Wine葡萄酒无气泡酒 Still Wine气泡酒 Sparkling Wine加烈酒 Fortified Wine香甜酒 Liqueur酿酒葡萄:红酒葡萄常用品种:Cabernet Sauvignon , Pinot Noir , Zinfandel , Gamay , Barbera , Grignolino , Grenache , Gewurztraminer , Merlot , Shiraz白酒葡萄常用品种:Chardonnay , Pinot Blanc , Riesling , Chenin Blanc , Semillon , Sauvignon Blanc (Fume Blanc) , Folle Blanche , Sylvaner , MuscateGin金酒也叫杜松子酒,在烈酒的基础上加入杜松子及其他香料制成的酒。荷兰金酒:用大麦芽与裸麦发酵后蒸馏三次,再加入杜松子制成。英国金酒:用食用酒精和杜松子及其他香料共同蒸馏制成。Vodka伏特加Rum朗姆酒用蔗糖或糖蜜发酵和蒸馏,再用橡木桶储存3年以上制成,酒精度在40 %70 %。Tequila墨西哥烈酒(龙舌兰酒)原料是一种叫龙舌兰的植物,外型像仙人掌。Port & Sherry 钵酒 / 雪利酒是两种天然甜葡萄酒,即是以葡萄酒为基础,再经酒精转化而得的开胃酒。Port钵酒:只有在葡萄牙北部的德罗(Douro)山谷生产的才能称为钵酒,常用的葡萄品种有Verdrlho , Francesca , Marisco , Malvasia ;所用的葡萄汁每升含糖240克,在发酵开始阶段就加入本地产的白兰地,储存26年后装瓶;酒精度在20%左右。 Sherry雪利酒:只有在西班牙南部的安德鲁西亚的凯帝省的一个局部地工生产的才能称为雪利酒,常用的葡萄品种有Palomino , Pedro , Ximenez , moscate ;所用的葡萄汁每升含糖234克,在发酵的尾声才加入本地产的白兰地,储存3年后装瓶;酒精度在15 %23 %。Whisky威士忌 (苏格兰拼写是 美国拼写是 )原料各种谷类发酵并加入一定比例的麦芽,发酵成的液体蒸馏后装入橡木桶增陈后装瓶。Canadian Whisky加拿大威士忌Irish Whisky爱尔兰威士忌经过三次蒸馏,用煤烘烤麦芽。Scotch Whisky苏格兰威士忌经过两次蒸馏,原料中60% 是谷类,用木炭烘烤麦芽,增陈不少于三年。Bourbon Whisky波旁威士忌即美国威士忌,波旁是美国肯得基州的一个县城。波旁威士忌必须用至少51 % 的玉米作原料,而大多数产商的原料中有60 %80 %的玉米,其余的是黑麦和小麦;经过两次蒸馏,必须用新制的烘烤过的白橡木桶储藏两年以上;均要在保温仓库内储藏和装瓶。由于橡木桶被烘烤过,所以有独特的香味。Liqueur利娇甜酒用烈酒、甜味糖浆和其他物质加味制成的含酒精饮品,酒精度在15 %55 %。Liqueur de 表示每升酒液中含有200克糖。Crème de 表示每升酒液中含有400520克糖。Brandy白兰地最早的白兰地是被蒸馏两次的白葡萄酒。1701年法国与西班牙爆发战争,白兰地销售量下爆跌,多余的白兰地用橡木桶储存起来了。战争结束后人们发现,用橡木桶储存过的白兰地品质更佳,所以人们酿制白兰地都要经过橡木桶储存。Cognac干邑干邑是法国西南部的一个小镇。采用干邑区内的葡萄酿制的白兰地才能称为“干邑白兰地”。按不同等级划分为六个种植区,最好的是中心种植地带:大香槟区(Grand Champagne)、小香槟区(Petite Champagne)。其中用这两个区的葡萄各半比例酿制的白兰地,法国政府又给予一个称号“特别香槟干邑白兰地”(Fine Champagne Cognac)。到目前为止,只有人头马的全部产品才能冠以此称号。法国政府的分级方法是:三星: 在桶内的酿藏期超过2年半的;VSOP:在桶内的酿藏期超过4年半的;Very Superior Old PaleNAPOLEON:在桶内的酿藏期至少6年半的。其余是酒商或人们定义的:XO:在桶内的酿藏期在8年以上的。House Cocktail特制鸡尾酒Garnish装饰Glassware玻璃杯Mise en place到位Method做法Aqua Dream冰清玉洁30ml 绿薄荷90ml 菠萝汁90ml 橙汁30ml 芒果汁菠萝角,小伞,红樱桃摇匀Coral Reef蓝色珊瑚礁30ml 龙舌兰 30ml 西柚汁15ml 蓝橙甜 15ml 柠檬汁120ml 菠萝汁 15ml 糖浆Banana Daze香蕉什锦30ml 百家得10ml 红糖水15ml 柠檬汁、糖浆15ml 白薄荷2 香蕉Coco Loco椰林疯狂30ml Malibu15ml 白薄荷60ml 橙汁90ml 菠萝汁15ml 椰浆Bahama Mama巴哈马摩玛30ml 百加得45ml 芒果汁90ml 菠萝汁40ml 西柚汁40ml 柠檬汁、糖浆Tropical Passion假日激情1 杯 白葡萄酒150ml 菠萝汁10ml 红糖水15ml 柠檬汁、糖浆Cocktail鸡尾酒Garnish装饰Glassware玻璃杯Mise en place到位Method做法Black Russian黑俄罗斯人30ml Vodka伏特加15ml Kahlua甘露酒Cherry inside glass杯中放一个樱桃Rock glass (on-the-rock)古典杯(加冰)Add 5 ice cube5块冰Stir搅匀Bloody Mary血玛莉30ml Vodka伏特加120ml Tomato Juice蕃茄汁Dash of Salt and