the codde oof vverssionn 50004 is morre ccreddiblle ,POSST ccardd seelf-tesst iis mmoree deetaiileddUserr's guiide of fouur-bbit codde PPOSTT caard Thiss Usser''s gguidde iis ffit forr thhe ccommmon commputter posst ccardd (tthe PI00050) annd tthe notte bbookk coompuuterr poost carrd (M044).四位代码码形电脑脑主板故故障诊断断卡使用用说明(Theere aree edditiionss inn Chhineese forr yoou tto cchooose)可选配中中文说明明书 Noot oonlyy diiagnnosee thhe ttrouublee off maain boaard butt allso thee trroubble of thee POOST carrd, keeep uuserrs ffromm miisunnderrstaandiing . Moore comppatiiblee wiith maiin bboarrd PPIV, ennd tthe hisstorry tthat thee POOST carrd iis uunabble to worrk aas tthe maiinbooardd uppdatte cconsstanntlyy. Yoou ccan connsullt tthe codde tthatt haas rrun; Prresss thhe sswittch oncce aand thee coode pauusess Itt doo noo haarmss too deevicce wwhille iinseert thee caard wroonglly wwithh a speeakeer oon tthe carrd tto rremiind youu thhere is an errror, SMMD ddeviice thaat pprottectt yoour hannds. Testt thhe sspeeed oof PPCI andd ISSA bbus of thee coompuuterr, yyou willl gget thee reesullt aas ssoonn ass yoou ttestt itt. IIt ccan hellp yyounnot suffferr loossees wwhenn yoou bbuy thee coompuuterr, aand alsso hhelpp yoou sselll thhe ccompputeer tthatt haas aa faast buss sppeedd att goood priice. .CataaloggueI、Frrontt Viiew 2II、IImpllicaatioon oof wwordd/nuumbeer oof ffourr-biit ccodee POOST carrd 3 III、Floow ccharrt 44 、Diistiinguuishh trrue andd faalsee 7、OBBLIGGATOORY CONNTENNT 7 、Deescrripttionn off LEED ddispplayys 88 、Errrorr coode tabble 88 、Deescrripttionn off beeep codde 330 、Frrequuenttly-askked queestiionss 34I、 Fronnt VVieww This card that named PI0050 is fit for common computerThis card named M04 is fit for notebook computer.II、IImpllicaatioon oof wwordd/nuumbeer oof ffourr-biit ccodee poost carrdwordd/NUUMDesccripptioonStarrt aautoomattic diaagnoosiss affterr itt diispllayeed ffor aboout hallf aa seeconnd1The firrst funnctiion symmboll off maain mennu,tthenn ennterr coode connsulltinng ffuncctioon aafteer iit ddispplayyed forr abboutt haalf a ssecoond2The seccondd fuuncttionn syymbool oof mmainn meenu,theen ddispplayy thhereeferennce speeed of buss affterr itt diispllayeed ffor aboout hallf aa seeconnd3The thiird funnctiion symmboll off maain mennu,ddispplayy thhe vverssionnnummberr"50002"" affterr itt diispllayeed ffor aboout hallf aa seeconnd4The fouurthh fuuncttionn syymbool oof mmainn meenu,staart to tesst tthe carrd aand diispllay froom ""00000"、"11111"" tto ""FFFFF" aftter it dissplaayedd foor aabouut hhalff a seccondd5The 5thh fuuncttionn prromppt ,staart sellf-ttestt affterr thhe pprommpt dissplaayedd foor aabouut hhalff seeconnd. .Ass loong as eacch oof 44 biits cann diispllay symmbolls, no mattterr whhat it dissplaays, the POSST pproccesss paasseed. Beccausse oof tthe POSST cconttentt haas bbeenn ennhanncedd a lott, pplennty of symmbolls aare esppeciial . yyou cann paay nno aatteentiion to it.P CC IIt iindiicattes thaat tthe sloot yyou inssertt thhe ccardd iss PCCI sslott,annd wwaitt fooryoou tto cconssultt thhe nnextt coode by presssinng ffuncctioon sswittch.I SS AIt iindiicattesthaat tthe sloot tthatt yoou iinseert thee caard is ISAA sllot.Andd waait forr yoou tto cconssultt thhe nnextt coode by preessiing funnctiion swiitchh.Waittingg foor