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    Conttracct oof SSalees aand Purrchaasess off Inndonnesiia SSteaaminng CCoallThiss Coontrractt iss maade andd ennterred intto oon tthiss byy annd bbetwweennThe Selllerr:Addrresss:The Buyyer:Addrresss:By tthiss Coontrractt thhe SSelller agrreess too seell andd thhe BBuyeer aagreees to buyy thhe ffolllowiing coaal uundeer tthe terrms andd coondiitioons lisstedd beeloww:1. Commmodiity: IIndoonessia Steeamiing Coaal2. Quanntitty: 700,0000mtt +/-100% AAt BBuyeerss Opptioon3. Speccifiicattionns(BBaseed oon IISO Staandaardss): TTypiicallTotaal MMoissturre(aas rreceeiveed) 36%Inheerennt MMoissturre(aair driied) 155%miinAsh(airr drriedd) 6%maxxVolaatille MMattter (aiir ddrieed) 399433%Sulpphurr (aair driied) 0.5%mmaxHGI 445miinGrosss CCalooriffic Vallue (aiir ddrieed) 54400kkcall/kggNet Calloriificc Vaaluee (aas rreceeiveed) 38000kccal/kgSizee(050mmm) 95%4.Unnit PriiceUSDpper mettricc toon CCIF Huaangppu, or othher souutheern saffe pportt, CChinna5. Preemiuum/PPenaaltyyTotaal MMoissturreIf TTotaal MMoissturre (as recceivved) off anny sshippmennt oof ccoall exxceeeds 36%, tthe weiightt off thhat shiipmeent shaall be adjjustted as folllowws:Invooicee Weeighht = B/L wweigght × 1-(acttuall tootall mooistturee 36%)Grosss CCalooriffic Vallue If aactuual Nett Caalorrifiic VValuue(aas rreceeiveed) of coaal vvariies froom 338000kcaal/kkg (gadd), thee prricee foor tthatt caargoo off cooal shaall be adjjustted by usiing thee foolloowinng fformmulaa:Actuual Nett Caalorrifiic VValuue(aas rreceeiveed)Invooicee Unnit Priice = UUSD /mtt × 38000kccal/kg (gaad)6. Shiipmeent:70,0000mt +/-10% att buuyerrs opttionn7. Looadiing Terrms:7.1 Thee Seelleer sshalll ddeliiverr cooal in bullk tto tthe Buyyer, frree on boaard vesssell sppoutt trrimmmed at thee looadiing porrt.7.2 Nooticce oof RReaddineess mayy bee teendeeredd duurinng ooffiice houur(MMondday FFridday:09:00-17:00, Saaturrdayy:099:000 13:00) affterr thhe vvesssel hass arrrivved at thee looadiing porrt, wheetheer iin bbertth oor nnot, whhethher in porrt oor nnot, prroviidedd thhe vvesssel is in alll reespeectss reeadyy too looad andd suubjeect to freee pprattiquue bbeinng ggranntedd prriorr too orr onn arrrivval at thee beerthh. LLayttimee foor lloaddingg shhalll coommeencee twwelvve (12) hoourss (eexceept Inddoneesiaan 66 maajorr hooliddayss Iduul FFitrri 22 daays, Iddul Adhha 11 daay, Inddepeendeencee Daay 11 daay, Chrristtmass 1 dayy, NNew Yeaar 11dayy ) aftter Notticee off Reeadiinesss iis ttenddereed oor wwhenn looadiing commmenncess, wwhicchevver is earrlieer. If aftter berrthiing thee veesseel iis ffounnd nnot to be in freee pprattiquue aand in alll reespeectss noot rreaddy tto lloadd orr frree praatiqque is nott grrantted on arrrivaal aat tthe berrth, laaytiime shaall be deeemedd noot tto hhavee coommeenceed uuntiil wwhenn thhe vvesssel is in facct iin ffreee prratiiquee annd iin aall resspeccts reaady to loaad 7.3 Forr thhe lloaddingg off eaach shiipmeent undder thiis cconttracct, thee Seelleer sshalll pprovvidee, ffreee off chhargge tto tthe Buyyer, a saffe aanchhoraage or a ssafee beerthh att looadiing porrt wwherre tthe vesssell caan, wheen ffullly lladeen, saffelyy reeachh annd lleavve aand wheere shee caan aalwaays liee saafelly aaflooat.7.4 Thee Seelleer sshalll lloadd cooal on boaard thee veesseel aat tthe folllowwingg looadiing ratte: 8,0000mt PWWWD SSHINNC eexceept thee abbovee meentiioneed 66 Maajorr Inndonnesiian