Fromm Peeterr Smmid,CNCC Prrogrrammmingg Haandbbookk: AA Coomprreheensiive Guiide to Praactiicall CNNC PProggrammminng, Seccondd Edditiion, Inndusstriial Preess, Innc. 2000 Maadisson Aveenuee, NNew Yorrk, 20003.CHAPPTERR 6: PROGGRAMMMINNG PPLANNNINNGThe devveloopmeent of anyy CNNC pproggramm beeginns wwithh a verry ccareefullly plaanneed pproccesss. SSuchh a proocesss sstarrts witth tthe enggineeeriing draawinng oof tthe reqquirred parrt. Befforee thhe ppartt iss maachiinedd, sseveerall sttepss haave to connsiddereed aand carrefuullyy evvaluuateed. Thee moore efffortt iss puut iintoo thhe pplannninng sstagge oof tthe proograam, thee beetteer rresuultss maay bbe eexpeecteed aat tthe endd.STEPPS IIN PPROGGRAMM PLLANNNINGGThe steeps reqquirred in proograam pplannninng aare deccideed bby tthe natturee off thhe wworkk. TTherre iis nno fformmulaa foor aall thee joobs, buut ssomee baasicc sttepss shhoulld bbe cconssideeredd:* Innitiial infformmatiion / MMachhinee tooolss feeatuuress* Paart commpleexitty* Maanuaal pproggrammminng / coompuuterrizeed pproggrammminng* Tyypiccal proograammiing proocedduree* Paart draawinng / Ennginneerringg daata* Meethoods sheeet / MMateeriaals speecifficaatioons* Maachiininng ssequuencce* Toooliing sellecttionn* Paart settup* Teechnnoloogiccal deccisiionss* Woork skeetchh annd ccalcculaatioons* Quualiity connsidderaatioons in CNCC prrogrrammminggThe steeps in thee liist aree suuggeestiionss onnly a gguiddeliine. Thhey aree quuitee fllexiiblee annd sshouuld alwwayss bee addaptted forr eaach jobb annd tto tthe speeciffic conndittionns oof tthe worrk.INITTIALL INNFORRMATTIONNMostt drrawiingss deefinne oonlyy thhe sshappe aand sizze oof tthe commpleetedd paart andd noormaallyy doo noot sspeccifyy daata aboout thee innitiial blaank matteriial. Foor pproggrammminng, a ggoodd knnowlledgge oof tthe matteriial is an esssenttiall sttartt - maiinlyy inn teermss off itts ssizee, ttypee, sshappe, conndittionn, hharddnesss, etcc. TThe draawinng aand matteriial datta aare thee prrimaary infformmatiion aboout thee paart. Att thhis poiint, CNNC pproggramm caan bbe pplannnedd. TThe objjecttivee off suuch a pplann iss too usse tthe iniitiaal iinfoormaatioon aand esttabllishh thhe mmostt effficciennt mmethhod of macchinningg, wwithh alll rrelaatedd coonsiiderratiion mmainnly parrt aaccuuraccy, prooducctivvityy, ssafeety andd coonveenieencee.The iniitiaal ppartt innforrmattionn iss noot llimiitedd too thhe ddrawwingg annd tthe matteriial datta, it alsso iinclludees ccondditiionss noot ccoveeredd inn thhe ddrawwingg, ssuchh ass prro- andd poost- maachiininng, griindiing alllowaancees, asssembbly feaaturres, reequiiremmentts ffor harrdenningg, nnextt maachiine settup, annd ootheers. Coolleectiing alll thhis infformmatiion prooviddes enooughh maaterriall too sttartt pllannningg thhe CCNC proograam.MACHHINEE TOOOLSS FEEATUURESSNo aamouunt of iniitiaal iinfoormaatioon iis uusefful if thee CNNC mmachhinee iss noot ssuittablle ffor thee joob. Durringg prrogrram plaanniing, prrogrrammmer conncenntraatess onn a parrticculaar mmachhinee toool, ussingg a parrticculaar CCNC sysstemm. EEachh paart hass too bee seetupp inn a fixxturre, thee CNNC mmachhinee haas tto bbe llargge eenouugh to hanndlee thhe ssizee off thhe ppartt, tthe parrt sshouuld nott bee heeaviier thaan tthe maxximuum wweigght allloweed. Thee coontrrol sysstemm muust be cappablle tto pprovvidee thhe nneedded toool ppathh, aand so on. Inn thhe mmostt caasess, tthe CNCC eqquippmennt iis aalreeadyy avvaillablle iin tthe shoop. Verry ffew commpanniess goo annd bbuy a nnew CNCC maachiine jusst tto ssuitt a parrticculaar jjob. Suuch casses aree raatheer rraree annd hhapppen on if theey mmakee ecconoomicc seensee.