yyou to connsullt tthe nexxt ccodee byy prresssingg thhefuuncttionn swwitcch. Aftter it ddispplayyed forr haalf a ssecoond, thhecoode willl bbe ddispplayyed, annd tthe firrst twoo biits inddicaatessthee heexaddeciimall errrorr coode.Thee laast twoo biits inddicaatessthee orrdinnal nummberr off thhe ccodee.Waittingg foor yyou to connsullt tthe preeceddingg coode by preessiing theefunnctiion swwitcch. Aftter it dissplaayedd foor hhalff a seccondd, tthe coddewiill be dissplaayedd, aand thee fiirstt twwo bbitss inndiccatees tthehhexaadeccimaal eerroor ccodee, tthe lasst ttwo bitts iindiicattes theeorddinaal nnumbber of thee coode.E nn dThe lasst ccodee( oordiinall nuumbeer llimiit: 0-447) forrwarrd cconssulttingg issdissplaayedd; ppresss aand holld tthe funnctiion swiitchh foor ssomee 0.8 ssecoond,theen eenteer tthe bacckwaard connsulltinng mmodee annd ddispplayy "PP- - -"", aafteer hhalff a seccondd,thhe ccodee iss diispllayeed, thee fiirstt twwo-bbit codde iindiicattestthe 47tth PPOSTT coode, thhe llastt twwo-bbit codde(447) inddicaatess thhe oordiinallnummberr off thhe ccodee;iff prresss annd hholdd thhe ffuncctioon sswittch forr abboutt0.88 seeconnd ttwicce, it willl eexitt thhe ccodee coonsuultiing andd ennterr thhe ssecoond funnctiion of maiin mmenuu, aat tthe samme ttimee diispllayeed ""2- - -", theen ddispplayy thhe rrefeerennce sspeeed oof PPCI/ISAA buus iin ddeciimall inn haalf a ssecoond.E n dThe firrst codde (orddinaal nnumbber limmit : 00-477) bbackkwarrd cconssulttingg iss diispllayeed; Preess andd hoold thee fuuncttionn swwitcch ffor 0.88 seeconnd, theen eenteer tthe forrwarrd cconssulttingg moode andd diispllay""- - -PP", aftterhhalff a seccondd, tthe codde iis ddispplayyed, thhe ffirsst ttwo-bitt coode inndiccatees tthe zerro codde; thee laast twoo-biit ccodee (000) inddicaatess thhe oordiinallnumbber of thee coode. Iff prresss annd hholdd thhe ffuncctioon sswittch forraboout 0.88 seeconnd ttwicce, it willl eexitt thhe ccodee coonsuultiing andd ennterr thhe ssecoond funnctiion of maiin mmenuu, aat tthe samme ttimee diispllayeed"22- - - ", theen ddispplayy thhe rrefeerennce speeed of PCII/ISSA bbus in deccimaal iin hhalff a seccondd.III. Fllow chaart BeginPower off and remove all the cards that plug in expansion slot. Insert the card into ISA or PCI slot. (Notice: When you plug it in the ISA slot the component side should face to the power, if it plugged in the wrong direction, the card and motherboard is not broken, but both the card and the main board stop running.According to the “Description of LED displaying ”, you can find the cause of the trouble and correct itNOPower on; Judge If the all lights run normally. (The BIOS light may be on low power to sparkleAccording to the error code table, you can find the cause of the trouble and correct itYESYESJudge whether the error code that means there is a trouble with the main board is displayedNOPower off, According to the error code table, you can find the cause of the trouble and correct itPower off, insert the display card、I/O card、keyboard、hard disk drive and expansion cardsPower on, Judge whether the error code that means there is a trouble with the main board is displayedYESNOEndIf the result of the test is correct even though it cant boot the operating system, there may be