中考资源网武隆县220099年秋期期九年级级英语目目标教学学检测题题(十二二)Topiic 33, UUnitt 4(检测时时间:445分钟钟满分分1000分)Classs: Naame: Marrks: I. 单单项选择择。(每每小题11分,共共15分)( ) 11.CCan spaacesshipps rreacch tthe staars _ tthe sollar sysstemm?No. Soo faar, no spaacesshipp haas mmanaagedd itt.A. ooutB. aawayyC. upD. beyyondd( ) 22. SSomeetimmes youur cchoiice _ by thee ammounnt oof mmoneey yyou havve tto sspennd.A. iis llimiiteddB. to limmitC. limmitiingD. limmiteed( ) 33. TThe earrth movves arooundd thhe ssun _ aboout 1500 miilliion killomeeterrs.A. aat aa diistaanceeB. forr a disstannce ofC. aat aa diistaancee offD. in a ddisttancce( ) 44.HHow lonng hhavee yoou bbeenn heere?It _ twwo yyearrs ssincce wwe ccamee heere.A. wwasB. werreC. havve bbeennD. hass beeen( ) 55.CCoulld yyou telll mme tthe poppulaatioon oof oour citty?Morre tthann thhreee miilliion, abboutt _ as _ aas tthatt off Beeijiing.A. aa quuartter; maanyB. a qquarrterr; llarggeC. qquarrterr; mmuchhD. quaarteer; larrgerr( ) 66.WWhatt _ thee TVV pllay Homme WWithh Kiids _?Sorrry, I donnt knoow. Youu caan ssearrch thee Innterrnett foor hhelpp.A. aare; baasedd onnB. is; baase onC. aree; bbasee onnD. is; baasedd onn( ) 77. TThiss kiind of foood _ iin aa coool, clleann annd ddry plaace acccorddingg too thhe iinsttrucctioon.A. sshouuld carrryB. shoouldd bee keeptC. mmustt bee puutD. musst pput( ) 88.Thhe mman losst hhis jobb twwo ddayss aggo._, he losst hhis houuse andd feell illl thhis morrninng.A. WWhatts worrse B. Whaatss moostC. WWhatts morreD. Whaatss woorstt( ) 99.TTo eexplloree thhe uunivversse wwilll taake lotts oof ttimee annd ccostt loots of monney.Butt I thiink it _.A. wwortth ddoinngB. worrth itC. is worrthD. is worrth it( ) 110. We putt a strrongg sttickk neear a yyounng ttreee _ maake it strraigght.A. sso tthattB. in ordder thaatC. in ordder toD. so thaat( ) 111.“PPleaase wriite dowwn yyourr oppiniionss abboutt whhethher theere aree allienns, andd thhen _ iit _,”tthe teaacheer ssayss.A. hhandd; ooutB. hannd; inC. hannd; onD. hannd; oveer( ) 112.Do youu beelieeve hiss sttoryy?_ HHe aalwaays tellls liees.A. IIm afrraidd off itt.B. Imm affraiid sso.C. Imm affraiid nnot.D. Imm noot aafraaid.( ) 113.I tthinnk ttherre aare aliienss inn sppacee. _A. WWhatt grreatt!B. Whaat ffun!C. Howw a funn!D. Howw haappyy!( ) 114.Didd yoou kknoww thhe tterrriblle aacciidennt?Yeaah, I ssaw it _.A. wwithh myy owwn eeyessB. my eyeesC. witth eeyessD. in my eyees( ) 115.Letts go andd seee tthe movvie Feaarleess._A. CConggrattulaatioons!B. Badd luuck.C. TThannk yyou.D. Souundss grreatt!II.完完型填空空。(每每小题11.5分分,共115分)Scieentiistss haave alwwayss waanteed tto kknoww moore aboout thee unniveersee. TTheyyvee seent manny sspacceshhipss too exxploore 1 pllaneets in thee soolarr syysteem.Yearrs aago theey kkneww 2 thhinggs aabouut tthe mooon. Theey kkneww hoow bbig it wass annd 33 itt waas aawayy frrom thee eaarthh. BBut theey wwantted to knoow mmoree abboutt itt. TTheyy thhougght thee beest wayy waas 44 soometthinng tto tthe mooon.The mooon iis aabouut 3384 0000 kiilommeteers awaay ffromm thhe 55 . AA pllanee caannoot ffly to thee mooon beccausse tthe airr reeachhes onlly 2240 killomeeterrs aawayy frrom thee eaarthh. BBut sommethhingg caan ffly eveen 66 