上海交通通大学附附属中学学20110-220111学年度度第二学学期高二英语语期终试试卷(满分1150 分,120分钟完完成, 答案一一律写在在答题纸纸、答题题卡上)命题:何何其乐审审核:沈沈莹I. LListteniing Commpreehennsioon (30%)Secttionn ADireectiionss: Inn Seectiion A, youu wiill heaar tten shoort connverrsattionns bbetwweenn twwo sspeaakerrs. At thee ennd oof eeachh coonveersaatioon, a qquesstioon wwilll bee asskedd abboutt whhat wass saaid. Thhe cconvverssatiionss annd tthe queestiionss wiill be spookenn onnly oncce. Aftter youu heear a cconvverssatiion andd thhe qquesstioon aabouut iit, reaad tthe fouur pposssiblle aanswwerss onn yoour papper, annd ddeciide whiich onee iss thhe bbestt annsweer tto tthe queestiion youu haave heaard. 1. AA. 66:455. BB. 77:30. CC. 77:155. DD. 77:000.2. AA. AAt tthe hottel.B. At thee raailwway staatioon.C. AAt tthe airrporrt.D. At thee ciinemma.3. AA. SSomee muusicc caasseettees. B. Somme sschoool supppliies.C. SSomeethiing to driink.D. Sommethhingg too eaat.4. AA. SSusaan ggavee hiim tthe lasst ppiecce oof ppie.B. He thooughht tthe piee waas ddeliicioous.C. HHe wwentt ouut tto bbuy an appple piee.D. He diddntt thhinkk hiighlly oof SSusaans ppie.5. AA. MMoviing offficee fuurniiturre.B. Hannginng aa poosteer. C. Paainttingg a rooom.D. Reaadinng aa neews bulllettin.6. AA. SSurpprissed. B. Diisapppoiinteed. C. Deeligghteed. D. Offfenndedd.7. AA. HHe ffounnd tthe toppic uniinteeresstinng.B. He hurrt hhis eyee thhis morrninng. C. Thhe cclocck wwas a vveryy unnusuual onee.D. Thee leectuure wass moore thaan oone houur llongg.8. AA. HHe bbeliievees ddanccingg iss ennjoyyablle. B. He wonnt dannce unttil he hass doone hiss woork.C. HHe aadmiiress thhosee whho ddancce. D. He deffiniitelly ddoess noot llikee daanciing.9. AA. HHe sshouuld loook ffor sommeonne tto ttalkk too.B. Hee giivess leessoons in exeerciisinng.C. HHe ttalkks ttoo mucch.DD. HHe sshouuld follloww hiis oown advvicee.10. A. Shee gaave a llectturee too thhe ppsycchollogyy cllasss.B. SShe advviseed tthe mann too seee aa pssychholoogisst.C. SShe perrsuaadedd thhe mman nott too taake thee cooursse.D. SShe connvinncedd thhe mman to appply to graaduaate schhooll.Secttionn B Direectiionss: IIn SSecttionn B, yoou wwilll heear twoo shhortt paassaagess, aand youu wiill be askked thrree queestiionss onn eaach of thee paassaagess. TThe passsagges willl bbe rreadd twwicee, bbut thee quuesttionns wwilll bee sppokeen oonlyy onnce. Whhen youu heear a qquesstioon, reaad tthe fouur pposssiblle aanswwerss onn yoour papper andd deecidde wwhicch oone wouuld be thee beest ansswerr too thhe qquesstioon yyou havve hhearrd.Quesstioons 11 thrrouggh 113 aare bassed on thee foolloowinng ppasssagee.11. A. Hee diid iit dduriing thee cllasss tiime.B. Hee diid iit oon wweekkendds.CC. Hee coopieed iit ffromm frriennds.D. Hee raarelly ddid it.12. A. Att hiigh schhooll.B. Inn thhe ffresshmaan yyearr off coolleege.C. Inn thhe ssecoond yeaar oof ccolllegee.D. Inn thhe sseniior yeaar oof ccolllegee.13. A. Byy faailiing in getttinng hhis deggreee.B. Byy woorryyingg abboutt loosinng hhis schholaarshhip.C. Byy crryinng iin tthe proofesssorrs offficee.D. Byy haavinng tto ddo eextrra aassiignmmentts.Quesstioons 14 thrrouggh 116 aare bassed on thee foolloowinng iintrroduuctiion.14. A. Firre eemerrgennciees.B. Meddicaal ssituuatiionss.C. TTraffficc accciddentts.D. Alll tyypess off siituaatioons.15.AA. AAskiing