Pepper盐和胡椒粉Dash of Lea and Perrin Sauce李派林汁Dash of Tobascco Sauce辣椒仔Rim glass with salt , Lemon wedge on the rim , 1 slice celery stick in the glass盐边,柠檬角挂边,一根西芹梗Rock glass古典杯Add 3 ice cube3块冰Pour注入Brandy Alexander亚历山大30ml Brandy白兰地20ml Cream de Cocao黑可可30ml Fresh Cream鲜奶油Sprinkle with nutmeg撒上一层豆蔻粉Champagne Coupette (S)阔口香槟杯Straight-up净饮Shake and strain摇匀Daiquiri得基利30ml Light Rum白朗姆15ml Cointreau君度20ml Lime Juice柠檬汁5ml Sugar Syrup糖浆Lime slice on the rim柠檬片挂边Champagne Coupette(s)阔口香槟杯Shake with ice cubes and strain加冰摇匀Dry Martini马天尼45ml Gin金酒5ml Dry Vermouth干马天尼1 cocktail olive with cocktail pick inside glass用鸡尾签穿一颗清水榄入杯内Martini(straight-up)马天尼杯(净饮)Rock glass(on-the-rock)古典杯(加冰)With ice cube加冰块Stir and strain搅匀Grasshopper青草蜢30ml Crème de Menthe绿薄荷15ml Crème de Cacao(w)白可可45ml Fresh Cream鲜奶油1 cherry on the rim1颗红樱桃挂边Cocktail glass鸡尾酒杯Shake with ice cubes and strain加冰摇匀Gimlet甘列30ml Gin金酒5ml Lime Cordial浓缩柠檬汁Lime slice inside glass杯中放入一片柠檬Rock glass古典杯With ice cubes冰块Stir搅匀Margarita马格列打30ml Tequila龙舌兰15ml Cointreau君度20ml Lime Juice柠檬汁5ml Sugar Syrup糖浆Rim glass with salt , 1 lime slice on the rim盐边,一片柠檬挂边Margarita glass马格丽特杯Shake all ingredients with ice cubes and strain加冰摇匀Long Island Tea长岛冰茶15ml Gin金酒15ml Vodka伏特加15ml White Rum白朗姆15ml Cointreau君度15ml Lime Juice柠檬汁10ml Sugar Syrup糖浆120ml Coke可乐Lemon wedge on the rim柠檬角挂边Hurricane glass风暴杯Top with ice cubes, serve with a straw加冰配吸管Shake all ingredients except coke除了可乐,摇匀其他成分Mai Tai美泰15ml Dark Rum浓朗姆15ml Light Rum白朗姆15ml Cointreau君度60ml Pineapple Juice菠萝汁15ml Lime Juice柠檬汁15ml Sugar Syrup糖浆Dash of Angostura Bitters芳精Pineapple triangle , cherry and mint leafRock glassShake all ingredients with ice cubes and pourManhatan曼哈顿30ml Seagram VO施格兰(占边)15ml Sweet Vermouth马天尼红Dash of Angostura Bitters芳精1 cherry with cocktail pick inside glass鸡尾签穿一颗樱桃放入杯中Cocktail glass鸡尾酒杯Add 5 pieces of ice cubes5块冰Pour and stir注入搅匀Kir基尔150ml White Wine白葡萄酒5ml Crème de CassisNo garnish无装饰White Wine glass白葡萄酒杯Pour and stir注入搅匀Pina Colada菠萝朗姆30ml White Rum白朗姆15ml Malibu椰子甜酒30ml Coconut Cream椰浆150ml Pineapple Juice菠萝汁10ml Lime Juice柠檬汁10ml Sugar Syrup糖浆Pineapple triangle、cherry and mint leaf on the rim菠萝角、樱桃和薄荷挂边Cylone glassServe with a straw吸管Blend all ingredients with ice and pour加冰搅拌,注入Screwdriver螺丝批30ml Vodka伏特加120ml Orange Juice橙汁1/2 orange slice on the rim半片橙子挂边Rock glass古典杯Add 4 pieces of ice cubes4块冰Pour and stir注入搅匀Singapore Sling新加坡司令30ml