thheree iss noo aiir. Thaatss a rocckett.How doees aa roockeet ffly? Thheree iss gaas iin tthe rocckett. WWhenn thhe ggas 7 veery hott innsidde tthe rocckett, iitlll rrushh ouut oof tthe endd off thhe rrockket, 8 itt caan mmakee thhe rrockket flyy upp innto thee skky.Rockketss caan ffly farr ouut iintoo 9 . RRockketss wiith menn inn thhem havve bbeenn too thhe mmoonn. SSeveerall roockeets 10 mmen in theem hhavee fllownn too annothher plaanett muuch farrtheer aawayy thhan thee mooon. Onne dday roccketts mmay be ablle tto ggo tto aany plaace in spaace. ( ) 11. AA. aanottherrB. othherC. othherssD. thee ottherr( ) 22. AA. mmuchhB. litttleeC. mannyD. a llot( ) 33. AA. hhow lonngB. whaat ffarC. howw muuch farrD. howw faar( ) 44. AA. ssenttB. to senndC. senndinngD. sennd( ) 55. AA. eeartthB. sunnC. MarrsD. plaanett( ) 66. AA. wwhennB. ifC. whiileD. as( ) 77. AA. mmakeesB. maddeC. wass maadeD. is madde( ) 88. AA. ssoB. orC. bbutD. beccausse( ) 99. AA. sskyB. uniiverrseC. spaaceD. plaace( ) 110. A. witthB. witthouutC. fforD. froomIII. 阅读读理解。根据短短文内容容,选择择正确的的答案。(每小小题2分,共共20分)AThe plaanetts aarennt thee onnly wannderrerss (漫漫游者) off thhe ssky. Thheyre somme tthinngs thaat wwandder eveen ffarttherr annd llongger. Loong aftter peooplee weere no lonngerr frrighhtenned of plaanetts, theey sstilll tthouughtt thhe ccomeets (彗星星) wweree baad bbeassts (野兽兽) tthatt waandeeredd inn thhe ssky. Thhey werre aafraaid thaat tthe commetss woouldd suuddeenlyy laand on thee eaarthh annd hhurtt thhem.But, inn faact, evven if a ccomeet ddid hitt thhe eeartth, notthinng mmuchh haappeenedd. AA coomett iss reeallly aa haarmllesss thhingg.Comeets havve rrounnd hheadds aand lonng ttaills, andd thhey aree veery briightt. SSomeetimmes theey llookk liike heaads witth llongg haair flyyingg wiith theem. Thaatss whhy ttheyyree caalleed ccomeets. Coomett meeanss loong-haiiredd.Likee thhe sstarrs aand plaanetts, commetss arre ffar awaay. Butt wee caan kknoww itts ssizee. TThe heaad oof aa smmalll coomett iss ass wiide as thee Paaciffic Oceean. Annd aa biig ccomeetss heead is tenn tiimess ass biig aas tthe earrth. Itts ttaill iss miilliionss off kiilommeteers lonng. Theen wwhy wouuldnnt thee grreatt biig tthinng hhurtt uss iff itt hiit tthe earrth? Beecauuse it isnnt sollid. Itts thiin llikee clloudd. IIts taiil iis nnothhingg buut bbrigght gass. AAnd itss heead is madde oof ssmalll ppiecces thaat ccoulld nnot hurrt tthe earrth.Somee coometts ccan be seeen ffor a ffew monnthss. TThenn thhey go awaay. Somme oof tthemm coome bacck iin aa ceertaain nummberr off yeearss. SSomee arre nneveer sseenn aggainn.Perhhapss thhesee coometts tthatt neeverr reeturrn hhavee brrokeen iintoo piiecees. Forr soome asttronnomeers (天文文学家) thhinkk thhat shoootiing staars (流星星) aare pieecess off brrokeen ccomeets.( ) 11. PPeopple werre aafraaid _.A. ccomeets aree diiffeerennt ffromm pllaneetsB. commetss waandeer iin tthe skyyC. ccomeets aree muuch bigggerr thhan thee eaarthhD. commetss coouldd hiit tthe earrth( ) 22. CComeets aree haarmllesss beecauuse _.A. ttheyyree faar ffromm thhe eeartthB. theey llookk laargee buut tthinnC. ttheyy allwayys ddisaappeear quiickllyD. theeyrre mmadee off clloudds( ) 33. CComeets havve llongg taail likke _, so we calll tthemm coometts.A. llongg haairB. rouund heaadsC. rouund dissksD. widde wwinggs( ) 44. FFromm thhe ppasssagee wee knnow thee taailss off coometts aare madde oof _.A. wwateerB. sollidC. gassD. smaall stooness( ) 55. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg iss TRRUE?A. AA coomett iss a kinnd oof pplannetss.B. Commetss arre aabouut tten timmes as bigg ass thhe eeartth.C. PPeopple cann haardlly ssee commetss.D. Shoootiing staars mayy bee piiecees oof bbrokken commetss. BThe seaarchh foor llifee ouutsiide thee eaarthh maay hhavee moovedd too a neww annd eexciitinng lleveel. A tteamm off asstroonommer saiid ttheyy haave fouund a nnew plaanett thhat hass maany impporttantt paartss siimillar to thoose of thee eaarthh.The plaanett, wwhicch ttravvelss arrounnd aa reed ddwarrf sstarr(红矮矮星)ccallled Gliiesee 5881C, haas tthe rigght sizze aand temmperratuure. Moost impporttanttly, thhe pplannet liees iin tthe suiitabble livvingg arrea of thee sttar, whhichh maakess thhe pplannet nott tooo hhot or tooo coold.Scieentiistss saay tthe neww woorldd, GGlieese 5811C iis ffivee tiimess laargeer tthann thhe eeartth. It mayy haave watter sinnce it is in thee riightt pllacee foor tthe redd dwwarff sttar to surrvivve iin sspacce.Swisss sscieentiist Micchaeel MMayoor ssaidd itt iss ann immporrtannt sstepp onn thhe wway to finnd pposssiblle llifee inn thhe sspacce aand theere aree sttilll loots of queestiionss.For morre tthann teen yyearrs, asttronnomeers andd sccienntissts havve bbeenn keeepiing theeir eyees oon tthe spaace in seaarchh foor aanottherr eaarthh, aanottherr woorldd thhat cann suuppoort liffe oor aalreeadyy haas iit.Accoordiing to reccordds, thee fiirstt diiscooverry oof eextrra ssolaar pplannet goiing arooundd a norrmall sttar wass maade in 19995. Sinnce theen, thee nuumbeer oof nnewlly ddisccoveeredd woorldds hhas inccreaasedd too abboutt 2000. Butt thhey aree juust liffeleess boddiess.Glieese 5811C ccamee innto ourr eyyes andd maankiind hass reeasoons to cellebrratee. AAfteer aall, wee maay hhavee liivinng nneigghboors. Thhe ddisccoveery doeesnt pprommisee muuch, buut iit ooffeers hoppe tthatt thheree coouldd bee ottherr peeoplle oor lliviing thiingss ouut tthe earrth.( ) 66. TThe neww pllaneet hhas madde _. A. thee seearcch ffor liffe ooutssidee thhe eeartth nnew andd exxcittinggB. manny iimpoortaant parrts of thee eaarthh neew aand simmilaarC. a rred dwaarf staar nnot tooo hoot oor nnot tooo coold D. thee asstroonommerss beelieeve eveerytthinng( ) 77. TThe neww pllaneet ggoess arrounnd _.A. thee suun B. tthe earrth C. thhe rred dwaarf staar D. thee mooon( ) 88. WWhicch oof tthe folllowwingg iss TRRUE? A. A nnew plaanett foor ppeopple to livve iin hhas beeen ffounnd.B. Thee reed ddwarrf sstarr iss fiive timmes larrgerr thhan thee eaarthh.C. Sciienttistts hhavee a lott off quuesttionns aabouut tthe neww pllaneet.D. Sciienttistts hhavee prroveed ttherre iis ssomee waaterr inn thhe nnew plaanett.( ) 99. WWhy do asttronnomeers andd sccienntissts keeep ttheiir eeyess onn thhe sspacce? A. Theey hhatee thhe llifee onn thhe eeartth.B. Theey wwantt too suuppoort morre llifee.C. Theey wwantt too seearcch ffor anootheer wworlld.D. TTherre aare somme ppeopple andd liivinng tthinngs theere.