* Maachiine Typpe aand SizzeThe mosst iimpoortaant connsidderaatioons in proograam pplannninng aare thee tyype andd thhe ssizee off thhe CCNC macchinne, parrticculaarlyy itts wworkk sppacee orr woork areea. Othher feaaturres, eqquallly impporttantt, aare thee maachiine powwer rattingg, sspinndlee sppeedd annd ffeedd raate rannge, nuumbeer oof ttooll sttatiionss, ttooll chhanggingg syysteem, avaailaablee acccesssorriess, eetc. Tyypiccallly, smaall CNCC maachiiness haave higgherr sppinddle speeedss annd lloweer ppoweer rratiing, laargee maachiiness haave lowwer spiindlle sspeeeds avaailaablee, bbut theeir powwer rattingg iss hiigheer.* Coontrrol SysstemmThe conntrool ssysttem is thee heeartt off a CNCC maachiine. Beeingg faamilliarr wiith alll thhe sstanndarrd aand opttionnal feaaturres avaailaablee onn thhe cconttroll iss a musst. Thiis kknowwleddge alllowss thhe uuse of a vvariietyy off addvanncedd prrogrrammmingg meethoods, suuch as thee maachiininng ccyclles, suubprrogrramss, mmacrros andd ottherr tiimessaviing feaaturres of a mmodeern CNCC syysteem.A prrogrrammmer doees nnot havve tto pphyssicaallyy ruun aa CNNC mmachhinee. YYet, thhe pproggramms wwilll beecomme bbettter andd moore creeatiive witth ggoodd unnderrstaandiing of thee maachiine andd itts cconttroll syysteem. Proograam ddeveeloppmennt rrefllectts pproggrammmerrs knoowleedgee off thhe CCNC macchinne ooperratiion.One of thee maain conncerrns in proograam pplannninng sshouuld be thee opperaatorrs perrcepptioon oof tthe proograam. To a llargge ddegrree, suuch a pperccepttionn iss quuitee suubjeectiive, inn thhe ssensse tthatt diiffeerennt ooperratoors willl eexprresss thheirr peersoonall prrefeerenncess. OOn tthe othher hannd, eveery opeerattor appprecciattes an errr-frree, coonciise, weell-doccumeenteed aand proofesssioonallly preeparred parrt pproggramm, cconssisttenttly andd onne aafteer aanottherr. AA pooorlly ddesiigneed pproggramm iss diisliikedd byy anny ooperratoor, reggarddlesss oof pperssonaal ppreffereencees.PARTT COOMPLLEXIITYAt tthe timme tthe draawinng, matteriial andd thhe aavaiilabble CNCC eqquippmennt aare evaaluaatedd, tthe commpleexitty oof tthe proograammiing tassk bbecoomess muuch cleeareer. Howw diiffiicullt iis tto pproggramm thhe ppartt maanuaallyy? WWhatt arre tthe cappabiilittiess off thhe mmachhinees? Whaat aare thee coostss? MManyy quuesttionns hhavee too bee annsweeredd beeforre sstarrtinng tthe proograam.Simpple proograammiing jobbs mmay be asssignned to a llesss exxperrienncedd prrogrrammmer of thee CNNC ooperratoor. It makkes sennse froom tthe mannageemennt ppersspecctivve aand it is alsso aa goood wayy too gaain expperiiencce.Diffficuult or commpleex jjobss wiill bennefiit ffromm a commputteriizedd prrogrrammmingg syysteem. Tecchnoologgiess suuch as Commputter Aidded Dessignn (CCAD) annd CCompputeer AAideed MManuufaccturringg (CCAM) haave beeen aa sttronng ppartt off thhe mmanuufaccturringg prroceess forr maany yeaars. Thhe ccostt off a CADD/CAAM ssysttem is onlly aa frracttionn off whhat it useed tto bbe oonlyy a feww yeearss aggo. Eveen ssmalll sshopps nnow finnd tthatt thhe bbeneefitts ooffeeredd byy mooderrn ttechhnollogyy arre ttoo siggnifficaant to be ignnoreed. Sevveraal pproggrammminng ssysttemss arre aavaiilabble varriouus ccompputeers andd caan hhanddle anyy joob. Forr a typpicaal mmachhinee shhop, a Winndowws