后面的两句回答了作文的要求.也就是说这篇文章 的五分之三都是脱离主题余外的话,何况文章前面已给了简略的语境提示.此文 章没有做到主次之分,得不了满分.例 6:Wang Ping told me that he was a little hungry and we could eat the bird. I agreed with him and we found some dry wood and put it together. Then we cooked the bird. It was really delicious. What a happy day.【分析】文章语言没有问题,虽然也回答了what you did with the bird.但事情进展的结果是把小鸟烤着吃了,而且感觉It wasreallydelicious .结尾仍说 “ What a happy day. ” 在世界绿色和平组织提倡人类要爱惜动物,爱护大自然的文明活动中,这种行为可不是人们情愿接受的.作为同学仍是应当写一些思想健康的事情.只有同学们在留意到了以上几点以后,要积极不断的总结体会, 多读好范文,勤练笔常写作,才能在短时间内写出好文章.我们来观赏下面的两篇文章,分析一下他们的写作特点:可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -优秀范文例 7:Thinking that it might die without treatment, we took it home. I made a little nest for it and gave it some rice to eat. Some days later, the bird recovered. We took it out and let it be back to the woods. I thought we had done so good a thing.例 8:We put the bird in my hat and took it to the animal hospital. The doctorsaid that one of its wing was hurt. He gave us some medicine and told us to put it on the wound once a day. We took the bird home and took good care of it. A few days later, the bird could fly again.【分析】这两篇文章的特点是语言清晰自然,特别切合文章的要求.几个动词清晰的表达了要求中提到的whatyoudid .文章符合规律,主次分明,思想健康,我们认为是两篇很好的文章.我们再来看下一篇文章,比较一下,看它的特点在哪里:例 9:We tried to save the bird by giving it some water and food. And then we decided to take it to the animal hospital, but it was too late. After a short while, the bird couldnt move at all and it was dead. So we dug a small hole and put the bird into it as a tomb. What a pity.【分析】这篇文章与前两篇同样是步骤清晰,基本符合了文章的要求.另外, 它的特殊之处,就是新奇一些.许多同学看到语境提示后,普遍、直观的想法就是去救小鸟,并且救活它,结局是皆大喜悦.而这篇文章写的也是在努力救小鸟,但是没有救活,后来仍给它做了个小坟墓,好像在寄托哀思.从这点来看也能表 现出我们对动物的爱惜.这不正是表达了文章的新奇之处吗?的确,除了上面所提到的要留意的问题以外,内容新奇也是至关重要的.我们在写作时要留意的是求新并不等于求怪,并不是说越希奇奇怪、越离谱越好.内容新奇并非是别人完全没提过的、全新的想法,而是别人在相同的情形之下讲 得比较少的, 又不违反规律的想法. 由于新奇的思路能够充分表现同学的制造力, 这正好符合新课标所提倡的素养训练,因此这一点是举足轻重的.另外,我们仍要提示大家留意:文章尽量要能够做到首尾呼应,使文章有肯定的完整性.文章仍应当做到“交际得体,表达完全与规定语境中交际对象的需求相吻合”.即具有肯定的读者意识,要依据不同读者的需求,挑选适当的语言风格与写作内容,也就是说在阅卷老师看完你的文章以后不会对你所表达的语 言有疑虑.这样可以不影响得分.字数要符合要求,不要过多也不要太少,过多了显得罗嗦, 太少了又无法说明意思. 按要求不少于 30 字.尽量使用口语化语言.写作的形式是多种多样的.除了考试说明样卷中表达形式以外,仍有描写、说明、谈论等形式,我们在进行开放写作练习时要勉励同学深化摸索,挖掘题材,力求内容充实、新奇、健康,同时仍应当要求同学留意细节表达,培育同学写作 时的读者意识.书面表达是考查考生语言综合运用才能的题型.而语言学问是语言运用才能的基础,要提高语言综合运用才能就必需具备必要的语言学问.因此,在对同学可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_资料word 精心总结归纳 - - - - - - - - - - - -优秀范文进行写作技巧训练的同时也要重视语言的基础学问.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_学习资料 名师精选 - - - - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 5 页 - - - - - - - - - -可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载