some trouble with the software or disc drive, or disk controller, or DMA circuit.Illuustrratiion of fouur-bbit codde PPOSTT caard (50004 verrsioon)power onDisplay "0- - - "testing.Error Preceding Code Code 8 8 8 8Display "- PCI" if insert to the PCI slot, Display "- ISA" if insert to the ISA slot,Press and hold theswitch for about0.8 secondDisplay "1- - - " about 1 second latter code consulting Display reference speed of bus in decimalDisplay "2- - - " test speedDisplay "3- - - " display version numberPress and hold the switch for about 0.8 secondDisplay version number5 0 0 4If the display component is ok, it will display from"0000.1111.2222.3333"to"FFFF" F F F FDisplay "4- - - " self-test displaycomponentPress and hold the switch for about 0.8 secondAs long as each of 4 bits can display symbols, no matter what it displays, the POST process passed. Because of the POST content has be enhanced a lot, plenty of symbols are especial. you can pay no attention to it.8 8 8 8Display "5- - - "RAM、ROMself-test (The display is so fast that you cannot see.)Press and hold the switch for about 0.8 secondConnecting dot Connecting dot Connecting dot Connecting dot press and hold for about 0.8 secondpress and hold for about 0.8 seconddisplay "- - - P" consulted the forwardpress and hold the switch for about 0.4 second(the 49th)display "End - " , the first code of 48 codespress and hold theswitch for about 0.4second (the 2nd)POSTordinalnumberCodeof the code press and hold the switch forabout 0.4 secondpress and hold theswitch for about 0.4second (the 2nd)8 8 0 1POSTordinalnumberCodeof the codepress and hold theswitch for about 0.4second(the 47th)press and hold theswitch for about 0.4second (the 2nd)POST MAXCode8 0 4 7press and hold theswitch for about 0.4second(the 1st)press and hold theswitch for about 0.4second(the 49th)display "- End" the last codepress and hold the switch for about 0.8 seconddisplay "P- - - " consult it backwardpress and hold the switch for about 0.8 secondexit the code consultingcodee annalyysiss cllew Thee coodess thhat cann bee coonsuulteed aare lasst 00 too 477 coodess thhat takke rrelaativve llongger timme iin tthe POSST pproccesss, nnot alll thhe ccodee neeed to be connsulltedd.(ssomee maainbboarrd ooutpput milllioons of coddes or thee saame codde aappeearss maany timmes), IIf tthe samme ccodee taake diffferrentt tiime to runn inn diiffeerennt rrunnningg cooursses on thee saame maiinbooardd, tthe POSST ccardd noot aalwaays usee itt ass coode thaat ccan be connsulltedd. TThe maiinbooardd iss off thhe ggoodd sttabiilitty IIf tthe 47 coddes thaat cconssultted in diffferrentt ruunniing couursees oon tthe samme mmainnboaard aree thhe ssamee, aand thee laast 477th codde hhas passsedd thhe PPOSTT, bbut thiis ssituuatiion is rarre.、Diistiinguuishh trrue andd faalseePi00050iis mmoree suuitaablee thhan Pi000499forr sllap-up maiin bboarrd ,succh aas ppilll、PIVV annd sso oon. So youu caan ddisttingguissh tthemm byy thheirr chharaacteerissticcs ,andd allso youu caan ddiall thhis nummberr 0886 1139 25117 443322 orr wrritee too mee byy E-maiil: to gett laasteest ddisttingguisshinng mmesssagee.TRUETheere aree tyypeffacees llikee “Chiina Coppyriightt 01122449877.4”on thee eddge of PCBB;Theere aree tyypeffacees llikee “Chiina Coppyriightt 51134227”on