bbaseed pproggrammminng ssofttwarre ccan be verry bbeneeficciall. AA tyypiccal exaamplle oof tthiss kiind of apppliccatiion is thee veery poppulaar aand powwerfful MassterrCAMM, fformm CNNC SSofttwarre, Incc. TTolllandd. CCT. Theere aree seeverral othherss.MANUUAL PROOGRAAMMIINGManuual proograammiing (wiithoout a ccompputeer) hass thhe mmostt coommoon mmethhod of preeparringg a parrt pproggramm foor mmanyy yeearss. TThe lattestt CNNC cconttrolls mmakee maanuaal pproggrammminng mmuchh eaasieer tthann evver befforee byy ussingg fiixedd orr reepettitiive macchinningg cyyclees, varriabble typpe pproggrammminng, graaphiic ttooll mootioon ssimuulattionn, sstanndarrd mmathhemaaticcal inpput andd ottherr tiimessaviing feaaturres. Inn maanuaal pproggrammminng, alll caalcuulattionns aare donne bby hhandd witth tthe aidd off a pocckett caalcuulattor nno ccompputeer pproggrammminng iis uusedd. PProggrammmedd daata cann bee trranssferrredd too thhe CCNC macchinne vvia a ccablle, usiing an ineexpeensiive dessktoop oor aa laaptoop ccompputeer. Thiis pproccesss iss faasteer aand morre rreliiablle tthann ottherr meethoods. Shhortt prrogrramss caan aalsoo bee ennterred mannuallly, byy keeybooardd enntryy, ddireectlly aat tthe macchinne. A ppuncchedd taape useed tto bbe tthe poppulaar mmediia oof tthe passt bbut hass viirtuuallly ddisaappeeareed ffromm maachiine shoops.* DiisaddvanntaggesTherre aare somme ddisaadvaantaagess asssocciatted witth mmanuual proograammiing. Peerhaaps thee moost commmonn iss thhe llenggth of timme rrequuireed tto aactuuallly ddeveelopp a fullly funnctiioniing CNCC prrogrram. Thhe mmanuual callcullatiion, veerifficaatioon aand othher rellateed aactiivittiess inn maanuaal pproggrammminng aare verry ttimee coonsuuminng. Othher dissadvanntagges, allso verry hhighh onn thhe llistt, aare a llargge pperccenttagee off errrorrs, a llackk off toool patth vveriificcatiion, thhe ddiffficuultyy iss maakinng cchanngess too a proograam, andd maany othherss.* AddvanntaggesOn tthe possitiive sidde, mannuall paart proograammiing doees hhavee quuitee a feww unnmattcheed qquallitiies. Maanuaal pproggrammminng iis sso iinteensee thhat it reqquirres thee tootall innvollvemmentt off thhe CCNC proograammeer aand yett offferrs vvirttuallly unllimiitedd frreeddom in thee deevellopmmentt off thhe pproggramm sttruccturre. Proograammiing mannuallly doees hhavee soome dissadvvanttagees, butt itt teeachhes a ttighht ddisccipllinee annd oorgaanizzatiion in proograam ddeveeloppmennt. It forrcess thhe pproggrammmerr too unnderrstaand proograammiing tecchniiquees tto tthe lasst ddetaail. Inn faact, maany useefull skkilll leearnned in mannuall prrogrrammmingg arre ddireectlly aapplliedd too CAAD/CCAM proograammiing. Prrogrrammmer hass too knnow whaat iis hhapppeniing at alll tiimess annd wwhy it is happpenningg. VVeryy immporrtannt iis tthe in-deppth unddersstanndinng oof eeverry ddetaail durringg thhe pproggramm deevellopmmentt.Conttrarry tto mmanyy beelieefs, a thoorouugh knoowleedgee off maanuaal pproggrammminng mmethhodss iss abbsolluteely esssenttiall foor eeffiicieent mannageemennt oof CCAD/CAMM prrogrrammmingg.CAD/CAMM ANND CCNCThe neeed ffor impporttantt immproovedd effficcienncy andd acccurracyy inn CNNC pproggrammminng hhas beeen tthe majjor reaasonn foor ddeveeloppmennt oof aa vaarieety of metthodds tthatt usse aa coompuuterr too prrepaare parrt pproggramms. Commputter asssistted CNCC prrogrrammmingg haas bbeenn arrounnd ffor manny yyearrs. Firrst, inn thhe fformm off laanguuagee baasedd prrogrrammmingg, ssuchh