theem tto ccalll 9111 oofteen.BB. TTelllingg thhem whaat aan eemerrgenncy is.C. TTelllingg thhem thee caausee off ann emmerggenccy.D. Orgganiizinng aall kinnds of driillss foor tthemm.16. A. Thee diiffeerennt uusess off 9111.B. Teaachiing kidds hhow to deaal wwithh emmerggencciess.C. TThe esttabllishhmennt oof 9911.D. Keeepinng kkidss awway froom eemerrgennciees.Secttionn CDireectiionss:In Secctioon CC, yyou willl hhearr twwo llongger connverrsattionns. Thee coonveersaatioons willl bbe rreadd twwicee. AAfteer yyou heaar eeachh coonveersaatioon, youu arre rrequuireed tto ffilll inn thhe nnumbbereed bblannks witth tthe infformmatiion youu haave heaard. Wrritee yoour ansswerrs oon yyourr annsweer ssheeet.Blannks 17 thrrouggh 220 aare bassed on thee foolloowinng cconvverssatiion.Compplette tthe forrm. Wriite ONEE WOORD forr eaach ansswerr.The Wommans Liife in LonndonnWintter weaatheer iin LLonddon: CColdd annd 177 Wayss off trranssporrtattionn too woork in Lonndonn: UUsuaallyy byy 18 Resttaurrantts iin LLonddon: VVeryy 19 Placce oof cceleebraatinng hher birrthdday: In an 20 resstauuranntBlannks 21 thrrouggh 224 aare bassed on thee foolloowinng cconvverssatiion.Compplette tthe forrm. Wriite NO MORRE TTHANN THHREEE WOORDSS foor eeachh annsweer.Whatt kiind of movviess dooes thee woomann liike?She quiite likkes 211 aand thrrilllerss.Whatt dooes thee woomann prrefeer tto ddo iin hher spaare timme?She preeferrs222 too waatchhingg TVV.Whenn wiill thee woomann sttartt fiilmiing herr neext movvie?On 23 .Wherre aare theey ffilmmingg moost of thee mooviee?Mostt off itt wiill be fillmedd 224 .II.GGrammmarr annd VVocaabullaryy (31%)Secttionn ADireectiionss: BBeneeathh eaach of tthe folllowiing senntenncess thheree arre ffourr chhoicces marrkedd A, B, C andd D. Chhoosse tthe onee annsweer tthatt beest commpleetess thhe ssenttencce.25.Wouuld youu liike _, ssir? Noo, tthannks. I havve hhad mucch.A. ssomee moore oraangees BB. aany morre ooranngess C. ssomee moore oraangee DD. aany morre oorannge26. Ameericcanss eaat _ veggetaablees pper perrsonn toodayy ass thhey didd inn 19910.A. mmoree thhan twiice B. as twiice as manny C. ttwicce aas mmanyy ass D. moore thaan ttwicce aas mmanyy27. Thee hiigheer tthe staandaard of livvingg iss _.A. tthe greeateer tthe amoountt off paaperr wiill be useedB. tthe greeateer tthe amoountt off paaperr ussed willl bbeC. tthe greeateer aamouunt of papper willl uuseD. tthe greeateer aamouunt of papper useed28. I hhavee doone mucch oof tthe worrk. Couuld youu plleasse ffiniish _ inn twwo ddayss?A. tthe resstB. thee ottherrC. anootheerD. thee ottherrs29. Whaat hhe ssaidd att thhe mmeettingg maade Marry rrathher embbarrrasssed, soo hee feelt thaat hhe _ diffferrenttly.A. mmighht eexprresss BB. sshouuld exppresssC. ccoulld hhavee exxpreesseed DD. mmustt haave exppresssedd30. My friiendd haas rretuurneed ffromm thhe UUK. Shee _ aat OOxfoord forr foour yeaars, duurinng wwhicch wwe ccommmuniicatted witth eeachh ottherr onn thhe IInteerneet.A. sstuddieddB. hass sttudiiedC. hadd sttudiiedD. hass beeen stuudyiing31. Alll thhe cclotthess doonatted by thee ciitizzenss neeed cleeaniing thoorouughlly bbefoore beiing sennt tto tthe earrth-strrickken areea, _ ?A. nneeddnt ttheyyB. donnt ttheyyC. diddnt ttheyyD. shooulddnt ttheyy32. Bellievve iit oor nnot, crryinng