hollidaays Alll ccostts rrelaatinng tto tthe berrthiing andd saailiing of thee veesseel aare to be forr thhe aaccoountt off thhe VVesssel Ownner/Buyyer (i.e. Tuggboaats, Liinessmenn, HHarbbourr Duues, Gooverrnmeent chaargees eetc.). Cooal loaadinng ccharrgess arre ffor thee acccouunt of thee Seelleer.7.5 If thee Seelleer ffaill too meeet thee looadiing reqquirremeentss sppeciifieed iin CClauuse 7.44, tthe Selllerr shhalll paay deemurrragge tto tthe Buyyer forr alll ttimee loost aftter thee exxpirratiion of layytimme aalloowedd. IIf tthe Selllerr caan ccompplette lloaddingg eaarliier thaan tthe layytimme aalloowedd, tthe Buyyer shaall payy diispaatchh mooneyy too thhe SSelller forr laaytiime savved.7.6 Demmurrragee annd ddisppatcch rratee too bee ass peer rreleevannt CCharrterr Paartyy. Demmurrragee orr diispaatchh mooneyy shhalll bee seettlled bettweeen tthe Selllerr annd tthe Buyyer witthinn 455 daays froom tthe datte oof ccompplettionn off looadiing of thee cooal (B/L ddatee).7.7 Anyy tiime losst bby rreasson of anyy off thhe ffolllowiing (whhethher or nott thhe VVesssel is alrreaddy oon DDemuurraage) shhalll noot bbe ccounntedd ass LLayttimee orr foor DDemuurraage:(i) awaiitinng pprattiquue, Cusstomms ccleaarannce;(ii) inwaard passsagge ffromm annchooragge uuntiil tthe Vesssell iss seecurrelyy moorreed aat tthe berrth;(iii) disccharrge of balllasst tto tthe exttentt thhat thiis iis nnot conncurrrennt wwithh looadiing andd whhichh caausees ddelaay aat tthe loaadinng bbertth;(iv) resttricctioons impposeed bby tthe Ownner, chharttereer oor mmastter of thee Veesseel;(v) timee sppentt inn fiirstt tiime opeeninng aand/or lasst ttimee cllosiing hattch covverss;(vi) timee sppentt inn coonduuctiing a ddrafft ssurvvey of thee Veesseel, if apppliccablle, priior to thee looadiing of thee cooal or, byy thhe rrequuestt off thhe VVesssel sidde, durringg thhe lloaddingg off thhe CCoall;(vii) breaakdoown or faiilurre oof tthe Vesssell too coomplly wwithh thhe rrequuireemennts or reggulaatioons of thee looadiing porrt ccaussingg deelayy orr reestrricttionn too looadiing opeerattionns;(viii) cleaaninng aand insspecctioon oof tthe Vesssells hollds;(ix) any othher dellay atttribbutaablee too thhe VVesssel or thee Buuyerrs Aggentts.Loaddingg shhalll bee deeemeed tto bbe ccomppletted andd Laaytiime andd Deemurrragge sshalll cceasse uuponn coomplletiion of thee sppoutt trrimmmingg opperaatioon.7.8 The Buyyer/Ownner shaall apppoinnt aa shhipppingg aggentt noominnateed bby SSelller at thee looadiing porrt.The Selllerr shhalll bee reequeesteed tto mmakee cllosee coontaact witth tthe shiippiing ageent.8. Quaalitty DDeteermiinattionn:8.1 Thee Seelleer sshalll, at itss owwn ccostt, aappoointt ann Inndeppenddentt Suurveeyorr too caarryy ouut tthe sammpliing andd annalyysiss off thhe ccoall atta tthe loaadinng pportt inn acccorrdannce witth CClauuse 4 aabovve aand isssue a CCerttifiicatte oof QQuallityy deetaiilinng tthe ressultts oobtaaineed iin rresppectt off cooal loaadedd. TThe anaalyssis ressultts sso ddeteermiinedd att thhe lloaddingg poort shaall be finnal andd biindiing upoon tthe parrtiees hhereeto.8.2 Thee thhreee “ssampple setts” shaall be esttabllishhed forr eaach shiipmeent andd diistrribuutedd ass foolloows: a) Onne ssampple sett shhalll bee ussed forr annalyysiss off thhat shiipmeent of coaal bby IIndeepenndennt SSurvveyoor aat tthe loaadinng pportt too deeterrminne iits quaalitty aand chaaraccterristtic purrsuaant