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11.7大陆雅思写作7分范文及解析:预防再犯罪问 题(附2020写作预测题库领取)报告类大作文,犯罪类话题People continue to commit crimes even after being punished for it. Why do you think this happens? How can crime be stopped?题目来源:2020年11月7日大陆雅思大作文(重复15年5月21日 的大陆考题)题目大意有些人犯罪受罚之后还会去犯罪。为什么?如何阻止?1. 思路解析这道题目属于犯罪类话题。为什么有人犯罪受罚后还会去犯罪,题目 本身不难,但是会有同学在分析原因的时候局限在“处分手段本身, 而忽略了外部社会环境的影响。有的人会再犯罪的根本原因,我们可以从两方面出发来考虑。一是当事人自身原因,比方,有的人先天自控能力比拟弱、容易情绪化 导致不好的结果;或者希望寻求刺激、通过犯罪来满足心理需求;二是外部社会问题,比方教育缺乏导致当事人缺乏足够是非判断或者工 作能力;或者是社会对有犯罪记录的人歧视,造成当事人没法再就业 养活自己或者心理受到伤害从而采取报复行为。针对不同情况,我们可以再来看下,针对不同情况,如何有效阻止。针对先天性自控力较弱、容易情绪化(暴躁)或者通过犯罪来寻求刺 激的情况,我们可以采取的手段是创造一个积极的生活环境,通过专 业的人员和方式来教导当事人正确的行为、如何管理自己的情绪,以 及当情绪失控或者希望寻求刺激时,如何能够寻找到非犯罪的替代途 径或者及时自我调整。(提醒:在写作考题中,有一道题目就是专门问你是不是同意犯罪是 先天导致以及如何防范的)对于那些因为外部因素犯罪的人,我们首先要明白一点,除了那些本 身缺乏法律观念的人,绝大多数人犯罪(包括反复犯罪)都是因为在 他的认知里,找不到其他更好的生存手段或者解决问题的手段了。所 以解决这个问题才是预防犯罪的有效手段。针对受教育缺乏导致犯罪的人,在处分过程中,除了教会对方正确的 是非观、价值观和对于法律敬畏之心外,还应该教会对方如何通过正 当途径来养活自己,并且帮助对方掌握一门手艺或者技能。但有很对人出狱后发现,哪怕他们掌握一门技能或者主观上不愿意再犯 罪,但是社会对他们往往会有偏见,比方企业不愿意录用有“犯罪记录 的人,或者其他人在生活中歧视当事人甚至认为一定会再犯罪。这种情况下,对于当事人的处理手段是没有用的,而是应该通过教育 或者宣传的手段,减少社会歧视,或者定点定向帮助当事人来解决就 业问题(比方有专门聘用有过犯罪记录的人的工厂),创造一个公平 公正、让当事人能够正常融入社会的环境。最后在讲一个点,同学们不一定要掌握(因为很难写好),但是可以作为课外知识了解下。贫富差距的极端化会极大程度上滋生犯罪。就像刚刚提到很多人犯罪 是因为没有更好的生存方式,绝对的贫穷和相对的贫穷都是犯罪的温 床。经济弱势的一方所能控制的社会资源和政治资源更少,进而能够 保障自己权益的方式也就更少。而当弱势群体长期无法融入社会甚至 生存权都受到威胁时,便会采用暴力也就是犯罪的方式来对抗。之后如果有机会,我们会专门写一篇犯罪类话题的素材积累,届时再 跟大家进一步提供。2. 提纲容易情绪化寻求刺激教育(资源)缺乏歧视有犯罪记录的人自控力较弱缺乏是非判断能力和对法律敬畏心缺乏生存技能生活上歧视造成心理伤害再就业困难贫富差3巨3. 高分范文例如It is always one of the governments priorities to reduce crime rate in order to ensure social security. Among all the crimes, many are committed by ex-criminals. Hence, people start to examine the reasons of re-offence and methods to prevent illegal activities.The chief cause for re-offence is for the sake of survival. Many criminals, after being imprisoned for years without contacting with the outside world, have been detached from the society. The skills they have become obsolete and no longer match the current job requirements. Moreover, usually employers are reluctant to hire people who used to be convicted because being criminals seems to indicate character flaws or lack of morality. It can be tough for people who left jail to find occupations, thereby unable to support a living. Thus, many of them continue to commit crimes after being punished to have a source of income or even to get themselves back to jail again where they do not have to worry about not having food to eat and shelter to sleep.To reduce crime rate, there are several feasible ways. The first measure is rehabilitation in jail and after release. The government can conduct career training sessions to equip the criminals with the skills necessary for them to find a job after serving the sentence. Meanwhile, the perfection of social guarantee system for released people, such as encouraging companies to hire ex-convicts further enhance the condition of people who have left jail. Secondly, the importance of education cannot be underestimated. There can be more publicity on the severity of crimes to the public in order to deter people from committing crimes. The government should also try to ensure proper domestic education as children who grow up with parents or guardians who have bad habits may imitate what they see. This can be achieved by constant home visits to evaluate the condition of children, and finding appropriate foster families for children.To sum up, the primary reason for people to re-offend after being punished is their inability to make a living after release. Rehabilitation for convicts and education are solutions that can be used to prevent crimes from happening.4. 相关词汇和语法结构Priority优先考虑re-offence 再犯罪Detach别离Convict 宣判Morality 道德Rehabilitation 康复