iis aa waay yyou cann immagiine _ prresssuree.A. rreliieviingB. to rellievve C. rellievvedD. rellievve33. Stoorm chaasinng iis sso ddanggeroous thaat ssomee chhaseers aree offtenn huurt in acccideentss _ bby ddrivvingg inn a heaavy raiin.A. hhaviing cauuseddB. cauusedd C. to be cauuseddD. cauusinng34. _ Chhieff Ennginneerr, aas hhis fammilyy haad eexpeecteed, madde hhis fattherr haappyy annd pprouud.A. MMikee beeingg apppoiinteed BB. MMikees aappoointtedC. MMikee apppoiintiing DD. MMikees bbeinng aappoointted35. Thee grrowiing speeed of a pplannt iis iinflluenncedd byy a nummberr off faactoors, _ aare beyyondd ouur cconttroll.A. mmostt off thhemB.moost of whaatC. mosst oof wwhicchD. mosst oof tthatt36. Thee moost widdelyy acccepptedd thheorry aabouut tthe begginnningg off drramaa iss baasedd onn thhe cconcceptt _ ddramma eevollvedd frrom rittuall.A. wwhicchB. thaatC. wheenD. as37._ sweeet, thhis typpe oof fflowwer sellls thee beest in thee maarkeet.A. SSmelltB.Beeingg smmelttC. To smeellD.Smmelllingg 38. Havvingg maasteeredd thhe ttechhnollogiies of mannnedd sppaceecraaft, Chhinaa beecamme tthe thiird couuntrry iin tthe worrld _ maanneed sspaccefllighht iindeepenndenntlyy.A. ddeveeloppB. to devveloopC. devveloopinngD. devveloopedd39. _ beearss nuumbeer hhas inccreaasedd, ttheiir cconffliccts witth llocaal ppeopple havve iincrreassed tooo.A. IIfB. WitthC. AsD. Whiile40. In thee thhirdd annd ffourrth collumnns oof yyourr moonthhly buddgett, llistt _ yyou exppectt too sppendd yoour monney on andd thhe aamouunt.A. wwhattB. howw muuchC. howwD. whiich41. A nnewlly ddesiigneed sskysscraaperr iss beeingg seet uup _ thee WoorlddTraadeCCentter useed tto sstoood.A.whhereeB. at whiichC.thhatD. whiich42. Itt raaineed hheavvilyy yeesteerdaay. Didd yoou gget wett ? Quuitee luuckyy, _ gott onn thhe ttraiin wwhenn itt pooureed ddownn.A. nno ssoonner hadd IB. I hhavee noo soooneerC. harrdlyy haad IID. scaarceely I hhad43. Whaat rreallly worrriees uus iis _ thee exxploorerrs ccan acccuraatelly llocaate theemseelvees wwithh thhe ddeviice in casse oof bbad weaatheer.A. tthattB. wheereC. whaatD. wheetheer44. Upoon ggradduattionn frrom schhooll, hhow welll wwilll yoou _ thee joob tthatt liies aheead?A. ppreppareeB. preeparre fforC. be preeparred forrD. be preeparringg45. Lotts oof ppeopple werre rrepoorteed_ iin tthe earrthqquakke, butt soo faar wwe hhaveent ffounnd oout thee exxactt nuumbeer yyet.A. tto ddieB. to be dyiingC. deaad DD. tto hhavee beeen deaad46. Thee drresss iss niice butt shhe ddoessnt llikee thhe _ on thee maaterriall.A. sshappeB. pattterrnC. sizze D. moodellSecttionn BDireectiionss: CCompplette tthe folllowwingg paassaage by usiing thee woordss inn thhe bbox. Eaach worrd ccan onlly bbe uusedd onnce. Noote thaat ttherre iis oone worrd mmoree thhan youu neeed.A. intrroduuctiion B. commpanny CC. aacciidenntallly D. agaainsst AAB. speed AC. apppareent AD. bettweeen BC. insttituutioonallBD. conntexxt CD. innfluuencced Coompaarissonss weere draawn bettweeen tthe devveloopmeent of telleviisioon iin tthe 20tth ccentturyy annd tthe sprreadd off prrinttingg inn thhe 115thh annd 116thh ceentuuriees.YYet mucch hhad happpenned_477_. Ass waas ddisccusssed befforee,itt waas nnot unttil thee 199th cennturry tthatt thhe nnewsspapper beccamee thhe ddomiinannt ppre-eleectrroniic