to Claausee 8.1. b) Onne ssampple sett shhalll bee deelivvereed wwithhin 7 ddayss affterr thhe BB/L datte aat tthe Selllerrs cosst tto tthe Buyyer in a ssuittablle aairttighht cconttainner, prropeerlyy seealeed aand labbeleed, by airr paarceel oor iin ssuchh ottherr maanneer aas tthe Buyyer mayy diirecct. c) Onne ssampple sett shhalll bee reetaiinedd byy Inndeppenddentt Suurveeyorr att thhe lloaddingg poort in a ssuittablle aairttighht cconttainner (heereiinaffterr reeferrredd too ass “UUmpiire Sammplee”), prropeerlyy seealeed aand labbeleed, forr a perriodd off thhreee moonthhs aafteer ccompplettionn off looadiing of thaat sshippmennt oof ccoall.8.3 Quaalitty DDisccreppanccy Thhe BBuyeer mmay, wiithiin 445 ddayss frrom thee daate thee diischharggingg poort Insspecctioon CCerttifiicatte oof QQuallityy iss reeleaasedd, cchalllennge thee quualiity of coaal, suppporrtedd byy annalyysiss caarriied outt byy CIIQ (Chiina enttry-exiit iinsppecttionn annd QQuarranttinee Buureaau). Inn suuch eveent, Ummpirre SSampple shaall be sennt tto aan IInteernaatioonall Inndeppenddentt Suurveeyorr Laaborratoory (Ummpirre LLaboorattoryy) iin tthe thiird couuntrry aagreeeabble by botth pparttiess foor aanallysiis aand thee deeterrminnatiion by succh llaboorattoryy off thhe qquallityy off saaid shiipmeent of coaal sshalll bbe ffinaal, conncluusivve aand binndinng oon tthe parrtiees; proovidded, hoowevver, thhat if thee diiffeerennce bettweeen ssuchh Ummpirre LLaboorattoryys dettermminaatioon hhereeundder andd thhe ddeteermiinattionn off Inndeppenddentt Suurveeyorr att thhe lloaddingg poort undder Claausee 8.1 iis wwithhin thee toolerrancce lleveel rrecoogniizedd unnderr thhe rreleevannt IISO staandaardss foor “rreprroduucibbiliity”, suuch diffferrencce sshalll bbe ddisrregaardeed ffor alll puurpoosess annd tthe dettermminaatioon oof IIndeepenndennt SSurvveyoor aat lloaddingg poort shaall be finnal, cooncllusiive andd biindiing on thee booth parrtiees. Thee coost of thee annalyysiss byy suuch Umppiree Laaborratoory shaall bebbornne aand paiid ffor by thee paartyy whhosee annalyysiss reesullts diffferr moore froom tthe Umppiree Laaborratoorys ddeteermiinattionn. IIf tthe Umppiree Laaborratoorys ddeteermiinattionn sttandds aat tthe midddlee beetweeen thee looadiing porrt rresuultss annd tthe disschaargiing porrt rresuultss, tthenn booth parrtiees sshalll ssharre tthe cosst oof tthe anaalyssis of thee Ummpirre SSampple.8.4 Thee Buuyerr shhalll haave thee riightt too apppoiint a rreprreseentaativve tto aatteend andd obbserrve thee weeighht annd qquallityy deeterrminnatiion at thee looadiing porrt aat aany timme aand at itss owwn eexpeensees.9. Weiightt Deeterrminnatiion:The selllerr shhalll att hiis oown cosst, dettermminee thhe wweigght of thee shhipmmentt att thhe lloaddingg poort by meaans of draaft surrveyy whhichh shhalll bee coonduucteed bby aan IIndeepenndennt IInsppecttionn Coompaany at loaadinng pportt ass peer CClauuse 8, whoo shhalll isssuee thhe CCerttifiicatte oof WWeigght andd thhe DDrafft SSurvvey Repportt. TThe ressultt off whhichh iss fiinall annd bbinddingg uppon thee paartiies herretoo.10. Payymennt:By iirreevoccablle, at sigght lettterr off crrediit iin aa foormaat aagreeeabble to thee Seelleer, opeenedd byy a firrst claass bannk aagreeeabble to thee Seelleer aand payyablle aat tthe couunteers of anyy fiirstt cllasss innterrnattionnal bannk nnomiinatted by thee Seelleer. Succh LL/C to be recceivved no latter thaan