PI000499、pi000500;FLASEOn thee baack of thee caard ,thheree iss a tellephhonee nuumbeer wwritttenn liike “0866 1339 225177 43332; KKnowwn ccharractteriistiic oof sspurriouus ccardds:”中国国专有号号:0122239987.3”专有有技术:0122249988.3”专利利号:0211250087.5”(Itt iss thhe ppateent of bioologgy oorgaanicc coompooundd)Be carrefuul .Thee sppuriiouss caardss allwayys uuse baddly or unssuittablle mmateeriaals, itt haasnt bbeenn teesteed bby tthe proofesssioonall eqquippmennt ,andd haas nno ssimuulattionn teechnniquue. At tthe samme ttimee ,ttherre mmay be a ffew loww caard apppearrs tto uusedd ass PII00550 ccardd.、OBBLIGGATOORY CONNTENNT 1. TThe errror codde ttablle iis iin tthe ordder of thee coode vallue thaat ffromm smmalll too biig. Thee seequeencee thhat thee coode dissplaays is deccideed bby BBIOSS off thhe mmothherbboarrd;2. FFourr-biit ccodee caan bbe ddiviidedd too twwo ttwo-bitt coodess .TThe onee iss maade of thee thhoussandds ddigiit aand thee huundrredss diigitt ;TThe othher is madde oof tthe tenns ddigiit aand uniits diggit .Acccorrdinng tto tthe twoo twwo-bbit coddes, Noot oonlyy yoou ccan knoow tthe posstinng ffor commputter cann noot ppasss thhe uunitts tthatt thhe tthouusannds diggit andd thhe hhunddredds ddigiit ppoinnt oout, buut aalsoo yoou ccan knoow tthatt thhe ppostt foor ccompputeer ccan passs tthe uniits at lasst tthatt thhe ttenss diigitt annd tthe uniits diggit poiint outt; 3. CCodee haavennt bbe ddefiinedd iss noot iinclludeed iin tthe tabble;4. FFor thee diiffeerennt BBIOSS (ssuchh ass AMMI、Awaard、Phooeniix ), aa Coode hass diiffeerennt meanninggs. So makke ssuree thhat whiich kinnd oof BBIOSS yoou aare tesstinng. Or vieew tthe useers gguidde, or Seee itt onn thhe BBIOSS ICC onn thhe mmothherbboarrd;5. TTherre iis oonlyy soome codde ddispplayyed wheen yyou inssertt thhe ccardd innto thee PCCI sslott onn a feww mootheerbooardds, butt whhen it pluuggeed iintoo thhe IISA sloot, alll thhe ccodee coouldd bee diispllayeed. At preesennt, it hass bee diiscooverred thaat tthe codde iis ddispplayyed wheen yyou inssertt thhe ccardd innto thee PCCI sslott off seeverral commputterss whhichh haas rregiisteeredd trradee maark, buut nnot ISAA. SSo YYoud bbettter tryy itt onn thhe ootheer sslott iff thhe ccodee iss noot ddispplayyed. Inn adddittionn, oon tthe diffferrentt PCCI sslotts oof aa booardd, ssomee coouldd diispllay thee coode, foor eexammplee, tthe codde iis ddispplayyed andd gooes froom“00” too“FF” whhen youu innserrt tthe carrd iintoo thhe PPCI sloot, whiich is neaar tto tthe CPUU onn mootheerbooardd DEELL8810, buut iif iin tthe othher sloot , thhe ccodee woouldd sttoppped at thee poort“38”;6. TThe timme tthatt reesett meessaage outtputt neeedeed iis nnot alwwayss inn-phhasee, sso ssomeetimmes thee coode is dissplaayedd whhen thee caard in thee ISSA, butt itt iss sttoppped at thee orrigiinattionn coode wheen iin tthe PCII.;7. AAs ttherre aare morre aand morre kkindds mmothherbboarrd, andd thhe ccodee off BIIOS POSST iis uupdaatedd ceeaseelessslyy, sso tthe meaaninngs of errror coddes is jusst ffor reffereencee;、Deescrripttionn off LEED ddispplayysLED Tyype Desccripptioon CLK Buss cllockkLighhts wheen tthe powwer is appplieed tto tthe emppty boaard (evven witthouut CCPU ) , orr ellse theere is no messsagge.BIOSSBasee innputt/ouutpuut