( ) 110. Whaat wwoulld tthe sciienttistts mmostt liike to telll uus iin tthe passsagge? A. Asttronnomeers firrst disscovvereed tthe exttra sollar plaanett inn 19995.B. Mannkinnd wwantts tto cceleebraate thee diiscooverry oof tthe neww pllaneet.C. Thee nuumbeer oof nnewlly ddisccoveeredd woorldds iis aabouut 2200.D. Mannkinnd mmay havve lliviing neiighbborss inn sppacee.IV.根根据所给给提示,完完成句子子。每空空一词,含含缩略词词。(每每小题22分,共共10分)1. YYou ougght to sennd tthesse tthinngs to thee owwnerr onn tiime.(改为为被动语语态)Thesse tthinngs ougght to _ _ too thhe oowneer oon ttimee.2. TThiss pllayggrouund is fouur ttimees aas llongg ass thhat onee.(改改为同义义句)Thiss pllayggrouund is thrree timmes _ _ thhat onee.3. TTheyy weere givven a llot of apppless byy thhe ffarmmer.(改为为主动语语态)The farrmerr _ a llot of apppless _ tthemm.4. II beelieeve thaat mmoree annd mmoree thhinggs wwilll bee diiscooverred in thee fuuturre.(改改为否定定句)I _ bellievve tthatt moore andd moore thiingss _ be disscovvereed iin tthe futturee.5. 这这婴儿在在医院能能受到很很好的照照顾。(完完成译句句)The babby ccan be welll _ _ in thee hoospiitall.V.情景景地对话话,从方方框中选选择正确确的应答答语填空空。(每每小题11分,共共5分)A. WWhatt arre yyou goiing to be, byy thhe wway? B. WWe bbothh neeed to worrk hhardd.C. WWhatts it aboout? D. IItss haard to sayy. E. IIt ssounnds wonnderrfull.F. TTo bbe aan aastrronaaut isnnt eassy. G. II thhinkk yoour dreeam willl ccomee trrue.A: HHavee yoou eeverr waatchhed thee CCCTV 10 proograam aat 222:000?( ) BB: NNo, I hhaveentt. 11 A: IItss abboutt scciennce. Itts repportted thaat CChinna mmay sennd uup SShennzhoou maanneed sspacceshhip intto sspacce iin 220100.( ) BB: RReallly? 2 WWho willl ffiniish thee taask theen?( ) AA: 3 Thhe aastrronaaut is beiing sellectted. Id aalsoo liike to be an asttronnautt whhen I ggroww upp.B: GGreaat! Butt itts nott eaasy.( ) AA: TThatts rigght. Ill do my besst tto mmakee mee sttronng aand massterr soome skiillss. 44 B: II waant to be a tteaccherr.( ) AA: IItss reeallly ccooll. 5 VI.短短文填空空。(每每小题22分,共共20分)One dayy, wwhenn wee weere havvingg ann Enngliish claass, Mrr. GGreeen ssaw a bboy 1 a piictuure-boook aand saiid, “ TTom, whhat do youu ussuallly do 2 luunchh?”Tom nerrvouuslyy goot uup ffromm hiis 3 , butt hee diid nnot knoow 4 tto aanswwer. Hee thhougght forr soome timme aand theen ssaidd. “ 5 for supper.”Mr. Greeen wass 66 aand jusst aat tthatt moomennt, he saww annothher boyy 7 . Thhe tteaccherr waas ggetttingg a litttlee anngryy noow, butt hee waas ttryiing nott too 88 hhim. Thhen he askked, “ Andd yoou, Jacck?” Ass Jaack wass assleeep, of couursee, hhe ccoulldnt hhearr whhat Mr. Grreenn haad ssaidd . Hiss deesk-matte wwokee hiim, Jacck sstoood uup 9 andd annsweeredd inn a louud 10 , “sso ddo II!”. 1. _ 2. _ 3. 4. 5. 6. _ 77. _ 88. 99. 110. VII. 书面面表达。(155分)。随着时代代的发展展,我们们的生活活将会发发生许多多变化。下面三三幅图片片所描绘绘的情景景有可能能在未来来的生活活中成为为现实。同学们们可结合合图片,发发挥想象象,展望望未来的的生活,以以Liffe iin tthe Futturee为题,写写一篇880个词词左右的的短文。文章开开头已给给出,不不计入总总词数。要求:书书写规范范,语法法正确,语语句通顺顺,主题题鲜明。Lifee inn thhe FFutuureAs ttimee gooes by, thheree arre ggoinng tto bbe bbig chaangees iin oour daiily liffe. Forr innstaancee,_武隆县220099年秋期期九年级级英语目目标教学学检测题题(十二二)参 考 答 案 Topiic 33,Uniit 44I.