ffiftteenn(155) rrunnningg daays priior to thee coommeenceemennt ddatee off thhe llayccan of eacch sshippmennt. Selllerr shhalll noot bbe rrespponssiblle ffor thee coost of anyy deelayys iin lloaddingg a nomminaatedd shhipmmentt duue tto aany faiilurre oof tthe Buyyer commplyy wiith theese payymennt ttermms. Thee L/C sshalll ccoveer 1100% thhe vvaluue oof tthe quaantiity to be loaadedd annd sshalll bbe vvaliid aat tthe loaadinng pportt unntill thhe 330 ddayss affterr shhipmmentt. LL/C alllowss ovverddrawwn/uundeerdrrawnn duue tto qquallityy addjusstmeentss.The selllerr shhalll prreseent doccumeentss too thhe nnegootiaatinng bbankk ass peer ddocuumennts reqquirremeent enllistted herrebeeloww:- Selllers ssignned commmerrciaal iinvooicee inn trripllicaate;- Fulll seet oof oorigginaal ccleaan oon bboarrd bbilll(s) off laadinng(33 orrigiinall +33 coopiees);- Certtifiicatte oof QQuallityy inn trripllicaate isssuedd byy ann Inndeppenddentt Innspeectiion Commpanny aat lloaddingg poort;- Certtifiicatte oof WWeigght in triipliicatte aand Draaft Surrveyy Reeporrt iissuued by an Inddepeendeent Insspecctioon CComppanyy att looadiing porrt;- Certtifiicatte oof OOriggin;- Charrterr Paartyy Biillss off Laadinng iis aalloowedd.- Thirrd ppartty ddocuumennts excceptt coommeerciial invvoicce aare allloweed.- Withhin 5 bbusiinesss ddayss affterr coomplletiion of loaadinng tthe vesssell, tthe Selllerr foorwaard to offficee off thhe BBuyeer bby ffacssimiile thee foolloowinng ddocuumennts:- One coppy oof tthe Billl oof LLadiing,- On ccopyy too thhe CCommmercciall Innvoiice,- On ccopyy too thhe CCerttifiicatte oof QQuallityy,- On ccopyy too thhe CCerttifiicatte oof WWeigght andd thhe DDrafft SSurvvey Repportt,- On ccopyy too thhe CCerttifiicatte oof OOriggin.The tottal amoountt off thhe iinvooicee shhalll bee caalcuulatted to thee neeareest cennts. Thhe wweigght shaall be couunteed tto tthe neaaresst mmetrric tonn.Parttiall shhipmmentt noot aalloowedd.Trannsshhipmmentt noot aalloowedd.11. Taxxes, Duutiees eetc.:All taxxes, duutiees, levviess, dduess ettc. of thee cooal loaadinng iintoo thhe vvesssel, iff anny, at thee poort of loaadinng sshalll bbe tto tthe Selllerrs acccounnt. Alll taaxess, ddutiies, leeviees, duees eetc. off thhe ccoall diischharggingg frrom thee veesseel, if anyy, aat tthe disschaargiing pott shhalll bee too thhe BBuyeerss acccouunt.12. Forrce Majjeurre:12.11 Thhe SSelller shaall nott bee liiablle tto tthe Buyyer norr shhalll bee thhe BBuyeer bbe lliabble to thee Seelleer ffor anyy deelayy orr faailuure in thee peerfoormaancee off obbliggatiionss unnderr thhis conntraact if succh ddelaay oof ffailluree iss duue tto oor rresuult froom oor iis cconssequuenttiall uppon Majjeurre.The terrm “FForcce MMajeeuree” sshalll iinclludee buut nnot limmiteed tto nnatuurall caalammitiies, accts of pubblicc ennemiies, innsurrrecctioons, sttrikkes, loockooutss, llaboor oor uunioon oorgaanizzed redducttionn off prroduuctiion, fiiress, wwar, exxploosioons, flloodds, intterrrupttionn off trranssporrtattionn orr esssenntiaal ssupppliees aand serrvicces, emmbarrgoees, ordderss orr accts of couurtss, ggoveernmmentt orr gooverrnmeentaal aauthhoriitiees aand anyy ottherr caausee evventt orr ciircuumsttancce nnot witthinn thhe cconttroll off thhe ppartty cclaiiminng ssusppenssionn whhichh, bby tthe exeerciise of duee diiliggencce, succh ppartty iis uunabble to preevennt oor ooverrcomme


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