mmediium,folllowwingg inn thhe wwakee off thhe ppampphleet aand thee boook andd inn thhe_48_ oof tthe perrioddicaal. It wass duurinng tthe samme ttimee thhat thee coommuuniccatiionss reevollutiion_499_ up,begginnningg wiith traanspportt,thhe rraillwayy,annd lleaddingg onn thhrouugh thee teeleggrapph,tthe tellephhonee, rradiio, andd mootioon ppictturees iintoo thhe 220thh-ceentuury worrld of thee mootorr caar aand thee aiirpllanee. NNot eveeryoone seees tthatt prroceess in perrspeectiive. Itt iss immporrtannt tto ddo sso. It is genneraallyy reecoggnizzed,howweveer,tthatt thhe_50_ oof tthe commputter in thee eaarlyy 200th cennturry,ffollloweed bby tthe invventtionn off thhe iinteegraatedd ciircuuit durringg thhe 119600s,rradiicallly chaangeed tthe proocesss,aalthhouggh iits imppactt onn thhe mmediia wwas nott immmeddiattelyy_511_. Ass tiime wennt bby,ccompputeers beccamee smmalller andd moore powwerfful,andd thhey beccamee “pperssonaal”tooo,ass weell as_522_,witth ddispplayy beecommingg shharpper andd sttoraage cappaciity inccreaasinng. It wass wiithiin tthe commputter agee thhat thee teerm “innforrmattionn soocieety” began to be widely used to describe the_53_ within which we now live. The communications revolution has _54_both work and leisure and how we think and feel both about place and time,but there have been controversial views about its economic,political,social and cultural implications. “Benefits” have been weighed _55_ “harmful” outcomes. And generalizations have proved difficult.III.Reaadinng CCompprehhenssionn (68%)Secttionn ADireectiionss: FFor eacch bblannk iin tthe folllowwingg paassaage theere aree foour worrds or phrrasees mmarkked A,BB,C andd D. Fiill in eacch bblannk wwithh thhe wwordd orr phhrasse tthatt beest fitts tthe conntexxt.AComppetiitioon iis aa coommoon pphennomeenonn inn ouur ssociial liffe. We commpette wwhenn wee pllay gammesaand wheen wwe ttry to do bettterr thhan othherss inn ouur sstuddy. Theere is connstaant commpettitiion forr accadeemiccdeggreees, jobbs, cusstommerss, mmoneey aand so forrth. Inn a sennse, _56_ iis oone of thee mootivvefoorcees tto tthe devveloopmeent of soccietty. Inn thhe nnatuurall woorldd, tthe weaak wwilll bee reeplaacedd byy thhe sstroong andd thhe_57_ ccan livve; theerefforee, tthe onlly wway to surrvivve iis tto bbe ccomppetiitivve. Groowinng iin aa coompeetittivee_588_is impporttanttforr a chiild beccausse ffutuure aduult liffe iis ddiffficuult. Toodayy, mmostt peeoplle ttry to gett goood eduucattionnthrrouggh _59_ wwayss. TThe quaalitty oof ppeopple is rappidlly iincrreassingg. CComppetiitioon oof ffinddingg a jobb issmorre vviollentt thhan it useed tto bbe. Thee pootenntiaallyy suucceessfful jobb apppliicannt hhas to be preeparred in asttronngerr _60_by gaiininng mmoree_611_ andd exxperriennce. Inn thhe ssporrts conntessts, thhe sstroongeest willlcoome outt ass wiinneers. Inn thhe bbusiinesss wworlld, to_62_ yyourr coompeetittorss, yyou musst bbe bbettter thaanthhe ootheer eemplloyeees. Inn faact, thhe oonlyy waay oour worrld_633_ peooplee iss too giive lauurells ttothhe wwinnnerss, nnot to thee looserrs. Whaat iis mmoree, bby aatteempttingg too coompeete at diffferrentt acctivvitiies, weeleaarn to winn annd llosee, ggainn exxperriennce andd knnow ourr sttrenngthhs aand_644_. Too goo ahheadd