Gin金酒20ml Cherry Herring90ml Pineapple Juice菠萝汁10ml Lime Juice柠檬汁10ml Grenadine Syrup红糖水60ml Soda Water苏打水Pineapple triangle , cherry and mint leaf菠萝角、樱桃和薄荷叶Viva Grande glassServe with a short straw吸管Blend all ingredients except soda to top up除苏打水,搅拌其他成分Snow Ball雪球45ml Advocaat蛋黄酒150ml 7-up七喜Round limon slice and cherry on the rim圆柠檬片和樱桃挂边Viva Grande glassTop with ice cubes , serve with a short straw冰块浮面,吸管Stir搅匀Rusty Nail锈钉20ml Whisky威士忌20ml Drambuie杜林标No garnish无装饰Rock glass古典杯Add 5 pieces of ice cubes5块冰Pour and stir注入搅匀Tequila Sunrise日出德圭拉30ml Tequila龙舌兰15ml Galliano加利亚诺120ml Orange Juice橙汁10ml Lime Juice青柠汁10ml Grenadine(Float on top)红糖水1/2 orange slice and cherry on the rim半片橙子和樱桃挂边Hi-ball glass海波杯Float grenadine syrup and serve with a straw红糖水浮面,配吸管Blend all ingredients except grenadine with ice cubes and pour除红糖水,加冰搅拌Pink Lady红粉佳人30ml Gin金酒15ml Cointreau君度20ml Lime Juice柠檬汁5ml Sugar Syrup糖浆1 round lime slice and cherry on the rim1片柠檬和樱桃挂边Champagne coupette(L)阔口香槟杯Shake and strain摇匀Whisky Sour威士忌酸30ml Bourbon波旁威士忌15ml Cointreau君度45ml Lime Juice柠檬汁15ml Sugar Syrup糖浆1 lime slice on the rim and a cherrt in the glass柠檬片挂边,杯中放一个樱桃Champagne Flute笛型香槟杯Serve with a short straw配吸管Shake all ingredients and top with crush ice摇匀,浮碎冰White Lady白色佳人30ml Gin金酒15ml Cointreau君度30ml Lime Juice青柠汁5ml Sugar Syrup糖浆Round lime and cherry on the rimChampagne coupette(S)Shake and strainHi Ball海波30ml Segram VO150ml Ginger Ale1/2 slice lemon into glassHi-ball glassTop with ice cubesPour and stirSalty Dog盐狗30ml Vodka120ml Grapefruit JuiceRim glass with salt and 1/2 lemon slice on the rimRock glassAdd 5 pieces of ice cubesPour and stirSide Car30ml Brandy15ml Cointreau20ml Lime Juice5ml Sugar SyrupRound lime slice and cherry on the rimChampagne CoupetteTop with ice , serve with a strawShake and strainZombie15ml Dark Rum15ml Light Rum15ml Cointreau90ml Orange Juice15ml Lime JuicePineapple triangle , cherry and mint leafHi-ball glassBlend all ingredients with ice and pourRainbow彩虹7ml Grenadine7ml Orange Squash7ml Crème de Cacao(B)7ml Crème de Menthe(G)7ml Galliano7ml Cointreau7ml BrandyTo serve a round lime slice in a Martini glassShort glass , light liquor and serve immediatelyFloat all ingredients and 7 visible liqueurs to be seenRob Roy30ml Whisky15ml Martini RedDash of Angostura Bitters1 cherry with cocktail pick in the glassRock glassAdd 5 pieces of ice cubesPour and stir