ass APPT orr Coompaact . Sinnce thee laate 19770ss, CCAD/CAMM haas pplayyed a ssignnifiicannt rrolee byy adddinng tthe vissuall asspecct tto tthe proograammiing proocesss. Thee accronnym CADD/CAAM mmeanns CCompputeer AAideed DDesiign andd Coompuuterr Aiidedd Maanuffactturiing. Thhe ffirsst tthreee llettterss (CCAD) cooverr thhe aareaa off ennginneerringg deesiggn aand draaftiing. Thhe ssecoond thrree lettterrs (CAMM), covverss thhe aareaa off coompuuterrizee maanuffactturiing, whheree CNNC pproggrammminng iis oonlyy a smaall parrt. Thee whholee suubjeect of CADD/CAAM ccoveers mucch mmoree thhan jusst ddesiign, drrafttingg annd pproggrammminng. It is a ppartt off mooderrn ttechhnollogyy allso knoown as CIMM Commputter Inttegrrateed MManuufaccturringg.In tthe areea oof nnumeericcal conntrool, commputterss haave plaayedd a majjor rolle ffor a llongg tiime. Maachiine conntrools havve bbecoome morre ssophhistticaatedd, iincoorpoorattingg thhe llateest tecchniiquees oof ddataa prroceessiing, sttoraage, toool patth ggrapphiccs, macchinningg cyyclees, etcc. PProggramms ccan noww bee prrepaaredd wiith thee usse oof iinexxpennsivve ccompputeers, ussingg grraphhicaal iinteerfaace. Coost is no lonngerr ann isssuee; eevenn smmalll maachiine shoops cann affforrd aa prrogrrammmingg syysteem iin hhousse. Theese sysstemms aare alsso ppopuularr beecauuse of theeir fleexibbiliity. A typpicaal ccompputeerizzed proograammiing sysstemm dooes nott haave to be deddicaatedd onnly to proograammiing aall rellateed ttaskks, oftten donne bby tthe proograammeer, cann bee immpleemenntedd onn thhe ssamee coompuuterr, ffor exaamplle, cutttinng ttooll innvenntorry mmanaagemmentt, ddataabasse oof ppartt prrogrramss, mmateeriaal iinfoormaatioon ssheeet, settup sheeetss annd ttoollingg shheetts, etcc. TThe samme ccompputeer ccoulld aalsoo bee ussed forr upploaadinng aand dowwnlooadiing CNCC prrogrramss.* InnteggrattionnThe keyyworrd iin tthe acrronyym CCIM is iinteegraatioon. It meaans putttinng aall thee ellemeentss off maanuffactturiing toggethher andd woork witth tthemm ass a sinnglee unnit andd moore effficiienttly. Thhe mmainn iddea behhindd a succcesssfuul iinteegraatioon iis tto aavoiid ddupllicaatioon. Onee off thhe mmostt immporrtannt rrulees oof uusinng aa CAAD/CCAM commputter sofftwaare is: Neeverr Doo Annythhingg Twwicee!Whenn a draawinng iis mmadee inn a CADD sooftwwaree (ssuchh ass AuutoCCAD), tthenn doone agaain in a CCAM sofftwaare (suuch as MassterrCAMM), theere is a ddupllicaatioon. Duppliccatiion breeedss errrorrs. In ordder to avooid duppliccatiion, moost of thee CAAD ssysttem inccorpporaate a ttrannsfeer mmethhod of thee deesiggn tto tthe sellectted CAMM syysteem tto bbe uuse forr CNNC pproggrammminng. Typpicaal ttrannsfeers aree acchieevedd thhrouugh speeciaal DDXF or IGEES ffilees. Thee DXXF sstannds forr Daata Excchannge Filles or Draawinng EExchhangge FFilees, andd thhe IIGESS abbbreeviaatioon iis aa shhortt foorm of Iniitiaal GGrapphiccs EExchhangge SSpeccifiicattionn fiiless. OOncee thhe ggeommetrry iis ttrannsfeerreed fformm thhe CCAD sysstemm too thhe CCAM sysstemm, oonlyy thhe ttooll paath rellateed pproccesss iss neeedeed. Usiing a ppostt prroceessoor (speeciaal kkindd off foormaatteer), thhe ccompputeer ssofttwarre wwilll prrepaare a ppartt prrogrram, reeadyy too bee looadeed ddireectlly tto tthe CNCC maachiine.* Fuuturre oof MManuual ProograammiingIt mmay seeem tthatt thhe mmanuual proograammiing is on thee deecliine. Inn teermss off acctuaal uuse, thhis is proobabbly truue. Howwe